Can there be a fat on a diet: salty, smoked. Is it useful to salt pork fat? Useful Li Salo

Do you know that there is a diet on a sala for weight loss? If not, then this article is for you. In it, you will learn what diet is on Sale, what does it have features. Of course, such a power system seems rather unusual. After all, for weight loss is usually not used products containing fat. It is from fat that we try to get rid of, overlapping some restrictions on their food.

Therefore, a diet on the fat looks quite paradoxically. Note that fat is not just alone alone. It has unique propertiesthat are used in weight relief programs. Although some well-known nutritionists argue that it is impossible to lose weight, Kunya Salo. On the diet Duucana to sit for those who love and fat, difficult. This system Power prohibits all pork products.

Fat. Benefit and harm to the body

This product contains useful arachidonic acid that regulates the work of hormonal and of cardio-vascular system.

She also has a positive effect on immunity. In other products, such as, for example, butter or vegetable oil, such an acid is at all.

There are many vitamins in the fat, namely: e, a, d and beta carotene. Therefore, using this product regularly, you strengthen your health. In addition, replenish your reserves vitality. When the body is weakened, the fat is especially useful.

This product is quickly absorbed by the body, as it melts at a temperature of 37 degrees. No digestion required additional cost Energy. Based on this, we can say that one piece of Sala quickly quit a feeling of hunger.

To obtain daily rate Fats, per day you need to eat only 50 g of this product. Based on the foregoing, we conclude that the diet on the fat limits the consumption of fats, but it provides the body with useful substances. Therefore, physicians B. lately changed their opinion on this product. Previously, nutritionists excluded the fat from all programs to reduce weight. Currently, doctors recommend include this product in a diet of people with certain diseases. For example, fat improves the condition of the skin, vision, and also contributes to the speedy restoration of the body after a transferred operation or long-term illness.

So can there be fat on a diet? Yes. Including a diet such a product, it turns out to lose weight smoothly, without experiencing permanent feeling hunger.

Eating a small piece of bass in the morning, you give the body of power, energy. During the day, you do not feel sharp attacks of hunger. Thus, you protect yourself from overeating, therefore, even with scarce diet, the exchange processes do not slow down. All the received energy you spend over the whole day.

Now let's talk about the dangers. Salo is almost harmless if there is it in moderation. But with frying, carcinogens are formed as a result of the inhalation of fat. They are extremely dangerous for the body. The product is eaten raw, so not to infect helminths and do not harm the body, the fat is worth buying from sellers who have a veterinary certificate. Also in the diseases of the stomach, the liver should gently use fat so as not to lead to the exacerbation of the disease.

How to buy?

First you need to cook correctly lardwhich will be the main element of such a power system. It is best to acquire it in the market. For a diet you need to use freshly fresh pork fat.

Buying a product, be sure to ask the seller a veterinary service certificate. Such a document confirms that Salo is taken in a healthy animal. This is very important condition. Pig is a carrier of different diseases, including those who are subject to a person, for example, swine flu.

How to determine what fat is good?

High-quality fat has a uniform white color. There are no yellowish and grayish shades on the product. There is also no blood podium. An ideal thickness is considered 2.5 cm. Such a fat must be elastic, not very tough. If it is sprawling or has a loose structure, then it is better to refuse this purchase.

If you press a finger on the fat, a hole should be formed, which is quickly aligned. This is a sign of a good product. The skin of high-quality salales is soft, smooth, there are no bristle residues on it.

Cooking technology

For a diet you will be enough one kilogram of the product. Cut the fat for thirty equal pieces. This is enough for the entire thirty-day diet.

Then take an enameled saucepan. Fold three hundred grams there low husk. Fill with water (two liters). Boil about 60 minutes on low heat. After leave to stand at night. The next morning straighten the decoction. Immerse fat. Boil 10 minutes.

Before the evening, leave fat in the brave. Then drain the water. After the lard will dry, cut break in spices. You can use cinnamon, nutmeg, coriander and carnation.

Store ready-made fat in the freezer. Delive every day one piece. In no case do not use the microwave oven to defrost. Just get fat, leave for fifteen minutes on the table. At room temperature, it will quickly be ready to use. Be sure to follow the rules of the diet. We will look at them further.


Really works diet on sala for weight loss. It is believed that it is the most efficient power system for those who have been slowed down. This means that the diet on the fat effectively helps to lose overweight and does not allow set excess weight Then when a person begins to eat as usual.

But in order for the diet to work, you need to comply with the basic principles:

  1. In the morning, eat one piece of sala.
  2. In thirty-forty minutes, be sure to have breakfast oatmeal or buckwheat without oil.
  3. In the morning to accelerate metabolism allowed to drink a cup of coffee, of course, without sugar.
  4. All animal fat, besides a piece of sala, should have been excluded from the diet. It is impossible to eat fatty varieties Fish or meat.
  5. Eating eggs will have to limit. On the day you can eat no more than two pieces. Egg yolk, undoubtedly useful, as it contains a large number of Lecithin, which stimulates the work of the brain.
  6. The basis of the menu is cereal, dairy products (low-fat), legumes, vegetables (except potatoes and corn), whole grain bread. If you like rice, then choose unlightened, black or red. White grade is practical clean fast carbohydrates.
  7. Limit salt use.
  8. Sugar and products in which it contains, for example, candy, pastries are completely excluded.
  9. Salads and cereals refuel linen, olive, sunflower oil. A no more than one tablespoon of vegetable oil is allowed per day, and this amount must be divided into several parts.
  10. Water balance must be supported. On the day during a diet, drink at least one and a half liters of water (non-carbonated).
  11. In the morning and in the evening necessarily spend water treatmentsIn order to remove the toxins allocating the day. You can take a shower or bath or simply wipe the wet towel.


Following the rules, you can lose weight about 3 kilograms per week, which is safe for health. In addition, you will clean the vessels from the slags of the vessels. Also the fat reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the body.

Diet on fat. Menu on day

Based on the above rules, you can compile sample menu On one day. It may be like this:

  • before breakfast to eat a piece of sala;
  • breakfast: portion of porridge, 1 egg, coarse bread, cup of tea;
  • dinner: boiled chicken, potatoes (1 piece);
  • dinner: Cheese.


Of course, a diet on a sala for weight loss, like any other power system, has contraindications. She will not suit those who suffer obesity. Also contraindicated people with gastritis, pancreatitis. Diet on fat is not suitable for those who have diabetes, gallbladder diseases, kidneys. If you have any doubts about this power system, it is advisable to consult with your attending physician or a qualified nutritionist.


Now you know how to lose weight, Kingching Salo. The benefits and harm to the body of this product are two important topics that we also considered in detail in the article. We hope that the information was useful to you.

Salo is a favorite product of Slavs. And not only them. It would seem that in it is so attractive? Solid fat, cholesterol ... Is fatly useful in general? Delicious? Meanwhile, this fat product is an ingredient of a set of dishes that decorate the table in many countries of the centuries. Particularly popular in Ukraine. And even is a national symbol of the country. This fat from the meat element has turned into a separate product with a large number of hidden features. Will the pork fat for a person, we will tell you in this article.

Salce: Composition

If mostly use of fats harms the body, then the question of whether the pork fat is useful, it is suggested, of course, a negative answer. Only, it turns out, an amazing human body is tuned to less generation of cholesterol in the blood, if the consumption of fat exceeds the norm. The brain itself regulates and controls the distribution of substances by the body, and if it is not able to cope with some fats, then in the case of a swine fat, the situation is somewhat different. It is absorbed by everything 100%. Monounsaturated oleic acid protects the cell walls of the liver and kidney from the oxidation of lipids, and also interferes with the development of atherosclerosis. Fatty acids in the salts contribute to the conclusion from the human body of harmful toxins, fix thin fabrics cells of such organs as liver, heart, kidney. The composition of pork salaes is:

  1. Arachidone acid from discharge fatty acids With four double bonds in the molecular dimension. This fills in the body of the synthesis of prostaglandins in the brain and liver. It is especially useful for the liver, participates in the structure of the cells.
  2. Vitamins of fat-soluble type D, F, A, E.
  3. Antioxidants.
  4. Microelements complex.
  5. Other valuable acids.

Quality or quantity

With all the listed advantages of the product, only moderate eating Salz brings a sense, and irrational consumption brings an excess of fatty deposits. Is the fat? It was argued on this topic. And modern dietology is eliminating all fats from the menu, with the exception of the natural, to which the fat belongs, the natural manufacturer of hormones that increase the level of testosterone in the blood. The presence of selenium pork fat makes a product very valuable in the current environmentally unstable conditions. Selenium - chemical fragment of the group 16 in the Mendeleev table, its stable allotropic form is necessary human organism.

Salo is a patient "cleaner" of the liver, plays a big role in the removal of carcinogens, thanks to eating pork fat, the risk is significantly reduced. oncological diseases. Based on only from these facts, it is possible to conclude, whether the fat is useful. After all, arachidonic acid consisting in this product very successfully activates cellular activity in the body.

Properties of Sala

First, do not forget about the nutrition of the fatty pork layer. There is enough small piece to be satisfied, which means that the fat is a wonderful product for fast snack. In combination with garlic it useful features Doubled due to the high content of carbohydrates in the first and macro and trace elements in the second plus the general possession of selenium. Gourmets recommend improving the taste of a salary with garlic and rye bread. Little Li Salo, we have already found out higher. But with his garlic positive traits Digest.

Secondly, Salz has a lot of healing and healing propertiesWhat is amazing for seemingly simple product. Nature focused on it all substances so necessary for feeding the human body.

An interesting fact: on the basis of swine bale, creams and drug drugs are being developed for the face. The miraculous effect is due to a thoughtful concept. joint properties Natural fat I. essential oils and extracts.

Of course, Salo is a unique product. And in it the mass of contradictions. Is the fat? Of course. But only, however, rigorous fat, and not intramuscular fat, to which bacon belongs or fat with skin and meat. And Bacon is the favorite ingredient of the scrambled eggs in the British, therefore, all the qualities of the true Salz are not known to them either not assessed.

Types of cooking Sala

Salo salted and smoke to extend the storage and giving it a special taste. But is the only useful salt pork fat in comparison with smoked and natural? With proper saline, it does not lose its qualities, and smoked smoother in a special marinade when it is preparing that it completely deprives his beneficial substances.

Meat Product

Salo is an animal fat formed under the skin in abdominal cavity. Triglycerides and oily-acid residues contained in it form a nutrient supply associated supply that helps the overall functionality of the animal organism. In natural form, it is useful only in small quantities, the salt fat contains usually a lot of salt, which prevents the withdation of fluid from the body. Salt, as they say - white death. And you should not forget about it. So, whether fat salo is useful - the question is not from the lungs.


Fat consumption in excessive amounts accumulates fat deposits in human skin folds. Will the pork fat, let's try to figure it out. The body forms a similar nutrient supply. Salo cannot be used on an empty stomach, the increased fatty product will create an imbalance in the pancreas. It is categorically contraindicated. There are fat to people who have problems with a bubble bubble.

Ukrainians fry fat with skin and tall crawls, it is very tasty dish. However, after such a processing, it loses all its wonderful properties, turning into a cholesterol clot, with which the human body will not cope. It does not arise from the question of whether the fat is useful for the body. But in combination with alcoholic beverages It is very useful because it neutralizes toxins and carcinogens in the stomach and liver. Slim sliced \u200b\u200bfat for a snack is quickly absorbed, mixing absorbed into the walls of the organs harmful substancesThe man slowly exposes intoxication.

Is fat for women useful? It has been proven that in a pork salt of an organic compound, which is frightening all the name "cholesterol", is much less than, for example, in creamy oil. Consequently, the benefits of the utility of Sala strongly outweigh the disadvantages.

Storage methods

Salo is known for its ability to be kept for a long time, however, like any other product, subject to the effect of time. Product storage conditions implies cold and dark places. If you need to stockpur with the product, salting salts will help. It is done as follows: Salz salts and rubbed pepper, wraps into paper and freezes. So fat can be stored for a whole year without losing taste and freshness.

Also, the greasy cutting can be canned and marinate. Preservation occurs similarly to salting, only fat with skin cuts into thin plates and after salting rolled into banks. For more than two years, it is not recommended to keep it in order to avoid damage. Smoking is a very ancient and time consuming way to maintain fat in adverse conditions. It is marinated in the respective marinades and smoke in smoke from the fire. For smoking, you need to take firewood only bone tree species.

Let's summarize

Is the boiled fat? The answer is positive. When cooking, properties are not lost, but the taste, naturally, on an amateur. Is it useful to salt pork fat? Probably 50 to 50. However, the question itself is not quite true. Any natural product It will not harm our body. If only use it correctly and moderately. Therefore, it is not necessary to ask about whether Salo is useful. Salted or boiled, no essence is important. And about how much it can be eaten so that the body can get the entire set of useful substances that are contained in this product.

On a note:

  • salay types also depend on the breed of pigs, the best is obtained from selected rocks;
  • if the fat is a longitudinally width of less than 4 cm, then the pig was a young, a thick, hard and yellow lard testifying to the old age of the pig;
  • the quality of the Sala depends entirely on what fed the pigs: it is like milk from a cow is sour from the poor grass eaten;
  • salz from the sow much more tastier and better smells than from the boar;
  • pig hybrid breeds give 80% sala;
  • helps with burns, medical properties Sala is unique and universal;
  • used as a compress;
  • with chronic i. acute pneumonia, for dental pain;
  • it is used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Since the time people learned to keep natural Pork SaloWe realized the value of the product. Almost all the peoples of the world, including Europeans, love fat and eat it in any form. At all times, the product ranked first on festive table, and characterized people as good and responsive people who are willing to feed their neighbors. This is especially true of rural and villagers.

If we talk about the real swine fat, then this is a subcutaneous fatty skin. People use it in salty and smoked form. But you should not eliminate opinions that you can score a lot from a sala. Of course, the essence lies in the number of food used, but nutritionists call the product harmful and do not recommend using it as a substitute for the main liquid food. It is known for a long time when people tried to take into the body only light food.

The people are considered that salo is heavy foodwhich eventually develops gastric diseases. If a person has contraindications to Salu, or serious diseases, such as the ulcer of the stomach, gastritis, pancreatitis and others, it is best to abandon the use of the product forever. It may contribute to increasing problems and deliver a lot of trouble. Your body should get lightweight useful food, and fat belongs to severe and harmful food. You need to remember this.

Also often you can hear that salo is one negative cholesterol. If the fat is used in unlimited quantities and replace ordinary food, problems with a chair and intestines can develop. The harm of swine bala is manifested in harsh deterioration status and normalization of the exchange process. A person may experience pain in the intestines, discomfort and other side manifestations. Do not risk your health. Salo is the destroyer of the body, and if there are problems, the state can deteriorate several times.

Lovers of this product need to know important scientific facts. If you can not refuse to eat Sala, then on the day it needs no more than 30 grams. Do not be subject to thermal processing of the product and consume it in fried. It can cause significant harm to your body. During frying, harmful carcinogens are produced. That is why it is believed that all fried food Harmful health. If you healthy personYou can get different diseasesIf you already have problems, you risk significantly worsening your condition.

Currently, a number of significant diseases are distinguished in which salad use is categorically prohibited., even in the smallest quantities. And as if a person did not want to try a piece of the product, it is strictly prohibited. What is this disease? Such problems include diseases of the stomach, intestines, gallbladder, as well as violation of the exchange process.

Remember that the fat is harmful to your health, and if you are a healthy person, then nutritionists advises to use up to 30 grams of Sala per day.

Most recently, my friend said that Salo is harmful to health. As a true Ukrainian, I could not stay indifferent to this statement and decided to explore the issue of benefit and harm from all sides. After all, it's not a secret for anyone: the pork fat for many centuries was the basis of the diet for the majority slavic peoplesYes, and Europeans also enjoyed success.

True, it is also known that the peoples of Asia are consciously refuse pork and its derivatives. Moreover, such food is even prohibited by their religions. But enough of us is the capital truths. Let us understand what the benefits and harm of a sala for human health are.

Slimming and digestion

Most often I had to hear that Salo - the killer of the figure. Carefully examining the materials on this topic, I (thanks to publications scientific Labors Eminent doctors) came to the conclusion that it is not completely so. Salo damages the figure and deposit on the sides, legs and arms, if there is no measure. And if you use small quantities, then vice versa.

It turns out that the pig's subcutaneous fat contains a number of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E) and unsaturated fatty acids. It is these substances together with the extension contained in the fat, our vessels from excess cholesterol plaques. There is another benefit from Sala, eaten in the morning. It manifests itself in the form of stimulation of bile production. Thus, with a chair you will not have problems, when you get squeezing on the breakfast weighing over 30 g.

Stone formation B. bile bubble It will also be difficult, because when eating fat, you provoke the production of bile, bile docks The liquid produced by hepatocytes of the liver is expanding and gathered during the night, it turns out timely, without leaving the sediment.

For cardiovascular system

If you plunge into the study of the need for the benefits and harm of a bass for the cardiovascular system, you should contact the composition of the product. In addition to useful vitamins In fat contain unique substance - unsaturated arachidonic acid. It is she responsible for strengthening the walls of the vessels and provides normal work heart muscle and other internal organs. Even for the heart and vessels of the brain, lecithin contained in Saletite is very useful. In general, for the heart, veins, arteries and capillaries, fat is beneficial. The only thing is to remember about moderation!

For men

The fat contains such a trace element as selenium. It is very important for strong male healthSo it contributes to the synthesis of sex hormones. The lack of selenium in men is particularly noticeable, as it leads to a decrease not only reproductive function, but also potency. Think about it when once again decide to abandon a piece of pork salts in favor of meat or butter.

Other useful properties

Salo has a number of other healing qualities. You can list them for a long time. But we will focus on the most important thing:

  • If you eat alcoholic beverages with lard, there is less inxicate. Fat envelops the stomach and prevents the absorption of alcohol, and the alcohol at the same time helps faster to digest the bold product.
  • Salo is a storehouse of energy. The 100 g of the bass contains 770 calories. It turns out that even from a small piece you can get a significant recharging of energy. This quality is especially valued with regular heavy exercise. Do you have to work hard for glory? Eat Salom Sandwich! He will give you strength.
  • Salo promotes improvement intellectual activity And strengthens immunity. Canadian doctors came to this conclusion. Before the exam or serious "brainstorming" does not prevent a delicious lady to enjoy!
  • Salo helps to remove toxins and radionuclides. At the same time, the product is absorbed much better than its closest "relative" - \u200b\u200bbutter.

Here is how good the fat. but healing abilities only home product has high Quality. Let's learn to choose him?

How to choose fat?

Those who are expensive health, advice: buy only fresh fat. Salted can be stored for a very long time (and the longer the product is saved, the less it is useful), but the smoked industrial way often simply is soaked in chemicals. Of course, occasionally can be moved from the rules healthy nutrition. But constantly to eat smoked breath. Therefore, take pieces of a lint. At home, you can be able to yourself.

But how to determine what's on the counter a good product? To select high-quality fat, you need to perform several actions:

  • First, it is necessary to make sure that the larger you sell from a healthy pig. Inspect the piece liked and find a veterinarian stamp on it. Didn't find? Go to the next seller! Print present? It's time to scrupulously consider fat.
  • The back side of the knife (he should be from the seller) gently crush the fat near the skins. Springs and scrape (without effort) fails? The piglets sat hungry, and therefore the salz would be tough, if at all we could be able to dehydrate this gum. Salo will scream and looks like a knife, as if butter? The pig has been drilled by corn. There is nothing wrong with that, but the taste of fat will be slightly oily. Quality product remains on a knife with small grains!
  • Smoke the proposed piece. A good fat smells as well as excellent meat. There should be no aroma impurities. Exception - fat with stain straw skurt.
  • Often, traders are resorted to deception: specially treated with smoke nestor slices. Therefore, the following is your action - read the slice carefully. It should be white with a slight pinkish tint. There should be no resilience and yellowness.
  • The seller argues that Sala's skar was emphasized by straw? It is worth seeing in his words. Take the knife and scratch a slightly blade with a skin. If the fat is processed natural way (and not soaked in "liquid smoke"), you will see how the upper dark layer of the skin is considered and shines lighter.
  • Another important aspect is the lack of "animal". This is the name of the trembling abdominal layer of subcutaneous fat. He cares hard and not so useful! Salo must be homogeneous consistency!

What fat is harmful?

Talking about the benefits of Sala, can not be silent about possible harm Product. First, the volume of consumption is important. The product benefits human organism only in small quantities. For an adult, a 10-30 grams of Sala per day are enough. All that over, will be postponed in the form of folds on the stomach.

Secondly, Salo cannot be subject to severe heat treatment. So, for example, as a result of overpaying pork fat In the pan formed harmful carcinogens. This happens with vegetable oil With frying. So the fried dishes are considered to be the most harmful foodth.

Thirdly, fat is used fresh, because of this, it can become a source of infection with different helminths. For this reason, I recommend to start choosing from considering veterinary certificates. They must necessarily have merchants.

Fourth, there are a number of diseases in which the fat is categorically contraindicated. These include diseases of the liver, gallbladder, biliary ducts, as well as a violation of cholesterol exchange.

Sincerely, Evgenia Lyubetskaya.

All lovers of this product should be dealt with than fat. After all, whether it is possible to eat it, disputes are constantly underway. To answer the question whether it is possible to leave it in his diet or better refuse, you need to know about its features.

Useful qualities

Salo is a fat stupor, in which a large number of different active substances are concentrated. This includes:

  • vitamins A, E, D;
  • a wide range of macro and microelements;
  • fatty acids, both saturated and unsaturated.

All these substances are needed for the human body. It is worth paying attention to that vitamins that are present in the fat, fat-soluble. High content Fats ensures their good assimilation.

Salo can become a source of a whole complex of fatty acids, significantly loses to him in composition. There is olein, linolen, linoleic, stearin, palmitic, arachidonic acid in the fat. The latter is the most valuable, because it acts very well on the body: it helps to improve the work of the brain, helps the normal functioning of the kidneys, the cardiovascular system, the removal of excess cholesterol. There is also a product that favorably affects the walls of the vessels.

Salo is a very high calorie product. It is always remembered when it comes to the benefits and harm of a bass for the body. But high nutritional value can hardly be considered a disadvantage. The main thing is to adhere to the measure, in a small amount, the product is able to maintain human health.

People who do not have a very active lifestyle should not eat more than 30 g of product per day. This is exactly what is perfectly absorbed, with increasing portion, the likelihood of extra kilograms is growing. If there is a slimming plans, then the amount of product should not be more than 10 g per day.

There is an opinion that the fat can not eat, as it is present cholesterol. However, the product has the opposite effect: active substanceswhich is contained in it, contribute to the elimination of harmful cholesterol plaques from the blood. First of all, they are responsible for this arachidone acid and lecithin. So the slice of Sala in the morning is the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Salo helps strengthen the immune system, its components contribute to the creation of immune cells that are struggling with viruses and infections. They also associate harmful and toxic substances and derive them, thus cleansing the body. The product improves digestion, stimulates the outflow of bile, settles the chair.

The use of pork bala lies in his nutrient value. Morning sandwich with him will give energy for the whole day. You can eat the product and in prior exercise. The endurance of the body will rise, fatigue will come later. Positively affects fat and intellectual opportunities, improves memory.

Choosing a fat, you need to pay attention to its color. The product must be white, without any residence and yellowness.

Another feature - the product significantly slows down intoxication. This is due to the fact that the fat is enveloping the stomach, so the alcohol is practically not absorbed. Similar useful property May be useful at some events.

Possible harm

The harm of Sala is its high caloric content and in a significant content of fats. But really harmful this product becomes only if you use it in large quantities. If you adhere to the recommended rules (up to 30 g per day), then a healthy body can cope with its digestion. The liver and other gastrointestinal bodies will not be too overloaded. In addition, when reasonable consumption Salo will not lead to obesity.

Only it is necessary to remember that bile fats are involved in the digestion of fats. So if there are some diseases digestive systemwho lead to a violation of its development, then the product is better to refuse. It is not worth it and with violations of cholesterol exchange.

Salo becomes dangerous to health if it is heat treatment. With frying, the squabs are formed carcinogenic substances. This happens with any fats, that is why roasted food is considered harmful.

The benefits and harm of swine bass depend on its quality and freshness. It should be subcutaneous fat, and without a trembling abdominal layer. But the intramuscular fat with bacon or neck contributes to a set of excess weight. The most useful is the fresh product.

To save useful material, the product can be freezed. As for the benefit and harm of the salted saline, then with long-term storage, part of the valuable components will disappear. But the one and another storage method are allowed, because the main qualities are easy digestibility and most important elements - Will not disappear.

Smoked fat can also eat. The main condition - it should be processed according to the correct technology, with a smoke. But many manufacturers use the so-called liquid smoke. In this case, substances are formed, which are capable of harm to health. It is better to make a choice in favor of salt sala.

The benefits of a bass for the body depends on the products with which it combines it. For example, potatoes are not the most appropriate solution, such a power can easily lead to a set of unnecessary kilograms. But the combination with bread is very successful, in this form, all substances are perfectly absorbed. Just need to choose or flour coarse grinding. It is recommended to eat a product and with vegetables, both fresh and stewed.

Use in folk medicine

Adherents folk Medicine It is worth knowing about the benefits and harm of the sala, because it is used to get rid of some problems.

  • To relieve pain in the joints, you need to make a compress from the smob and wrap sick place Something warm. You can take old pork fat. It is crushed by a blender or meat grinder. For more effective action It is worth adding a little honey.
  • If the injury is observed a decrease in the mobility of the joints, then problem place You can put the fat with salt (per 100 g of fat - a large spoonful salt), then wind with something warming.
  • When mastitis, it is recommended to place a slice on the problem space, just not fresh, and the old one.
  • A piece of product will help a piece of product, pre-cleaned skin and salt. It should be placed between the gum and cheek near the novel tooth.
  • Apply the product and against the heel spurs. For this make such a mixture: 100 g of a fatal product is poured 100 ml of acetic essence and an egg is added. Fat gradually dissolve, mass must be stirred from time to time. The heel must be displeps, moisten a cotton disk in the resulting ointment and put on a sore plot. Fasten with the help of a sock or plaster, hold the night, and washed in the morning. The course of treatment is 5 days.
  • Based on a sala you can prepare a remedy for wet eczema. To do this, 2 large spoons of overheated fat mix with 2 egg whites, a liter of juice and 100 grams. All ingredients should be mixed well and put to stand a couple of days. Then you need to apply on the affected areas of the skin.
  • Women can make a face mask from a sala to feed the skin and smooth out small wrinkles.

The harm of salt and smoked saline for health is much less than its benefit. But only when complying with the rules of use. It is not worth excluding it from its diet, because it contains valuables in which the body needs.