Dacryocytes clinic treatment. Treatment of dacryocystitis in adults - inflammation of the lacrimal canal

Dacryocystitis is a dangerous ailment of an inflammatory or purulent-inflammatory character, which strikes the lacrimal pouch, as well as the roseal canal. Typically, this pathology develops due to an innate or acquired narrowing (sometimes complete overlap) of output tear duct.

Pathology can affect both adults and newborns. Dacryocystitis in adults flows in a more easy form. Most often, the disease is diagnosed among representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. This is due to the anatomical features of the tear apparatus. The fact is that women have nasal canals narrower.

Dacryocystitis in newborns, as well as children in the early years of life, begins to progress due to the innate features of the structure of the rosal canal. The membrane can be located inside the channel, which is completely disappeared. Because of it, there is a violation of the outflow of the tear fluid. The fluid gradually accumulates and is infected with pathogenic microorganisms.

The reasons

The reasons for the development of dacryocystitis in newborns and in adults are somewhat different. The progression of pathology in children contributes to such reasons:

  • atresia of the tear canal. This is a pathological condition at which its full infection occurs;
  • congenital narrowing of the lumen of the rosal canal;
  • the presence of the gelatinous cork or membrane, which not completely resolved during the intrauterine development of the fetus.

Causes of dacryocystitis in adults:

  • canal injury due to nasal fracture;
  • the enemy of the fabrics located near the nose-sized channel, which evolved due to or due to the presence of polyps in the nose;
  • viral or purulent infections affecting the visual apparatus;
  • hit in the eye of foreign objects;
  • travism of the eyelids and the area in which the nose-sized canal is located.

Factors that contribute to the development of ailment:

  • sharp temperature differences;
  • and other pathologies that are associated with metabolic disorders;
  • reduction of general and local immunity;
  • allergic reaction, especially if it proceeds with and;
  • professional harm.


By the nature of the flow allocate:

  • acute dacryocystitis, due to which phlegmons or abscesses may develop;
  • chronic dacryocystitis.

Classification depending on the reasons that provoked the progression of acute or chronic dacryocystitis:

Clinicians also distinguish separately dacryocystitis of newborns (congenital dacryocystitis).


The character of symptoms and their severity directly depends on the form of the ailment, which develops in a patient. As a rule, the first signs of dacryocystitis are already manifested on the next day after the infection has penetrated the rosal canal. Symptoms are enhanced as pathology progressing.

Symptoms of acute dacryocystitis:

  • increasing body temperature;
  • in the field of the lacrimal bag, a painful tumor is formed (a characteristic symptom of pathology);
  • eyelid swells and because of this, the eye slit is narrowed;
  • in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rose canal, hyperemia is marked;
  • pain in the field of orbit;
  • the symptoms of intoxication of the body are manifested.

In the first days of the development of the disease, the tumor formed has a dense consistency, but then it gradually softened. Hyperemia decreases. There is an abscess form, which can be spontaneously opened, and purulent exudate will be separated from it. After the entire pus follows, inflammation decreases. In some clinical situations, a fistula for which purulent exudate will be retended from the channel and the tear pouch.

Symptoms of chronic dacryocystitis:

  • constant and abundant tearing;
  • a tumor appears in the lacinalization area of \u200b\u200bthe tear bag. If it is slightly pressed to it, then a pus or mucosa of exudate in the field of tears will occur;
  • eyelids from the inner corner of the eye edema and hyperemic;
  • if you do not do the treatment of the dacryocystitis, then gradually the cavity of the lacrimal bag will become more, and the skin covers over it.

Symptoms in newborns:

  • ends of ethics;
  • tears spontaneously flow from the eye;
  • there are purulent emissions from the eyes.

The greatest danger is that if the purulent process will occur in close proximity to the nose, sinuses, brain and visual apparatus, then the infection can easily spread to them, provoking the development of serious complications.


The standard diagnostic program includes:

  • biomicroscopy eye;
  • protecting the nasal canal;
  • rosal sample with washing;
  • instillation test with fluorescin;
  • x-ray with a contrasting agent that was previously introduced into the nose-cutting channel;
  • buck-sowing of the channel content.


The treatment of dacryocystitis is performed only by an ophthalmologist. It is unacceptable to deal with treatment at home, as the independent appointment of any drugs and their reception can only aggravate the course of pathology. Treatment with folk remedies is also relevant, but it can only be resorted to the permission of his attending physician.

Treatment of dacryocystitis in acute form:

  • antibacterial therapy. Preparations of choice - cefuroxime, doxycycline, tetracycline, etc.;
  • local therapy. I use drops of chloramphenicol, fusidium acid.
  • from the folk remedies are relevant grazing of medicinal herbs. But you can only make them after agreeing with your doctor.

The main treatment plan is complemented by the following procedures:

  • local therapy - UHF and Solux Lamp;
  • if an abscess was formed, then it is necessary to carry out its opening and rinse the purulent cavity by antiseptic solutions. It is necessary to do this repeatedly to completely destroy the infectious agent;
  • after the inflammation subsides, doctors resort to plastic and the formation of the roseal canal.

Chronic dacryocystitis is treated only by surgical way. Doctors spend:

  • plastic and formation of a new roseal canal with its subsequent expansion;
  • in particularly severe cases, it is resorted to the removal of a tear bag.

Neva therapy in newborns:

Especially carefully to perform droplets. It is best to do it together for a more complete fixation of the child.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Inflammation of lungs (officially pneumonia) is an inflammatory process in one or both respiratory organs, which usually has an infectious nature and is caused by various viruses, bacteria and fungi. In ancient times, this disease was considered one of the most dangerous, and, although modern treatments make it possible to get rid of infection quickly and without consequences, no uncenses have lost its relevance. According to official data, in our country every year about a million people suffer from inflammation of lungs in one form or another.

Jaundice is a pathological process, on the formation of which is affected by a large concentration in the blood of Bilirubin. Diagnose diseases can both in adults and in children. Any disease is capable of causing such a pathological condition, and they are all completely different.

Swishers on the gum - pathological education, or rather, a small course passing through the gum and connecting with the immediate focus of the lesion, which is preferably localized on the root of a sick tooth. As a rule, such a hole can be seen in the place of projection of the top of the tooth. In fact, the reasons for the formation of a fistula on the gum is quite a lot. It is also worth noting the fact that it can be formed by an absolutely any person, regardless of its age and sexuality. Often you can reveal the fistula on the gum from the child. This pathology requires timely diagnosis and full-fledged treatment.

Sinusitis is a disease characterized by acute or chronic inflammation focused in the sine area (separation sinuses), which, in fact, determines its name. Sinusitis, whose symptoms we will consider somewhat lower, mainly developing against the background of an ordinary viral or bacterial infection, as well as allergies and, in some cases, against the background of microplasma or fungal infection.

No matter how trite, but barley on the eye is inflammation, and purulent, which spreads to the rowing gland in the eyelids and hair bulbs of eyelashes. More precisely, the rigorous gland is cleaned, because of which it occurs this inflammation. Sometimes it happens that it is inflamed and increases in the size of a meibomy iron. This is a meibomit or the so-called inner barley on the eye. Sometimes several foci of inflammation appears on the eye. Typically, such inflammation passes quickly - four days enough. But sometimes barley treatment is simply necessary. When and why, it is worth understanding.

The treatment of dacryocystitis at home is carried out if the disease is not accompanied by complications in the form and transition of infection on the cornea. Early diagnosis plays a big role in the success of the therapy of the dacryocystitis.

If you are afraid to make a diagnosis, you are able to help online diagnostics of health - without leaving the house you can enter the symptoms to get a preliminary diagnosis.

Diagnose the blockage of the lacrimal channel can be used with the help of Vesta sample. A cotton swab is placed in the nasal cavity, after that, a collargol solution is burned into the field of a lacrimal bag. After some time, it is estimated to estimate the degree of way of ways by painting on a cotton swab. The painted wool testifies to the good passability of the ducts, if they are narrowing, the color will not occur immediately. If the channels are impassable, the wool will remain inexplicit.

When saving partial passability of channels, conservative treatment is possible. For newborns up to three months, there is more chances to avoid surgery if parents make all possible efforts. As a rule, massage helps to fully cure from the dacryocystitis if it is carried out regularly and correctly.

How to make a massage with dacryocystitis:

Prepare cotton balls, a solution of furacin. Hands should be warm, with briefly crocheted nails.

1. Squeeze the contents of a lacrimal bag.

2. Proceed with furaticiline solution.

3. Thick and vibrating movements from top to bottom to carry out a massage of the palate canal area.

4. Keep antibacterial drops.

Massage should be performed 5-6 times a day. An important thing is the state of the nasal mucosa, since the runny nose can affect the passability of the tear canals.

Treatment of dacryocystitis in adults

At the initial stage of the disease, antibacterial treatment and washing prescribed antibacterial treatment. If, after some time, the improvement is not observed, then the channel sounding is carried out to eliminate the barrier and restoring the outflow of tears. With early diagnostics, it makes sense to try to solve the problem of folk methods.

  • Calando juice

The washed leaves should be wrapped in a clean cloth and leave in the refrigerator for a couple of days to extract the active substances. Then itching the juice, dilute it in the ratio of 1: 1 and roll into the nose. Strong sneezing contributes to clarification of the canals from pus and restoring paths.

  • Moja

Infusion of orders to mix with a decoction of chamomile or dill and rinse the eyes three times a day.

  • Grandfather with the present of herbs

Eucalyptus, calendula, sage, mint, oregano possess anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Herbs need to grind and pour boiling water. Two days later use the infusion in the form of a mow.

The use of folk remedies in combination with antibacterial therapy reduces the likelihood of operational intervention, if the sick appealed to an ophthalmologist at an early stage of the disease.

The sounding of the lacrimal channel is carried out with dacryocystitis. This is a disease accompanied by blockage or violation of the passability of duct and inflammation of the lacrimal bag. It is the main indication to conduct sensing. Such pathology is also found in children, and in adults. It is accompanied by constant tearing, as well as pain and edema. Often, the infants suffer such a paradise. The operation restores the passability of the lacrimal channel. Surgical intervention is more efficient for children than for adults. This is due to the age characteristics of the eye structure.

  • Dacryocystitis in children
  • Dacryocytes in adults
  • Types of treatment
  • Preparation for probe
  • Operation in children
  • Operation in adults
  • Recovery period
  • Reviews of the operation

Dacryocystitis quite often marked in infants. In the intrauterine period of development of the fetus in the tear canal there is a special film. It plays a protective role and prevents ingress of accumulating water into the nose-cutting duct. When the baby appears on the light, this film is bursting. But there are cases when it remains the whole and after birth. As a result, the channel turns out to be clogged, a stagnant tear fluid and inflammation of the lacrimal bag occurs.

Dacryocytes in adults

The following reasons for the blockage of the lacrimal canal can be distinguished in adults:

  • congenital anomalies of the structure of the duct, as well as face and skull;
  • infectious diseases of the eyes and nasopharynx;
  • tumors of the face of the skull;
  • surgical interventions on the organ of view;
  • radiation therapy of oncological diseases;
  • abuse eye drops;
  • side effects of some medicines.

Due to the violation of the outflow of the fluid, increased reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms occurs. The inflammatory process occurs in a lacrimal bag - dacryocystitis.

Symptoms and diagnosis of the disease

Symptoms of dacryocystitis in adults at the initial stage of the disease are weakly expressed. A person feels only a small discomfort in the area between the inner corner of the eye and the nose. It is there that there is a lacrimal bag. But as the inflammatory process of manifestation of the disease increases:

  • In the inner corner of the eye redness and swelling appears.
  • Tears constantly flow from the eye. The liquid may contain a bloody adherence.
  • The mucous and purulent discharge appear.
  • A person feels severe pain in the field of inflammation.
  • Vision becomes fuzzy.
  • If you do not start treatment at acute stage, the disease quickly goes into a chronic form. Tearing becomes constant and enhanced in the cold.

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    Signs of dacryocystitis in infants Parents are often taken for manifestations of conjunctivitis. The child has blusted eyes, purulent discharges appear that dry in the form of a crust. There is an increased tears.

    It is important to carry out differential diagnostics and distinguish the dacryocytes from conjunctivitis. To this end, ophthalmologists make a sample with the use of dye. In the patient's eye, the coloring solution is buried, and in the nostrils are inserted cotton swabs. If the rose canal is passing, then the wool is painted. If the tampons do not change the color, then this speaks about the blockage of the duct. In this case, the diagnosis of "dacryocystitis" is confirmed.

    Types of treatment

    To the treatment of dacryocystitis, you need to start as soon as possible. Otherwise, the disease can lead to serious complications. Inflammation can switch to the organ of hearing and brain.

    Sounding a lacrimal channel is only one of the methods of treating the dacryocystitis. In the initial stages, antibiotics are used for oral administration, antibacterial and antiviral eye drops, as well as massages. If conservative treatment is ineffective, then resort to surgical methods.

    Sounding must be made in the following cases:

  • If the disease passed into a chronic form.
  • If a patient has severe tears.
  • If within 2 weeks there is no effect of conservative treatment.
  • With congenital abnormal structures of the tear canal.
  • Sounding the lacrimal canal in adults is less efficient than in children. This is due to the fact that the mature patients the tear canal is already fully formed and the blockage is difficult to eliminate. Usually, the operation is made by the method of bunning or balloon plastic.

    Sounding the lacrimal channel in newborns usually gives a good effect. This is a rather unpleasant procedure, and the baby can cry during such manipulation. However, the probing is necessary to prevent severe complications and impact problems in the future.

    Preparation for probe

    Before spending a lacrimal channel, you need to visit the otolaryngologist. It is necessary to eliminate the curvature of the nasal partition. If a child or an adult has such a defect, the operation will be ineffective.

    Adults also need consultation therapist, and pediatrician children. You need to make sure that the blockage of the duct is not associated with a common infectious disease. Be sure to hand over the overall blood test and the coatability test. This will help to avoid bleeding during the procedure. If the patient is separated by a large amount of pus from the eye, then the probing is postponed. In such cases, conservative therapy is prescribed. The operation is carried out only when the amount of purulent discharge decreases.

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    Before conducting the procedure, the child should not feed. So that he did not jump into the food during the operation. Also, the baby should be filled with a blind way so that he cannot prevent the doctor to carry out all the necessary manipulations.

    Operation in children

    How do the probing of a lacrimal channel? The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia. Additionally in the eyes of the child burst anesthetic. Then by rotational movements, the doctor introduces a special probe into the lacrimal channel. This allows you to pierce the film and expand the channel. After that, the duct was washed with antiseptic solutions. The procedure lasts about 2-5 minutes.

    The probing of the lacrimal channel in newborns is usually carried out at the age of 1-6 months. The younger child, the easier it transfers this intervention. In addition, at the age of one hundred and six months, the film in the teslaon canal solidifies and it is already more difficult to get rid of it.

    Normal toddler well-being is restored after 4-6 hours. In most cases, one procedure is enough to restore the normal outflow of the tear fluid. In 30% of cases, sensing has to be repeated.

    Operation in adults

    Sounding a lacrimal channel in adulthood is carried out in two methods:

  • Burning. This method is the most gentle. If a procedure is carried out on time, it will help to avoid the operation to remove the tear bag. Under local anesthesia through a lacrimal point, special probes are introduced into the canal. They eliminate the obstacle and expand the clearance of the canal.
  • Balloon plastic. Under local anesthesia, a conductor with a cylinder is introduced into the channel, which contains liquid. It is placed in the place of narrowing. Gradually, pressure is supplied to the balloon. Scrolved area expands.
  • Sometimes these procedures have to repeat through the interval of several days.

    Recovery period

    Procedures are carried out in stationary conditions. Are complications are possible after the sounding of the lacrimal channel? The consequences of this intervention may be as follows:

    • adhesion process in the channel;
    • inflammation of the tear bag;
    • bleeding;
    • recurney of the disease.

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    Bleeding is usually the result of a surgical error or violation of the preparation rules for the procedure. The remaining negative consequences usually occur during recovery after intervention. Therefore, it is very important to properly conduct a rehabilitation period.

    If bleeding occurred during the procedure, then it is necessary to stay in the hospital for another one day. After that, a person is discharged home. Within 1 - 2 months, you need to take care of infectious and colds that can provoke recurrence of dacryocystitis.

    After the sound channel sounding, the antibacterial drugs must be injected into the eye. Dosage and duration of application droplets determines the attending physician. Also during the week you need to make a massage of the tear tubules, pre-flushing the eye with a solution of "Furatcilina". The movements should be directed from the nose to the inner corner of the eye along the channel. These measures will help prevent adhesions and inflammation.

    Where you can do probing

    Where do the probing of the lacrimal channel? Such a procedure is carried out in a hospital. In Moscow, probe is made in the ophthalmic department of the Morozov Hospital (the street is soy, house 24). Here they are treated the smallest patients of the chest. For residents of Moscow, the procedure is carried out for free. However, the queue for probing is quite large. Pre-registration is carried out in about a month.

    This procedure can be done in various medical centers. The price of probing depends on the medical institution. On average, the cost of the procedure is from 1000 to 3000 rubles (for one eye).

    Reviews of the operation

    You can find a lot of positive feedback on the sounding of the lacrimal channel. Parents of small patients report that after the procedure, children ceased to tear and the selection of pus, the eyes became clearer, inflammation and soreness disappeared. Intervention lasts long, usually it takes only a few minutes. In most cases, the effect has occurred after the first sensing and the re-procedure was not required. Under all the rules of the rehabilitation period, there was no complications.

    Negative reviews about the procedure is practically not found. Many children cry during sensing, but most often it is not caused by pain, but fright. Parents are written that the procedure is better spent in the summer. It helps to protect against colds and avoid recurrence of dacryocystitis.

    A source

    Clinical forms of chronic dacryocystitis

    • simple catarrhal dacryocystitis
    • stenzing dacryocystitis
    • empire of a lacrimal bag
    • phlegmon tear bag

    Acute dacryocystitis in adults, as a rule, this is not an independent disease, but an aggravation of the chronic process.

    The cause of the development of dacryocystitis in adults is inflammation of the nose-cutting canal mucosa. As a result, the shell is thickened, and the fluid outflow stops. The tear accumulates in a lacrimal bag, and conditions are created for infection with pathogenic flora.

    Manifestations of dacryocystitis in adults

    The disease in the first stages does not manifest itself especially bright. Classic symptoms are swelling and feeling of cutting in a lacrimal bag.

    After some time, continuous tearing, a sense of constant discomfort and a light pain syndrome. When pressing the laid bag, it is possible to release liquid or pus. In the later stages, due to permanent tear, the skin of the area under the tear bag becomes blushing and inflamed.

    Without appropriate and timely treatment, a simple catarrhal dacryocystitis in adults can go to abscess - purulent tissue melting. This is an extremely severe disease that can lead to loss of vision or to sepsis of the entire body.

    Treatment of dacryocystitis in adults

    At the initial stages of the disease, it is possible to cure with the help of conservative methods. The regular massage of the lacrimal bag, and the introduction of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and vasoconducting drugs into the lacrimal bag and the nasal canal.

    In the event that the disease turned out to be launched, then an effective method of treating dacryocystitis in adults can only be surgical intervention.

    Operations applied in this pathology: Burning - Restoration of tear on the nose-cutting channel. The second type of operation is dacriaocystorinostomy. Its essence consists in the formation of a new message between the lacrimal bag and the nasal cavity.

    Reasons for dacryocystitis in adults

    Sinusites and angins, not treated on time, often become the cause of the lesion of the tear canal in adults. In addition, the disease may occur due to:

    • nasal partition fracture;
    • damage to the wall of the rosal canal;
    • presence of polyps;
    • clogging eyes with chemicals, foreign objects;
    • allergies;
    • imminent immunity;
    • violations of the exchange process;
    • sugar diabetes.

    The symptoms of the early stage of the dacryocystite are poorly pronounced. The patient does not feel pain, only a sense of cutting under the eyes. Plows may occur.

    Later discomfort the patient delivers the appearance of tears and a sense of light pain. If we press on the rounded area of \u200b\u200bthe lacrimal bag, you can notice purulent sections.

    They are accompanied by enhanced tear, which leads to redness of the skin in the inflammation zone.

    The symptoms of the acute stage of the disease are pronounced brighter. The eyelids become ease, the eye cracks closes, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe defeat is blushing. Edema applies to the cheek. Patients feel chills, pulsating pain. They are bothering headaches, feverish states. At this stage of the disease, the purulent capsule is revealed itself (not in each case), the purulent fluid flows.

    In place of the capsule is often formed by phlegmon (purulent inflammation of cellular space). For pathology, which develops in a similar way, often often arising recurrences. They are accompanied by the selection of pus, tears, sticking of eyelashes in the morning, after a night rest.

    Important! The launching threatens the development of abscess or, even worse, sepsis. The latter means full blindness. But there is an opportunity to avoid consequences - to turn to doctors as early as possible.


    Dacryocystitis has characteristic symptoms, thanks to which the diagnosis does not cause difficulties from doctors. Inspection of the patient begins with a palpation of a lacrimal bag. It is needed to identify the presence of a purulent secret.

    Vesta test - the next step. What is her essence? The technique is carried out according to the scheme: medical solutions (protargol, collargol) are introduced into the patient in the conjunctival.

    Tourund is inserted into the nasal sinus. The introduced drug for five minutes should paint tear ducts. According to the delay in the flow of the solution in the nose cavity, doctors are easy to judge about the degree of narrowing of the ducts.

    Diagnosis With the help of contrasting radiography shows the level of the fighting of the tear canals. Disease pathogens are detected by bacteriological sowing.

    Supplement to the inspection can be a patient examination at a neurologist, neurosurgeon, a dentist and a otolaryngologist.

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    Methods of conservative treatment

    Treatment of pathology depends on the causes and forms of dacryocystitis. Its goal is to restore the pavement channels, conducting therapy that allows you to restore the lost function of the ducts.

    Anti-inflammatory therapy

    In the initial stage, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, thoroughbuilding drugs in the form of ointments or drops. To reduce the activity of bacteria, the Floxal (existing substance of octoxacin) is often used. Medications are used during the period of operation within two weeks. The dose of medicine prescribes a doctor.

    Photo 1. Eye drops and ear sofradex, 5 ml, from the manufacturer of Sanofi Aventis.

    Drops of Sofradex and Chloramphenicol are used to remove inflammation and swelling of the ducts. In the acute form of pathology, they are replaced with cefucrosim.

    Elimination of infection contributes to sanitation (purification) of conjunctivations using nonomicitin solutions, leftomycetin, sodium sulphacian. The effect enhances the introduction of corticosteroid preparations in combination with prednisone and other hormonal means.

    Massage, washing, compresses, UHF procedures, vitamins

    To consolidate therapeutic therapy, vitamins, rushing canal, UHF, massage are prescribed to the patient.

    The latter, actually, is not a massage. The purpose of the procedure is to stimulate the tear duct and emptying the lacrimal bag.

    Massage is carried out in gloves and is accompanied by the introduction of medical devices to the tear canals that an ophthalmologist appoints. The algorithm of massage during dacryocistitis is as follows:

    1. The finger is slightly squeezed in the inner area of \u200b\u200bthe eye, turn it (more often) towards the nose, and then it is squeezed with a tear bag area to purify it from purulent fluid.
    2. After squeezing in a pinea, the lacrimal canal is buried furacilin.
    3. Purulent fluid and remnants of means wipe off with a cotton disk.
    4. The area of \u200b\u200bthe lacrimal canal is again massaged, while performing bell-shaped movements towards the direction from the inner corner of the eye.
    5. Massage actions repeat 5 times.
    6. The lacrimal canal is injected with an antibacterial agent.

    Stimulation is carried out every day, 5-6 times over two weeks.

    Attention! The flushing of the tear canal is more correctly attributed to the category of procedures aimed at diagnosing the disease. With its help, the passivity of the tear duct is usually established. True, sometimes a partial expansion of the tear canal is achieved by systematic flushing.

    Folk remedies

    The use of folk medicine funds effectively with congenital dacryocystitis or in the case of early diagnosis. Most often for therapy applied orders, Calanechoe Pirish. The juice of the latter disinfects the tear paths.

    Before using the plant, the plant is dried, washed, wrapped for drying in the fabric and cooled in the refrigerator from several hours to days. Further, the leaf of the plant is crushed and squeeze juice. It is impossible to use it in high concentration. Therefore, ready-made juice is diluted with saline in a 1: 1 ratio. And only after that he buried in each nostril on the clutch.

    Photo 2. Purpose extract medicinal, 40 capsules of 0.4 g, from the manufacturer "RIA Panda".

    Cancer applied according to annotation. This is a ready-made drug in the form of tablets and tincture. To enhance the effect, the liquid is mixed with homemade braids from walnut, fennel, chamomile. The firm shape is taken inside. Tablets can also be dissolved in water to use for daily washing eyes according to the prescription of the doctor.

    Operational treatment options for dacryocystitis

    The patient operates if the disease is diagnosed too late or progress.

    Methodology and Efficiency of Burning

    Common intervention method is considered to be a probe. Let me buck, that is, a rigid probe in the course of the procedure pierces a blockage that fell into tears. The lacrimal channel, which is designed for fluid outflow, becomes slightly wider. Patency as a result improves.

    Dacryocystoplasty and endoscopic dacriaocystorinostomy

    Balloon dacryocystoplasty is carried out using a conductor with a microscopic cylinder. The whole design is gently entered with a hole located in the corner of the eye. The expansion cylinder is supplied to the location (blockage) of the channel.

    Under pressure, it is torn and the tear liquid contained in it, presses on the walls of the tears and spreads them. Then the design is extracted. Operational intervention does not require general anesthesia.

    A laser is used to carry out endoscopic dacryocitorinostomy. With it, the doctor removes the nasal mucosa of the lateral wall in the projection of the lacrimal bag so that in the other department of the organ to form a hole with a diameter of 5 mm.

    Reference! The operation for the patient is painless, does not require the subsequent, long-term observation of the doctor, gives a good result, does not leave a cosmetic defect.

    Prediction and prevention

    The prognosis of the treatment of dacryocystitis in case of timely appeal to the doctor is favorable. But with complex forms of pathology, complications are possible - reduction of vision, belm and frequent recurrences. For prevention, it is recommended to be treated at an early stage of the sickness of the throat, nose and ears and not injury.

    Inflammation of the tear canal.

    Temaless or tear paths have a complex and rather winding structure, where "dead end", that is, closed spaces, as well as narrow sections. Quite often, on this difficult "route", peculiar tubes are formed, which violate the natural outflow of tears. A narrow nasal canal does not allow the fluid to get into the nasal cavity, and in the end it begins to accumulate in a lacrimal bag, thereby provoking the stagnation of tears, which creates optimal conditions for the development of pathogenic microorganisms and the beginning of the inflammatory process.

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    In ophthalmology, this pathology is called dacryocystitis. This is a dangerous disease that, without proper and timely therapy, can lead to serious complications, up to meningitis and brain abscesses.

    What factors provoke inflammation? How to recognize the disease? What to do when the occurrence of dacryocystitis? Let's figure it out together.

    What causes the eye disease?

    The reasons for the development of the inflammatory process may be many. Conditionally, they can be divided into two main groups: congenital and acquired.

    The first are congenital anomalies of the lacrimal apparatus (narrow of the channel, the presence of a pecission of fetal membrane).

    The second group ophthalmologists include:

    • nasal injuries or eyes;
    • inflammatory processes in the sinuses of the nose;
    • bacterial and viral infections;
    • purulent conjunctivitis;
    • finding into the eyes of foreign particles (dust, cilia, etc.).

    Little patients, that is, children are more commonly found in congenital anomaly. But in adults the disease, as a rule, develops against the background of injuries or various diseases. It is worth noting that women are more subject to this pathology than men, and is due to these features of the structure of the lacrimal apparatus, as well as the use of decorative cosmetics, which also can provoke the development of the inflammatory process.

    Whatever the causes of the eye pathology, without competent therapy, do not do, therefore, when the first disturbing signs, it is necessary to immediately hurry on the reception to an ophthalmologist.

    Symptomatics of the disease

    Eye pathology can flow in acute and chronic forms. Depending on the type of illness, clinical symptoms have different manifestations.

    However, both in the acute and chronic form have general signs: abundant tearing, the selection of pus from the affected eye and swelling. If you do not proceed to treatment on time, the inflammatory process can spread beyond the laits of a tear bag. In this situation, the overall symptoms will complicate the sharp edema and the emergence of strong painful sensations.

    As for the chronic form of the disease, in addition to the main signs, additional: edema, inflammatory conjunctive reaction, an increase in the size of a lacrimal bag can appear.

    The symptoms of the acute shape of the eye pathology has a strontest manifestation:

    • redness and swelling of soft tissues in the field of inflammation;
    • pain during blinking and palpation;
    • narrowing or complete closure of the eye slit;
    • increasing body temperature;
    • chills;
    • strong headache.

    How to treat inflammation of the tear canal?

    When it comes to the organ of sight, then there can not even be any self-treatment of speech. With the appearance of the first signs of the disease, immediately hurry to the doctor. Only a specialist will be able to conduct competent diagnosis, adequately assess the degree of inflammation, explore the affected areas, and after receiving all the results of the survey, assign appropriate treatment. Therapeutic methods depend on many factors: the forms and causes of the pathological process, as well as the age and well-being of the patient.

    Here are the main methods of treating eye pathology:

    • washing the tear canals with special disinfectant solutions;
    • the use of medicinal oats and drops;
    • massage and warm compresses (can only with chronic dacryocystitis).

    Regarding the washing of tear ducts by antiseptics, they make them several times a day. This may be a solution of furaciline, boric acid, etc. The procedure is carried out only in outpatient conditions and only an ophthalmologist who has special skills for this.

    Also, with rinsing patients, ointments and drops that have antibacterial effects are prescribed, for example:

    • Floxal is an antibacterial agent that relieves inflammation. The medicine is applied no more than two weeks, 1-2 drops twice a day.
    • Dexamethasone - antibacterial drops that are used in infectious lesions. They are used from 3 to 5 times a day. The dosage of the drug and the duration of treatment should be appointed exclusively by the doctor.

    It is worth noting that all drugs have a lot of contraindications and restrictions, so only an ophthalmologist should appoint them.

    If drug therapy does not produce the desired effect, the patient may assign surgical treatment, including the injuries (purification of tear ducts from the accumulated purulent content) and dacryocystomy (operation, with which the doctor forms the valve in the tear canal, which prevents further accumulation of purulent masses).

    With inflammation of the tear canal, folk remedies are also often used, but only after medical approval. For example, fresh aloe juice can be used, diluted with saline in proportion 1: 1 - 2 drops in the affected eye.

    It is also very effective in the treatment of dacryocystitis chamomile decoction. Herbal medicine can be rushing the infection zone or use instead of drops. The healing fluid is preparing simply: pour the teaspoon of dry raw materials with a glass of warm water and negotiate the liquid on a water bath for 10 minutes. Then the cooled decoction strain and use for the treatment of eyes.

    In conclusion, I once again want to recall that the treatment of the eye disease will be rapid and easy if you start it in a timely manner. Therefore, in the event of the first symptoms, do not tighten with a hike to a specialist and in no case do not self-medication.

    Dacryocystitis in newborns: treatment and massage

    Newborn children sometimes appear inflammation of the tears bag, as a result, the disease is formed - dacryocytes. The disease serves as the result of the narrowing, as well as the obstruction of the tears.

    Brief history of illness

    Little patients have a telescope in a special hole, it takes place near the inner corner of the organ of vision. Thanks to the existing nasal channel, tears fall into the nasal cavity.

    The inflammatory process appears due to the accumulation of bacteria that appeared after the disruption of the outflow of tears. Dacryocystitis disease develops not only in newborns, but also in adults, so the treatment is different. Deals take place in two forms: in acute and chronic.

    Symptoms and diagnostic methods

    The intrauterine fluid does not penetrate the respiratory tract due to a special film that overlaps the rosal paths.

    At birth, the film is broken after inhale, in this case the disease will not appear, as the telescope works correctly. But there are exceptional cases when, due to a dense film, a cluster of a tear fluid occurs.

    The impassability of the fluid involves the accumulation of an infection that falls out of the air, all this is settled on the eyeball.


    The first symptom of the disease in the kid is manifested in the form of increased tear, this means that the duct is closed. In the absence of crying, the tears leak themselves.

    Then begins to blush an organ of view, the inflammatory process often affects only one eye. There is a cluster of infections on the eyeball, this is due to the stress of fluid.

    Purulent allocations can be detected by 8-10 days, they go out after pressing the telescope.

    Treatment of the disease

    Treatment of dacryocystitis takes place stationary. The use of systemic vitaminotherapy contributes to the softening of infiltrate. It helps to cope with the illness of UHF therapy, as well as heating with a dry warm area where the gear bag is located.

    Perform an important role in the development and development of a person. Individual usually does not notice how blinking, opens his eyes, leads them. Through the eyes perceived 90% of the information from the surrounding world. They need to take care of their health from birth. One of the unpleasant eye diseases that significantly worsen the quality of life is dacryocystitis, all of which will be discussed further to the site.

    What is it - dacryocystitis?

    The eyes are also not deprived of the opportunity to expose the attack of infection, which will cause dacryocystitis. What it is? This is inflammation (sometimes purulent) tear bag and roseal canals. As you know, tears are produced by tear gland. They fall on the eyes, wash off the pathogenic bacteria that fall from the outside world, and wet them, moisturizing. Through the points that are in every century, tears are derived from the rose canal to the cavity of the nose, from where they go out. If for some reason the rosal canal is scored, then tears flow through the edge of the lower eyelid, which is called tearing. It's not about crying when natural tearing is happening, but about a simple wetting of the eye, which is happening daily several thousand times. If in the process of natural wetting the eye does not take tears through the weasting ducts, then it can be about dacryocistitis.

    The stagnation of a liquid that does not flow on the nose-cutting channels leads to a favorable medium for breeding bacteria, one way or another. Together with a tear, the infection penetrates inside the nasal canal, where it begins its reproduction. The abscess is formed. If the walls of the duct do not limit the development of bacteria, then phlegmon is formed.

    The flow form allocate:

    1. Acute dacryocystitis, which leads to the development of abscesses or phlegmon;
    2. Chronic dacryocystitis - develops against the background of periodic stagnation and inflammatory irritation, swelling due to the narrowing of the channels.

    Types of dacryocystitis:

    Most often in women and newborn children.

    The reasons

    The causes of the dacryocystitis of the tear bag and the nose-cutting channel in newborns are:

    1. Narrowing of the rosal canal of a congenital character;
    2. The presence of the membrane inside the channel;
    3. The presence of the gelatinous cork, which is usually absorbed by intrauterine;
    4. Duch's oversight.

    In adults, the disease is developing due to such factors:

    1. Swelling of fabrics during routine, sinusitis;
    2. Injuries of the weapon canal with fractures or disorders of bones;
    3. Injuries of the eyelids, tear dots, rosal canal;
    4. Dust hit, foreign bodies in the eyes;
    5. Inflammation of the gaymorovy sinuses;
    6. Viral, purulent eye infections.

    Related reasons that contribute to the development of dacryocystitis:

    1. Allergy manifested in conjunctivit or ritin;
    2. Diabetes mellitus, violations in the exchange process;
    3. Reduced immunity;
    4. Sharp temperature changes;
    5. Harmfulness in the workplace, affecting eyes - caustic volatile mixtures.

    Symptoms and signs of inflammation of the lacrimal bag and the roseal canal

    The following symptoms and signs of inflammation of the lacrimal bag and the rose canal are distinguished:

    • The appearance of the tumor, which hurts, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lacrimal bag. Over time passes. From dense goes into softened;
    • The eyelid swells, the eye slit is narrowed. Inflammation passes after the pusing swelling;
    • Arms red in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rose canal. Over time, it falls as an abscess is formed, which is revealed out;
    • Feels pain in the orbit area;
    • There are signs of intoxication;
    • The temperature rises;
    • It is possible to form a fistula in which the contents of inflamed areas will be rested.

    Chronic form is characterized by such signs:

    • Stubborn and abundant tearing;
    • Tumor formation;
    • With a non-sustainable pressure on the tumor, it is highlighted in the area of \u200b\u200btear pussy and tear fluid;
    • Eyelids red and edema;
    • The tear bag increases, and the skin is thinned.

    Symptoms in newborns:

    • Tears tears from the eye;
    • It is released by pus from the eye;
    • Swells the eyelid.

    The purulent process is dangerous in that the infection can spread to nearby sinuses and cause serious diseases.

    Dacryocytes in adults

    Dacryocystitis is most often found in adults when infection in the eye ducts. In women, it often arises due to the use of cosmetics, which clogs the channels. Men occurs because of work in harmful production.

    Dacryocystitis in children

    In children, dacryocystitis occurs due to pathologies in the structure of the nasal cavity, eye ducts, as well as the transfer of infection from mother to the child. The guys of older ages are rare, arises due to constant friction of eyes and allergic reactions.


    The diagnosis of the dacryocystitis of a tear bag and a nose-cutting channel is carried out by an ophthalmologist by collecting complaints and a general inspection, in which the main signs of this disease are visible. The following measures are carried out to clarify the diagnosis:

    1. Determination of the patency of the nasty channel by introducing a collargool;
    2. Channel probing;
    3. Eye biomicroscopy;
    4. Seeding the released fluid;
    5. Passive trial of a rosal canal with washing;
    6. Instillation testing;
    7. Radiography with contrast, which is entered into the channel;
    8. Consultation with Laura and Surgeon.


    Treatment of dacryocystitis is carried out depending on the form of the disease. With acute form:

    • Medications are prescribed cefuroxime, fusidium acid, doxycycline, chloramphenyol, tetracycline, offlocking, antibiotics, levofloxacin.
    • Surge local therapy: UHF and Solux Lamps.
    • Plastic and the formation of a new channel is carried out after the sacrament of inflammation.

    How to treat more severe form of dacryocystitis? Chronic form need surgical intervention:

    • Plastic and the formation of a new channel is carried out.
    • The channel is expanding.
    • Sometimes a lacrimal bag is removed.

    Treatment of newborns:

    • Massage with extrusion of the contents of the nasal canal, which can break through the membrane and restore the outflow.
    • Sounding.
    • Washing albucid and collargol.
    • Conduct operational treatment to achieve 3 months.

    At home, treatment is better not to do not allow to prevent the spread of infection and not lead to complications. The dishes menu should contain food, full of vitamins.

    Life expectancy

    How many do you live with dacryocistitis? In itself, the disease does not lead to death. However, possible complications significantly reduce the lifespan at inflammation of the lacrimal bag and the roseal canal. Timely treatment gives a favorable forecast. Lack of treatment leads to complications:

    • Sepsis;
    • Phlegmon orbits;
    • Thrombophlebitis orbital veins;
    • Inflammation of shells and tissues of the brain;
    • Caverz sinus thrombosis.

    These complications can make a person with disabilities or lead to death. At best, a person simply will lose sight because of its own negligence.

    Dacryocystitis is an ophthalmic pathology, which is inflammation of a tear bag and a nose-cutting canal. The disease is diagnosed both in adults (mainly in women) and in children.

    Normally tears of a healthy person after washing the eyes flow to its inner corner. Through the lacrimal points, they pass into the lacrimal channel, flow into the lacrimal bag and go into the nasal cavity. With dacryocystitis, this process is broken, a tear liquid, causing, loses its antibacterial properties, in it develops infectious agents that cause inflammation.

    In kids, the causes of the development of ophthalmic pathology are as follows:

    • inhabited after birth gelatin-like plug;
    • blockage of a lacrimal channel;
    • the narrow lumen of the roseclosure passage.

    In adults, dacryocystitis appears for the following reasons:

    • the edema of the tissues of the nasal region due to the nasal polyposis or sinusitis;
    • traumatization of the tear canal or region next to it.

    The risk of the appearance of the dacryocystitis is increasing due to the harmful working conditions combined with the flowing rhinitis, the air temperature drops.

    Classification and symptoms

    By the nature of the course, the dacryocystitis is divided into acute and chronic. Due to the appearance of the impassability of the lacrimal channel, there may be chlamydial, allergenic, traumatic, viral. Clinical signs differ depending on the form of the disease.

    Acute dacryocystitis has the following bright symptoms:

    • century swelling;
    • fever;
    • sealing the lacrimal bag, "fat lumps" near the eye;
    • skin hyperthermia near the tear canal.

    A constantly scored tear canal leads to a rapid transition of acute dacryocystitis in chronic. For such a form, the incessant inflammation of the lacrimal bag is characteristic. The resulting tumor softened, the hyperthermia decreases, an abscess is formed, which can be revealed. From it, purulent exudate follows, after which inflammation falls.

    How to distinguish conjunctivitis from dacryocystitis?

    The inflammation of the tear bag for external manifestations is similar to many eye pathologies, including with. But when comparison of symptoms, certain differences can be distinguished. The following table shows the main differences.

    Sign. Conjunctivitis. Dacryocystitis.
    Emy. Employed mostly both centuries and swelling is expressed insignificantly. There is a swelling of the lower eyelid. If you press the inflamed area, the pus is released from the tear points.
    Toothing. Permanent, but the tears are clean. The exception is, in which there is a purulent discharge in tears. Spontaneous and almost uninterrupted (with pus).
    Itching and burning. Are characteristic symptoms. Not observed.
    Localization of pain. The pain is localized throughout the eye or in its corner. The source of pain becomes a lacrimal bag, which is located at the nose.
    Temperature increase. Absent. The body temperature rises if the inflammation affects blood vessels.
    Spread. Amazes gradually both eyes. Localizes most often on one eye.

    Even if all signs indicate the presence of dacryocystitis, only an ophthalmologist can put the correct diagnosis.


    The diagnosis of "dacryocystitis" is raised after an outdoor inspection, the collection of anamnesis. Further examination includes:

    1. Vesta test. In the nostril from the side where the inflamed tear canal is located, the tampon is inserted, and inserting the coloring solution of collargola is installed in the eye. If everything is fine with the passability, then during a couple of minutes, the tampon will paint. If this did not happen after 10 minutes, Vesta's sample indicates that the tear canal is scored.
    2. Sounding. The study reveals the defeat of the tear tubules.
    3. Bacterial sowing stalls from the rose canal. Bacterial analysis is necessary to identify an infectious agent.

    Treatment of dacryocystitis in adults

    Therapy is engaged only by an ophthalmologist. In adults, the question may be dacryocytes in itself, it disappears the reasons that provoked pathology. That will not happen.


    Treatment of acute and chronic forms vary. Therapy is carried out in the hospital. Independent treatment is unacceptable, home therapy can lead to a deterioration in the state.

    Acute dacryocystitis is eliminated by antibiotics. Preparations are selected depending on the variety of bacteria that caused the dacryocystitis. Usually prescribe Tobex, Onceclix, Levomycetin, Ciprofloxacin, Albucid.

    Do instillations of antibacterial droplets. This is gentamicin, Miramistin. Behind the eyelid laid antimicrobial ointments. In the formation of an abscess, its autopsy and drainage are carried out, followed by washing the cavity with solutions of antiseptics.

    Sometimes medical leeches are used in the treatment. It happens that hirudotherapy with dacryocystitis is the only means that helps pregnant women. After all, many drugs are prohibited. Depending on the peculiarities of the disease, various sessions may be required. Typically requires 3-4 sessions.

    With the help of medical leeches, pain, inflammation is removed, the amount of pus released is reduced.

    Surgical intervention

    Chronic dacryocystitis is eliminated by the operational way, during which the doctors form a new passage between the nasal cavity and a lacrimal bag. This ensures normal drainage of the fluid on the tear canal. In the hardest cases resort to removal of a tear bag.


    Treatment with folk remedies should be used only as a supplement to the main therapy. There are quite a few funds that will help fight dacryocystitis.

    Features of therapy in children

    A frequent reason for the dacryocystitis in children becomes a film, which when the baby is first crying is to break. If there was no break, the tear canal remains sealed, the inflammation of the lacrimal bag develops.

    Parents are often wondering if Dacryocystitis go on their own in a child? Yes. Sometimes the film does not burst immediately, but after a couple of weeks or even months, and the impassability of the tear canal is self-sufficient.

    Massage of a lacrimal canal

    The method of effective massage of parents must train a pediatrician. There is nothing complicated in the technique. It is necessary to perform a finger movement from top to bottom from angle of the eye and nose (10 repetitions) with a little pressing. Finish the session you need easy vibration movements in the field of tear glands. It is necessary to spend a special massage for 14-21 days.

    The best drugs

    Massage is combined using the following tools:

    1. Albucid. Eye drops that are well destroyed by the causative agent of the dacryocystitis.
    2. Collargol. The drug is dripped 4 times a day before improving the condition.
    3. Signicef. Antibacterial drug related to group of fluoroquinolones. When dacryocistitis, children starting from 9 years old, and adults are recommended to carry out instillations on one drop every 2 hours the first 3 days. Then 4 times a day for 5-14 days (coordinated with the doctor).
    4. Fucylin. The famous antimicrobial drug, the solution of which is recommended to rinse the eyes during dacryocystite to eliminate the pus.
    5. Tobrax. An antibacterial drug that is used by courses, as addictive and it is necessary to restore the sensitivity to it.
    6. Vitabact. Vitabact with dacryocystite is used for washing the eyes. Judging by the reviews of experienced mothers, the drug is weak and gives a positive result in combination with Tobraks or Fusitamik. Apply twice a day for 10 days.


    Many people's healers argue that they know how to cure dacryocytes homeopathic drugs.

    1. Argentum nitricks 30. 7 balls are dissolved in 1/3 cup of water. Give a teaspoon 7 times a day.
    2. Pulsatilla 6. The granulus is dissolved in 1/3 of the glass of water and give a solution on a teaspoon of a child every 2 hours for 2 days.
    3. Silice 6. This homeopathic agent alternate with pulsatillic 6, conducting similar therapy every 2 hours before improving the state.
    4. Argentum nitrikum 12. One granule means is dissolved in a dessert spoon of water and give a child once.

    As an addition, the method of treatment of homeopathic preparations can be applied, having previously coordinated all their actions with the doctor.


    If after two months therapeutic massage does not bring relief, the probing is prescribed. With the help of a device (cone-shaped probe), the film pierce the film and expand the channel for a normal disorder of tears. Many mammies do not want to spend sounding, afraid that it is a painful test for the kid. The procedure is really unpleasant, but sometimes it is simply necessary for the health of the baby.