Licorice root - contraindications and use. Licorice root, its medicinal properties and contraindications

Licorice root has been used in medicine for over five thousand years. This plant was mentioned in ancient Chinese treatises, and it was widely used not only in folk medicine, but also in traditional one.

Today it is very useful to use this root if you want to cure 12PC or stomach ulcers.

The benefits of licorice root.

Licorice root contains glycyrrhizic acid, calcium and potassium salts, glucose and flavonic glucosides, linverithic acid, cirrhizin bitterness, vitamins, asparagine, glycyrrhizin (and this substance is interesting because it is fifty times sweeter than sugar, but also acts like a steroid hormone cortisone).

Licorice root has an antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effect on the human body, in addition, it helps to regulate water-salt metabolism in the body.

This plant also helps strengthen the nervous and immune systems, has a tonic effect. It will help to prevent or cure such conditions that are associated with inhibition of the central nervous system in a child. Often it is used as an antidepressant.

The therapeutic effect of licorice root can be seen by its antispasmodic effect, by relaxing smooth muscles, by reducing the secretion of the digestive gland, by stimulating the production of gastric secretion. It can be used as an enveloping, bile, or diuretic.

A plant such as licorice root softens the throat well if there is a cough. It helps to inhibit growing tumors, it has an antiviral effect, as well as antitoxic and antibacterial. The plant helps to restore the normal functioning of the stomach, stimulate gastrointestinal motility, strengthen the body's natural and natural forces.

It is recommended to use licorice root as a medicine in the following cases - for various diseases of the respiratory tract (whooping cough, bronchitis, pulmonary and bronchial pneumonia), for chronic spastic colitis with a tendency to constipation, for peptic ulcers 12PC and stomach, for chronic gastritis, for skin diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis, allergic dermatitis), with hypofunction of the adrenal cortex, with acute chronic pyelonephritis, with chronic disease of the biliary tract and liver, with sugar diabetes (especially childhood), with bronze disease (Addinson's disease), with radiation infection, poisoning, and childhood obesity. This remedy was especially common in the treatment of cough in children.

However, this seemingly universal remedy for such a wide spectrum of action has its own list of symptoms and diseases, when it should not be used or is completely contraindicated.


In addition to the individual intolerance to this drug, you should avoid the use of licorice root if you have diabetes mellitus, severe liver and kidney diseases, arterial hypertension, hypokalemia, during breast-feeding, or severe obesity.

Licorice root during pregnancy.

The body of a woman during pregnancy is very much rebuilt, against which the protective function of the immune system is very reduced. This is why pregnant women get sick so often. Moreover, diseases range from ordinary thrush to throat disease.

It is very important that you carefully read the instructions for use of any medicine before starting any treatment, if there are any contraindications specifically for the position in which the pregnant woman is. In addition, any pregnant woman knows that the use of any medication in her position is extremely undesirable, especially if you are in the first and last trimester of your pregnancy. It is in these cases that different herbs come to the aid of pregnant women, which can be consumed by replacing them with a standard drug.

Licorice root will help a person recover from a cough. In this case, syrup is usually used (it can often be found in city pharmacies) or a decoction. However, if a pregnant woman wants to also begin treatment with this particular plant, then safer ways to treat this disease must be found. The thing is that licorice root, as well as sage, hop cones and anise fruits, are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy.

Licorice root can act on a pregnant body very unfavorably; it can change the water-salt metabolism of a pregnant woman. If you consume this root, edema may appear in your body. And if you still do not know, then edema for pregnant women is one hundred percent late toxicosis in a pregnant woman. If the condition of the pregnant woman is started, then this leads to eclampsia. But that is not all. A pregnant woman takes on even more problems by consuming licorice root.

If she consumes this plant, her hormonal activity (called adrenocorticoid) begins to increase. It is also not recommended to be consumed throughout pregnancy, because it has an estrogen-like effect.

Remember that if you have the following diseases, then you are also contraindicated in the use of licorice root - hypokalemia, severe obesity, lactation, impaired liver and kidney function.

In any case, the pregnant woman should immediately consult with her doctor, even if she had a simple cold, because even the most harmless drugs in the normal state can become very harmful in the pregnant state.

Licorice (licorice) - a perennial plant belonging to the genus herbaceous, legume family. Prefers a temperate subtropical climate. Most of all, it is distributed on the territory of the European part in the steppe and semi-desert zones, preferring sandy and clay soils. In Russia, there are about 7 of its species. Blue licorice grows in the southern territories, Ural licorice grows in Western Siberia. The plant has a well-branched root system.

Licorice Composition

The value of licorice is its roots, it is they that are used as medicinal raw materials. Sweet in taste, the roots contain a lot of components useful for humans:

  • glucose;
  • fructose;
  • sucrose;
  • pectin;
  • organic acids;
  • essential oils;
  • tannins.

Here is a far from complete list of plant root substances.

Licorice Root - 16 Benefits

    Even in ancient times, doctors used tincture of licorice for diseases of the stomach. The immunostimulating properties of the plant, due to the presence of glycyrrhizic acid in it, help to reduce cyclic changes in the endometrium, reducing the risk of inflammatory processes in peptic ulcer disease. Studies prove that glycyrrhizic acid, entering the body, controls the formation of toxic bacteria, and restores the gastric tract in case of poisoning caused by their toxic effect. As a detoxifying agent, tincture of licorice roots is used and, if necessary, to neutralize the toxic effect of chemical drugs, helping the body quickly remove their negative components. The safe form of licorice DHA can be taken for a long time as a therapeutic agent for gastritis and manifestations of heartburn.

    The property of the plant to provide a mild laxative effect is used in pediatric pediatrics as a laxative for constipation.

  1. Licorice in the treatment of respiratory organs

    Tincture of the plant is the most common tool aimed at helping with respiratory diseases. The presence of foaming saponins in the plant can actively increase the work of the epithelial functions of the respiratory organs. At the same time, liquefaction of sputum mass occurs faster, which improves the expectorant effect and the release of bronchi from mucus congestion. With this disease, licorice infusion is used in the form of tea. A small piece of root, about 1-2 cm, is boiled in 250 ml. water and take warm throughout the day. Such tea will have a beneficial effect not only with seasonal respiratory manifestations, but also stop asthmatic attacks.

    The antimicrobial and antibacterial properties of licorice that can withstand pulmonary infections are also successfully used for such an insidious disease as tuberculosis.

  2. Stress relief licorice

    Stress hormone - cortisol, produced by the adrenal glands in the blood of a person during nervous overloads, can lead to chronic fatigue and nervousness. Liquorice extract, due to the presence of glycyrrhizic acid, is able to balance the level of cortisol in the body, helping with signs of overwork, chronic fatigue, restoring the nervous system and stimulating the adrenal glands. It should be noted the ability of licorice to stimulate the body's resistance to stressful situations after the operating period and to resist fibromyalgia - painful communication for no apparent reason against the backdrop of depression.

  3. The ability of licorice to resist malignant neoplasms

    Studies in oncology have shown the ability of the root to have an anti-proliferative effect in the multiplication of breast cancer cells, which made it possible to use licorice preparations during chemoprophylactic measures. The presence of flavonoids in the chemical composition of the plant increases the antitumor activity of licorice extract, aimed at reducing the toxicity of chemotherapy drugs. The root of the plant is able to reduce the likelihood of cirrhosis, reducing the concentration of transaminase enzymes.

    IMPORTANT!However, people with metastatic textular tumors taking cisplatin treatment should stop using the root of the plant.

  4. Licorice Root for Skin Care

    Licorice root and skin care products have been well proven, which made its qualities valuable in the treatment of skin diseases of mycosis, eczema and psoriasis. The implementation of the internal intake of licorice infusion, ensures the quality of the body responsible for the health of the skin, namely the liver. External use of the root extract in the form of lotions, creams can reduce the redness and peeling caused by eczema.

    Licorice extract has been used in the treatment of herpes and lichen. Plant-based ointment is rubbed into the affected area for 4-5 days.

    The root extract is known in cosmetology as a tool aimed at lightening and reducing pigmented skin manifestations. Using a root extract in creams and tonics that can give the skin an even tone and color.

  5. Heart health

    Flavonoids contained in the plant extract give it antioxidant properties indispensable for the functioning of blood vessels. This property prevents the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of arteries, thereby ensuring unhindered passage of blood.

  6. Licorice for Women's Health

    The symptom of the climacteric period is associated, first of all, with a change in the hormonal background in the female body, which is expressed in the variability of mood, feelings of “hot flashes”, excessive sweating. The use of one capsule of licorice root in the form of a dietary supplement is able to balance the hormonal background of the female body during menopause.

    The extract of licorice will also have a positive effect on the female body during “critical” days. Having an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effect, the extract will reduce pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mammary glands, reduce spasmodic pain in the pelvic area. Prepared tea from the plant will relieve irritability and improve mood before waiting for a monthly cycle.

    It should be noted the ability of licorice to have a beneficial effect on the secretion of the female hormone estrogen, which helps not only to normalize the menstrual cycle, but also to restore ovulation, which positively affects the desire of a woman to plan a pregnancy.

    Numerous studies have noted the ability of the root to lower testosterone in women. This fact makes it possible to apply licorice for polycystic ovarian disease.

  7. Rinsing hair with licorice infusion helps increase blood circulation in the hair follicles, enriching them with useful substances, which prevents their loss.

  8. Help for Diabetes

    The substance amorfrutins contained in licorice has an antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory effect, which can lower blood sugar, which is not unimportant in case of type 2 diabetes. The plant's antioxidant abilities help regulate low-density lipoproteins, reducing the likelihood of atherosclerosis.

  9. The benefits of licorice in maintaining oral hygiene

    The antimicrobial effect of glycyrrhizin, which is part of the plant, is actively used in caring for the oral cavity, preventing the formation of tartar, the processes of carious destruction of teeth. The component of licorice is included in many toothpastes and mouth rinses.

  10. Licorice for HIV Prevention

    Glycyrrhizic acid, contained in large quantities in the root, can inhibit the production of phosphokinase, stopping the phosphorylation of infected proteins in cells. When used internally, the compound, accumulating in the cells, blocks the active parts of the virus, and deprives them of the ability to synthesize new harmful components.

  11. For neurological disorders

    Licorice also has beneficial properties in neurological disorders such as Bell palsy caused by unilateral paresis, or muscle paralysis innervated by the facial nerve. Eating a root will stop involuntary lacrimation and other neurological symptoms associated with this disease.

  12. The use of licorice in the fight against excess weight

    Studies in the field of dietetics noted significant weight loss in people in the control group who took licorice extract for two months. It should be noted that in this case, a diet using licorice was accompanied by balanced physical activity.

  13. Licorice Relief for Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Violation of metabolic processes associated with the activity of free radicals can cause rheumatoid arthritis. The mechanism of action of licorice on the body is comparable to the action of cortisone, an anti-inflammatory hormone. Scientific studies prove that the plant’s anti-inflammatory substances inhibit an enzyme that causes arthritic inflammation. Tea with liquorice extract, possessing antioxidant qualities, increases the body's ability to withstand this ailment.

  14. Help plants with fungal and microbial infections

    Liquorice root extract can withstand numerous viral and fungal infections. Scientific studies show the ability of glycyrrihizic acid contained in the plant to cope with the herpes virus and chickenpox virus.

    Possessing an antimicrobial effect, licorice root is used in the treatment of wounds and cuts on the skin. The healing process of wounds treated with liquorice extract is much faster than wounds that have not been treated.

  15. The ability of licorice to reduce liver fermentation

    In folk medicine, licorice extract is used to maintain the normal functioning of the liver. Especially, it has a beneficial effect on the liver, experiencing the negative effects of alcohol and hepatitis. One of the main components of the root glycyrrhizin is able to control the concentration of transaminase enzymes in the liver, which are responsible for the production of various amino acids. Studies by Iranian scientists in this area have confirmed that the use of a daily dose of 2 grams of glycyrrhizin ensures the normal functioning of the liver to produce alanine transaminase and aspartate transaminase.

Licorice root - medical recipes

Licorice decoction

Shredded and dried root pour 250 grams of boiling water, cook in a water bath for 20-25 minutes. Let stand, strain, take 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day.

With pulmonary tuberculosis

In equal proportions, mix licorice root and knotweed. 3-4 tablespoons of herbal raw materials pour 500 grams of water, boil for about 5-6 minutes and insist. Take 100 grams every 4 hours.

With bronchitis

Pour 50 grams of licorice root with 500 grams of vodka, put the mixture on fire and boil for 10 minutes, cool and strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

With gastritis and ulcer

Dilute 1 gram of licorice juice in 100 grams of hot water. Take the infusion 3 times a day in the form of heat.

You should chew on a small root, swallowing the juice released from it.

To make hair silky
  2 tablespoons of licorice pour 500 grams of water, bring to a boil and boil for about 15 minutes. Cool and rub abundantly into hair follicles. Insulate the head with a plastic cap and a towel. Rinse with water after 30 minutes. The procedure is carried out for a month.

Storage of licorice raw materials

For future use, you can independently prepare the licorice root. Raw materials are harvested in spring and autumn. The dug root should be cleaned of dirt, the stems should be separated from it and dried. Remove the top layer from dry raw materials and grind to a powdery state.

Contraindications to the use of licorice

For those who decide to use the properties of licorice, you should know about contraindications for its use.

  1. Use caution in people prone to high blood pressure readings.
  2. Long-term use of licorice preparations can disrupt menstrual zinc in women and reduce libido.
  3. The use of large doses of the plant causes the formation of edema.
  4. Liquorice extracts are not compatible with diuretic medications, as they can cause hypokalemia and myopathy.
  5. The use of licorice is contraindicated in conjunction with drugs aimed at treating heart failure.
  6. Use with caution to people with individual intolerance.

Scientists have suggested that licorice has been used in folk medicine for more than 5 thousand years.

Traditional Japanese, Korean and Chinese medicine believe that licorice root is second only to ginseng in the list of usefulness of herbal remedies.

Chinese medicine used liquorice roots in powder form for people with manifestations of fever, suffering from cough, and its special use was given to children during colds. In addition to medicinal qualities, the Chinese appreciated the nutritional properties of the plant. It was added to many confectionery products as a sweetener.

Indian healers treated licorice eye diseases. And Korean recipes distinguished it as a powder that can help with tuberculosis and nervous diseases.

The use, recipes and medicinal properties of licorice (licorice).

Medicinal plant licorice -(licorice, yellow licorice root, thyme). Licorice root (roots and rhizome)  contains vitamin C, glycosides, flavonoids, mineral salts, yellow pigment, pectin, mineral salts, sucrose, etc.

Of dried roots and licorice shoots  make means expectorant (for example, breast elixir).

MEDICINAL PROPERTIES OF LICORICE (LAMB, LIQUORICE). Licorice root in the composition diuretic used in the preparation of various tablets and improve the taste of drugs. Of licorice roots  they extract a medicinal product (liquiquiton), which is used for peptic ulcer 12 - duodenal ulcer and stomach, at gastritis. Licorice root  It is used in cooking, for technical purposes, confectionery, and for brewing. In medical practice   used to give a better taste to drugs.

  Licorice (thyme, licorice, licorice) - herbaceous plant, perennial, legume family, with a powerful root system. Fruit  - curved slightly naked bean, elongated, brown with two to six seeds. Brilliant seeds, greenish-gray or brownish kidney-shaped. Root blooms  from June to August, and the fruits ripen from August to September. Propagation of the plant occurs by seeds and vegetatively. The plant creates thickets along the steppes, brackish and grows on the banks of the steppe rivers, on the sands, and as a weed in the semi-desert and steppe zones. Spread in Central Asia, along the rivers, the lower reaches of the Volga and Don and the coast of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, in the East Transcaucasia, in the North Caucasus and South - East of Europe. Widespread naked and ural licorice.  Two given plants - sources licorice root (licorice).  Is growing   in the form of weed along roads, in fields and in the steppes.

Useful properties of thyme (licorice).   Licorice  famous for its expectorant, enveloping  and light laxatives. Expectorant Properties  experts associate with the presence in   root  glycyrrhizin enhancing function secretory upper respiratory tract  and raises activity epithelium  ciliary in bronchi and trachea. saponins contained in the plant, mucous membranes irritate the respiratory tract and other organs, increase the secretion of glands,  in this connection   included in fees  and composition laxative, diuretic, expectorant.  Due to flavonoid compounds   drugs affect smooth muscles of the bronchi antispasmodic. Licorice  contains substances similar in their structure and action to steroid hormones produced by the adrenal glands and their cortical layer, possessing a strong anti-inflammatory property. Scientists have isolated a number of biologically active substances from licorice that lower blood cholesterol and contribute to the destruction of cholesterol plaques in human blood vessels.

Licorice or thyme. Beneficial features. Video


About the use of the drug   written in the monument of medicine of China “Herb Book”, which was written more than three millennia BC. Millennium Doctors of China licorice root  attributed to the first class of drugs, trying to add to the composition of many mixtures of drugs, because he enhances the effects of other drugs and is a "conductor" and neutralizes the effects of various poisons that enter the human body. Licorice roots -  believed in Tibet, give longevity. Licorice roots  long and effectively used in Sumer, Assyria, from which they were borrowed by the doctors of Egypt.

Liquorice root. He is thyme. Application. Video

ACTIVE SUBSTANCES. USED \u200b\u200bPARTS OF thyme (LICENSE). Rhizomes and licorice roots  widely used in the food industry - in soft drinks ( licorice extract  - component lemonade, Pepsi - cola, Coca - cola  and etc.) extracts of syrups, as a foaming agent and a surrogate for sugar, kvass, beer, tonic drinksuse when cooking marinade, flour and whipped products, stewed fruit, cocoa, coffee, halva, jelly, sweets.  Use as flavoring additive  for processing fish  And How additive to green and long leaf teas, and in Japan and Egypt - as component additives with fungicidal and bactericidal properties to drinks and food products.

Licorice naked (thyme, licorice). Video


Licorice root and pertussin syrup. Beneficial features. Video


Thyme or licorice. Application in traditional medicine. how decoction, infusion, extract or powder  apply rhizome with licorice rootsas a means expectorant  at inflammation , as antispasmodic  and anti-inflammatory  at hyperacidin the composition of medicinal mixtures - as laxative  and diuretic  remedy for sugar ,   disease 12 - duodenal ulcer and stomach, regulatory and laxative  water-salt metabolism: as part of medicinal mixtures - as laxative and diuretic. Drugs from licorice roots  used as an aid in addison's disease, adrenal hypofunction. For adrenal stimulation  bark   applied when lupus, pemphigus,   allergic dermatitis. In Korea, in traditional medicine   used in treatment exudative pleurisy, chronic and sharp   inflammation   , stomach ulcers and 12 - duodenal ulcers, rheumatic dry   and   , drug and food poisoning, diseases   (including chronic hepatitis), urticaria, acute tonsillitis and chronic.


Thyme or licorice. Medicinal properties and recipes. Video

Recipes of Chinese centenarians.Every second senior citizen in China chews fresh licorice root for breakfast.

  The recipe for tincture.   Of licorice tincture  no worse acting than the root is fresh.Take a hundred gr. dried roots  (sold at the pharmacy), grind them in a coffee grinder, one spoon of art. powder  pour boiling water in a glass, for a couple of hours, insist, express, heated infusion to take  recommended for tablespoons of Art. four times a day before meals, while grated licorice  the powder will not end.

Recipes for broth with thyme (Licorice). Licorice root broth (first recipe): ten gr. raw materials pour boiling water st. cover, heat in a water bath for twenty minutes, insist from an hour to two hours, decant, then squeeze out the remaining and bring the volume of boiled water to one tablespoon. Take a spoonful of art. four to five times a day.

Licorice root broth  (second recipe): spoon of art. raw materials per one art. boiling water, drink a quarter - a third of Art. four to five times a day like anti-inflammatory, expectorant, mild laxative.

  PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES. Licorice. Attention! As a result of prolonged use licorice preparations  can arterial pressure increase, violation in the genital area - weakening of libido, limitation or disappearance of hair, fluid retention, not excluding the appearance of edema, the development of gynecomastia and other disorders.

Be healthy!

Licorice, treatment with licorice root, treatment with licorice. Video

Licorice (licorice) is a perennial herb belonging to the legume family and having about 15 subspecies. Some species reach a height of two meters, but the average size is about half a meter.

The most popular is licorice or licorice. Its stems are erect, slightly branched, oval-oblong leaves, consisting of 3-10 small adhesive leaves.

Licorice roots are powerful, deeply rooted in the ground, on a yellow fracture. In June, white-purple flowers appear, collected in brushes from 5-6 individual pieces. By August-September, the fruits ripen — brown, curved beans.

Licorice is common in southern Russia, the Caucasus, Moldova, Ukraine, Eastern Europe and Central Asia. It is successfully cultivated in areas with a temperate climate. Prefers sandy and clay soils. Traditional places of growth are meadows, steppes, semi-deserts, roadsides and river edges. Unpretentious, propagated by seeds or rhizomes, rapidly grows over long distances.

In medicine, the underground part of the plant is used. This is a well-known licorice root. In the early spring or autumn, the roots are dug up, washed, in some cases, peeled, cut into pieces and thoroughly dried. The resulting raw material is pressed. In this form, licorice root can be stored for up to ten years without losing beneficial properties.

Licorice is a good honey plant, its root system strengthens sandy soils, can be used for landscaping.

Useful properties of licorice

The main benefit of licorice is that its root can not only heal, but also prevent the occurrence of diseases. It contains substances that are close in their structure and action to steroid hormones, which exhibit a strong anti-inflammatory effect. These substances provide the body's resistance to the effects of many pathogens.

The anti-inflammatory property is one of the strongest and most valuable qualities of the plant. The use of licorice root along with other medicines enhances the effect of the latter, increasing the therapeutic effect.

Licorice root has antitumor properties, therefore it is actively used in the treatment of cancer.

It was also found that licorice has antimicrobial, antihistamine and antispasmodic effects, which justifies its use in the treatment of peptic ulcer of the intestine and stomach, eczema, allergic dermatitis and other diseases.

The use of licorice root has a tonic and stimulating effect, helps relieve fatigue, reduce fatigue and thereby stimulate the body's protective functions.

The beneficial properties of licorice are used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, accompanied by cough with the formation of viscous sputum, tuberculosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and immune systems.

The use of infusions and decoctions from the root of the plant helps to get rid of nausea, restore bowel function, reduce acidity, and cope with constipation. In addition, licorice is used as a strong antidepressant, an antidote to food, chemical and infectious intoxications.

Licorice root lowers blood cholesterol, has an antispasmodic effect, helps restore vascular elasticity, soothes the nervous system and nourishes the brain. And besides, the plant is used as a means of beauty: the infusion helps to restore youthfulness to the skin, to get rid of the mass of cosmetic defects and to alleviate the mass of skin diseases.

Contraindications to the use of licorice

Along with substances that have a positive effect on the body, licorice also contains substances that have a negative effect on the body. Therefore, it has licorice syrup and useful properties, and contraindications. Licorice syrup is contraindicated for use by adults:

  • with a tendency to edema (analogues of mineralocorticoids in licorice retain water in the body);
  • with arterial hypertension and taking antihypertensive drugs (fluid retention in the body increases the volume of circulating blood and increases pressure);
  • with myocarditis, pericarditis, heart failure (an increase in the volume of circulating blood increases the load on the diseased heart);
  • with glaucoma (excess fluid can increase intraocular pressure);
  • with kidney diseases (the rate of blood filtration in the kidneys decreases);
  • with diabetes (contains a lot of sugars);
  • with liver diseases (gallstone disease, hepatitis, cirrhosis);
  • taking diuretics (increased excretion of potassium in the urine);
  • with reduced blood coagulability;
  • with individual intolerance;
  • for immunity (before epidemics or after infectious diseases).

In addition to the above, contraindications for taking licorice preparations for women are:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hormonal disorders (mastopathy);
  • female oncopathologies (uterine cancer, breast cancer);
  • tendency to uterine bleeding;
  • taking oral contraceptives.

When taking drugs from licorice root, the dose should be strictly observed. With an overdose of licorice preparations, the following can be observed:

  • violation of urination;
  • lack of sex drive;
  • breast swelling;
  • baldness in the external genital area;
  • hyperproduction of gastric juice;
  • swelling
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • joint pain
  • dizziness.

Licorice root is a very common folk remedy for the treatment of a variety of diseases. Self-medication is dangerous to health! Considering that taking licorice can bring both benefits and harm, you should consult your doctor before taking funds from it.

Useful properties of licorice root syrup

Syrup has the same beneficial effect as licorice root. The chemical composition of this drug contains glycyrrhizin, coumarins, polysaccharides, essential oils, glycyrrhizic acid.

Licorice syrup is considered a remedy that has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and expectorant effects. Using this medicine, you can avoid coughing, which is a consequence of a complication of the disease. It improves sputum discharge.

The syrup has a preventive effect during the spread of influenza. This is due to the fact that licorice syrup leads to the strengthening of immunity. It helps in the treatment of colds. Syrup is also used to treat diseases such as bronchitis, asthma, gastritis, tracheitis, pneumonia. Its benefit lies in the fact that it leads to the healing of ulcers, helps get rid of staphylococcus.

Licorice syrup is recommended for children who have some gastrointestinal problems. Taking it, you can neutralize the toxic effect that appears after the use of chemical drugs. Syrup affects metabolic processes.

It can also affect the body as a mild laxative in chronic constipation. In some countries, syrup from this plant is used to treat diabetes, as well as pancreatic lesions.

For people involved in sports, physical education, this is an excellent tool in order to restore strength after physical exertion and suppress cortisol.

Licorice for children

As a rule, licorice root for children is prescribed in the form of decoctions or syrups for coughing (wet and dry), less often for some gastrointestinal diseases. Depending on age, a single dose of decoction for the child should be a dessert or teaspoon. It should be taken warm, three times a day, thirty minutes before a meal.

Children are treated with syrup much more readily than decoction, because of its pleasant sweet taste. It promotes the elimination of sputum, enhances immunity, heals the mucous membranes, has analgesic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Syrup is recommended for children
give in the following doses:

  • from 1 to 3 years - 2.5 ml;
  • from 3 to 6 years - no more than 5 ml;
  • from 6 to 9 years - no more than 7.5 ml;
  • from 9 to 12 years old - no more than 10 ml.

Syrup is usually taken three times a day, after eating no earlier than half an hour. At the same time, it is recommended to drink it with water.

Licorice is contraindicated in children under one year old, in children under three years of age, giving funds from it is possible only on the recommendation of a specialist.

Licorice root tincture

Most of the population has a weak immune system. Because of this, a person is constantly threatened by viruses and bacteria. Extracts and tinctures are created from the root, which can increase the body's resistance to various infections.

Licorice root tincture has many medicinal properties, and almost no contraindications. The medicine has found wide application in therapy directed against lung diseases, skin ailments and constipation. It is also used to prevent biliary tract and food poisoning.

Tincture Recipe


  • dry root - 10 g;
  • water - 200 ml.

Preparation and use

Grind the roots and place in enameled dishes, add water. Heat in a water bath and keep under the lid for half an hour. Cool and strain. Store no more than two days in a cold place. Drink 3 times a day for one tablespoon.

Licorice during pregnancy

The use of licorice during the period of bearing a child is undesirable. This is due to the fact that its ability to change the water-salt balance can provoke unwanted edema. In addition, it can cause an increase in pressure, uterine bleeding, an increase in hormonal activity. Infusion, decoction or cough syrup during pregnancy, made from licorice, is allowed to be taken only in extreme cases, when other drugs can not cope with the problem. And they should be treated only after the doctor’s permission.

Traditional methods of treating licorice

In folk medicine, licorice has been used since ancient times and has established itself as an effective healing agent in the fight against various diseases. In folk medicine, decoctions, infusions, powders, ointments, breast charges are prepared from the roots. In this article, we have selected for you the best recipes that can be easily prepared at home and used to treat various ailments.

Infusion for cough, with bronchitis, with a cold:

1 tablespoon of crushed raw materials pour 1 cup boiling water, insist for 40 minutes. Then strain the infusion and take one tablespoon 4 times a day.

Decoction of the roots in acute respiratory infections and pneumonia:

1 tablespoon of chopped root pour a glass of hot water, cook the broth in a water bath, cover the saucepan with a lid and simmer for 20 minutes. Then you need to insist the broth for 40 minutes, strain, add boiled water to the original volume and take a quarter cup three times a day before eating. The course of treatment is 10 -14 days.

Decoction for lowering cholesterol in the blood, from cholesterol plaques in the vessels:

1 tablespoon of dry crushed licorice roots pour 0.5 l of cold water, bring to a boil, boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Insist 10 minutes, strain and take a decoction of half a glass 3-4 times a day after eating.

Decoction for diabetes:

2 tablespoons of chopped root pour two cups of boiling water, simmer for 10 minutes, leave for 30 minutes. Then the broth should be filtered and taken 30 minutes before meals, half a glass 3-4 times a day.

Decoction for external use in eczema, dermatitis, for washing purulent wounds, for washing with thrush:

Pour a tablespoon of crushed licorice raw materials with a glass of water, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. The broth needs to be insisted for 30 minutes, strain. Rinse sore spots with a decoction or apply lotions on affected areas of the skin.

Decoction for the treatment of prostate adenoma:

1 tablespoon of crushed dry licorice root pour half a liter of boiling water to a boil, reduce heat and cook for ten minutes with the lid closed. When the broth cools down, it must be filtered. Take a third of a glass three times a day before meals. It is necessary to be treated for three weeks, then take a two-week break and repeat the treatment. Six such courses are required per year.

Decoction for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, with constipation and poisoning, with arthritis:

1 tbsp. spoon of crushed root pour a glass of hot water, boil in a water bath with the lid closed on low heat for 20 minutes. Insist for two hours, squeeze out the roots, strain well, take 5 times a day, one tablespoon of the decoction.

Decoction for the treatment of gastritis with high acidity:

2 teaspoons of crushed root pour a glass of hot water, boil in a water bath over low heat for 15 minutes. Insist for an hour, then strain the broth, add boiled water to the original volume. Take the broth four times a day, one tablespoon.

Licorice root juice for the treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers:

Rinse the fresh licorice root well, grind and squeeze the juice from it. One gram of juice should be diluted with half a glass of warm boiled water. Divide into three parts and drink in three doses during the day. The course of treatment is one month.

Collection with licorice root for the treatment of bronchitis:

Three parts of licorice root, 4 parts of leaves mother and stepmother, three parts of leaves of plantain need to be mixed. To prepare the broth, you need to take one tablespoon of the collection, pour one glass of boiling water and simmer for 45 minutes. Broth to insist for one hour. Strain and take half a glass of broth (for children 1 teaspoon) three times a day after meals.

Licorice collection for the treatment of colds and lingering coughs:

In equal parts, take licorice root, marshmallow root, thyme grass, mix everything. Pour one tablespoon of the collection with one glass of boiling water, boil and insist in heat for 2 hours. Strain and use a decoction of one third of a glass with honey 3-4 times a day before meals.

Licorice Lymph Cleaning

With a violation of the functions of the lymphatic system, a disease occurs - lymphotoxicosis. It entails a burden on the liver, intestines, kidneys, and doctors sometimes make disappointing diagnoses: hepatitis, enteritis, colitis, and dysbiosis. There is a slowdown in the release of metabolic products, stagnation of bile, constipation, inflammation of the bladder (cystitis) are formed. Skin rashes, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, etc.

All these troubles can be corrected by applying licorice root. If 1 tablespoon of the syrup diluted in a glass of hot water is drunk on an empty stomach, the cleaning process can be felt in an hour.

Licorice collection and harvesting

Rhizomes with roots is a medicinal raw material that must be harvested. They are harvested cleaned of bark, as well as with bark, in early spring or autumn. medicinal licorice and its root.

Rhizomes and roots are dug out of the ground, cut off stems and washed in cold water. After that, they are cut into pieces and dried in the sun or indoors, providing ventilation. Dry raw materials are pressed into bales.

The largest root specimens are cleaned of bark and dried immediately after cleaning. Raw materials for harvesting are fragments of roots and rhizomes in the form of cylinders of different lengths with a thickness of 5-50 mm. Remains of rhizomes may be visible on the brown surface. At the break, the roots have a wavy texture, a pronounced yellow color. They have no smell, but they taste very sweet, somewhat irritating to the throat.

The raw materials are aired in air, and then dried under a canopy or in dryers at t no more than 60 degrees.

Dry raw materials break at break with a crunch - this is a sign of its readiness. Licorice roots should be stored in dryness and darkness - in such conditions, the raw materials are suitable for 10 years.

It is useful to know about the healing herbs with which the surrounding nature is rich. After all, sometimes you can find a cure for various diseases without resorting to medications. So, licorice (the healing properties of which have been known since time immemorial) are often prescribed for colds. Let's talk more about this medicinal plant.

Healing remedy - licorice

This plant is a perennial culture with a straight trunk and a slightly sprawling stem. Licorice rhizome is thick and short, with many small branches. The zone of Eastern Europe, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and the steppe regions of Central Asia are the places where licorice grows. Its medicinal properties in these areas are well known, and therefore the collection of plants is carried out everywhere.

As you know, there are four types of licorice: naked, stiff-haired, Korzhinsky and Ural, which have an almost identical composition and the same use in medicine. Their difference is only in the ratio of substances contained in the stems and roots.

Licorice: useful properties and contraindications

This medicinal plant is used to treat various diseases that can be represented in the following list:

  1. Diseases of the stomach and intestines - ulcers, gastritis, etc.
  2. Rheumatism, arthrosis and arthritis.
  3. Kidney disease.
  4. Bronchial asthma and others
  5. Atherosclerosis.
  6. Bites of snakes and poisonous insects.
  7. Bladder disease
  8. Food poisoning and other problems.

It should be noted that there are cases when licorice, the healing properties of which are very effective, is not recommended. These are such diseases:

  • chronic hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • renal failure;
  • diabetes;
  • heart rhythm disturbances and other ailments.

Also, it should not be used during pregnancy and individual intolerance to the components of a medicinal plant.

Healing recipes

As a rule, it is used for the preparation of medicines. Its medicinal properties have long been known to residents of various countries, while each nation’s methods and methods of treatment with this plant were different. But we can distinguish the main methods that are effective for colds and other inflammatory diseases.

1. You can prepare a decoction of To do this, you need 10 g of medicinal raw materials, pour about 0.2 l of boiling water and warm in a water bath. Then let the broth infuse for about 2 hours and drink one large spoon several times a day.

2. You can also make an infusion of crushed roots. To do this, you need to fill in a tablespoon of licorice with half a liter of water. Boil for about 10 minutes, then remove from the stove and cool. Take a decoction (after filtering it) after eating half a glass up to 4 times a day.

3. It is good to take licorice syrup as an expectorant. To make it, you can take rhizome extract (4 g) and mix with sugar syrup (86 g) and alcohol (10 g).

A plant such as licorice (the medicinal properties of which we examined above) is a potent healing agent. Therefore, it should be taken after consulting with your doctor in advance.