How to close account 57 in 8.3. Common business transactions and postings for them

Learning to enter acquiring transactions (1C: Accounting 8.3, edition 3.0)


Today we will learn how to make payments from customers through payment cards (Visa, MasterCard and others).

In another way, such operations are also called acquiring:

Attention! If you do not have the “Payment by payment cards” item, then you need to go to the “Main” section, “Functionality” item and check the “Payment cards” checkbox on the “Bank and cash desk” tab.

In the journal that opens, click the “Create” button:

Naturally, our type of operation is “Retail Revenue”:

Fill in the date and the warehouse field (with the type manual point of sale):

Create a new payment type:

  • Payment type: Payment card
  • Name: for example, Visa
  • Counterparty: our acquiring bank VTB
  • Agreement: Acquiring Agreement (you can also specify the number and date)

Don’t forget to also indicate the percentage of the bank’s commission for acquiring services (1%).

It will turn out like this:

We will indicate the payment amount and post the document:

Let's look at the wiring (DtKt button):

That's right:

62.R(retail buyer) 90.01.1 (revenue) 100,000 (revenue reflected)

57.03 (translations on the way) 62.R(retail buyer) 100,000 (revenue in transit, expected transfer from the acquiring bank to our current account)

According to the statement dated January 2, the money (except for the commission) was transferred to our bank account.

To reflect the receipt of money, let’s go to the just created document “Payment by payment cards” and create on its basis “Receipt to the current account”:

Please note that the program automatically allocated the bank commission (in this case, 1,000 rubles):

And she attributed it to other expenses (account 91.02):

Let’s go through the document and look at the postings (DtKt button):

That's right:

51 (our current account) 57.03 (transfers in transit) 99,000 (payment minus commission credited to our account)

91.02 (other expenses) 57.03 (transfers in transit) 1,000 (acquiring fee costs)

By the way, if the revenue was not retail (62.R), but a regular payment from the buyer (a specific counterparty) - we simply should have selected “Payment from the buyer” as the type of transaction and then everywhere instead of 62.R 62.01 would appear indicating the selected by us the buyer (counterparty).

That's all

By the way, for new lessons...

Sincerely, Vladimir Milkin(teacher

General information about the movement of funds of an organization in any currency - both national and foreign - is reflected in account 57. Transfers in transit presuppose the presence of amounts of money, such as revenue or other cash, intended to be credited to the current account or to the cash desk of the enterprise, but have not yet reached their destination. In the article we will look at accounting account 57, the features of its use and typical entries for it.

Accounting account 57: features of use

Often, when transferring money (depositing cash to a bank, withdrawing funds from a current account), accountants do not use account 57. The procedure ends with one of the possible entries:

  • Debit 50 ― Credit 51 ― cash withdrawal from the current account;
  • Debit 51 - Credit 50 - depositing revenue or other funds into a bank account.

However, a time gap often forms between the two final points of receipt/transfer of money. The transfer of assets may not occur on the same day, for example, if cash was withdrawn from the cash register at the end of the working day, and it was credited to the current account at the beginning of the next.

Example. At the end of the day 02/01/2016, revenue in the amount of 67,000 rubles was credited to the organization. 20,000 was left in the cash register for distribution to accountable persons for current household expenses. Other money must be transferred to the current account without violating the cash register limit (30,000 rubles). What transactions reflect these actions?


Debit 50 - Credit 62 (67,000 rubles) - receipt of revenue for goods sold to the enterprise's cash desk.

Debit 71 - Credit 50 (20,000 rubles) - funds were issued to the accountable person.

Debit 57 - Credit 50 (47,000 rubles) - money was transferred to the collection service to replenish the current account.


Debit 51 - Credit 57 (47,000 rubles) - yesterday's revenue of the enterprise was credited to the bank account.

Using account 57 allows you to maintain cash discipline by depositing funds into your current account as they arrive.

In addition, a simple posting of Debit 50 - Credit 51 cannot always reflect the actual financial condition.

Bank receipts and copies of accompanying statements issued to collection services are considered the basis for accepting funds into account 57.

Account 57 in accounting. Transfers within the organization

To reflect cash flow, revenue for goods sold, and money transfers, account 57 is used in organizations for the following purposes:

  1. Topping up your current account. Funds are transferred to the organization's employees or collection services for crediting to the bank through the organization's cash desk.
  2. Cash withdrawal. Based on the issued bank receipt, funds can be credited to account 57 before the cash is posted to the cash desk.
  3. To transfer funds to the enterprise’s corporate card from current bank accounts.
  4. For acquiring operations.

Currently, the possibility of paying for goods by individuals using payment terminals is widespread. This form of payment is relevant not only for regular stores, but also for making purchases online.

Organizations using such methods, in addition to having specialized equipment, enter into agreements with banks for servicing payment terminals - acquiring. An authorized bank, an intermediary (acquirer), installs its own payment terminals in the institution, through which the population makes payments for purchased goods.

In such cases, funds are not immediately credited directly to the organization. The 57 count should also be used here.

Debit 57 - Credit 90 (36,000 rubles) - revenue from customer cards is reflected.

Debit 90 - Credit 68 (5491.53 rubles) - accrual for VAT sales.

Debit 51 – Credit 57 (35,460 rubles) – receipt of funds to the institution’s current account.

Debit 91 - Credit 57 (540 rubles) - bank expenses under the acquiring agreement.

If an organization is a VAT payer, tax must be charged on the full amount of revenue.

Read more about the accounts used in transactions in the articles: (accounting for calculations of taxes and fees), (accounting for the sale of finished products), (accounting for other income and expenses).

Account 57. Transfers between organizational accounts

Account 57 is also used when transferring funds between an organization’s accounts, filling the time gap between the write-off of assets and their receipt to another current account. The following transactions are created:

Debit 57 - Credit 51-1 (20,000 rubles) - funds were withdrawn from the current account of bank A for subsequent crediting to the account of bank B.

Debit 51-2 - Debit 57 (20,000 rubles) replenishment of the amount in the account of bank B by transfer from bank A.

In such situations, there will be no temporary lack of funds when assets have already been written off from one account, but not yet credited to another.

Reflection of account balances 57 on balance sheet accounts

In order to calculate the liquidity ratios of an enterprise (current, urgent), use the data from line 1250 of the balance sheet, called “Cash and cash equivalents”. Using these ratios, information is provided about the possibility of repaying the subject’s current short-term obligations using its own funds. Cash and short-term financial investments are recognized as liquid assets.

Composition of line 1250 balance

Balance section Account debit What is it formed from?
Current assetsDebit 50Cash on hand
Current assetsDebit 51Account balances
Current assetsDebit 52Currency bank accounts
Current assetsDebit 55Special accounts - deposits, letters of credit
Current assetsDebit 57Amounts of transferred money transfers that did not reach their intended purpose
Current assetsDebit 58Cash equivalents of short-term financial investments (bills and other securities)
Current assetsDebit 76Other cash equivalents of short-term financial investments

The total value of the listed indicators gives an idea of ​​the content of line 1250 of the balance sheet. Cash in transit helps to reflect the actual picture of the financial condition of the enterprise at a particular moment, preventing assets from getting lost due to time intervals between the issuance of cash and crediting for its intended purpose.

But high performance here is not always seen as a positive sign. Rather, it means that the organization’s money is not working. A well-developed monetary policy of an institution should create conditions not only for the speedy repayment of obligations, but also for the timely investment of funds into circulation, bringing additional profit to the enterprise.

In what situations is it used? account 57 “Transfers on the way”. What is it for? According to the chart of accounts for accounting organizations, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n, account 57 “Transfers in transit” reflects the movement of funds in rubles or foreign currency deposited at the cash desks of banks or post offices for crediting to the settlement account. the organization's account, but not yet credited as intended."

In fact, account 57 “Transfers in transit” is transit, and many organizations do without it so as not to complicate already complex accounting. It's all about timing.

For a clearer definition of the purpose of account 57, let's look at it in more detail.

Which organizations do not use account 57 “Transfers in transit”?

1. If your organization has small trading revenue and the amount of cash does not exceed the daily limit.

2. If the organization uses the funds received for settlements with employees for salaries, for settlements with suppliers, for issuing travel expenses and others.

3. If the organization conducts its activities without using a cash register only through a current account.

Those. Cash received by the organization is not handed over to the bank, but is immediately used for its intended purpose. In this case, the proceeds are immediately transferred to business needs by making entries:

D-t 60 K-t 50 – An invoice was paid from the cash register to the supplier for services, work, goods

D-t 76 K-t 50 – receivables were issued from the cash register or settlements were made with other organizations

D-t 71 K-t 50 - amounts were issued from the cash register for reporting, etc.

To avoid exceeding the limit, the organization hands over the proceeds to the bank or to collectors for crediting to the current account. What wiring will reflect this?

The standard situation is when small businesses register the transfer of money to the bank by posting:

D-t 51 “current account” D-t 50 “Cash desk”

This is possible, but it is not entirely correct, since the money has already been withdrawn from the cash register and has not yet been credited to the current account. Account 57 “Transfers in transit” precisely reflects this movement of proceeds from the enterprise to the bank in real time, although this operation takes less than one day. But, if the proceeds are deposited in the bank in the evening, it will be credited to the current account only the next day.

This situation occurs not only when the proceeds are handed over, for example, by the accountant himself or the director of the company, but also by collectors.

Often, large supermarkets, in agreement with banks, install terminals with which the buyer pays for his purchases with credit cards. Such calculations are beneficial to everyone. For the buyer: it is calculated in a convenient way without cash in your pocket. For a trade organization: the amount of purchases may not be limited, and it also increases the prestige of the store. For the bank: it takes its percentage for transactions. But the operation via the terminal can be completed in the evening, and the money may arrive in the current account only after a few days.

For such operations it is used account 57 “transfers on the way”. The primary document for confirming transactions on this account may be receipts from credit institutions, banks, savings banks, copies of accompanying statements for collectors and other documents.

Typical transactions for account 57 “Transfers in transit.”

Operations on the debit of account 57 "Transfers in transit"

Contents of operations Corresponding
Debit Credit
1 Cash in transit has been received at the cash register. 50 57
2 Funds in transit are credited to the organization's current account 51 57
3 Cash in transit is credited to the foreign currency account 52 57
4 Funds in transit are credited to a special cash account 55 57
5 Excess amounts received were returned
funds from buyers not yet credited to the organization’s current account
62 57
6 Funds transferred to personal
accounts of employees, with the exception of settlements for wages and settlements with accountable persons, but also
not credited to the organization's current accounts
73 57
depreciation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation
91 57

Operations on the debit of account 57 “Transfers in transit”.

Contents of operations Corresponding
Debit Credit
1 Amounts were issued from the cash desk to collectors or a postal transfer was made for crediting to a current or special account 57 50
2 Funds were issued from the current account for crediting to the organization's cash desk 57 51
3 Currency funds are transferred for crediting to a current account or currency funds are transferred from one currency account to another 57 52
4 Funds transferred from
special bank account for the purchase
(sales) of currencies
57 55
5 Received funds from buyers, but not yet credited
to the organization's bank accounts
57 62
6 A short-term loan has been received, but has not yet been credited to the current account 57 66
7 A long-term loan has been received, but has not yet been credited to the current account 57 67
8 Received funds from
third-party organizations, but not yet credited to the current account
57 76
9 Funds have been received from branches, representative offices, departments and other separate divisions, but have not yet been credited to bank accounts 57 79
10 Proceeds from the sale of goods, performance of work,
provision of services, transfer of property rights, but not yet credited
to a bank account
57 90
11 Reflection of exchange rate differences in the currency sold when
increase in the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation
57 91

Thus, account 57 “Transfers in transit” is necessary to account for the movement of funds for transactions whose duration exceeds 1 banking day. These include:

Cash that the company deposited at the post office cash desk or savings bank when transferring it to the supplier's bank account.

Cash that the company deposited in the evening at the bank's cash desk or handed over to collectors.

If the company has several accounts open, then the funds that the company transferred from one foreign currency account to another foreign currency account, or from a current account to a foreign currency account and vice versa.

If a company has a corporate plastic card in one bank, and a current account is opened in another, then the funds that the company sent to this card.

The debit of account 57 records transactions on the basis of which the company makes a transfer of funds, and the credit records the crediting of these funds to a current or foreign currency account.

Analytical accounting for account 57 “Transfers in transit” is carried out in the context of methods of transferring funds, or by type of currency. If a company, for example, works only with cash collectors, then there is no point in opening analytics for account 57.

If the organization hands over the proceeds to collectors and makes payments through credit cards, then it is possible to open, for example, for collected proceeds under account 57 “Transfers in transit” subaccount 1 “collection”, and for payments by credit cards subaccount 2 “Payment by credit cards” .

If a store has many departments, then under account 57 “Transfers on the way” it will be more convenient to break it down by department. This way you can track the cash flow in each department.

The Alyonushka store has three retail outlets. Every day, stores hand over proceeds to collectors. Revenue for store 1 was 20,000 rubles, for store 2 - 30,000 rubles, for store 3 - 50,000 rubles. Accounting entries:

D-t 57 -1 K-t 50 = 20,000 - Delivery of revenue to cash collectors for store 1

D-t 57 -2 K-t 50 = 30,000 - Delivery of proceeds to cash collectors for store 2

D-t 57 -3 K-t 50 = 50,000 - Delivery of proceeds to cash collectors for store 3

When receiving statements from the current account, the accountant makes the following entries:

D-t 51 K-t 57-1 = 20,000 - Crediting revenue from cash collectors for store 1 (bag 215) to the current account

D-t 51 K-t 57-2 = 29,900 - Crediting revenue from cash collectors for store 2 (bag 216) to the current account

D-t 51 K-t 57-3 = 50,200 - Crediting revenue from cash collectors for store 3 (bag 217) to the current account

Thus, store 2 underinvested 100 rubles, and store 3 overinvested 200 rubles.

During foreign exchange transactions (when transferring foreign currency funds from one account to another, opened in different banks, or when transferring from a foreign currency account to a current account), exchange rate differences are formed on account 57 due to the difference in internal bank rates.

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There are several control “points” in accounting, the certain state of which will indicate to us the errors made by the accountant when processing data in the program.

  1. Auxiliary account No. 00 or No. 000 - there is no balance at the beginning and end of the period (Balance is the total balance of funds in the accounting account as of a certain date);
  2. Accounts 51 “Currency accounts”, 52 “Currency accounts” - the balance cannot be negative,
  3. Account 57 “Transfers on the way”,
  4. Accounts of advances received and issued (for example 62.02 and 60.02)
  5. Accounts 90 “Sales” and 91 “Other income and expenses”.
So, checkpoint No. 1.

What is a subsidiary account?
This is a technical account of the 1C program, intended for entering introductory (initial) balances from the previous program. It interacts with various accounts for Debit and Credit, and itself “closes”, that is, the amount of transactions on the debit of the auxiliary account must be equal to the amount of transactions on its credit, thus maintaining balance sheet equality (asset equals liability).
If you see a debit or credit balance on account 00, this means that the initial balances were not entered in full, or there were errors in the amounts.
How to find where the error crept in? Take a detailed balance sheet for each account at the end of the previous period (in the old program) and compare it with the same statement at the beginning of the current period (in the current program).

Checkpoint No. 2.

Cash accounts are active, they reflect the state of your organization’s funds, this is something that can be touched and counted. We understand that we can have either 100 rubles or 0 rubles in the bank, that is, nothing, but it physically cannot be minus 100 rubles, and the same is with the accounting of this money. Account balances 51, 52 cannot be negative!
If you see a negative balance for these accounts (usually highlighted in red for clarity), it means that some part of the money was “lost” when posting statements. That is, more “went” than “came.”
How to check? Carefully review the balances on bank statements, find the nearest date on which the balances on them coincided with the balances on accounts 51 and 52 in 1C and move on, checking the amount of each transaction recorded in 1C.

Checkpoint No. 3.

Account 57 “Transfers in transit” is intended to reflect funds deposited for crediting to the cash desk or bank account of the enterprise, but which have not yet reached them.
A fairly common mistake is to have an account balance of 57 at the end of the reporting period, especially when conducting foreign exchange transactions. An account balance may mean that the accountant entered, for example, an operation to write off rubles from a current account, but did not reflect the moment when these rubles were credited after conversion to a foreign currency account. Typically, there is no balance on account 57 for transactions in foreign currency at the end of each day on which such a transaction is made.
Also, the balance on account 57 may be an exchange rate difference on transactions in a currency to be credited to the corresponding account for income and expenses.
The actual balance on account 57 may coincide with the amount of funds transferred for collection to the bank.

Checkpoint No. 4.

In settlements with suppliers, as well as in settlements with customers, preliminary payments (advance payments) and subsequent payments (post-payment) are taken into account separately. For separate accounting of advances issued and received, there are subaccounts (second order accounts) 60.02 (60.22, 60.32) and 62.02 (62.22, 60.32).
Paying attention to the turnover sheet for advances accounts, if the corresponding transactions are incorrectly reflected, we will see negative balances (highlighted in red). They mean that prepayment is no longer such. A situation may arise when the accountant first made the payment, but the receipt of goods (work, services) from the supplier or sales to the buyer was not reflected at that time. Then the receipt or sale was entered into the program, say, retroactively, and the payment remained “hanging” in advances.
How to fight? Enter documents, observing the time sequence, repost all documents sequentially at the end of the reporting period. For this purpose, there are usually special functionality in 1C, such as “restoring the sequence”, “posting documents”, etc.

Checkpoint No. 5.

There should be no balances on the accounts of financial results (profit or loss) of the company’s activities (namely, this is what accounts 90 and 91 are intended for) at the end of the reporting period!
According to the methodology for using the chart of accounts, balances are shown in subaccounts (second-order accounts) to these accounts; this is a technical point in calculating the financial result.
That is, the balance of account 90 and 91 at the end of the month or quarter, year is equal to zero, and sub-accounts 90.09 (91.09), 90.01.1 (91.01 or 91.02) show the total profits or losses, income or expenses incurred during the period . At the end of the year, these sub-accounts are “closed” to account 84 “Retained earnings” during the reformation of the balance sheet (the last operation of the year) and become the profit or loss of the past year.

In conclusion, I note that even if you are not an accountant, you need to learn how to evaluate accounting in your company, at least according to some general parameters. Your accounting program will help you with this (it will show you in red that something is wrong) and, of course, the author of this note.

Contact us without delay if you have any doubts. I'll be glad to help you.

Good luck with closing 9 months of 2011 and error-free accounting!

Transactions on the debit of account 57 “Transfers in transit” No./n Contents of transactions Corresponding accounts Debit Credit 1 The cash desk received funds in transit 50 57 2 Cash in transit was credited to the organization’s current account 51 57 3 Cash was credited to a foreign currency account funds credited in transit 52 57 4 Funds credited to a special cash account credited in transit 55 57 5 Cash received in excess from customers that has not yet been credited to the organization’s current account was returned 62 57 6 Funds were transferred to the personal accounts of employees, with the exception of payments for wages and settlements with accountable persons, but have not yet been credited to the organization’s current accounts 73 57 7 Reflection of exchange rate differences on the currency sold and the depreciation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation 91 57 Operations on the debit of account 57 “Transfers in transit.”

Postings to account 57. Account 57 of accounting is...

Accounting in acquiring is carried out by the following entries:

  • Dt 57 Kt 90 - revenue received for the goods.

If the buyer needs to be specified, the wiring will be like this:

  • Dt 57 Kt 62 - payment received from the buyer;
  • Dt 51 Kt 57 - proceeds were credited to the current account;
  • Dt 91 Kt 57 - the commission of the acquiring bank is written off.

Nuances of using account 57 using examples Companies can resort to using account 57 when transferring proceeds from a store to the bank through cash collectors. Example 1 Fortuna LLC is engaged in trading through retail stores. Revenue in the amount of 43,000 rubles. from store A was handed over to collectors.

The next day, an amount of 42,000 rubles was credited to the company’s account, because when the bank cashier examined the bag, a counterfeit banknote with a face value of 1,000 rubles was detected.

Postings to account 57 - transfers on the way

If the organization uses the funds received for settlements with employees for salaries, for settlements with suppliers, for issuing travel expenses and others. 3. If the organization conducts its activities without using a cash register only through a current account. Those. Cash received by the organization is not handed over to the bank, but is immediately used for its intended purpose.
In this case, the proceeds are immediately transferred to business needs by making entries: D-t 60 K-t 50 – An invoice to the supplier for services, work, goods is paid from the cash register D-t 76 K-t 50 – receivables are issued from the cash register or settlements are made with other organizations D-t 71 K-t 50 - amounts were issued from the cash register for reporting, etc. To avoid exceeding the limit, the organization hands over the proceeds to the bank or to collectors for crediting to the current account.

It is possible that posting Dt 51 Kt 50 more simply describes the process of transferring the cash contents of the cash desk to a bank account, but this operation is not reliable. After all, funds are not credited at the same moment when they were sent. Only after the actual execution of the transaction is it possible to carry out such a quotation.

Currency transactions Accounting for foreign currency funds is carried out on active account 55. Circulation is carried out both in rubles and in foreign equivalents in various payment forms, except for bills of exchange. Each of the payment forms involves opening a corresponding sub-account.
When converting currencies, companies use account 57.

Account 57 in accounting: transfers on the way

Dt 001 - Leased fixed assets002 - Inventory assets accepted for safekeeping003 - Materials accepted for processing004 - Goods accepted for commission005 - Equipment accepted for installation006 - Strict reporting forms007 - Debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss008 - Security for obligations and payments received009 — Security for obligations and payments issued01 — Fixed assets001-11 — Retirement of fixed assets010 — Depreciation of fixed assets011 — Fixed assets leased012 — Intangible assets received for use013 — Inventory and business.

Accounting: 57 account “transfers in transit”

The transactions that occur in this case can be seen in the table: Accounting for acquiring Dt Kt Characteristics of the accounting transaction 57 90.1 profit from sales paid by bank card is recognized 90.3 68 VAT is charged on the amount received 51 57 the amount of profit is credited to the organization’s bank account 91.2 57 company expenses are reflected for acquiring services Depending on the method of accrual of income, its recognition will be carried out at different times. The accrual method implies the use of posting Dt 57 Kt 90.1, regardless of the period in which the funds were received, and considers the date of receipt of income as the date of sale. If the company uses the cash method, the amount is written off to income when the money from the sale is credited to account 51.

Account 57 “transfers on the way” - new features of “1C: Accounting 8” ed. 3.0

Gratuitous receipts98-3 - Upcoming receipts of debt for shortfalls identified in previous years98-4 - The difference between the amount to be recovered from the guilty parties and the cost of shortages of valuables99 - Profit and loss Kt 001 - Leased fixed assets002 - Inventory accepted for safekeeping003 - Materials accepted for processing004 - Goods accepted for commission005 - Equipment accepted for installation006 - Strict reporting forms007 - Debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss008 - Security for obligations and payments received009 - Security for obligations and payments issued01 - Fixed assets001-11 - Disposal of fixed assets010 - Depreciation of fixed assets011 - Fixed assets leased012 - Intangible assets received for use013 - Inventory and business.

Account 57 - transfers on the way


We consider the transactions common in the process of carrying out operations in the table: Currency transfers in transit Dr Kt Characteristics of the accounting transaction 57.3 52 currency transferred for conversion into rubles 91 57.1 in rubles, the total from the sale of currency was written off 76 57.2 after the transfer of funds to a foreign branch, the currency in rubles 57 91.1 a positive difference in the exchange rate is recognized 91.2 57 a negative difference in the exchange rate is recognized Correct preparation of correspondence accounts will reduce the risk of errors in accounting registers and financial statements. Acquiring operations Acquiring is the process of paying for goods or services using a special card. Payment can be made either through online resources or during a regular purchase in a store.

Posting debit 57 credit 57 (nuances)


Almost every trading organization transfers amounts from the cash register and proceeds for the reporting period to the account. The use of account 57 begins with such operations, which allows for more reliable and continuous accounting. In addition to the funds transferred by the organization, transfers in transit include amounts sent from buyers on account of goods or services received, but which did not manage to be credited to the current account before the end of the reporting period.

Funds allocated for currency conversion are also debited in account 57. Application of account Accounting account 57, according to the order of the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, serves as a source of information on the movement of money in ruble and foreign currency equivalent. It is used in cases where the transfer of funds to a bank account is delayed for a period of 1 day or more from the moment of sending.

Characteristics and postings for account 57 in accounting

Additionally, you can consider the situation when a transfer occurs from one current account of an organization to another. Accounting entries are also compiled using account 57. Basic quotes for correspondence of accounts 50, 51 and 57 Dt Ct Amount, rub.
Characteristics of the accounting transaction 57 50 20,000 money in rubles was transferred from the cash register for transfer to a bank account 51 57 20,000 the transferred money was successfully credited to the bank account 57 51.01 140,000 the amount was sent from current account A to current account B 51.02 57 140,000 funds were transferred from current account A ( 51.01) to current account B (51.02) 57 50 85.000 money was sent to the corporate card account 55.01 57 85.000 funds were received to the corporate card account of the organization It is important not to forget to use account 57 when transferring amounts from the cash register to the bank account.
Payment cards are plastic cards of the VISA, MasterCard and other classes issued and serviced by the bank. The POS terminal serves as a means of communication between the service user and the banking organization. The company using acquiring operations enters into an agreement with the bank. The latter is due a set percentage of the commission for the instant payment services provided. The transfer of revenue to the organization occurs only after receiving a fiscal receipt - slip. This is a document confirming a payment transaction using a payment card.
One of its copies is transferred to the organization’s accounting department. Reflection of acquiring in accounting Profits from the sale of goods or provision of services through payment through a POS terminal are transferred to the company’s account only after a bank verification and deduction of commission. To correctly reflect accounting transactions, use “Transfers in transit” - account 57.

The money may not be used for its intended purpose and may be returned to the company's cash desk. Or lost or stolen after delivery to the responsible person or collector. That is why accounting using account 57 is methodologically more correct. Account 57 “Transfers in transit” is an active balance account; receipts are reflected in Dt, and debits are reflected in Ct. The account is used as a transit account in the following cases:

  • transferring money at the end of the day from the cash register or to collectors;
  • movement of funds between foreign currency accounts of one organization or foreign currency and current accounts;
  • corporate plastic card of one bank with an account in another bank, etc.

Example of typical transactions Galaxy LLC is engaged in retail trade. The daily proceeds in the amount of 45,000 rubles were issued to collectors for transfer to the bank.