How to brew chamomile for bathing babies? Chamomile for bathing newborns.

Babies' skin is different increased sensitivity To external factors and keen perception of indicators environment so parents should Special attention to give the hygiene of the child. To one of the most simple ways increase resilience child's body negative factors are in chamomile. The addition of herbs disinfects water, neutralizes various impurities, strengthens the child's immunity and has a number of other positive effects.

Pharmaceutical camomile - medicinal plant for all occasions, which helps to cope with many problems or not know about them at all thanks to preventive measures

The healing power of chamomile

Even bathing itself is very beneficial for the baby, and the addition of chamomile or other medicinal plant to the bath greatly enhances it. therapeutic effect... Useful components of plants act not only externally, they can penetrate into the body through the skin, which causes the following effects:

  • foci of inflammation, irritation, diaper rash disappear, skin itching decreases;
  • dead cells are removed, the skin is cleansed and oxygen is available;
  • strengthens the immune system, toxins are removed from the body faster;
  • as a result of exposure to chamomile nervous system the newborn has an improvement in sleep, mood, perception;
  • the child's appetite improves.

You can bathe a child in chamomile broth within 5 hours after cooking, otherwise the broth will lose its beneficial features

When and how best to introduce medicinal baths

After healing umbilical wound, from about the second week of a newborn's life, you can start adding fresh infusion or decoction of chamomile to the water. For bathing a child, you should use only herbs prepared or purchased at a pharmacy. Before carrying out the first procedure, it is necessary to make an allergy test. To do this, a few drops of chamomile broth are applied to the child's leg or handle. If after half an hour there is no reaction, the product can be safely used.

First of all, you need to learn how to prepare a miraculous infusion. For this, about 30 g of dried chamomile (one tablespoon) is placed in an enamel or porcelain container and poured with a liter of boiling water. The tool should be infused for one and a half to two hours. All this time, the broth should remain warm, so it is better to use a thermos to prepare the liquid. It is important to consider that after five hours the concentrated infusion will lose most of its qualities, so the time must be strictly planned. After the indicated time, the product must be filtered through cheesecloth and added to the bathing bath. Chamomile broth should be colored. If the liquid remains clear, then something is wrong with the herbs or the preparation procedure was carried out incorrectly.

In no case should you change the proportions of water and chamomile when preparing the composition! This can lead to the development of allergic reactions and subsequent intolerance to the product. Bathing a newborn in chamomile should not be abused. Each time, the herbs for the preparation of the bath must be alternated. You can use soothing mint, lemon balm or violet, disinfecting calendula, celandine or oak bark. For bathing newborns, you can use about twenty plants, each of which has certain beneficial properties.

Always be careful when bathing your child: make sure that he does not swallow water and does not freeze

The temperature of the prepared water (together with chamomile) should not exceed 37 ° C. The duration of bathing a newborn should not be stretched for more than 15 minutes. Experts recommend starting with small periods of time, which can be gradually increased. Herbal baths differ in their purpose from ordinary ones, so there is no need to carry them out more often than 2-3 times a week.

During the procedure, it is important to ensure that the child does not swallow water. After the end of the event, the newborn should be thoroughly wet. There is no need to rinse your baby after a bath with chamomile - this will negate the whole effect of bathing. The healing components of the composition must be absorbed into the skin, so their effect will be more pronounced. And the chamomile scent has a calming effect on children.

Bathing a newborn in herbal baths is both therapeutic and prophylactic. Correct and regular implementation of the procedure will reduce the risk of colds, dermatitis, neuroses and allergic reactions.

The first year of a baby's life is very important and responsible for the formation of further a fulfilling life... Here is the most the main role the child's parents play, their care, care and attention. Newborns are still completely unconscious defenseless crumbs, therefore maintaining and strengthening health is very important for the baby.

Bathing is an important moment in the introduction and adaptation of a newborn to the world around him, so it should be beneficial for the growing body. During bathing, the baby's skin, in addition to being clean, needs protection and hydration, which they can perfectly provide. herbal infusions... Today we will talk about how to brew chamomile for bathing a newborn, what benefits it has and how to use it.

There are several ways to brew chamomile, but they all consist of pouring boiling water over dry grass.

To make an infusion of chamomile for bathing a newborn, it is necessary to use high-quality dry grass, namely the flowers of this herb. It is best to purchase them at a pharmacy, since they clean it there, and it undergoes a certain processing, therefore it is completely safe to use.

If you have the opportunity to collect flowers of this herb yourself, do not miss this chance. But it should be remembered that you need to collect flowers medicinal chamomile, in no case should it be confused with another plant. You should not collect this plant in the field in the immediate vicinity of the road, or on the side of the road: this plant will not bring benefits. Thus, the collection of the plant must be carried out in an ecologically clean area or plantation. It is not difficult to determine the time of collection of this plant, it will be especially useful during the flowering period (ripening of flowers), at this time it is necessary to collect the flowers of this vegetation for its further processing.

After collecting this herb, it is necessary to rinse it to get rid of unwanted dust and deposits, and then dry the vegetation on a net, excluding dust and ensuring good ventilation during drying. The readiness of the dried product can be checked very simply: take one flower and grind it in your hands, if it crumbles like sand, then the grass is completely dried, and it can be removed in safe place for future use.

Fresh flowers are also suitable for making chamomile infusion, they will be even more useful, but they need to be brewed slightly more than a dry plant.

So, let's start looking at how to brew a plant.

  • Method 1: take one tablespoon of a dry plant and pour a liter of boiling water over it. It is best to do this in an enamel bowl, cover with a lid on top and wrap it well with a towel or blanket. After a couple of hours, this herb infusion can be used to bathe a newborn baby.
  • Method 2: exactly the same as the first, only use a thermos for these purposes. Due to its thermal insulating properties, the thermos allows this broth to infuse in the best way in the vapor of the brewed herb. Likewise, after a couple of hours, it can be used to bathe the newborn.
  • Method 3: the amount of herbs and boiling water is the same as in the methods above (one tablespoon per liter of boiling water). You need to take a small saucepan or a liter mug, pour boiling water over the herb and put this broth in a water bath so that it is there for about 30 minutes. With this method of brewing, the herb will give the maximum useful properties.
  • Method 4: it was also used by our grandmothers, they brewed chamomile in the following proportion: squeezing herbs for three liters of boiling water. However, it should be noted that each housewife has a different grain size.

Important! Before using a decoction of chamomile for bathing a newborn, it is imperative to strain it well using gauze folded in several layers. Otherwise, grass particles can get trapped in your baby's folds, causing itching, irritation, redness, or even inflammation.

From the method of preparation of the herb decoction you choose, its beneficial properties will not change, the main thing is to use high-quality materials and fresh decoction for carrying out water procedures for your newborn baby.

The benefits of using chamomile infusion while bathing

Chamomile is an excellent antiseptic and soothing agent that relieves inflammation and itching, and is used for numerous human diseases.

There are many varieties of chamomile, however medicinal chamomile has a bright specific smell that cannot be confused with anything, so it is very difficult to be mistaken in it. Collected in medicinal purposes directly chamomile inflorescences during early ripening, when the flowers are still young. This plant blooms since May.

Chamomile contains a variety of acids, as well as essential and useful trace elements and vitamins. Essential oil obtained from chamomile has a high healing effect.

The scope of application of the flowers of this plant is varied. For newborns, it is used most often during skin diseases and irritations such as prickly heat, diaper rash, dermatitis, and even scrofula. However, it is appropriate to use this herb for preventive purposes.

Thanks to its antiseptic properties chamomile is a good disinfectant, therefore, in cases of skin damage, compresses from a decoction of this plant can be used. In addition, the plant has soothing and relaxing properties, which is why medicated chamomile baths are very beneficial for newborns.

How to use chamomile infusion for bathing a newborn

At the time of birth and for 10-12 days, the newborn cannot be bathed due to the umbilical wound. Bathing is possible only after the child's navel has healed. Many young parents do not know how to bathe their baby, older, more experienced counselors can help with this, you just need to invite, for example, a grandmother to your home, and she will help you buy the child correctly.

For bathing a newborn, boiled water is mandatory. However, many doctors say that it is not necessary to use boiled water, since in the maternity hospital the baby is washed with plain water using a disinfectant. Therefore, parents may well use plain water, but add a few potassium permanganate granules to it, or using decoctions of herbs. However, as a safety net, it is better to use boiled water for bathing the newborn until the first month of life.

Bathing a newborn with herbal decoctions (chamomile, string) should be carried out no more than 2 - 3 times a week. We talked about how to brew chamomile for bathing a newborn, but it is worth noting that it is necessary to use mainly a fresh decoction of the herb (no more than two hours of origin), since the longer this decoction is, the less useful properties it remains.

To consolidate the effect of this broth while bathing the baby, after removing the child from the bath, pour it with the remaining broth, and soak it dry with a towel (do not wipe it!). Carefully after bathing, it is necessary to process each fold of the baby, soak it dry with a towel so that diaper rash does not form in the folds. After bathing with a decoction of herbs, it is not recommended to smear the baby's skin with any creams, lotions, oils, because the effect of healing baths will be in this case reduced.

If you decide to buy a baby in a regular large adult bath, then for therapeutic effect you need to use three liters of this broth.

It should be noted that if you have a very active child and for him water procedures are exciting, then it is better to bathe him in morning time... If the child is calmer, and water procedures have a relaxing effect on him, then, accordingly, bathing is best done in the evening before bedtime.

So using simple tips, you will be able to buy your baby with benefit and pleasure.

So, today we looked at how to brew chamomile for bathing a newborn, its beneficial properties and basic tips for bathing a baby. The main thing to remember is that bathing a newborn in decoctions of herbs benefits not only him physical condition but also normalizes it mental health... Therefore, apply these tips, and may your child always be healthy.

How to properly brew chamomile for bathing a child: video

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After the baby was born, young parents, as well as grandparents, aunts and uncles living with the baby, will not see peace for the next few ... years. Newborns are the most unprotected category, they are subject to the influence of everything: unsuitable nutrition (including mothers, since when breastfeeding, she transfers all vitamins, nutritional and harmful substances, which she herself receives), the environment and the scandals of the parents.

Why do babies need chamomile baths

Chamomile, like other herbs, soothes the skin, and this is especially necessary and beneficial for newborns, whose skin covering still too thin, sensitive. Babies may develop rashes, irritation or diaper rash for a variety of reasons. It is perfect normal phenomenon, however, do not let things go by themselves, the skin needs to be soothed. And bathing in chamomile broth will help with this, it not only relieves irritation and redness, but also soothes the nervous system of the baby and strengthens its immunity in general.

Chamomile is incredibly useful not only in the form of a decoction for baths. Infusion, prepared in the same way, but in smaller proportions, can be used to wipe the child's skin if he has allergies, sweat-sweat - it works better than any pharmacy antiseptic. Also, chamomile compresses and rubbing are recommended for eye inflammation.

You can start bathing the child after the umbilical wound has completely healed (about two weeks); before that, you only need to wipe it with a soft towel soaked in warm clean water. And after the navel is tightened, it is allowed to prepare the baths. Moreover, most often they should consist only of warm pure water, bathing in herbal decoctions should be done two or three times a week. And before the first procedure, you must definitely check allergic reactions- prepare a decoction and apply a little on the wrist (or, even better, on the crook of the elbow). Redness may appear within two hours, but chamomile allergies are isolated cases, almost an exception.

For a start, it's worth buying a chamomile. And if the adult body still allows saving for the sake of buying herbs from the hands of grandmothers on the market, then for a baby chamomile it is better to go to a pharmacy or a phyto-store, where they are engaged in the official sale of certified products. By doing this, you will protect yourself from risk, because pharmacists and sellers of specialty stores know where their herbs are collected, but street sellers can hardly guarantee that this is not the urgently dried chamomile that grew over the road a couple of streets from home the day before yesterday.

In addition, you can collect and dry chamomile flowers yourself, but take this with full responsibility - the plant should not be in the immediate vicinity of residential areas, garbage dumps, roads and other areas from the "risk zone". And pick the right daisies - low, dotted with little white flowers. For love fortune-telling others are intended.

If you have stocked up on chamomile, water, dishes and patience, then you can start preparing a decoction for bathing:

  1. Grind chamomile flowers and pour a tablespoon with a liter of boiling water. Let it brew for two hours, preferably in a thermos, to cool the broth, but just to the temperature that you need.
  2. After a couple of hours, strain the resulting broth through cheesecloth and pour into a bathroom filled with water. Bring it to 37 degrees and let it stand for a while so that the chamomile disinfects the water. But watch the temperature.

The indicated proportions are applicable for a baby bath, but if you decide to do without it, double the amount of broth: pour two tablespoons of flowers with two liters of boiling water.

To prepare chamomile broth, you can use the herb in filter bags, which are also sold at the pharmacy. They will provide faster brewing, and then the infusion will not have to be filtered - small particles of chamomile, which can wake up even if the packet breaks, will not scratch the delicate baby skin and are unlikely to prevent you, parents, from bathing.

Basic rules for bathing babies in broth

There are several basic rules that young parents should definitely take note of.

  1. Bath or baby bath. There is no strict rule when choosing, the main thing is for the parents to be comfortable. If you want to accustom your child to "big water", you can immediately start bathing him in a regular bath, but you should take into account the change in the proportions of the broth and water, and the fact that special baths for children are more convenient and hygienic.
  2. Baby safety. When bathing in a baby bath, the risk of harm to the baby is minimal - it should be placed on a stand and gently held on to the legs. But when using a regular bath, you should take care that the baby does not swallow water - buy him a hat equipped with foam inserts, or an inflatable collar, it acts on the principle of a circle with which children are taught to swim in the sea, but is put on the neck and supports head. At the same time, lower the baby into the water, you need to introduce it slowly, otherwise he may be frightened.
  3. Water. The first bathing is best done in boiled water - during boiling, bacteria and pathogenic microbes that can harm the child are destroyed in it. Boil water and cool it to 37 degrees (the temperature is allowed a little lower, about 36, but not higher).
  4. Duration. Chamomile is very useful, but herbal bathing should not exceed a quarter of an hour in duration. You should start with five minutes and gradually increase the time, accustoming the child to water, as well as soothing his skin.
  5. Swimming time. For many young children, taking a bath is relaxation; they calm down, stop crying, being capricious, and if the water is with a decoction, then it still has a good effect on sleep. Therefore, it is better to bathe your baby in the evening, before going to bed. However, one must take into account individual characteristics- if the water, on the contrary, worries the child, then it is worth postponing the bathing in the morning, and then it will help to wake up the child's body.
  6. Follow-up procedures. After taking the bath, there should be no rinsing, as they can wash out the entire protective barrier created by chamomile. Dry (not dry) the baby with a fluffy towel, and this should be the end of the water procedures. It is not recommended to lubricate babies with oils, creams or lotions, even if the inscription on the label allows it. The same applies to detergents- you can use a foam specially designed for newborns, but it dries out the skin, so its use should be limited to once a week.

The listed rules apply not only to bathing in chamomile or other herbal broth, but also to water procedures with a newborn in general. Stick to them, and the baby will enjoy bathing, get used to the water, and by a certain age will be happy to wallow in the bathtub himself.

Video: how to make chamomile - note for mothers

The first day of a newborn at home is a big event for all family members. Everything seems to be new to the household, and the most long-awaited moment is the first bathing of the baby after the hospital. They are preparing for this in advance. Previously, it was believed that the procedure requires mandatory boiling of water, today pediatricians are not so categorical about this, because in the first minutes of life in the maternity hospital, a child is washed with plain thermal water. But what should be adhered to is compliance with the temperature regime of the water. In addition, the bather must be both confident and tidy at the same time.

How to properly bathe a newborn baby in chamomile

To disinfect the water, our grandmothers added a solution of potassium permanganate to the water, today it is successfully replaced with medicinal herbal decoctions. But you should know that bathing in herbs can be carried out only after the navel has healed. If in doubt about this, it is best to consult a pediatrician.

It is best to start water procedures by adding chamomile decoction to the bath. You should first check the child's reaction to the action of the plant. Although chamomile is considered completely harmless to babies, it will be useful to conduct a kind of compatibility test. To do this, a cotton pad is moistened in broth and rubbed on a small area of ​​skin on the child's handle or leg. Then you should wait about 15 minutes, if redness does not appear at the site of application of the broth, small rash then chamomile can be used in the bathing process of the baby.

The temperature of the water should be 37 degrees. The first bath should not be long, so that the child does not get tired, but with each procedure, the time can be increased, provided that the baby likes to swim. Chamomile decoction is added to the bath immediately before bathing. But herbal decoction should not be used with each procedure, you can do 1-2 times a week.

Bathing is a joy for a child

The rest of the water procedures for the baby remain unchanged. Before bathing, the diaper should be folded into the bath, and a small rag roller should be placed under the baby's head. When using chamomile, it is important to ensure that no water gets into your child's mouth. Remember to rinse your baby's folds and depressions. Thanks to bathing in chamomile, all diaper rash will heal faster.

Upon completion water procedure the child needs to be rinsed with water with chamomile infusion. Thus, healing properties the plants will be absorbed into the baby's skin and will have a beneficial effect on the newborn. After that, you need to process all the folds of the child, the umbilical wound, quickly dress, swaddle. It is important to prevent drafts in the room where the child is.

Each mother can choose the time of bathing a child using a decoction of chamomile on her own. It depends on how the baby behaves after that. If he becomes active, then it is better to bathe the baby in the morning, if warm water sets him up for sleep, then, of course, an evening procedure would be an ideal option. The chamomile bath has a soothing effect on the skin prone to rashes, in addition, the use of such a decoction is especially useful for girls, since it normalizes activity genitourinary system.

How to brew chamomile for bathing: the right proportions

Chamomile is best bought at a pharmacy, you can be sure that it is collected correctly. It is not worth it for the child to collect the grass that grows in the field. In order to call it truly healing, you need to know the time of collection. You cannot dry the grass yourself if you do not know how environmentally friendly the place of picking the plant is.

There are several recipes for brewing chamomile decoction. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, you can brew chamomile using an enamel container. A handful of grass is placed in it, taken by an adult hand. Next, the chamomile is poured with 3 liters of hot plain water. The container is covered with a lid and wrapped in a towel. After an hour and a half, the chamomile decoction is ready for use.

The herb infusion should be slightly colored, but not strong. Pediatricians recommend using 1 tbsp for 1 liter of water. spoonful of herbs. You need to be careful when using the broth: its amount should not exceed 30 grams. on the bathtub. The rule that the more the better does not apply here. A large number of chamomile can negatively affect the baby, causing an allergic reaction.

Usually the broth is brewed before bathing. But if this is not possible, you can make the infusion in advance, but no later than 5 hours before bathing, this is how much all the beneficial properties of the herb are preserved. Then, to store the broth, it is better to use a thermos or wrap the pot well in which the broth was diluted.

Before using the broth, it must be drained. So the leaves and twigs will not get into the water for bathing the baby and will not damage his delicate skin. If mom did everything right, the baby will feel great after bathing with chamomile infusion.

chamomile- a very useful medicinal plant. Chamomile has very important qualities - antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, soothing, anti-allergenic, emollient. Therefore, chamomile broth is very often used for bathing babies.

It will never be superfluous to add chamomile extract to the baby's bath. A decoction of chamomile for bathing a newborn will soothe him before bedtime, improve his immunity, heal the baby's delicate skin and diaper rash. After bathing in a bath with chamomile extract, girls will improve the work of the genitourinary system (sometimes this is the only harmless natural remedy to prevent this problem).

Chamomile decoction for bathing a newborn is one of the most beneficial for newborns. Chamomile is a calming herb for children. Chamomile extract is added to the child's bathroom with irritability, frequent whims, insomnia, failure of the baby's day regimen, hyperactivity, with weak immunity when the baby is in poor health. In addition, a decoction of chamomile for bathing a newborn perfectly copes with skin problems - it treats dermatitis, eczema, rashes, prickly heat, sores and, which often appear in babies.

Doctors also recommend that the child bathe in chamomile for allergies - urticaria, rash, eczema caused by food allergy... Chamomile is useful for newborns with colic. After taking a bath with chamomile, the baby's tummy calms down for a long time.

In what cases it is impossible to use a decoction of chamomile for bathing a newborn

Chamomile extract is not recommended for use in a newborn's bathroom if he is allergic to chamomile broth, if the baby's skin is broken (diaper rash, eczema bleed), if elevated temperature body, if the baby's skin is severely flaky and after the vaccinations.

Add to this list not only contraindications, but also the correct dosage, and correct recipe cooking. A newborn child has very delicate skin, and any effect - even with herbs for bathing the baby - will instantly affect the entire state of the child's body. Only in case correct preparation and correct dosage herbs for bathing your baby will benefit.

How to brew chamomile for bathing a child

There are several ways to brew chamomile to add to the baby's bath. Chamomile extract is obtained from a decoction of chamomile, infusion, using filter bags and chamomile tablets.

How to make a decoction of chamomile

To prepare a decoction of chamomile, pour a tablespoon of dry herb with one glass of boiling water and simmer over low heat for a quarter of an hour. You can brew chamomile using a water bath. Keep the broth on it for five minutes longer. Strain before use.

How to make chamomile infusion

It will take much more time to prepare the chamomile infusion. But in this case, the chamomile extract will turn out to be more saturated. Pour two tablespoons of chamomile flowers with one glass of boiling water and cover in a thermos for five to six hours or for twelve hours in a container wrapped in a towel (for better heat retention). Then strain.

It is very convenient to brew herbs for bathing your baby, which are sold in filter bags. Chamomile tea bags are just as good as in pure form... If you are preparing chamomile infusion to add to the baby's bath, fill two filter bags with one glass boiled water... To brew chamomile for decoction, use one glass of boiling water for one bag. Chamomile in tea bags for infusion is also insisted for six hours, and for the broth it is boiled for fifteen minutes.

How to Prepare Newborn Bath Solution

The prepared decoction or infusion of chamomile is very concentrated and cannot be used in its pure form for a newborn's bath. First, prepare a solution - dilute one glass of broth (infusion) in one liter warm water and stir.

Only on the recommendation of a doctor, soothing herbs for children, including chamomile, can be mixed with each other, making up useful combinations. For example, chamomile + + valerian. In this case, a very good effect can be achieved.

How to properly bathe a newborn in a chamomile bath

At first, Chamomile flowers can be easily confused with other types of chamomile, so it is best to buy chamomile at a pharmacy. The form of the herb, of course, can be chosen by parents themselves, but filter bags are most convenient for preparing a decoction or infusion of chamomile.

Secondly, do not start bathing without testing for allergies. To test for allergies, place a cotton pad soaked in chamomile on the baby's wrist and wait a few hours.

Thirdly, the first bath lasts five minutes with a subsequent increase in time to 15-20 minutes. For the first time, a baby is bathed in chamomile only after the umbilical wound has healed. One or two chamomile baths a week is enough for a baby.

Fourthly, prepare an infusion (decoction) of chamomile before use, because its shelf life is very short (five hours). The temperature of the solution should be the same as the temperature of the water in the baby's bathroom.

Fifth, for a longer healing effect during the healing bath with chamomile, the child is not washed with shampoo, soap and rinsed after the bath.

A chamomile bath gives a newborn a very quick effect- the baby's diaper rash on the skin disappears, the sleep becomes stronger, and does not bother.