Kyst al-Hindi (ground root) is a universal means of combating ailment.

How to drink Kyst Hindi? Just go through the link above, choose a product that interests, and read the instructions.

Answer B. this case It is concluded in your own question. No dosage is indicated, there must be a measure. We do not drink black cumin oil 10 times a day. And why?

Yes, because the liver we do not have an iron to so much vegetable oil in pure form digest. An adult man of Tummina can be prescribed to a maximum of 3 times a day.

Also in the cuck. When a selection of dosages, it is necessary to take into account the patient's condition, and not throw from the extreme to extremes reading the information even from Muslim resources.

Plus, do not forget to recheck these very tips, exercise caution. Not all the recommendations that Muslim practitioners are faithful.

As an example, we give a case from the practice that our specialist encountered 12 years ago,
The first case is the Council of any oncopacitimians to drink black cumin oil three times a day on a teaspoon, diluting every time in a glass of carrot juice. Drink recommended before healing. So all the irregularity of him was that drinking carrot juice Need carefully, its dosage should be no more than three glasses per week and this is with respect to a healthy person.
So imagine that this was recommended to patients who have a liver so overwhelmed, and there are still horsepie doses of bilirubin (bile component in the human body) due to the overdose of beta carotene, which is contained in carrots.
Such dosages are able to plant the liver and call mechanical jaundice Even W. healthy people. In general, the Council unfortunately is terrible, deadly for patients who have a disease associated with liver cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, with metastases, hepatitis C. Unfortunately, this recipe still pokes out a book in a book, from the site to the site.

Today's case with a patient about drinking a hammer Kysta Hindi on a teaspoon after each namaz (5 times a day) from the same series. Observe dosages is especially important when appointing several drugs.

Second case. Strict Council is not beef and do not drink cow's milk. Author this Council The famous Egyptian practitioner, the one who from scratch popularized the use of Hijam and Senna Meccanian. He translated a few thick books on Hijam to Arabic, also wrote a benefit on the reception of Senna Meccanan, which was a student together with a fellow students, our specialist translated, but never published.

So in these respected works, he inserted a rather big such paragraph about the dangers of beef and cow's milk, that they cause cancer and a bunch of different diseases. And he referred to American studies.
The students were then shocked, counted absurd and did not transfer to Russian, as he contradicted the numerous Hadiths about milk and its utility. This is not a condemnation, it is only about the fact that Arabs may also be mistaken.

Otherwise, we will treat one and cripple others. With regard to herbs, oils, you need to start receiving samples. Initially, the minimum dosage. Posted tea spoon, try 2 drops To just see the reaction of the body. Gradually, not in a hurry to increase dosages, analyze the body's reaction. So you check whether this product is suitable for you.

So returning to Kystu. How did the author of the question take it? All from there are from the books and sites with recipes and tips taken from the Arab brochure. And the Arab authors got it from?
Nothing away. They just counted that prayer is good, Kyst is good, and after each namaz even better! That's about such logic they had. And the fact that herbs and oils should be used correctly and that there are distinctions, before eating or after a meal, in order not to harm the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, such thoughts did not occur to them.

As they say - what is written in the pen, do not cut down the ax! Recommendations with deplorable councils are inexperienced and will always emerge and extend, find their readers.

Now the victim from the Council from the Internet (which consumed on an empty stomach powder with a ground kysta tea spoons 5 times a day after prayer) will restore the mucous stomach and intestines.

Let's hope that nothing bad to talk about Muslim medicine will not begin. This is the main threat - people who are affected by such grief-councils can be disappointed in Muslim medicine and its treatment methods.

Be careful and careful. Take care of yourself!

Al-Kust or Al-Kyst (English. Bryone, Franz. Couleuvrée, Latin. Costus, Kit. Mu Hiang) - Variety of trees. Their height reaches 1.5 meters, they have leaves, trunk, roots and grow in India. The part that is used in the treatment - bark and roots that are white and black. Kyst is called "Bahry" ("Maritime"), because the Arabs transported it by sea, as regards what he was called "Hulv" ("Sweet") or "Murr" ("bitter"), then this is due to his taste .

Kyst Hindi has red or brown colorAnd Bahry is white.

▲ 1. Cosmetics
This includes the manufacture of creams diluted vegetable oilAnd we get what is called al-kust oil, and better when it is diluted with olive oil in proportion 1 to 10, i.e. 1 part - kust on 10 parts of oil. From my experience in this area, it was revealed that best medicine Against stains and freckles - a mixture of a very tender kusty, diluted with water and honey. This mixture rubs the face, and for a few days it is completely cleared if the stains were a consequence of hormonal problems.

▲ 2. Drink
Kusty mixed with water, honey or juice, usually in proportion 1 to 10, so as not to rearrange, because each thing that has moved its borders turns in contrast. I personally prefer to take it with honey and get the synthesized benefit of the kusta and honey, which contains healing for people.

1 teaspoon of ground koste is mixed with a glass of water (you can add honey), the resulting mixture is drinking.

Drink is aimed at the treatment of the following diseases: dissolution of thromboms, anthelmal agent, elimination of problems with menstrual cyclefor men preventing urological diseases, disease organs digestive system, depressant, strengthening potency and sexual attraction, treatment of constipation and diarrhea, improvement of appetite.

On a day you can drink a mixture to 5 times (that is, 1 teaspoon with 1st glasses of water).

▲ 3. Inhalation
It is inhaling the nose, and it happens as follows: the kust is finely grinding, a sufficient amount of time under the sun is insisted, then cleaned and inhaled into the nose.

Inhalation of a ground kostery through the nose. This method of using Cyst Al Hind is used to treat diseases. respiratory tract, such as: pharyngitis, cold and cough, asthma, tuberculosis, inflammation of almonds.

▲ 4. Eroticing
It is necessary to set fire to it over coals for Buhura and overthrow them, especially when you need a cold and inflammatory problems among women.

▲ 5. Overlaying compresses
A certain amount of kusta takes, put into the water, boils on fire, it is left until it becomes warm, then the napkin is plunged into it and is superimposed on the affected body.

▲ 6. Ludud
This is the process of nasal distillation in an infected part.

▲ 7. Applying the suppress
it ancient way treatment in which the grass or plant is boiled, then it is placed in a ceramic vessel for a surcharge, which has a hole at the bottom of which water drips, and the affected organ is installed directly under this vessel, and this good way Treating migraine, headache and rheumatism, especially joints.

Outdoor (cream or ointment). The desired number of kosst insists 2 weeks with olive oil, then press the oil, the resulting mixture is used to eliminate freckles and treatment skin disease. You can take baths by adding a small amount of ground kysta. This is beautiful antibacterial agent, destroying fungi, bacteria on the human body. In addition, Kyst Al Hinda improves the quality of the skin.

Kyst Al Hind has no contraindications to use.
- dissolution of thrombov,
- increase fertility,
- It helps with problems with menstruation and urine,
- with kidney diseases,
- liver and other organs of the digestive system,
- with mouth cancer,
- at cholera,
- for fever,
- to calm nerves,
- against Ishias,
- for the brain,
- as a means of increasing potency,
- as a strengthening agent for the body as a whole,
- to get rid of worms in the guts,
- From the protection against poison and against Sihra.
It is also useful for fever, he insulates the stomach, raises immunity, useful during Nifasa ( postpartum bleeding), for the treatment of constipation and diarrhea, improves appetite.

Cold during pregnancy:

Apply 1 teaspoon of the Hindi ground Kysta 2 times a day, drinking water, or dilute with water. Start receiving from 1/2 C.L. and in a week to increase the dose to 1 S.L. In the first trimester take 1/4 tsp. 2 times a day. Do inhalation with him, waitles and inhale for 15 minutes 3-4 times a day.
Drops in the nose: (1:10) Kyst mix with olive oil and drip 2 drops into each nostril 2-3 times a day.
Do not take if a genie is sitting in a pregnant woman, as Kyst brings suffering to Ginnam!

Diseases of children

As a rule (in serious cases, individual dosage is selected), baby up to 6 months in the treatment of colds, cough, etc. Dip not herbs, but only breast milk. This means that the mother increases the amount of attachments (the child himself will decide to understand about it with his signals). It is also permissible to smoke and make the baby inhalation into the kystom, rub the chest and the back of a mixture of olive, cumin oil and a koste and carry out a shepherd drainage (that is, to create vibration with pillows with fingers on the back and chest of a child). Mama is also recommended to actively drink kyst 2-5 times a day (1 teaspoon), drinking a glass of water, start with 1/2 C.L. gradually increasing dose, oil or cumin seed 1-2 times a day, not less than 1 liter medical herbs (Type of oregano, Hiblba, Castobus), excluding at the time of treatment everything is sweet (and natural, including yeast, flour, dairy). You can sweeten the infusion of herbs with stevia or agave syrup.

Dosage: for children from 6 months before a year Daily dosage 1 teaspoon (by ¼ for reception), mixed in a quarter of a glass of water and a lean).
From year to 5 years 2 teaspoons per day, also divide into several techniques.

  • Ear, throat, nose: infused on kyst olive oil (1:10) Very effectively in the treatment of otitis and other ENT diseases in newborns and older children. Kest oil can be used as ear drops (slightly warm the desired amount of oil) and drops for the nose (they are enveloped and the throat).
  • Raw, allergy, diathesis. Often their reason is incorrect nutrition and mother treatment during pregnancy and throughout breastfeeding. Sometimes, they are caused only by the natural purification of the organism of the newborn (the so-called acne of newborns). If you suspect that a rash of an allergic nature, then the main treatment is a diet and cleansing the body of the mother. As a supplement for more successful treatment Biisnillas you can use a bathing of a child in herbs decoctions (Hilb, Kyst, a series, etc.), as well as in the baths with marine Solu and Alunite. The newborn itself, if the rash is small, you should not be smeared with oil, but you can add several spoons of olive oil, infused on Cyst al-Hindi. If the manifestations on the skin begin to mock, they must be sprinkled with a mixture of 2 parts of the starch by 1 part of the kosst. And you should do as often to do ventilation skin Pokrov and reconsider their nutrition and cleansing

Restoration of belly skin from stretch marks:

Al-koust in the form of cream applied against spots, freckles and anti-skin diseases, stretch marks, etc.
Al-Koust al-Bahry can turn into a cream in the following way: two al-Kusta al-Bakhry root are finely cut (if there is no root, then you can use ground in the amount of 2 tablespoons). After that, the kyst is placed in good olive oil for 15 days, then removed, squeezes so that the oil is left. The extract of its components will remain, and the oil itself will also have the favor of al-kust.

Method of application: Spire well in the shower or bathroom, make a problem zone scrub ( natural meanswhich can be made scrub: coffee, salt, etc.), lubricate al-kusta cream for better effect Wrap in the food film and warmer (but you can just lubricate).

Before use, you must consult with a specialist.

Kyst Al Hindi In official medicine, notice under latin name Costus. The plant is from India - it was there for the first time it began to be used to treat all sorts of diseases, which, as is known, the local population does not rarely suffer because of common antisanitarian in the country.

Kyst is a rather high plant with red flowers. In the height, it washes to achieve two meters, however, it is still a shrub, not a tree.

In the Arab world, and now among many Muslims throughout the planet Kyst Al Hindi got a big distribution, the plant was mentioned in the Hadith. In the Middle East, Kyst delivered from India by sea, so the plant received a folk nickname "Bakhry", which means "marine". In addition, Koste Al Hindi is sometimes called "Hulv" and "Murr", which means its taste - sweetness and bitterness, respectively.

Al Hindi or Al Bakhri?

There are dozens of costlous species around the world, but in medicine the main popularity takes 2 species, namely Kyst Al Hindi (dark color) and Kyst al Bahry (light color). According to mine medical properties They practically do not differ from each other, except for Kysta Al Hindi taste more tart and a little stronger Kysta Al Bahri. Therefore, those who cannot endure the taste of Kysta al-Hindi take Kyst Al Bakhri.

Kyst Hindi is distinguished by red or cinname coloring, Bakhry is a white bark of the plant.

Kysta Al Hindraili Al Bahry for the Arab world and all Muslims generally plays enormous importance, the remedy is mentioned in the Hadiths of the Prophet, the world and the blessing of the Most High, the most authoritative imams spoke about him.

So, Imam Ibn Al-Kayim said that both types of Kysta - Bakhry and Hindi are extremely useful for the human body. The use of Kysta Al Hindi strengthens the immunity, eliminates cough, sputum and a cold. In addition, the remedy perfectly helps with liver diseases, gastrointestinal system, feverish states And pleurite. Koste Al Hindi makes it easier for poisoning. If you regularly lubricate the face with a mixture of koste and honey, a person will get rid of pigment spots on the skin.

The famous al-Bukhari posted the Hadiths about Kysta Al Hindin with his famous "Book of Medicine". Inhalation, a separate head of the book is devoted to the means. Al-Bukhari cites Hadith Bandage Mikhsan, in which the words of the Great Messenger of Allah are given, peace and blessing of the Most High, who said that everyone needs to use Koste Al Hindi to heal the seven ailments. Smoke from the plant should inhale people painful pleuritis, those who have problems with the throat.

Al-Bukhari notes that with inflammation of almonds in children, in no case should not be pressed to the inflamed organ with fingers - it only causes a sick suffering. It is necessary to apply Kysta Al Hindi - and the disease will soon retreat.

Kyst Al Hindi: Is it a tree or bush?

Kyst Al Hindi is unpretentious, and it can be quite raised at home. Of course, the plant will not reach the two-meter growth, but it is quite possible to count on a meter bush. In the spring, Kyst will bloom, and you will be able to enjoy his incredible beauty.

Scientific name Kyst Al Hindi - Saussurea Lappa. In India, this plant is used to give skin shine and call "Prakasini" (brilliant). In the course of the Hindus and the second name - Surabchi, which means "incense": Kyst Al Hindi's roots and flowers exude thin, extremely pleasant, smell.

In Greece, it was customary to call a bush-tree "Costdus", which can be roughly translated as "brought from the East." The word "Hindi", according to prominent scholars-orientalists, may mean the place of growing plants - India.

So the same - a bush or tree - is Kyst Al Hindi? The plant has a trunk - an obvious sign of a tree. However, the thickness of the barrel is insignificant, in addition, he will be so used by spiral shoots that it is almost not visible. Soothes are already signs of bush. From the point of view of Botany, Kyst Al Hindi is a high shrub. But simple people Botanical disputes. For them, other kosst characteristics are much more important. For example, his beauty. The flowering of this plant is a fascinating spectacle. On shootout spirals appear large flowers of stunning beauty. The flower bed can have a red, orange or yellow color. If Kyst Al Hindi dismissed white flowers, then the origin of this plant is associated with India. Syrian kuser has black inflorescences.

Use in the root system of the plant

Al-Hindi Kysta Flowers found an application in medicine, and its roots and bark. Depending on where the costlous, rhizome and the bark can be brown, black, reddish (Kyst Al Hindi) or white (Kyst Al Bahri). Both those and others are useful in the same way. The taste of roots is also different. Gorky is Murr, sweet is a holv (right halva, right?). And "Bakhry" means only that for cultivation in another country it was delivered by the sea.

In Kyst Al Hindi, the roots and bark are appreciated. Thanks to the aroma, the eastern, sensual, a bit of burning, but pleasant, use a plant in the manufacture of spirits and perfumes. Because of this, KOST is often compared with ginger. This is quite expected - in the plant a lot of essential oils.

Amazing flavor aroma Kyst Al Hindi found its use and cooking. Powder add to meat and fish dishesThanks to which they acquire a unique taste. Begging is interrupted by additional spices and spices.

From one plant you can collect a lot of raw materials, because the rhizome has a mighty, big and thick. Collecting the roots and bark, they are dried and grinding into powder. Those who happen in India or Greece can themselves to create roots. Others use the purchased Kist al Hindi in capsules, in the form of a powder, and sometimes dry pieces of bark or root.

Al-Hindi Kysta

In Labor, Al-Bukhari is said about "seven culds". Imam means the ways of using the "Indian Plant". Consider the basic ways to apply kossta. Here are these "seven cure":

  • application on the skin (cosmetology)
  • drinking
  • use for compresses
  • parish
  • fumigation
  • breeding in water and instillation in nasal cavity With a cold
  • chewing.

From 100 diseases

In the root system, we found substances acting as an antiseptic, and not giving evolving harmful bacteria. Back in fabulous times, without the opportunity to decompose plants on atoms, Lekari used roots with inflamed almonds, pleurite, fever, pharyngitis, lichen, pneumonia, tongue inflammation. When bleeding was wiped with a cut of the root of the blade, which the incision was made, and then the incision itself so that the wound was not inflamed, quickly and without the scars was dragging.

And this is not counting the improvement of digestion and a decrease in temperature.

By virtue of the lack of information about Kyst Al Hindi, the reviews about its use are also very scarce. In the Muslim world it is customary to combine with bloodshot. Residents of the same European part are just beginning to recognize the plant.

Cyst Al Hindi Oil

It is possible, both the kinogereroys (they have prototypes), and the eastern women lubricate the face with some means having a whitening effect. The secret is revealed - they make natural costhy-based creams.


The woody, exciting fragrance pushed perfumes to use the drawing from the roots of Kyst Al Hindi and essential oil when creating prestigious perfume compositions, fresheners, flavored creams for the body, massage agents.


Al Hindi Kusti oil is often used in cosmetology:

  • The skin becomes clean and shining
  • Use of oil in masks and hair shampoos helps to get rid of dandruff
  • Leather whitening skin is cleaned by fat, dead cells and dirt
  • Eliminate acne and irritation
  • Hair becomes shiny, strong, silky
  • The nails are strengthened, the fungus disappears.

How to drink kyst?

Al Hindi's Kusti Drink Magnificent heal. Many want to know how to drink Kyst Hindi and how to drink powder. Powder can be mixed with water, juice, honey solution. Those who cannot tolerate the bitterness of the plant can be laying 1 spoon in the mouth and immediately drink honey water. The proportion is always the same 1/10. You should not remake with the amount of kost. Best option - Honey drink with "Indian powder".

For diseases and lesions Gin

Begin by the reception of Kyst Al Hindi, like Al Bakhry, from 1/4 hours l. Paul a glass of water (it is desirable to use the "deputy - deputy" water. Take 3 times a day after each Fard - Namaz, preferably after receiving food, then increase the reception up to 5 times a day and dose to 1/2. During the week, increase the dose to 1 tsp, after 1 month, take a break of 1 week. The course lasts 3 months. If necessary, repeat the course.


1/2 h. L. Paul a glass of water (it is desirable to use the "deputy - deputy" water), take 3 times a day after each Fard - Namaz, preferably after receiving food. During the week, increase the dose to 1 t. L., After 1 month, the reception take a break of 1 week. Cyst Al Hindi course, like Al Bakhry, lasts 3 months. If necessary, repeat the course.


Kyst is very useful for pregnant women, except for those in whom Jinn, as Ginnes bring suffering. Take from 1/4 h. L. The floor of a glass of water (it is desirable to use the "deputy deputy" water. Take 3 times a day after each Fard - Namaz, preferably after feeding. During the week, increase the dose to 1 t. l., After 1 month, take a break of 1 week. The course lasts 3 months. If necessary, repeat the course.


0 - 3 years: Kyst Al Hindi, like Al Bakhry, 1/2 h. L. On the first day on 200 ml of water, strain so that there is no small particles, add honey good qualityif you charge to further increase the dose to 1 t. l. 2 times a day, gradually, continue treatment for 2 weeks, for cleansing and strengthening immunity.

3-6 years: Kyst 1/4 h. L 2 r. E Take for 3 days, then 3 times a day, then 4 times a day, such a course is 1 month, break 1 week and repeat the rate 3 times a month.


Ibn Hajar, a mention of its use in the book "Fatah Al - Bari," says:
"A man falls on his back, putting something to the blades to the torso slightly relaxed, and the head fell down. Olive oil, mixed with powder Kyst - Al - Hindi, should be dripped into his nose, so that the smell reaches a brain and the disease, the source of which is located there, went along with sneezing. "

The mixture must be insisted within 30 minutes, before applying to strain.
Proportions: Cyst Al Hindi (or Al Bahri) 1 part: Olive oil 10 parts.


The best medicine against spots and freckles is a mixture of a very delicate of water diluted with water and honey. This mixture rubs the face, and for a few days it is completely cleared if the stains were a consequence of hormonal problems.


It is necessary to set fire to the roots of Kyst Al Hindi (or Al Bahry) him above coals for Bahura or on an old spoon over flames and fume. Repeat the procedure 3-5 times a day to 15 minutes.

Overlay compresses

A certain number of Kyst Al Hindi (or Al Bahri) is taken, put into the water, boils on fire, it is left, until it becomes warm, then the napkin is plunged into it and is superimposed on the affected body.


For chronic inflammation Vagina you can make steam baths. To do this, pour boiling water (2 liters) 2 tablespoons of powder, it is so that the pairs warmer the field of genitals. Course - 10 procedures. In parallel, it is worth doing honey tampons for the night.

Infertility male and female

When infertility, the following powder preparation recipes are used:

One teaspoon of the powder of Koste Al Hindi or Bahi is divorced in a glass warm water and carefully stirled; Take the liquid 4-5 times a day for 30 days, then a week make a breather and resume the course.

Mobility of spermatozoa B. male organism It is also treated with the help of a plant. The recipe is the same, only instead of oil, Al Hindi Kysts are used linseed oil. It must be applied to the testicles daily.

Kyst to relieve childbirth

Pregnant, doctors advise to take Powder Cyst Al Hindi or Al Bachry also in the ratio of 1 teaspoon for 1 cup of water, but only twice a day.

If a generic activity A woman has a weak, to facilitate the state of the feminine, it is recommended to wonder the room smoke. To do this, it must be sprinkled on hot corners until smoke goes. This procedure It helps to reduce pain, opening the cervix, improving well-being.

It is also recommended a few weeks before the expected date of birth to take baths with a decoction of powder Cyst Al Hindi or Al Bahry. However, before this you need to make sure that the woman does not suffer infectious diseases And they do not leak.


Although Kyst Al Hindi (or Al Bahri) is a medicine from many diseases, some repels the specific bitterness. In this case, it is proposed to use the powder in capsules. They take 1-2 pieces three times a day. Put large quantity The liquid so that the gelatin shell has been dissolved before, and the treatment has begun faster. Manufacturers promise that capsules contain only the purified koste powder without chemical impurities, extraneous additives. Therefore, they are permissible to use for other purposes (inhalation, compresses).

What diseases treats Cyst Al Hindi and Bahri?

We list the main diseases and conditions with which the KOST helps to cope:

As you know, the reception of many plants is contraindicated during pregnancy, however, the opinions about the permissions of Kysta diverged. Determined that proper use This plant helps to cope with infertility, both male and female. However, at the same time, time, aromatherapy with essential oil Kyst Al Hindi or Bahry is successfully practiced as akin to therapy. Thus, it is obvious that the roots and plant oil stands with special accuracy, especially in the second trimester of pregnancy.

There are no certain contraindications for receiving kysta. Many Islamic scientists recommend using the Cyst Al Hindi plant, like Al Bachry, for the treatment of colds, diathesis, cough and allergies, even among very small babies. However, it is always worth remembering about the possibility of allergies to the components of the drug.


In case of diseases and lesions, Gin began to start reception from 1/4 h. L. The floor of a glass of water (it is desirable to use the "deputy - deputy" water. Take 3 times a day after each FARD - Namaz, preferably after receiving food, then increase the reception to 5 times a day and dose to 1/2. During the week, increase the dose to 1 tsp, after 1 month, take a break of 1 week. The course lasts 3 months. If necessary, repeat the course.

Preventive reception: 1/2 h. L. The floor of a glass of water (it is desirable to use the water "deputy deputy"), take 3 times a day after each FarD - Namaz, preferably after receiving food. During the week, increase the dose to 1 t. L., After 1 month, the reception take a break of 1 week. The course lasts 3 months. If necessary, repeat the course.

* Pregnant: Kyst is very useful for pregnant women, except those in whom Ginn, as Ginones bring suffering. Take from 1/4 h. L. The floor of a glass of water (it is desirable to use the "deputy deputy" water. Take 3 times a day after each FARD - Namaz, preferably after receiving food. During the week, increase the dose to 1 t. l., After 1 month, take a break 1 week. The course lasts 3 months. If necessary, repeat the course.


0 - 3 years: Kyst al - Hindi 1/2 h. L. On the first day on 200 ml of water, strain so that there is no small particles, add a honey of good quality if it is impossible to increase the dose to 1 liter. 2 times a day, gradually, continue treatment for 2 weeks, for cleansing and strengthening immunity.

3-6 years: Kyst 1/4 h. L 2 r. E Take for 3 days, then 3 times a day, then 4 times a day, such a course is 1 month, break 1 week and repeat the rate 3 times a month.


Ibn Hajar, a mention of its application in the book "Fatah Al - Bari", says:
"A man falls on his back, putting something like that to the blades to the torso, and the head fell down. Olive oil, mixed with powder Kyst - Al - Hindi should be dripped into his nose, so that the smell reaches a brain and illness, source Which is located there, went along with sneezing. "
The mixture must be insisted within 30 minutes, before applying to strain.
Proportions: Kyst - Al - Hindi 1 part: Olive oil 10 parts.


The best medicine against spots and freckles is a mixture of a very delicate of water diluted with water and honey. This mixture rubs the face, and for a few days it is completely cleared if the stains were a consequence of hormonal problems.

It is necessary to set fire to it above the coals for Bahura or on an old spoon over flames and fume to them. Repeat the procedure 3-5 times a day to 15 minutes.

Overlaying compresses.
A certain amount of kusta takes, put into the water, boils on fire, it is left until it becomes warm, then the napkin is plunged into it and is superimposed on the affected body.

Al-Hindi bush is carried out with many diseases, because plants are still a little naturally studied natural doctor. What we know about trees and herbs is only a small part of their capabilities. But despite this, Al-Hindi Kush has already been appreciated. It is used in the following cases:

Heart disease, liver, intestinal disease, gallbladder;

Allergic reactions and symptoms;


Infertility, inflammatory processes;

Joint diseases;

Problems of the skin of the face, body, hair;

Cleansing the body and blood system;

Defence from harmful factors, strengthening immunity, etc.

Beneficial features Cyst al-Hindi is explained by the content in it benzoic acid and chilinin, which have excellent antiseptic, antimicrobial and antifungal properties.

Cyst Al-Hindi can be used in several versions:

Drink: You need to take one part of the powder and 10 parts of the water. -Came, for example, face cream: mix powder and olive oil 1 to 10.

Inhalation: It is necessary to leave the powder in the sun, wait time and then inhale it in itself.

Compresses: We take a few tablespoons of powder, add to water and heated on fire to warm state, fold in several layers of gauze and apply to the patient.

Eroticing: Gilt the Kyst al-Hindi and enhance yourself or lying man. This procedure is very useful when driving, inflammatory diseases Nasophacks.

Parish: Boil root or bark, then put in a special vessel for the surcharge. From the hole of this vessel we drip it directly to the organ that needs treatment, for example, sore joints. The spectrum of the application of Kyst al-Hindi is very wide. Like any medicineHe has its own features of consumption. By itself, he is very bitter, in connection with this in its pure form it is impossible to consume. Therefore, it is drinking it with water or honey.

The duration of therapy in each case differs in its duration. As a rule, it is necessary to accept decoction for cleaning the body for 10-20 days. It is worth noting that it is strictly forbidden to take medicinal plant People who have the intolerance of Kyst Al-Hindi. In addition, it is impossible to patients who had previously transplant internal organs.

Kyst Al Hindi: Is it a tree or bush?

Kyst Al Hindi is unpretentious, and it can be quite raised at home. Of course, the plant will not reach the two-meter growth, but it is quite possible to count on a meter bush. In the spring, Kyst will bloom, and you will be able to enjoy his incredible beauty. Scientific name Cyst Al Hindi - Saussurea Lappa. In India, this plant is used to give skin shine and call "Prakasini" (brilliant). In the course of the Hindus and the second name - Surabchi, which means "incense": Kyst Al Hindi's roots and flowers exude thin, extremely pleasant, smell. In Greece, it was customary to call a bush-tree "Costdus", which can be roughly translated as "brought from the East." The word "Hindi", according to prominent scholars-orientalists, may mean the place of growing plants - India.

So the same - a bush or tree - is Kyst Al Hindi? The plant has a trunk - an obvious sign of a tree. However, the thickness of the barrel is insignificant, in addition, he will be so used by spiral shoots that it is almost not visible. Soothes are already signs of bush. From the point of view of Botany, Kyst Al Hindi is a high shrub. But ordinary people are botanical disputes. For them, other kosst characteristics are much more important. For example, his beauty. The flowering of this plant is a fascinating spectacle. On shootout spirals appear large flowers of stunning beauty. The flower bed can have a red, orange or yellow color. If Kyst Al Hindi dismissed white flowers, then the origin of this plant is associated with India. Syrian kuser has black inflorescences.

Many know about Kysta exactly so much information as he is written on the Internet and speak in stores. I also thought that the kyst, which we consume and which is standardly sold in stores, thereby Kyst Al-Hindi that is mentioned in Hadith.

1. The same Cyst Al-Hindi (Al-Ud Al-Hindi), which is mentioned in Hadith, many of us have not seen. The real Kyst al-Hindi, it is Hindi forbidden to export from India by law as a medicinal plant in the list of disappearing plants.

In India, this plant is found everywhere in the subalpine areas of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand at an altitude of 3200-3800 meters and above. However, the number of plants in nature is rapidly decreasing due to excessive use of medical and commercial purposes. As a result, this plant was listed in Appendix 1 of the Convention on international Trade The types of wild fauna and flora, which are threatened with disappearance (CITES) - one of the 37 Himalayan medical plants under threat, which are part of the program to preserve the species in natural and artificially created conditions. According to the reasons described above, the Ministry of Commerce of India has banned exports of 29 medical and aromatic plant species, including the costhos, both in the untreated form and the composition of other products.

Umm Kais Bint Mikhesan transfers: "Once I came to the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessing of Allah, with his son, who has not yet excreted from the chest, squeezing his fingers in the inflamed Baby's throat. The prophet (may Allah bless him and welcomes) said: "Why are you tormented by your children with this pressing? You should use Indian Aloe (Kyst Al-Hindi), for it heals from seven distances, including from the inflammation of the throat, and from Purrita. From the inflammation of the throat, it is introduced into his nose, and from pleurrites poured into the corner of the mouth ".
See Hadith transferred al-Bukhari (5713), Muslim (2214), Abu Daud (3877) and Ibn Maja (3468).

We are talking about Kysta, which grows in India and in different interpretations This Hadis can be found confirmation. For example, in the book, which we translate for students "Prophetic Medicine" by the author, which is Diadin al-McDisi, will be mentioned by this Hadith, and the following is mentioned in the researcher's comments.

"Mentioned tree is one of the types of vegetation, which is brought from India, it has a pleasant, slightly tart smell."

And also said:
"Benefits: Medicine claims that Indian Aloe (Kyst Al-Hindi) has numerous useful properties:
1) it helps with the weakness of the liver and stomach;
2) if mixed with water and honey, and then apply the mixture on the face, it contributes to the elimination of spots from the face;
3) Indian Aloe helps with cyclic and four-day intermittent fevers.
It is also used as an amplifying and toning drug, and Arab Aloe is used in the sputum and manufacture of incense. "

2. What are we buying a kyst and what better to buy?

That kyst that is sold on the counters called "Kyst al-Hindi" is not so because It is 100% banned for exporting from India, moreover, it is forbidden to export from China. China refers to because it shares the part of the Himalayan Mountains with him, where by the way is the best kyst in the world in medical terms.

But it is worth noting that KYST is cultivated in different countries, for example, the main exporter of the kosst in the world is Iran, and it is he who gets into different Arab countries, from where and then bring it out and put the name "Kyst Al-Hindi", although it is "Kyst al-Irani". But still there is an effect, but of course not like Hindi, moreover, the best kyst scientific researchThis is exactly the one that is grown in the Himalayan Mountains and it can at once be in time to exceed all other costs, so he actually is such an expensive (if you buy it in China or India for use in the local market).

Therefore, brothers and sisters, know what you drink and eat no Kyst al-Hindi, but some other, but definitely not from India. The only option to try Indian is to buy it in India or China, or to buy from some person who somehow leaving a little bit across the border. But in the commercial question, i.e. With tons of kyst, you cannot export from India because This law has been adopted for a long time and is valid to this day.

From here and a lot of people who complain that it seems and drove kyst, but do not get desired result. It turns out that you drink not that kyst, which I wanted, but it still has an effect, although much lower than Indian.

Moreover, the kyst that will be taken to us and sell, manage to dilute and, according to the result, it turns out at all some kind of torment.

Oh yeah) I understand that many wholesalers and sellers will begin to burn one seat because of this article and they will say that "only we have the original, we take from India, one good brother said, Brother Tulyab from Misra said" and other nonsense . You can immediately settle such people, asking them "certificate of originality" on raw materials. Not EAC, not customs, not a document on their YUR firm, etc. Namely a certificate for the originality of raw materials, so it is called Certificate of Originality. This certificate must be issued by India, and not any other country. Here's how to get this certificate) Then it will be possible to start talking, and if you throw a picture of such a certificate, I quickly test the fake or not, who really got it and when I find out right in India.

If you start talking to "Brother, any paper can be faked, I swear I swear I have the original," you can send such a person where far from. We live in the 21st century, and not in 17. And so that tons take out goods from the country legally, for this you need to have a bunch of papers, both export and imported and no matter how much you want to deposit this topic, then nothing happens. Even if you fake paper, it is very easy to pierce on originality and in the 21st century it is done very simply to understand this, you need to understand a little bit in the international market.

So I want to ask the sellers of Kysta al-Hindi so that they do not speak and did not write that they have a kyst al-Hindi, but write just international name "Costume" or simply "kyst", then you will not mislead people.

And more detailed information is available for students already, who learn from us and have access to all these files.

Kuniyal, CP, Rawat, Ys, Oinam, SS, Kuniyal, JC, Vishvakarma, SCR, 2005. Kuth (Saussurea Lappa) Cultivation In The Cold Desert Environment of The Lahaul Valley, Northwestern Himalaya, India: Arising Threats and Need to Revive Socio -EConomic value. Biodiversity and Conservation 14, 1035-1045.

Anonymous, 2000. Report of the Task Force On Conservation and Sustainable Use of Medicinal Plants. Planning Commission, Government Of India, New Delhi, India.