How many people need a clock for sleep. How much should be deep sleep

It turned out, a difficult problem is to determine how much you need to sleep an adult per day. What time you need to go to sleep, too important question...

Hello everyone, dear readers and subscribers. With you Svetlana Morozova. In the distant Soviet time, being still a schoolgirl, I heard on the radio aphorism of some ancient philosopher: "If a person is to get up 2 hours earlier, he will live for 10 years more." There was also due to the fact that it is not at all about long-term, but that if you cut night sleep For 2 hours, instead of unconscious and completely unproductive lying in bed, a person will have time to make a lot of necessary and useful things.

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These 120 minutes every day will be plump in his active life and as a result, at the end of life it turns out that this person, unlike a neighbor, Liegehogs, could actively enjoy work, studies and even entertainment. In tempting, isn't it?

To me, in those distant years, it seemed very tempting! That's just done this did not work. If only cut two hours from a night rest, for some reason you begin to peck your nose and at school, and at dinner, and even the entertainment do not go to mind, the only thing that you want most is to get to the pillow! .. Strange .. . So, how much do you need to sleep an adult per day?

Older becoming - more awake

This is also no secret. There are such averaged numbers: chest babies Two thirds of the day sleep; Preschoolers - half of the day (Night + day Son); Schoolchildren, teenagers - 9-10 hours; Youth, as well as adults - 7-9 h; Older people, after 60 years - 7-8 h.

Statistical data can be found in the table:

But these are averaged figures and, frankly, in modern world Few people should prescribe.

By phases, sleep consists of fast and slow. Phase slow sleep It lasts a few hours, it is at that time the body is restored, but the awakening in the midst of such a phase is extremely difficult. Fast Sleep Phase lasts 10-15 minutes, it is during her a man sees dreams and wake up easily and simple.


Sometimes it seems that the whole world took himself the motto of the word ancient philosopher, given at the beginning and began to mercilessly trim the night rest sacrificing study, career, household trouble and even computer games. Everyone wants to squeeze out of the day more than they have and easier to do it at the expense of sleep.

One of the famous women's magazines a few years ago spent a survey among the fair sex representatives. In the column "most cherished desire»80% of the surveyed women wrote that most of all do not want money or jewelry, not luxurious cars or villas on the banks of the Caribbean, and not even love, but to sleep! It is to sleep!

And what do we get at the exit?

One of my good acquaintance loved in the evenings after work watching TV. And he was so sorry for challenging the next film or some transmission that he gradually began to go around everything later and later. At first he slept for 7 hours a day, after a couple of years - already 6 and a half; After another couple of years - Rivne 6, then - 5, and then - myocardial infarction! Do you know what he asked his attending physician first? "How much do you sleep?"!

My friend, except for sleep disorders, led very much healthy image Life: I didn't drink, did not smoke, I performed every day hiking And there were no special stresses. The cause of heart attack is chronic lack of sleep. His heart missed required recovery Forces.

And this is not all, with which a person can meet, saving on a dream. It expects:

  • Reduced immunity, which leads to frequent colds.
  • Hypertension and other CSS diseases.
  • Sugar diabetes, other hormonal violations (reducing testosterone in adult men; increase in hydrocortisone, which leads to obesity and loss muscular mass).
  • Depression, irritability, chronic fatigueNo matter how paradoxically - insomnia.
  • Impairment of memory, concentration, attention, from here - increased injuries.
  • For amateur guests slender Figure Another bad news is an overweight accumulation.

And this is not full list Hilarges, who are caused by an unreasonable desire to steal a piece of night rest to him.

How much do you need to sleep an adult person per day: word to beds

Those in the percentage ratio are much less than suffering chronic inappropriateBut there are still such people. Sleep more than 10 hours is also harmful to health. And this is again, not news. Everyone came across that it is worth extending to lunch - headache Inevitable, and the drowsiness is added to it, what is called the "funeral state" when a person walks the inhibited, bad and sluggishly reacting to what is happening.

And if you have "Pereval" chronic, then you are threatened:

  • Hypertension (yes yes! Little sleep - pressure rises, dry through the measure - the pressure is again rising).
  • Fast fatigue, reduced performance, depression.
  • Migraine, swelling of soft tissues.
  • Reducing metabolic processes, obesity.

Amazing business: I'm sleeping a little - you get fat and more than you need - again you get fat. Yes it is. The result is one, and the mechanism is different. With a lack of sleep, the body does not have time to relax and recover and therefore seeks to at least accumulate about more nutrients. By the way, many noticed that after a sleepless night, the appetite is much stronger.

If a person has a night leisure too much and it continues day after day, the exchange processes decrease in it, the metabolism is broken, the food is poorly processed and is absorbed, but is deposited into fat.

So let's smire as much as it is useful to our organism!

And how much useful?

Generally accepted norms for an adult: minimum - 7.5; Maximum - 9 hours per day. But individual need May be different. Pregnant women need to sleep more, especially in the first half of pregnancy. The duration of the night rest is better to determine by watching his well-being, but more often it increases for 30 or more minutes.

People with resistant reduced blood pressure (hypotension), are also forced to relax more than their healthy fellow. When sports, especially with large loads, such as bodybuilding, it is necessary to spend at least 8 hours at night, and if the athlete has a feeling of insufficient restoration of forces, then - 9.

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Especially need to be attentive to those people who work in night shift. Very great temptation to reduce daytime sleep: the whole life beats the key, and you are forced to dry!

No, you need to inspire windows, warn your homework, so as not to interfere, undress and truly lie down to bed, and not to stick into the corner of the sofa. Only then can be hoped that the body will restore strength and health. After all, for him and so stress to work in antiphase with biological rhythms.

Night - for sleep

What time you need to go to bed - also an important question. Each body has its own biological clock and in order not to knock them down their rhythm, it is necessary to sleep when the sun goes beyond the horizon and passes in the lowest position, and to be awake when it goes in a higher position.

Below all the sun is at midnight, and therefore the most correct thing is to lie at least one hour or two to midnight. Chronic violation This rule will lead to insomnia, nervous disorders And even depression, fast fatigueviolation heart RhythmAnd some doctors argue that this reduces life expectancy.

The problem of night rest, humanity has always paid enough attention, about the rules of wakefulness and sleep, even in Islam. There are not only serious treatises, but also funny, for example, there is a whole theory about the relationship of the dorms and sign of the zodiac. The conclusions are very curious, for example: to sleep, you need 25 hours., And Scorpion is 1 hour, and Aquarius does not sleep at all, it just sleeps.

Finally, I want to say: the words of the ancient philosopher are valid only in relation to people who are used to spending 10 hours in bed and even more. All the others should strictly follow, so that unreasonable day care is not crushed their body in the necessary night rest.

On this, my article: "How much you need to sleep an adult per day" came to an end.

Sleep is a unique condition, during which all systems, and above all, the brain, work in a special mode. During this period, self-regulation of the body, a deep disconnection of the consciousness required for natural recovery Forces and energy. His medium duration per day, determined by doctors for an adult, is approximately 7-8 hours, but taking into account individual features The body can change. Regardless of the recreation mode, cyclicity remains unchanged with a predominance of deep sleep.

The person consists of two phases: fast and slow, which is due to the peculiarities of the brain and changes in its rhythms (the intensity of electromagnetic waves). Their alternation is carried out within a single cycle, which lasts an average of 1-2 hours.

During the night, the change of cycles occurs 4-5 times, and at the beginning of recreation, the prevailing phase is, and closer to the morning - fast. From the right relationship Periods may depend on the body's ability to fully restore, since each of them has special functions. In general, sleep consists of 5 stages that are replaced throughout the night rest.

In an adult, the initial process looks like this: the fallback begins with the state of the dormant, the duration of which does not exceed only 10 minutes. It smoothly flows into the second stage, which is also approximately a quarter of an hour. After that, the queue of the two other stages occupying about 45-50 minutes. According to his expiration, the second stage is entering, during which the episode of fast sleep is manifested.

Tip! If a person wakes up with a sense of irritation and fatigue, it means that awakening falls in. To avoid this, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe duration and structural features deep phase.

Deep sleep and its features

Night journey to the kingdom of morpheus begins with diving in deep. In his education, certain areas of the brain are involved: the hypothalamus and its kernel, Morutsi braking center. The functioning of the systems is slowed down, the body is partially disconnected and goes into a state of deep peace and rest, the restoration of tissues, the formation of new cells and structures begins.

Structural elements

Slow sleep is called deep or orthodox. Unlike superficial, it is divided into 4 main stages:

Dund. A person is already starting to dive into, but the brain still continues to actively work. Consciousness is confused, so often dreams are intertwined with reality, and it is in this short period You can find a solution to some tasks that have presented in the daytime.

Fall asleep. Time when the main sections of the brain begin to turn off, but even react to any irritation from the outside. A person can easily awaken from strong noiseBut he will need a certain time to fall asleep again.

Deep sleep. Good periodwhen the body relaxes as much as possible, all processes, motor and brain activity Practically boils "No."

Delta sleep. There is a complete immersion of a person in an unconscious state. There is no reaction to external stimuli and sensitivity to smells. During this period, sleeping is very difficult to awaken.

The condition of the body during the period of deep sleep

The first stage is characterized by the following indicators:

  • breathing slows down;
  • the body temperature is reduced;
  • weave heartbeat;
  • movement eye apples barely catching.

As the pressure level is immersed, the pressure level decreases, and pupils become almost fixed. The influx of blood to the cells of organs and muscles increases, growth hormone begins to synthesize. At the last stage there is a complete shutdown of consciousness, the reaction to external irritation (bright light, noise, cries, singing), including the smells. Normal current This stage allows you to remember some information after waking up.

Normal duration of the slow phase at different ages

It is known that deep sleep is a purely individual indicator, and how much it should last depends on the human body. So some people, for example, Napoleon, is required, it takes only 4 hours. Another need to sleep at least 10 hours to maintain activity. Albert Einstein also belonged to this category.

According to the results of the experiment, which was conducted by Surrey University specialists, it was found that sleep rate for each age group has differences that is clearly displayed in the table.

AgeTotal duration of night holiday / hoursDuration of slow (orthodox) sleep /%
Newborn16-19 10-20
Breasts - 2-6 months14-17 10-20
One year old baby12-14 20
Child 2-3 years old11-13 30-40
Children 4-7 years old10-11 Up to 40.
TeensAt least 10.30-50
Adults 18-60 years old8-9 Until 70.
Older older than 61 years7-8 Up to 80.

It is known that the standard of deep sleep in an adult exceeds the same indicators in children. Since babies in early age the brain is only formed, then biological rhythms and processes have essential differences. As a result, orthodox sleep is a minimum duration, which, however, tends to increase. Full structure formation ends to 2-3 years.

The importance of deep recreation

Depending on how long a deep sleep lasts within one cycle, it depends on how many hours per night is its total duration.

In the process of numerous studies, it was found that deep immersion in sleep has a tremendous effect on mental capacity and physical development Individual. A conscious reduction in the slow phase even for several days is adversely affects the well-being of a person: it worsens the memory, the concentration decreases, attention is reduced.

There are other differences characterizing the effect of deep sleep on the body.

  1. Complete restoration of forces and energy, tissue regeneration at the cellular level, calm and recovery of the psyche.
  2. Disclosure of intellectual resources, improving the efficiency of work.
  3. Strengthening immune systemraising protective forces organism.
  4. Slowing aging processes.
  5. Preservation of creative skills, concentration of attention, ability to solve complex life situations.
  6. Compensatory properties to help keep the vigor of spirit and physical health.

Attention! Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the human health and well-being is directly dependent on the number of hours of slow sleep.

To ensure full-fledged night rest, you just need to teach the brain to disconnect from day problems, and the body is to go to bed and get up at the same time.

Violation of slow sleep

Many people can suffer from a periodically emerging sleep disturbance, but it does not have negative impact on the body. Preparation for passing exams, completion of an important project, cooking for the wedding and other life situations are factors that affect and reduce its duration. A healthy body is able to compensate for intense for several nights. But if the lack of sleep is noted throughout long periodshould begin to search for the cause of the dangerous disorder.

The reasons

As practice shows, the most common factors provoking insomnia in an adult part of the population are as follows:

It's important to know! Frequent cause Sleep disorders is ordinary workolism when a person seeks to improve his welfare by reducing time for a night rest. As a result, it is formed vicious circle - performance decreases, for its increase he is a man or a woman minimizes sleep period. As a result, the body suffers, and financial position It does not improve.


AT young ageAs a rule, sleep disorders are not as noticeable, as in adulthood, but without exception, they cause more severe disorders over time. A regular lack of night rest is poorly reflected in the state of the body and leads to dangerous consequences.

  1. Deterioration external view: Footprints of fatigue, earthy complexion, bags and swelling under the eyes, the formation of small wrinkles.
  2. Increase body weight, development of obesity.
  3. Stop respiration and development of syndrome.
  4. Increased risk of heart attacks and strokes, development of oncological diseases
  5. Reducing the concentration of attention leading to difficulties at work and problems on the road.
  6. Impairment of memory and ability to memorize, which is reflected on the quality of life.
  7. The emergence of various diseases due to the weakening of immunity.

All these problems arise from, so doctors advise to change the day of the day and increase the night recreation time.

Unusual sleep disorders: communication with the orthodox stage

Regardless total duration Night sleep begins with a slow phase. It has differences from fast and in some situations can last more norm. As a rule, this is due to violations thyroid gland, physical or mental exhaustion, a number of other factors. In the course of research, scientists have noted some interesting phenomena.

  1. Sleep disorders are manifested - alparing, Lunatism, Enures, nightmares can dream.
  2. Development pathology - decreases the production of hormone growth of somatotropin, the formation of a muscular corset slows down, the fat layer increases.

It was also established that the conscious exception of a slow sleep phase during night recreation was identified with a sleepless night.

Awakening in the deep phase

We will understand what a deep sleep is. This period when the body is most relaxed as much as possible, the reaction to the world There is no, which allows the person to fully recover and fill the energy spent. The brain ceases to respond to irritating factors, including odors and sounds.

If a person is wake up during a delta sleep, he has disorientation in space and time. He looks lost, can not determine the time of day, its location and how many stays in a sleepy state. This individual worsens well-being, the feeling of breaking and fatigue arises. He will not be able to remember his actions and dreams, even if the latter had a place before awakening. At the same time, pressure jumps can be determined, headache occurs.

The ability to correct slow sleep

In order to adjust a deep sleep, increasing its duration and making a stronger and healthy health, you need to adhere to simple rules.

If you need to adjust the recreation mode, it is recommended to purchase, which fixes movements in a dream, distinguishes phases. Its main function is to awaken sleeping during the period of shallow stage.


Orthodox sleep standards directly depend on the age of a person and lifestyle. Staying in a state of deep immersion has many useful functions and necessary for full development, as well as normal physical and intellectual activity. Sleep hard and feel cheerful after awakening will help compliance with the recommendations of specialists.

Deep sleep is also called a slow phase, delta-sleep. The only difference is that during the slow phase human brain still skips pulses. During Delta Sleep, the metabolism, breathing, heartbeat, slows down temperature and blood circulation slows down. About this phase usually say "asleep as killed."

In your question, the relationship between the age and the duration of deep sleep is true. You can measure this part of the night rest only with the help of the electroencephalogram - the device measuring the phase of the brain activity. Fortunately, all similar studies and calculations have made scientists in doubls to us.

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  • Few people stay in a state of deep sleep all 70%. However, the norms of the norm are quite vague. A person must be in a deep sleep from 30% to 70% of the total duration of night rest. Calculate accurate hours It is impossible, because each person has their own biorhythms. Moreover, it becomes much shorter to the old age of the Delta-Sleep phase.

    Nature is not in vain invented a dream in a person's life. A long disturbance of sleep mode leads to increased fatigue, breakdown, inattention, while all this also harms your health.

    How to extend the phase of deep sleep?

    • Needed clear regime day. Stop and go to bed every day at one time, then the body will work as a clock.
    • Check the room in which you sleep, make it most comfortable for sleep.
    • Exercise. Especially falling asleep will help exercise stress A couple of hours before sleep.
    • Do not drink drinks with caffeine, do not eat a lot, do not smoke and not drink alcohol a few hours before sleep.

    People who are sleeping little, and the deep sleep phase does not reach the norm, often suffer from apnea syndrome (stopping the breath to sleep for several tens of seconds). Besides, huge pressure It falls on the endocrine and nervous systems, useful hormones do not have produced, risk of stroke or heart attack increases.

    Try to sleep for 8-9 hours in a quiet, cozy atmosphere. Then the standard of deep sleep will be fulfilled and your body will be full of new forces, the cells are regenerated, the nervous system rests and reboots in order to give you a full-fledged day with a large margin of valuable energy.

    Sleep is an integral part of the human life in which he holds 1/3 of the whole time. This is the period of life during which a person can fully relax and charge the energy necessary for further lively life.

    It has been established that in the absence of a sleep person for 2 weeks, a structural change in the functioning of the entire body occurs, and it dies. If a dream is missing more than 85 hours in a row, changes in mental and physiological regulation occur, sometimes even arise hallucinations and structural changes of the person.

    Thus, our physical and psychological well-being depends on the duration of sleep. However, the opinions of researchers disagree on how much a man should sleep per day. On average, this indicator is 8 hours of continuous sleep.

    Consider in more detail why the dream is so important and how much you need to sleep a person per day to feel cheerful.

    Why the dream is important

    Sleep is a protective function of the body in the need for rest and recovery due to complex psychophysiological processes.

    During sleep, the processing of information obtained by the brain is recycled throughout the day. Due to this, the causal relationships of the information received are formed, its unnecessary part is supplanted into the subconscious, freeing the place for a new one. The phases of slow sleep contribute to the consolidation of the studied per day, and fast sleep Forms images and behavior experience in unconscious.

    Healthy sleep contributes to the restoration of myelin shells of nerve fibers, as a result of which the functioning of the entire nervous system is normalized: innervation of organs, improvement cognitive processes (Attention, memory).

    During sleep, the work of the cardiovascular system is normalized: the heartbeat slows down, as a result of which the speed of blood flow via vessels is normal. Comes in normal arterial pressure. Blood flies extra deposits from the walls of vessels, including harmful cholesterol.

    During the deep phase of slow sleep, the methods of leptin and ghrelin, regulating appetite and responsible for metabolism occur. During strong sleep The body receives energy without paying food from the outside, and due to the splitting of the organism's own adipose tissue under the action of these hormones. Due to which there is a slight loss of fat mass in the body.

    During sleep, insulin decreases, the level of blood sugar is normalized.

    The immune system during sleep produces special proteins - cytokines that stimulate immune reactions, increasing protective functions The body and immunity as a whole. Lymph increases the speed of its movement and recesses the agency toxins from cells under pressure from cells. In the afternoon, they are removed by the kidneys with urine.

    In a dream, an increased synthesis of collagen and elastane occurs, which contribute to maintaining a normal leather turgora, making it elastic and elastic. The lack of sleep, leads to a decrease in these components and the appearance of wrinkles and declarations.

    In a dream, the synthesis of cortisol - the hormone of stress is reduced, so experienced per day negative emotions Procession and displaced in the subconscious, providing psychological stability.

    Only in a dream the synthesis of growth hormone occurs, under the influence of which there is an increase in muscle mass, the change of burned hair and nail cover to the new one.

    It was during night sleep that the specific hormone of melatonin occurs, which suppresses the occurrence and development of cancer cells.

    As can be seen, sleep benefits are a huge amount. However, it is important not only to sleep, but also to comply with a certain sleep mode in order to maintain the body in a normal physiological and psychological state.

    Let's figure out how much you need to sleep a man in order to feel cheerfully and easily.

    How much to sleep

    How many hours per day should sleep a man took out to find out the American scientists of the National Sleep Foundation. In the course of research, it was found that sleep rate varied, depending on the individual, age and social indicators Test groups.

    The justification of this was the theory that the duration of the sleep is regulated by the Special HDEC2 genome. Mutation of this gene allows one to sleep short time intervals, and feel cheerful, and others, on the contrary, it takes more time to sleep.

    It was experimentally proved that with the average duration of the sleep at 8 o'clock, the tests awakened themselves after 7.23, 6.83, 6.51 hours. EEG indicators The phases of slow sleep, also differed in all, they accounted for limits: 118.4, 85.3 and 84.2 minutes, respectively. The fallback time was the difference of 8.7; 11.5; 14.3 minutes between different age groups.

    In 2008, Professor Daek and his colleague Elizabeth Clerman from Harvard installed a new experimental conclusion about how much a man should sleep. They placed various age groups (one person) in the dark room for 16 hours, and allowed the opportunity to independently move to sleep, and awaken. It was found that the elderly wake up 1.5 hours earlier than young. Children, women, men and teenagers also showed various results with each other.

    On the basis of research, involving narrow specialists: anatoms, physiologists, pediatricians, neuropathologists, gerontologists, gynecologists, for 2 years the concept has been developed healthy sleep for different groups population. As a result, the National Sleep Fund in February last year in the Sleep Health magazine published the relevant recommendations on sleep duration depending on age features and led a number of recommendations for complying with the normal quality of sleep.

    Sleep rate for people of different ages

    AgeRecommended number of hoursPossible number of hours
    Newborn 0 - 3 months14 – 17 11 – 13 / 18 – 19
    Babies 4 - 11 months12 – 15 10 – 11 / 16 – 18
    Children 1 - 2 years11 – 14 9 – 10 / 15 – 16
    Preschoolers 3 - 5 years10 – 13 8 – 9 / 14
    Schoolchildren 6 - 13 years9 – 11 7 – 8 / 12
    Teens 14 - 17 years8 – 10 7 / 11
    Young people 18 - 25 years old7 – 9 6 / 10 – 11
    Adults 26 - 64 years7 – 9 6 / 10
    Older 65 and older7 – 8 5 – 6 / 9

    Thus, the rate of sleep for adults, reproductive age and retaining efficiency to solid age, has a medium-ray value - 8 hours of continuous sleep per day.

    • Do not go to bed until you truly want to sleep. If you are lying, and it is not possible to fall asleep for 20 minutes, it is necessary to get up, and take a distracting monotonous work (reading a book, listening to a quiet slow music). As soon as the drowsiness appears - it is necessary to go to bed again.
    • Before bedtime, exclude the use of various gadgets. The light thread outgoing from their screens irritates the inflection of the eye, signaling the brain of bright light, and therefore the wakefulness associated with this phase.
    • It is necessary to exclude the use of coffee and other energy drinks in the afternoon. They have a stimulating effect on nervous system And interfere with the reached phase of slow deep night sleep.
    • It is necessary to move to sleep in the same evening, in order not to violate.
    • The furnishings in the bedroom should be calm in the interior, minimum of noise and a maximum of the convenience of bed.

    Thus, the data obtained showed that the norms of sleep duration are conditional and medium-ray, due to the number of individual characteristics. On average, an adult should sleep 8 hours a day in accordance with his needs. And knowing your needs, you need to adhere to the regime for a healthy and full sleep.