Goods accounting has become simple! About Lognex company.

Contour Accounting is a cloud-based online CRM service for commercial organizations. With its help, you can perform all accounting operations, including generating and sending reports, as well as checking the debts of counterparties on transactions and calculating payments to employees. The service integrates with banks and allows you to issue invoices, acts and invoices. Thanks to the support of multi-user mode, the accountant can work with documents together with the manager and director. The platform allows you to run several companies and earn money through an affiliate program. Access to the cloud can be obtained through a web service or mobile application.

The tool is suitable for companies using a simplified taxation system, as well as UTII, simplified tax system + UTII and OSNO. In addition to accountants, the product will be useful to directors who will be able to control the work of accounting departments or outsourced specialists, or conduct reporting themselves. Accounting firms serving up to 100 organizations can also work with Kontur.

The web service is designed for maintaining accounting and tax records, preparing and sending reports, as well as calculating salaries and taxes. Basic features include collaboration on documents, a dedicated technical support line, client-accountant chat, and automatic updates. Extended tariff plans include financial analysis, verification of counterparties, reference and legal services and expert consultations. The director and managers can create draft documents, which the program recognizes from scans and photographs. The counterparty verification function allows you to identify unreliable companies.

Key Features

  • Sending reports directly from the service
  • Integration with multiple banks
  • Mobile applications for Android and iOS
  • Working with taxation systems: simplified tax system, UTII, simplified tax system + UTII and OSNO
  • Ability to manage up to 100 companies
  • Automatic recognition of incoming documents from scans
  • Affiliate program

A very convenient implementation of displaying product items, fast operation of the service, indeed a lot of unnecessary documentary problems were removed, easy to manage, clear interface, relatively quick implementation.


And here is all the fun.


This service is implemented in the most inconvenient way for working with (normal) online stores, even those based on Bitrix. There is no synchronization between the service and the site, or rather it exists but in semi-manual mode, this service does not have any ability to upload photos to the site in any form, you will do this manually on the site, and everything would be fine if you constantly trade 5-10 permanent items and you have the opportunity to do this, but what if the store has 10K unique items and it is only growing every day? In general, this is an unrealistic minus, your managers will only have to add these pictures to the site manually...

True, they have been promising to fix this at every conference for three years now, but somehow they still haven’t done it...


In MS it is not possible to add several images to a product card, this is not normal, more precisely, there is one opportunity to attach files to the card, but in the form of separate files in additional fields that are not clickable and each time to view you will need to download them again to your computer, this makes it very difficult operation of online stores.

Tariffs are not flexible. If you don’t have enough memory, then you will have to buy the most expensive tariff, which will include many useless options in the form of an unlimited number of users, etc., for example, at first I paid 500 rubles per month and ended up with 7400 months/88000/year ( this is a lot considering that a 1C license costs about 40K)

Printing labels and price tags.

Since this project is implemented in the cloud, there is no possibility of printing directly from the MS, you will have to download these files every time and print from your computer, this greatly affects efficiency.

Support service.

Yes, they work all the time, but extremely rarely they turn out to be useful, usually they say work is underway and wait, no one knows how long to wait, and no one will eventually recalculate the cost of those days when the service gave an error and the application did not work correctly, most likely they will answer you that management does not consider this or that error critical for work... it’s strange, of course, when the criticality of your work is assessed by someone from the outside. Specifically, I had a case (repeatedly), when creating new product items after pressing the save button, the service gave an error and the procedure had to be repeated again, so within 5-6 days the managers did double work, accordingly the amount of work performed decreased, and accordingly they sold less and they earned less... so you can judge whether this is critical or not...

I have observed this extremely rarely, but it does happen. MS sometimes makes mistakes in reports, either a glitch or some kind of error, but sometimes it doesn’t calculate correctly, confuses sales prices with purchase prices, which ultimately affects the report, I repeat, this rarely happens, I had it 3-4 times, but it happened.


Nothing can be changed in any form, under any circumstances, on an individual basis, at any cost, you can’t bring in outside specialists either, since there’s simply no such possibility, and no one will even talk to you about this topic.


They have an application, which means that the network is already good, but it is not able to display even additional ones. fields, for example, you created “warehouse location” but you can’t see it through the application...

If you suddenly decide to switch from this base to a new one, it will not be painless, I would say it will be extremely difficult. MS has done everything for this, the maximum you can upload is an Excel file without additional fields and images. In order to switch, you will have to contact third-party specialists, of whom there are very few in this matter, they will write special parsers for you... in general, the price of the issue is from 100K and about a month of work.

Everything starts out very tempting and easy for them, but as the company grows, this service becomes a burden. This service is definitely not suitable for online stores with a large number of unique positions and for automatic operation of the site... just without options. Weigh the pros and cons 1000 times, this service will end up being very expensive despite the initially tempting tariffs. And it’s better not to think about moving from this base, the problem is very big. By working on this service, you will get another company that is milking you, of which there are probably quite a few on your list, plus another company on which you will depend and which will not listen to you.

This service, in my opinion, is suitable for very small online stores, manicurists, hairdressers, or small newsstands that are not going to expand or develop and also have a very small number of items...

P.S. 3 years of work with this service, auto parts store. All the described problems and difficulties from practice, two months ago we moved to 1C, all the work, including rebuilding the site, cost 250 rubles. and 3 months of work.

We have great news for everyone involved in trading: last Friday we released an update that will allow you to keep track of goods in the familiar Accounting.Contour interface! If you use terms like “shipping,” “inventory,” and “warehouse balances” every day, the new features of the Light version will certainly help you get rid of tedious routine tasks. Read the details, watch the videocast and get to work. We are sure you will like it!

How it works?

You no longer have to set up macros in Excel, install inconvenient accounting software, or transfer the entire contents of your warehouse into a lined notebook. Our service will automatically track the number of certain items in your warehouse based on primary documents. All that is required of you is to indicate once the number of goods remaining in your bins.

Each shipment of goods is accompanied by an invoice. This document already contains information about the quantity, name and cost of the goods sold. The moment you change the invoice to the “Goods shipped” status, all changes will automatically be reflected in the list of your goods. With purchasing, everything is just as simple - as soon as you download the incoming invoice from your supplier, the system will understand that you have replenished stocks and make the necessary changes.

We tried to provide for all scenarios. For example, if you buy apples by the carload and sell them in kilograms, Accounting.Contour will ask you to tell us how many kilograms are in one car and will then independently recalculate the quantity of goods into the required units. In addition, you can group products into categories so as not to get confused in their diversity. Combine apples and bananas under "Fruits" and potatoes and carrots under "Vegetables" and you'll never get lost in your warehouse.

Your goods are already in stock!

Another good news: if you have already created invoices in Accounting.Contour before, the list of goods has already been generated and is ready to go! For the first time, you will have to conduct a virtual inventory, indicating balances, additional units of measurement and combining identical products with slightly different names (if they were included in the list of previously created invoices). But then you will be able not to be distracted by accounting, and all the information will be at your fingertips at any time.

To make it easier for you to get started with the new “Products” section, our wonderful analyst Olga Avvakumova recorded a short training video for you.

We will actively develop product accounting, and we will need your help with this! Leave feedback and share your wishes so that we can make the service even more convenient, understandable and useful for you.

“The publication of the MySklad service on our site is the first step towards portal-type sales, when we will be able to offer entrepreneurs a universal catalog of web solutions necessary for their work,” said Anton Sabitov, head of the strategic direction “Web Solutions Portal” at SKB Kontur . – That is why we pay great attention to finding new partners - developers of simple, convenient and relatively inexpensive services for business. The launch of a product developed by Lognex is our first experience of such cooperation, and we hope that it will be successful.”

The service is intended for small and medium-sized trading companies, as well as organizations providing services to individuals and legal entities - from computer repair to construction. The innovation of the product lies in the fact that it allows you to automate the accounting of trade and warehouse operations online. This significantly increases the mobility of entrepreneurs, making it possible to trade and manage a warehouse from any computer with Internet access - in the office, at home or on a business trip.

The service is provided to clients as a SaaS solution: SKB Kontur takes care of all system administration issues. No additional components are installed on the user’s computer - after making a payment and using the digital signature certificate, the user logs into the system and can immediately begin working. The service is updated automatically and unnoticed by subscribers: new features become available simultaneously to all subscribers and without any participation from implementation specialists.

“The distribution of the MySklad service by SKB Kontur is a new stage in the development of our product,” notes General Director of Lognex Askar Rakhimberdiev. – This is not only an entry into a new large-scale market of subscribers of the Kontur-Extern system, but also the trust of users. The operation of the service on the site of SKB Kontur - one of the largest IT companies in Russia - leaves no doubt about the reliability of the technologies used, the safety and timely transfer of data "

The advantages of the new solution will be appreciated by managers of enterprises with a geographically distributed network of departments and warehouses: the system supports multi-user mode and allows you to work with a branch network. The service provides a convenient opportunity for entrepreneurs to work with one warehouse from several branches or control several warehouses from one division, even if they are located in different regions.

At the moment, the service hosted on the SKB Kontur site is available only to subscribers of this company who have a means of cryptographic information protection and an electronic digital signature certificate to enter the Kontur portal. In the near future, everyone will also have access to the solution through the Kontur portal.

About SKB Kontur

SKB Kontur company is one of the largest software developers in Russia. The company was founded in 1988 in Yekaterinburg and, in fact, is the same age as the IT industry in the country. SKB Kontur is a recognized market leader in the development of circulation computer systems, technologies for automating accounting and management of enterprises of all types, and web services. More detailed information is available on the website

About Lognex company

Founded in 2007, Lognex is one of the first Russian developers of business automation software distributed under the SaaS (software as a service) model. Lognex's activities include the development of the MySklad service, its promotion on the Russian market, training and provision of technical support services to service users.

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