Causes of sun allergies
Summer time is the best time to relax outdoors. So you can go to the sea, a country house, exotic countries, where you can...
Allergy to the sun on the hands
With the arrival of summer, the time for rest and vacation begins. People en masse want to go to the sea, to the country, to forest houses, or just to relax on...
The main causes of sun allergies
An allergy to the sun can appear immediately (within 2-30 seconds) or several hours after direct exposure of the skin to radiation. Not uncommon...
Sun allergy: causes, symptoms, treatment
Most people look forward to the summer season, during which they can soak up the sun and...
What does sun allergy look like in adults and children?
Summer is a great time of year. Most of us go on vacation to the warm sea. Others prefer to relax in the country, far from...