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Features of the use of antacids: list and classification
               - These are drugs that neutralize hydrochloric acid, thereby reducing the acidity of gastric juice. These drugs remove pain and heartburn - the most common ...
Antacids - action, types and characteristics of use
              Prior to the advent of the group of H 2 histamine receptor blockers, antacids were first-line treatment for peptic ulcer disease. Today, these over-the-counter ...
Modern antacids in gastroenterological practice
               The content of heartburn, chest pain - sensations familiar to many firsthand. The causes of various: from malnutrition to diseases of the gastrointestinal ...
Antacids - a list of drugs
              In therapeutic practice, doctors often prescribe antacids to patients. These drugs have the ability to reduce the acidity of the environment. The most common ...
The most effective dosage form of antacids is
              Among the drugs that affect the digestive system, a group of antacids is used less often. The reason for this is the presence of other medicinal ...
Antacids in modern clinical practice
              Antacids, or antacids, are drugs that reduce the acidity of gastric juice by neutralizing hydrochloric acid. The history of their use in ...
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