Pyrenees, Pyrenean Mountains. Pyrenees, Mountains for those who do not seek easy ways

Mountains of Pyrenees are striking with their diversity. Majestic peaks are tested here, inside which deep caves are hidden, and grand waterfalls are visible in the valleys. And the best of their feature is that wildlife Almost not touched by civilization.


Pyrenees are the mountains of medium height that stretch out 450 kilometers from the west and to the Mediterranean Sea in the East. Heights fluctuate between 1600 and 2500 meters. Pyrenees Mountains are located on the border between Spain and France. And in the eastern part of them, the tiny state of Andorra was attached.

All this - after he left at least An hour before us and caught up with us on the lake Batzer. There, we gladly swallowed there that we were after dangerous stretching. To shudder, bad weather I struck our fingers at the very beginning. It is difficult to say that it was raining, but in the air Vital 100% humidity. On the same day, the next day we switched from 325 horizontal meters. A week later, we flew off the ridge, and a few days later we swayed a two-day storm - as we were tired, we fell to the bottom and filled the provisions.

The French caused a lot of angry and globally, so it is not surprising that bad weather in Pyrenees occurs from its territory. Abroad - fog, rain and French retirees will turn into the sun, attractions and permissible hairy Spaniards.

Pyrenees Mountains belong to the young, although they are still older than, for example, the Alps and Andes. Already 500 million years ago, peaks rose on the mainland. During its development, these mountains were strongly susceptible to erosion. Therefore, in some places, the terrain of something resembles the Grand Canyon in America. And then the mountains completely swallowed the ocean, as evidenced by the presence of soft sedimentary rocks, such as limestone in the West, due to the erosion of which, and karst cavities were formed - caves. Then the collision and the Mountain of Pyrenees began again revived and found themselves on land. All these processes are caused by such a variety of relief shapes.

There were nights when the stars sparkled in the sky, and the other half was black pig. And the next morning the southern city will keep the clouds and fogs for several days in their place - in France. In Spain there are also clouds - there is no need to look at the forecast. We just went professionals outside the way after we bought the first topographic map. It happened somewhere on the 23rd day. We lost exactly 3 times, but we have always had an orientation, and somewhere we went to places like Lake Artist or Mount Montan.

Between Slarardou and Mount Roig, there were no chances to get out of control without a card, and last week we pulled out three elderly French from the hill and pushed them to neighbor. It would be harder to convince them without a card. Except that this path does not really exist, between Aspeggi and Arpeay, a good road can be achieved in 45 minutes.

Different sections of Pyreneev

Pyrenees Mountains geographically divided into three parts: Atlantic (Western), Aragon (Central), Mediterranean (Eastern).

Atlantic Pyrenees belong to two states: France and Spain. From the west to east, the height gradually increases.

The Aragonian peaks belong only to Spain, here is the most pyrenees, peaks: anetho (3404), Monte Piro (3348) and Vinmal (3298). From the Spanish side, Aragon Pyrenees are more accessible, in French territory they are cooled and climbers. Here you can go from one country to another through the sumport pass. The south of the place where the Mountains of Pyrenees are located, in parallel the other ridge called Sierra de Guerra stretches. All modern glaciation is also concentrated in the central part.

It is clear that everyone has its own Pyrenean Path - but it does not even need to be celebrated and documenting on paper. By the end of the 5th week I had a solid instinct when you need to follow and when you need to get around the expensive way to Pyrenees. Huts, shelters, campgrounds, Palace - Hat began massively after Leskina, and almost every day, Salada, at least one of them. The evening menu with soup, second and dessert costs 15 euros, and alternative dishes - omelets, salads and soups. You will try them one.

Sleep in the chalet is about 10 euros. Palaces around the chalet are encouraged in France, and the use of appropriate sanitary supplements is grace. In Spain, tents in the hut are rarely removed, but, as a rule, no one creates problems on high places. National Park Ordes fined not only on cardboard boxes. But in Spain and Andorra, we had no guns with rangers or park gangs, even if we did not play hide and seek. The camp sites are mostly communal, at a price of 10 to 15 euros for two plus tent.

Mediterranean Pyrenees belong to the most part to Spain than France. There is a dwarf state between them, which is entirely in the mountains. This is the principality of Andorra.

In the Pyrenean Mountains you can look into French departments: Upper Pyrenees, Upper Garonna, Od, Argery and Atlantic Pyrenees. Spain includes: Huesca, Lerda, Navarre, Catalonia, Girona.

We relied on them mostly for the laundry, while Livni also filed hot water In just 5 minutes and only with fabrics of the same cost. Shelters - 2 types - huts without personnel or cabins. Non-alcoholic huts are perfectly equipped with mattresses, tables, food and bottles with 2-3 gas drops. If you are lucky, you will also find the remnants of wine, and even more - vodka. Boars are unlocked by stone shepherd buildings. There are no fleas, but for the company - they will take care of mice.

In many boars, they kept sacs with salt, but this is a double-edged sword. Cucumbers become more delicious because of sucking a longer sucking cow. Animals - the Beat's Pyrenees Butcher. His unobtrusive presence meant a more unclear area. It does not prevent her from being a mystery and rare garbage around the shelters. But in general, Pyrenees are much more familiar with the Alps or, perhaps, the souls in the summer. Sometimes we have not seen people for several days. Here is one of the few regions in Western Europe With the untreat presence of the bear, but we have not seen any traces.

History of Pyreneev

The first mountains of Pyrenees were settled by ancient people, they lived in locally as evidenced by rock paintings. Gradually, the main occupation of people, except hunting, becomes agriculture, growing grapes.

Pyrenees - Mountains who played a big role in the history of Europe. There were new states here, battles occurred. Only Hannibal's campaign entered the chronicle. The Carthaginians crossed the Pyrenees through Hello (Lerida and Girona Province), through the Pershes pass and the valley of the tets, then they moved to planning to break the Roman Empire in Italy.

The flock of cows and sheep is a common spectacle, and the manure of the cow seems to be picked up by a jerk under the steep gates. Most studs without a shepherd, and many areas are properly limited to wires or at least stripes, but sometimes shy bells and bark. His white color, Long-term peaceful activity and the dose of imprinting, when she was born in the herd, gave the beginning of the signs of the text - "Come like sheep, fled like sheep." What is it? Sheeps! Only where they are not sheep, but a paw. The dog identifies them until you cross the perimeter that awakens indelible instincts.


Lovers travel around the mountains often choose the Alps not alone along and across across, but hard-to-reach pyrenees. Despite its, it would seem, a small height, the trails in these mountains are complex and dangerous. The inaccessibility of Pyrenees is that there are no convenient transitions between them and few passages, this huge wall separated the peninsula from the rest of Europe. There are no roads, but many waterfalls, gorges, forests.

But there was a second white dog, much higher than the herd, which, in this mark, rose to the slopes to us - as if to verify the documents. Then the dog in the flock also silent, lay down, mixed with his brothers and did not pay attention to us. We have seen only one viper, and several times we heard the torn deer, but the real owners of the mountain are lizards. If you do not see hundreds of lizards during the day, then you did wrong, and you got to Cantabria. In Agelos, we met the boy with the camera - Olivier, who shot only in this mountain for years.

He spoke about the difficulties when a man "from the side" tried to settle in the Pyrenees. And shortly after that. But would be the Pyrenees with the same if their doors were open to everyone? If you are looking for mountains in Europe, where we can see hilly rounded hills, steep rock walls that touched the sky, open herbaceous slopes, deep valleys or gorges, shimmering streams and mirrors, for sure thousands of people will attack us. But such a place, at least one more, and we should not neglect it - these are magic pyrenees, partially intact and untouched mountain ranges in Western Europe with the highest peak, still located in the siege to "rest" a glacier, what high mountains ?

The wild animal world has been preserved here much better than in the same Alps. It lives here: sulna, Capricorn, boars, bears and even wolves that are almost no longer characteristic of Wild Europe. Pyrenees are something like mountains in Russia, such as, for example, the Caucasus. Of course, here 3404 - the maximum height of the mountains. Pyrenees in this regard will not be equal to Elbrus - the highest point of our country, but they are probably not inferior at all. These mountains have mastered many extreme lovers: speleologists, climbers, skiers and just pedestrian tourists.

Saddle Bayau between Spain and Andorra. Although the "main central comb" of the highest steep mountains extends almost 300 kilometers, the mountain range and its starts have the shape of low hills and dry lowlands from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic Ocean. All of them have a length of about 850 kilometers, begin with the sea and continue through the comb on the other side, again to the surface of the water.

Emerald Valley of the Horde, Pearl of Pyrenees, or what else can be called a more impressive recess in the mountains of Aragonony. "Earth on the horizon!" - For sailors returning from the long shores of American coasts, comforting and beneficial challenge of the steering. The lands on the horizon were the sharp contours of the limestone giants of the Cantabrian Mountains, which they deserve the name "Picus de Europe - European Shields".

Peak Aneto.

The highest mountain of Pyreneev, whose name Aneto is located in the Spanish Wesk province. The French are called Peak de-No. In all Spain, it is in third place in height. The anetho is located the largest glacier in this country, the area of \u200b\u200b79.6 hectares (2005). Climbing on this vertex climbers are made from "Remoting Renklus", located at an altitude of 2140 meters. Top path leads along the longest part of the glacier.

Take the third at the height of the peak of Continental Spain - Monte Perdido. The idyllic period of April and May can be found in the Great Eastern Pyrenees. One of them is Puigmal D'Err. It seemed that a good and safe version of the entrance to the HRLIT array over time and mileage turns into a fairly decent horror. The air passing high above the valley crosses the paths of fallen avalanches, held in a cool slope with the will of power. Wet and wet raw wintering only aggravates an amazing uncertainty.

Pot, flies and miser souls are a bike tax in the Pyrenees. You will get so much that you will not mind this. The neighborhood of the mountains is definitely not so much affected by tourism as the Alps. Pyrenees are the mountains of many people. Their 230-kilometer mountain range can be viewed as a natural wall between two absolutely different worlds. While in the south of the Spaniards, more than eight centuries in the constant struggle for power, moved through the Iberian peninsula with Arabs, the story was written on the other side of the mountains, mainly under the influence of problems from the north.

This ascent is considered simple, many tourists rises every year, quite without climbing experience. Thus, the highest mountain of Pyreneev is quite accessible. Mostly the climbing season lasts from July to September. By the way, the first to conquered this mountain in the summer in 1842 our compatriot, Russian officer Platon Alexandrovich Chikachev. With him as part of the group were conductors: Pierre Sanio de Lus, Luconene Bernard Arzoso, Pierre Redonna. Also was also Botanist Albert de Fucification and conductor Jean Sor. Upstairs, they left the pyramid of stones and a bottle with their own names. Winter climb occurred in 1878.

All you need to do is just stand elegant and decent French next to the fire, slightly chocolate Spaniard. We enjoy the last sip of tea in the middle of a lush mountain in the morning, and we look forward to our bike saddle, heading east. A few hundred kilometers ahead of us splash the waves of the Mediterranean on the rocky coast of Costa Brava. There our cyclops end in a few days.

We arrived in Pyrenees in mid-August. Houses grain slowly ripened, and here nature surpassed bright shades of green. Dark pine forests contrast with gentle shades of mountain meadows, and nothing can be seen in May freshness. The road slowly rises through the canyon Rio Chinkent. From time to time the river disappears under the layer of huge boulders, which once left their valley in the valley. The asphalt is aligned with silver rosettes of mountain hawks, and cedar branches of pines are out of the slopes of rocky walls.

Circus Gavarini

Circus Gavarine Ice Origin is a brand, on the one hand the rock wall is located. This is the famous landmark of Pyrenees, who was enthusiastic writer Viktor Hugo. It is also included in the UNESCO list. The circus diameter is at the bottom - 3.5 kilometers, and to the top it expands to 14 kilometers.

On the rocks behind the river there is a flock of the fever. We were lucky! In terms of Mount, the plan ends not only asphalt, but also a pleasant "hiking" bias. A dusty square is cut from the West, only a wooden "Infobud" dominates in smoked salon. A smiling Spaniard gladly informs us, and, with curiosity, he looks at our wheels. About an hour later, one of them will be thrown. The crew of the jeep, obviously, did not even notice the gray mountain cows, grazing a few yards from the road, not to mention steep rise.

Local mosquitoes are similar appearance And unexpectedly quickly adapted to poisoning. The sun burns, the muscles are also burning, and it is difficult to judge who among them. Martin has already realized that flies were not very busy if he had ten or twenty five. In the end, she had best legs On a trip than in a mosquito tape, waiting for the moment of rest.

The height of this basin above sea level is 1400 meters, the second top of height in the pyrenees is towers in the pyrenees - Monte Perdido. From the walls of the circus flows the streams of water forming in some places of waterfalls. In winter, they freeze and turn into ice walls, according to which Extreme lovers rose. Especially standing out among all aquatic streams of a gavari waterfall. It was stretched by 422 meters.

The air smells on pines, and the hills and valleys are melted in green colors. The one we came to, now wake up deeply under us, and the type of our bodies is filled with new flows of adrenaline. A few hundred yards from the top of the road graduated from school.

The wheels are packed with gravel, and the legs are clearly protesting. You do not even need a little beard, but in high grass There are a dozen purple ocher. The cabin in the typical combination of wood and stones is within walking distance of the hotel. We sit at a massive table and come out of the Genuine Moravian Sliceman. The camp is 40 km of delicious congress.

For a long time The gavariny waterfall was considered the highest in Europe, until a larger flow of water was found in Norway. To see this unique miracle of nature, the tourist should first get to the village of Gavarin, and already from there to make a transition along a good road that lasts about an hour. There is also a platform with benches, from where you can admire the waterfall and take a photo. At the height of 2-2.5 ice caves are located. The 1200-meter Wall of the Gavarin attracts climbers.

Cave Pierre-Saint-Martin

The famous Carship Pierre-Saint-Martin for a long time was considered to be deepest on our planet. This is the second cave in the world where you can go under the ground by more than a kilometer.

For the first time, French and Belgian speleologists went down here in 1953. They overcame a huge drumper, using a winch with a drum and a steel cable. Then there were no developed technologies for the passage of such caves. The expedition reached 737 meters, having lost one participant. Such depth was considered in those times the largest in the world.

The first 700 meters of depth were very dangerous, so completely the cave managed to conquer later, mainly due to the tunnel in the breed. Karst cavity were able to explore 1006 meters, the second entrance was also discovered. Thanks to the connection with a small cave, the hood, the total depth of Pierre-Saint-Martin reached 1171 meters.


This is a French city, which is also popular with tourists and pilgrims. He is where the mountains of Pyrenees are just beginning, that is, in the foothills. Here, according to legend, there was a phenomenon of the Virgin Mary of the 14-year-old girl Bernette. It happened in the cave Mesabiel. The Mother of God was a girl more than once, and 18. During this event, the child was cured from asthma, after he redeemed in the healing source, which Maria pointed out to her.

Later Bernadett was counted to face saints. A basilica dedicated to the immaculate conception of Mary was built over the cave. Until now, believers come here to pray and drink water from the sacred source.

There are museums in the city that you can visit: Bernadette Subita, Greens (religious painting) and the Pyrenean local lore.


A dwarf state, which by the occupied area can correspond to a small town. The number is 84 thousand people, most of which make up the Spaniards and only then the Andorranians. The name of the country from the Language of Basque is translated as "Pusty". The capital is Andorra La Velia. People here live mainly at the expense of tourism, besides this, the population is involved in trade and banking scope of Andorra.

Mountains of Pyrenees bring the main income of the country. Especially developed ski resorts, Pass de la Casa is the oldest of them. It can be said that the climate of the Mediterranean with a large amount of precipitation in the offseason reigns in the mountains. The ski season is open from December to the middle of spring.

Pyrenees are a mountain system located in the territory of the three states: Spain, France, Andorra.

Pyrenees are the natural section of the territories of two the largest states Western Europe, occupying southeastern lands of France and the northeastern lands of Spain. The border between the two these states passes predominantly one of the ridges of Pyrenees. The length of the mountain range of Pyreneev is 491 km., And the maximum width is not more than 110 km. in the central part.

The highest point of Pyrenees: 3404 m (peak anetho), - located in Spain in the central part of Maladet Plateau. A little west is the Mountain Pose (3375 m), to the north-west - Peak-Lon (3194 m.), South Mount Monte Perdido (3355 m.), Mount Vinmal is located between them and the passage of Somport (3298 m.) - The highest point of French pyrenees. The highest point of Eastern Pyrenees - 2913 m., Western - 2504 m.

The location of the Pyrenees Mountains.
Spanish Pyrenees Located on the territory of the following provinces (from west to east): Girona, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bLerida (last three Catalonia), Wesca (Aragon), Navarre and Hyposko (the last part of the Basque Country).

French pyrenees We are part of the following departments of France (from the east to west): Eastern Pyrenees (Northern Catalonia and Phenoled), OD, Argery, Upper Garonna, Upper Pyrenees, and Atlantic Pyrenees. The independent principality of Andorra is clamped in the eastern part of the mountain range between Spanish and French Pyrenees.

At the same time, the mountain chains stand in a kind of barrier on the ground borders of France in such a way that France, despite its continental location, as it were, cut off from neighboring lands of Italy, Spain, Switzerland and Germany. This fact largely predetermined its borders precisely on the mountain ranges of the largest mountain ranges in Western Europe. Alps, Pyrenees, Ardennes, along with the sea shores, ultimately formed the territory of France in modern form.

In the natural conditions of Pyrenees are divided into Western Pyrenees (from the Atlantic Ocean to Somavor's Pass), Central Pyrenees (from Somport's Passage to the Peak Karlit) and Eastern Pyrenees (from the peak of carlitus to the Mediterranean Sea).

Central PyreneesFolded mainly by crystal rocks - granites, gneis, as well as slates, sandstones. Alpine relief forms with glaciers are common here.

Western Pyrenees - Weighted mountains, built mainly by mesozoic limestones with separate arrays of crystalline rocks. Cars are developed here, many caves.

In the East - Pyrenees are down.Eastern Pyrenees - ridges and arrays from crystalline rocks, sandstones, limestones, dissected by internal bars with plain bottoms.

There are several hypotheses of the origin of the name of Pyrenees. Among these hepothesis, the following are the following:
- Mountains of Pyrenees are named By the name of the heroine of Greek mythology, Piens. There is a legend that she was killed wild beasts And buried in one of the caves of the mountains, which, on the will of Hercules (from which she was pregnant) received her name. In general, the name itself is really still at the Greeks, for example in the writings of Plutarch;

- by the second version of the name of the pyrenees Comes from the Iberian-Celtic word "Piren" - "Mountain". By the way, for comparison, in local languages: FR. Pyrenees, History: Los Pirineos / El Pirineo, Gaskonsky Los Pireneus, Catalan ELS Pirineus / El Pirineu, Aragon Os Perines, Basque Pirinioak. Although, if we proceed from writing, this hypothesis also has a weak place, in French, if noticed, it is written through Y, which is possible only as a result of borrowing from Greek through Latin (Pyrenaeus). The remaining languages \u200b\u200bwith this, too, in principle, are consistent.
- The name of the Pyrenees arose From the combination of the Ligurian word "Pouranaya", from Poura (space) and Naga (Mountain). Ligures lived in those places before Indo-European.

- By the fourth version, the name of the Pyrenees occurred From the Greek. There is an ancient text (Diodor Sicilian, 5th century BC), where it says that once there were many forests in those places, which were actively burned to the shepherds. Fire in Greek "Puree". And hence the pyrenees not far away.

Vertex Height, m. Country Vertex Height, m. Country
Aneto. 3 404 Spain Pico Posets. 3 375 Spain
Monte Perdido. 3 355 Spain Pic Maudit. 3 350 Spain
Cilindro de Marbore. 3 328 Spain Pic de la Maladeta 3 308 Spain
Vignemale (Pique Longue) 3 298 Spain / France CLOT DE LA HOUNT 3 289 Spain
Soum de Ramond. 3 263 Spain Pic de Marbore. 3 248 Spain / France
Climate Pyreneev

Climate in Pyrenees Preferably moderate, wet, southeast - subtropical, Mediterranean. The average January temperature is at an altitude of up to 500-600 m 4-8 ° C, at the highest ridges from -8 to -10 ° C. In July, in the foothills in the West - about 18 ° C, in the east - up to 24 ° C, near the snow line (at an altitude of 2400-2800 m on the northern slopes, up to 3000 m - on the southern) about 5 ° C.

The average annual rate of precipitation: from 1500-2400 mm per year on the northern slopes, up to 500-750 mm - on the southern one. On most of the pyrenees, the sediment falls out year-round, in the east, a summer drought is characterized. This is determined by the luxury air masses that come from the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. After passing the western and central regions of the pyrenees, the air masses are dumped with moisture in the form of rain or snow and over the eastern pyrenees become dry. The rivers in the Pyrenees are full, flow in narrow deep valleys and often form waterfalls (for example, a gavarini waterfall). The mediterranean pool rivers have a low flow in the summer, and in the dry years, there are places in places. Numerous small lakes of pyrenees - glacial, bombing and tectonic origin. In the areas of distribution of limestone and karst relief there are underground lakes and rivers with underground flow areas.

On some tops of the mountain ranges of Pyrenees, there are small glaciers (the total area of \u200b\u200bglaciers in the pyrenees is no more than 40 sq. Km. in the form of snow to cause their development. The glaciers are confined to the northern slopes of central pyrenees, and are not descended, as in the Alps, far down in the valleys, and have their own high ordium along the direction of the mountain range. They are formed, in fact, in a narrow zone near the ridge of the highest mountains of Pyreneev. Here, as in other large mountain ranges of Central Europe, there are significant evidence of much wider spread of glaciation during the ice age. The border of snow cover varies in different parts Pyrenees about 2700 to 2800 meters above sea level.

Vegetable world of Pyreneev

At a significant part of the pyrenees, forest landscapes prevail to the height of 1800-2100 m. Deciduous I. coniferous forests They are found mainly on the northern and western slopes. At the same time, the degree of forest areas of the mountain slopes is gradually decreasing in the direction from the West to the East. Eastern Pyrenees are especially wild and fruitless. This is connected not only with periodic droughts, but also, which, at the base of the eastern part of the Pyreneev, there are granite boulders that prevent the rapid development of vegetation.
In the lower part of the mountainside, broader forests are dominated from oak, chestnut, klyun, beech; In the middle part - pine forests, intermitted with oak and beech forests; At the top - predominantly beech, fir and fir forests With admixture of birch. In the southern and eastern slopes, landscapes are characterized by alternating forests with shrub thickets and emissions, and in the preparing satellite parts of the pyrenees, shrubs prevail. Evergreen formations such as McVis, Gariga, Tomillars and rare forests made of stone and cork oak, subtropical types of pines are common to the height of 500-700 m. Above the forest belt - landscapes with alpine shrub thickets (threshing mountain pine pine, juniper, rhododendrons, azaleas, etc.), alpine meadow landscapes.

Natural vegetation in the pyrenees Preserved relatively well. Pyrenees are almost as rich in endemic species, like the Alps, and among the most remarkable copies of this endemism, you can select the monotypic genus Xatardia (A Apiaceae family), which grows only on the high mountain pass between the tree d Eight and Catalonia. Other examples include Arenaria Montana, Bulbocodium. Vernum and Ranunculus Glacialis (Beckvichia Glacical).

The human activity has a wide impact on the vegetation world of Pyrenees. In the foothills and internal basins of the Pyrenean mountains, the fields of grain (wheat, corn, barley, oats), vineyards, gardens, and in the east - also plantations of cork oak and olives are also occupied. In the forest belt and on high mountain meadows - pastures (large cattle, Sheep, goats).

Animal world of Pyreneev

From mammals in the Pyrenees there are sulfasses, boar, badger, Pyrenee Capricorn, Geneltta, etc., from birds - depuchari, partridges, eagles, vultures, hawks.

Fauna Pyreneev , like the plant world, also to a certain extent is endemic. For example, the Pyrenean dye occurs only in some of the places on the northern slopes of these mountains (there is another type of this kind of eaves with the habitat in the valleys of the Caucasus rivers in the south of Russia). Pyrenean Tritons (Pyrenaicus Mountain Tritons), endemic, which occurred from the genus Salamandr live in mountain rivers and lakes of Pyrenees located at large altitudes. Among other features of the Pyrenean fauna are blind insects in the Caves of Arjez, the most famous delivery of which is Anophthalmus and Adelops.

But such an endemic look, as the Pyrenean Capricorn mysteriously extinct in January 2000; The Native Pyrenean Bear in the 1990s was practically exterminated by hunters, but were again delivered in 1996 from Slovenia. With the support of the local population, the bear began to reproduce successfully, and at present there are about 15 brown bears in the central region around the FOS massif, and four local individuals still live in the ASP valley.

Attractions of French Pyrenees
Parc National Des Pyrenees National Park

Pyrenees National Park It was created in 1967 to protect the highest region of French pyrenees from man-made human impact. Here they were fundamentally refused to create a wide network of tourism infrastructure. There are no fashionable ski resorts, top hotels and parking lots, campings, etc. But the park allows everyone to admire the pristine nature of this magnificent region, as well as take part in the "green" tours, which do not destroy the natural equilibrium, established for several centuries. The park takes place by more than 100 km along the border of France with Spain from Pick Larraille (2147 m) south and slightly further from the border with Spain to the Peak Munia (Pic de La Munia -3134 m), east of the town of Gavarin ( Gavarnie). The area on the territory of the park is very crossed: heights vary in the range from 1070 m. Up to 3298 m. (PIC-DE-VIGNEMALE). The park is the most famous Garvari and Triumus glacial circus, as well as more than two hundred lakes, several dozen waterfalls, more than a dozen valleys and about 400 km of marked advanced pedestrian routes.

After the introduction of a ban on hunting in the territoryNational Park PyreneevHe began to fulfill the role of a natural range for many species of rare and disappearing animals. Among them are SERNA, SURKI, STRIP, BERKKUTS, OSOV, GLUKHARI. In addition, it is here that many endemic types of the Pyrenean Flora are preserved. There are also Pyrenean bears here, although their number is still not overgrown with 20 individuals.

The international 700-kilometer tourist route GR10 also passes through the territoryNational Park Pyreneev. Despite the fact that the Pyrenean Mountains do not differ in such a height and curvature of descents and lifts, like the Alps, the route on the mountain slopes of Pyreneev is quite complicated and does not imply a light walk for unprepared tourists.

Information centersNational Park Pyreneev Located in Tarbes, ETSAUT, Coter (Cauterets), Luis-Saint-Saint-Sauveur, Gavarinie (Gavarnie), Larne (Laruns) and Arrenas - You can get all The necessary information about the reserve, places of placement (in total there are about a dozen mountain shelter and many hotels) and places of camp, card, and weather forecast (the latter is urged urgently not recommended, as the weather in Pyrenees is quite unstable at any time of the year). Camping and camps in many areas of the park are prohibited, only at the heights of more than 2000 meters you can break temporary tips that must be dismantled after 9.00.

Glacical Circus Gavarinie (Cirque de Gavarnie) Located on the territory of the National Paris of Pyrenees, in the commune of the apartment and represents a huge impregnable rocky breakdown of more than 800 meters high, located at the foot of one of the highest peaks of Pyreneev - Mount Mount Perdido (Monte Perdido, 3355 m.)

Glacical Circus Gavarinie (Cirque de Gavarnie) - This is the largest and most famous glacial circus of Pyrenees. It is located at an altitude of 1400 meters above sea level in the upper reaches of the River Gav-de-Po and is surrounded by three sides with the cliffs forming a 14-kilometer arc with heights of up to 3000 meters. The width of the Garling Circus reaches 800 meters at the foot, and at the top is 3000 meters.From the top of the Gavariny Ice Circus 12 waterfalls fall out, but 11 of them do not reach the foot of the rock, and they crumble on stone ledges into small splashes and disappear. Until the foot reaches only one - the largest gavari waterfall, the height of which reaches 422 meters and includes three cascades. For a long time, it was believed that the Gavarini waterfall is the highest waterfall in Europe, but subsequently in the Scandinavian Mountains of Norway, two waterfalls were discovered, superior to the gavari in height, but they could not compare with the Gavarini waterfall. His beauty at one time admired the famous French writer Viktor Hugo. Here is his lines: "Gavarnie! Un Miracle! Un Reve!" That in translation means: "Gavarini! Miracle! Dream!"

Regional Natural Park Pyrenees Ariage (Le Parc Naturel Regional Des Pyrenees Ariegeoises) It was formed in 2009 on the territory of the South Pyrenees Department in France and covers an area of \u200b\u200b2435 sq. Km. and includes territory 142 Comunun with a total population of 43.5 thousand people.

The peculiarity of this park is his rich floral world. Forests and groves, which circled on the mountainy berethic slopes occupy up to 80% of the territory of the entire park, extending in most mountain slopes of the park. Only at the foot of the mountains there are elements of infrastructure and settlements (in some places, quite ancient, such as St. Lizier (Cite de St Lizier). Therefore, the Park may boast not only by the chic types of mountain peaks, but also enough interesting pedestrian routes, especially for lovers naturalists. Here you can meet several endemic animal species, as well as rare birds. A certain interest for tourists represent numerous caves with traces of stay here ancient man. The GROTTE DE NIAUX cave is especially known near the village of the same name, Bedayak Cave at the Village De Bedeilhac, the Cave of Le Maz d'Azil) and others.

Regional Natural Park Pyrenees Ariage (Le Parc Naturel Regional Des Pyrenees Ariegeoises) We can safely recommend that tourists who do not chase the steepness and glamor. There are a lot of interesting places here (by the way, quite well-equipped for independent visits), which are attracted, first of all, inquisitive travelers. And caves with rock painting will not leave any of the visitors indifferent, because Preserved B. good condition and marked the large realism of the image. In addition, the park is located not on the highest of the pyrenees. Maximum marks reach no more than 2,800 meters, which allows you to travel around the mountain slopes not only by professionals, but also to tourists-novice.

Regional Natural Park Pyrenees Catalonia (Parc Naturel Regional Des Pyrenees Catalanes) Located in the southern part of the Languedoc-Roussillon Department in France on the border with Andorra and Spain and covers an area of \u200b\u200b137 thousand hectares of mountain slopes and the gorges of Eastern Pyrenees. On the territory of the park there are 64 French municipalities with a population of just over 23 thousand people. The park of the park is distinguished by a unique environmental diversity. The height of the mountain peaks in the park is the range from 300 to 3000 meters above sea level.

Regional Natural Park Pyrenees Catalonia (Parc Naturel Regional Des Pyrenees Catalanes) was formed in 2004 by the joint decision of the Prime Minister of France and the Minister of Protection ambient of this country.

On the territory of the park there are more than 20 beautiful mountain lakes, to which even a novice climber can get. Despite this, the nature of the park looks particularly magnificent and untouched, and thanks to the "park" regime of the Park's land began to acquire an increasing color of the only territory in France. In addition to the lakes, local waterfalls and the highest vertices of Eastern Pyrenees are interesting for visiting: Mount Carlit, Peak Cana, etc.