How to make a bouquet of apples with your own hands
Autumn is a golden time. Fallen leaves cover the ground with a magic carpet. Who among us has not brought leaves home? However, although they are unusual in color, there will be...
Delicious salads with chicken and pineapple
A salad with pineapples and chicken breast was probably invented by some gourmet. After all, combining both sweet and salty in one dish is not...
Making spicy Russian mustard from powder
Vendanny - Dec 15th, 2015 You don’t have to buy a tasty and healthy mustard sauce or seasoning at the store, but prepare it at home....
Thematic riddles in computer science Riddles about information in computer science
Interesting and useful. It’s boring at home, there’s no comfort, If it’s turned off... (computer) There are two brothers with the TV, But for different things, guys. Didn’t realize until...
Combining the work of a full-time student with study. Is it possible for full-time students to work?
The concept of a working student has long become commonplace and commonplace. First of all, this concerns young people who are larger than girls...