What post is suitable for sleeping pregnant? The correct organization of a dream of a pregnant woman.

Sooner or later, anyway, but each future mom Faces with a question how to sleep during pregnancy. The poses familiar in everyday life at a certain stage of pregnancy become unacceptable for women. Sleep and without it is disturbed after the hormonal rearrangements of the body, and here also significant changes In the figure of the future mother.

How to sleep during pregnancy?

Permanent drowsiness during pregnancy - the phenomenon is often. Only by the end of the navigation may occur with sleep. The big belly no longer gives to find a comfortable posture, and in the head - various alarms and thoughts about the upcoming births. At night, insomnia arises, and during the day because of this heavily clone into sleep. And if there is no need to fight with drowsiness, then with insomnia you can and need. So, for example, many pregnant women for high-quality and full sleep Help: - Walk before bedtop in the fresh air, - Open Fortochka in the winter or even a balcony door in summer at night, - adoption in front of a sleeping bath, - drinking tea with mint or warm milk with a small number of honey - right mode day and nutrition.

Poses for sleep during pregnancy

So, in the first trimester, a pregnant woman can afford a dream in an absolutely any pose - in the one that is used to and which is most comfortable for it. However, if a woman already knows about his pregnancy, then it is slowly to teach himself to fall asleep in other poses recommended for subsequent deadlines.

As soon as the stomach becomes noticeable (someone happens at the thirteenth week, at someone in the twentieth, and someone is at all for twenty-fifth), it will not be possible to sleep on the stomach - once, and it will not be possible - two.

The sleep on the back is still physically possible, but the weeks from the twenty-eighth are undesirable for a woman and a child for all medical testimony.

Two poses remain - on the right side and on the left. In case of cross-preview, doctors are usually advised to sleep at that side, where the baby is located. In the theory, the sleep on the left side is more favorable and for the health of the mother, and for the health of the child. However, few people can sleep all night in the same position, it is impossible, but no need. Therefore, any doctor will recommend his patient to replace the positions for sleep three or five per night: from one side to another. This is permissible in the pelvic presence of the fetus.

How and you can sleep pregnant: on the stomach or back?

As mentioned, in the first trimester there are no restrictions on the posture of sleep for pregnant women. The future mother can sleep on the stomach, and on the back, i.e. So, as she is most comfortable.

In the second trimester, the pregnant woman is already recommended to sleep on the left side, but she still can sleep on his back. But to sleep on the stomach is already unlikely to succeed - it will be and uncomfortable for Mom's pose because of the protruding tummy, and the non-pregnancy for the health of the kid and the most pregnant.

In the third trimester, doctors are already categorically not recommended to sleep on her stomach or back. It may even be dangerous for the fetus and lead to negative consequences.

Is it possible to sleep on your stomach?

While the tummy does not protrude and does not interfere with sleep, the future mother willingly can indulge in moron in the pose "on the stomach". However, as soon as he begins to grow, and the fruit is rapid enough to develop enough, it is better to change this habit. It is worth picking up another posture for sleep, because Despite protective for the baby, the accumulative water, there is a risk of threat to injury the baby. Yes, and in the end, it becomes just inconvenient.

Is it possible to sleep on your back?

You can sleep on the back long enough, but from the second trimester it is no longer very useful, and from the third - it is categorically harmful. Constantly increasing in the sizes of the uterus and the same rapidly growing fruit is more and more pressure on the intestines, the lumbar spine, the hollow vein of pregnant. And this may lead to such problems as circulatory disruption and insufficient supply of fetal oxygen. In this regard, such problems may arise:

  • frequent dizziness and fainting;
  • labored breathing
  • starting of heartbeat, tachycardia and arrhythmia
  • fall of pressure
  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids
  • blood circulation in the kidneys and placenta.

Often in such cases the kid himself signals the mother that it is inconvenient and lacks oxygen - it begins to actively push. If roll over on the side, it will immediately calm down.

What is the most convenient and useful posture for sleep during pregnancy?

So, it has long been proven that the most comfortable and useful posture for sleep during pregnancy is on the left side, the right foot bent in the knee and lies on the pillow.

It is in this position:

  • the influx of blood to the placenta improves (and therefore the child also gets sufficient for its development of oxygen);
  • kidney works well (that in the last months it is especially important);
  • swells of legs and hands are reduced;
  • no pressure on the liver;
  • spin and pelvis area do not hurt;
  • the optimal work of the mother's heart is maintained.

In the case of cross-preview, in which the kid head is located with right sideDr. Recommend to sleep on the right side to help the child to take the right position in the future.

Convenient sleep Pose helping pillows different size. You can experiment with them: put under the stomach, under the leg, between the legs, under the lower back - everything depends on the choice of the future mother.

The main thing is that the woman can get strength in a dream and relax, because she has a child who is spent a lot of strength and energy. And after childbirth, few people are able to forget a strong long sleep: because there is already a kid who requires constant care, and even deep at night.

  • If you are worried about insomnia, in no case do not use sleeping equipment (they can only be prescribed by the doctor, and then only in extreme cases). Remember that any medicine Not only affects you, but also on your yet born crumb.
  • You should not use drinks containing caffeine overnight. During the pregnancy, it is necessary to refuse or significantly reduce the use of carbonated water, coffee, strong tea.
  • Try not to drink a lot of fluid and do not overeat 2-3 hours before bedtime. If you are tormented by evening or night toxicosis, you can eat several crackers or drink a glass of kefir.
  • Before bedtime, you can get out the fresh air, however, in no case, you do not need to do active physical activity.
  • Try setting a clear set of sleep: fall asleep and wake up approximately at the same time.
  • If you woke up from cramps in the legs, you need to stand up on your feet and stand a little, and after making a plug-in-relaxing massage. Cramps - a sign of a lack of calcium in the body. Increase the consumption of products containing this trace element in the diet.
  • If fear of fear and anxiety interfere with childbirth, visit Derodovaya training courses, talk with already born girlfriends, see good movies. The knowledge gained and pleasant conversations will help not be afraid, which means you sleep sweetly at night.

And remember, whatever your pose, if your blanket in winter is too easy, and in summer - too hot, if you sleep less than 8 hours, if you look at the horrors at night or strongly praise with your husband, you can hardly sleep hard and sleep hard and sleep Healthy sleep. Take care of your dream and appreciate every hour.

During pregnancy in the human body there are many changes that can change the dream of a woman. Growing belly, hormonal changes, pressure of the uterus on bladder able to lead to the fact that night rest It will become defective. This state negatively affects the physical and emotional setting mom, so it needs to be struggling with it. How to sleep during pregnancy? Is it possible to sleep in the usual pose? What if you are haunting insomnia? All this is in detail in our article.

Each person has a favorite posture for sleep. But, unfortunately, not all of them are acceptable for a woman during the nesting period of the baby. Some postures can harm both a future mother and a child. And others as the term of pregnancy increases inconvenient.

The first 12 weeks - the term when you can not think about how to sleep during pregnancy. For rest during this period, any posture is suitable. On more late time We have to choose the position.

The optimal posture for sleep during pregnancy - on the side, better on the left. At the same time, all the necessary nutrients come to the kid, since this provision provides normal blood circulation. When a woman sleeps on the left side, the liver is not squeezed and the heart works well. If it is discovered, then the future mom is recommended to spread more often on that side in which the crumbs head is located.

The choice of poses in a pregnant woman is not so great - a position on the right or left side, which must be changed several times during the night.

What to do to fall asleep faster?

Strangely it sounds that sleep is calm, it is necessary to begin to take care of it from the morning. The lifestyle of a person, the routine of his day largely determine the quality of sleep.

  • Do not overvolt. Excessive fatigue can have an action opposite to expected, and instead strong sleep Lead to insomnia.
  • If you have problems with sleep, you will have to abandon several days from day restEven if the woman got used to him, and she needs it. Perhaps such a measure will help solve the problem of night sleep.
  • Performance moderate exercise during the day. Very useful swimming, dancing, hiking or special.

To sleep was strong and healthy, in the evening you should not eat heavy food, engage in active physical or mental labor. No need to plan on the night looking unpleasant conversations, make serious decisions, watch hard movies.

Relaxing to the body of the future mother will act on the night of a warm bath with adding a few drops aromatic oil. By evening, it is worth reduce the use of fluid so that you should not often empty the bladder at night.

You can drink a glass of warm milk with honey or chamomile tea - an excellent proven tool from insomnia. If the feeling of hunger is worried, then before going to bed during pregnancy, it is recommended to arrange a light snack, for example, eat a boiled low-fat sandwich.

One of the reasons for insomnia during this period can be a decrease in blood sugar levels. It is possible to determine this condition by such symptoms as weakness, rapid heartbeat, evil. A piece of sugar, sweet tea or juice will help to get rid of this problem. If the symptoms are repeated, you should tell a doctor about them.

Relaxing action has backs and legs before bedtime. He will help get rid of the back pain and prevent night. In some cases, it helps to relax before bedtime. If the state of health is not prohibited, then you can try this way to combat insomnia.

If sleep disorders become a problem, you can solve the question with the help of sleeping pills. Since only few drugs are allowed during pregnancy, it is extremely important not to engage in self-medication. Pick the medicine should doctor.

Prohibited posture for sleep during pregnancy

How can not sleep during pregnancy? Starting from the middle, you can not sleep on the stomach. Such a pose is a direct threat to a child. But the refusal of sleep on the stomach does not cause problems, because in large terms it is inconvenient.

Abandon sleep on the back is much more complicated. And this should be done by the end of the second trimester. Such a need is due to the fact that the uterus increases in the size of the uterus squeezes the hollow vein, so the blood circulation and nutrition of the organs of the mother and child is disturbed. Lying on the back in the late period of pregnancy can lead to dizziness, loss of consciousness by a woman, rapid movements of the fetus.

How to organize your dream correctly?

A full-fledged vacation is necessary for the body of a woman in the period of tooling the child. Therefore, it is important to understand how to do so to sleep during pregnancy enough and firmly.

Sleep will come faster and will be high quality if:

  • to ventilate the bedroom and provide a comfortable temperature;
  • sleep in socks when feet flaw;
  • do not go with a feeling of hunger, but not there is a lot before bedtime;
  • buy beautiful and comfortable sleep clothes that does not argue movements;
  • sleep on a comfortable mattress;
  • use cushions of different sizes and shapes, or special (they can be put under the side, neck, legs to provide the most comfortable position of the body).

The importance of healthy sleep during pregnancy

Full quality sleep has great importance For a pregnant woman. During this period, numerous changes that increase the burden occur in the body.

Normal for the future mother is the duration of sleep 8-10 hours at night and, if necessary, several day half-hour breaks. If a woman sleeps not enough, work worsens immune system, Mood swings are observed, the appetite is reduced. This may not affect the health status of the future mother and the development of the baby.

Sleep disorders arise from 80% of pregnant women. It is provoked by emotional instability and physiological changes taking place with the body and the body of a woman. To secure the kid from unpleasant consequences intrauterine hypoxia, it is necessary to gradually take the new postures during a night rest.

The first weeks after conceiving a woman constantly. This is due to the fact that the body begins to rebuild and spend more energy. There is discomfort due to increased uterus, changes hormonal background. Therefore, on the second trimester, the girl suffers from insomnia, she will play nightmares, the manifestation of Lunatism is exacerbated. The reasons for this state are as follows:

Also restless sleep is triggered by uncomfortable pastel, close clothes, outsiders. During pregnancy, the woman feels more sensitive, and can not carry it. Therefore, if in the bedroom is stuffy, it will be very difficult to fall asleep.

Tip! With a tendency to allergies and availability chronic diseases Upper respiratory tract It is not recommended to grown in the bedroom room flowers, sleeping with pets. To minimize development allergic rhinitis, regularly spend wet cleaning.

Choosing a suitable posture for night rest to future mothers

From the first days, as a woman got pregnant, she needs to completely reconsider his lifestyle. The girl refuses OT. harmful habits, physical exertion, changes nutrition. Also, the changes relate to favorite poses in which she sleeps. Due to the increasing belly, the usual position becomes physically uncomfortable and dangerous for the baby. To fall out even at the later date, you must properly go to bed.

Up to 12 weeks are allowed to sleep as you like, with the onset of 7 months of pregnancy, a woman is limited only to rest on the side. To the next morning you do not have the whole body, it is necessary to periodically change the posture.

Hazardous positions

There are dangerous posture postures for pregnant women who are completely excluded. Women who continue to follow their habits increase the risk of developing intrauterine pathologies. You can not lie on the back, especially when the fruit begins to quickly gain weight. The future mother will be restless to sleep, and the kid suffers from oxygen starvation.

If you regularly rest lying on your back or abdomen, this will lead to the following consequences:

  • hypoxia fetal;
  • pelvic or cross-preview;
  • increased activity of the baby, a campus of cord;
  • dizziness, loss of consciousness, apnea;
  • reduced arterial pressure;
  • convulsions;
  • feet, hands, face;
  • blood impairment in a small pelvis;
  • pain in the lower back.

It is recommended to keep track of your condition and position during the rest. But this does not mean that a woman should not sleep in order to accidentally not harm the baby and herself. While the fetus is within the Lonatic Jim, it is safe from external pressure. From 22 weeks to lie on the stomach, it becomes impossible, pregnant is inconvenient, so it independently refuses this posture.

Limitations of the middle of pregnancy

On the early period of pregnancy is allowed to use the usual pose. The middle of the hatching is the most favorable and safe period. AT this time A woman does not experience toxicosis less emotional. From 18 to 28 week, the complaints about restless dream comes the least. While the tummy is small, you can briefly relax on the back.

It's important to know! If you have twins or attaching the placenta on the front wall, then in the middle of pregnancy it is recommended to sleep exclusively on the side. Also be sure to create comfortable conditions with pillows, blankets, convenient mattress.

Bans late period

A big belly appears in the third trimester, because of which a woman is hard to breathe, walk, sit and sleep. In order not to exacerbate the condition and not harm the developing fruit, follow these rules:

  1. Do not sleep on your stomach, it is essential.
  2. Regular sleep on the back violates normal current Pregnancy, often squeezing the lower hollow vessel.
  3. Minimize sleep on the right side, since the magnified uterus in this position presses on the kidneys. If a woman has been diagnosed with cystitis or pyelonephritis, pressure can provoke a relapse of the disease.

Choose comfortable and safe postures for sleep during pregnancy in the last months is very difficult. A woman will have to briefly sacrifice its comfort for the sake of the baby.

Tip! Pay attention to the movements, if in some of the provisions they increase, the child may be uncomfortable or not enough oxygen.

Sleep on the left side

The best poses recommended for sleep and day rest during pregnancy is a position on the side, as well as rest with a pillow, sandwiched between the legs. From 36 weeks it is necessary to lie more often on the left side, since the hollow vein passes on the right side of the uterus. Regular compression of the vessel leads to a violation of blood circulation.

Sleep on the left side as follows the pregnancy:

  • sufficient supply of fetus oxygen;
  • reduction of swelling, normal kidney function;
  • reduction of the load on the heart;
  • strong and healthy sleep;
  • lack of back pain and pelvis.

If the ultrasound showed the cross-preview of the fetus, the gynecologist should warn you about the features of sleep. It is impossible for which the baby comes. Therefore, if it is on the left side, the pregnant woman needs to be laid on the right side.

Best Pose for Woman Waiting for a Child

If a woman is uncomfortable to sleep on his side, you can try to rest in the half-sidewal position. Under the back and head you need to put the pillows. Thus, the hollow vein is not squeezed, the uterus does not touch the diaphragm, shortness of breath and snoring disappears.

To remove edema and fatigue from the legs, at the time of dreams, you can put a soft roller under them. Such a position contributes to the reduction of the load, therefore prevents the development of varicose veins. The main thing is to be comfortable. If you suffer from heartburn, it is recommended to lie more often on the left side. When an excessive fetal activity appears, change the position.

Other postures allowed during pregnancy

Unfortunately, the choice of posture for sleep is limited by physiologically features. With large sizes of the abdomen because front attachment Placetes or multiple pregnancy The most correct pose is half a walk. Up to the third trimester, you can pour your legs to the chest. In order not to provoke cramps, do not pull.

If in the listed positions, the woman does not fall out and feels tired, it is necessary to pay attention to other causes of development restless sleep. Rest on a comfortable bed, it is advisable to purchase an orthopedic mattress and. During the preparation to sleep, disconnect the light everywhere, TV, put the phone for a silent mode.

Do not constantly monitor your position during rest, and with the wrong pose, too much to worry about the condition of the baby. Compliance with the rules listed will allow fully relaxing, which contributes to a strong, good sleep.

Most convenient day holidays

Day sleep is necessary for a pregnant woman for full recovery Forces, especially if she continues to work or lathers at night. The most convenient position is half a walk. If you do not want to sleep, you can get on the soft chair. For greater comfort, put a pillow under your back, and lay the legs on the puff.

If the girl suffers from insomnia or sleeps restlessly, you need to abandon day sleep. One of the reasons for the disorder may be insufficient physical activity in light time day. Better after lunch, do your favorite thing, read the book, walk in the fresh air.

Application of pillows for pregnant women

You can provide at home using conventional sofa pillows. They must be put under the neck, lower back, legs. Such a design is inconvenient, because when changing the posture I have to shift the rollers for a long time.

There are many special devices that will help pregnant to take a comfortable position and sleep well. Pillows with different fillers and shape are made. When purchasing them, take into account the sizes of the bed.

With the use of pillows it is easier to take the right postures for sleep during pregnancy:

  1. On the left side. Between the legs to put the pillow, the legs should be in a convenient position for you. For such a posture, any shape of the roller will fit.
  2. On the right side. Under the stomach and left foot pillow is put. The most convenient is considered U-shapedallowing the position during the night without twisting with a roller.
  3. Midway. The pillow must be located under the neck, back, lower back, is also recommended a little lifting legs. For such a posture it is necessary to choose bulk rollers in the form of the letter G, C, O.

If you are experiencing strong pain In the lower back, before the choice it is necessary to consult with the gynecologist. In the absence of a tendency to allergy to synthetics, it is better to buy a pillow of polystyrene or holofiber. These fillers will keep the form, do not decrease in size over time.

During pregnancy, be sure to exclude dangerous, which squeeze the belly or the lower hollow vein. You should not wake up every hour and control yourself, listen to your feelings. If the baby begins to move actively, it is necessary to change the position. Last month, especially when increased tons, reaches in the lower back and prestal, best

Let's start with this, since about a third of life we \u200b\u200bspend in the literal sense of the word in a dream. In addition, many of us love to be sowed on the couch in front of the TV or with a book in your hands.

The first question that should be discussed is whether it is possible to lie on the stomach. Non-empty uterus does not go beyond the level of the Lonnoye - for the bones of the pelvis, so when you lie down on the belly, the uterus is protected by non-deformable bones. The uterus is shown because of the pub only after 12 weeks of pregnancy, so during the entire first trimester of pregnancy you can safely lie on the stomach.

The optimal position for sleep is the position lying on the right side. It is not recommended to lie on the back of pregnant women since the 4th month, since by this time the uterus achieves significant sizes. In a position lying on the back, the increased uterus squeezes large vessels passing next to the spinal column. In this regard, the inflow of blood to the vessels of the placenta decreases, the baby lack oxygen and nutrients. In addition, due to the compression of large vessels, the mother may decrease the blood pressure and turn the head, right up to fainting.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, in order to take the time of staying in bed as comfortable as possible, use more pillows that can be put under the lower back, knee, between legs.

If you feel the severity in your feet in the evenings, you have signs varicose expansion veins on the legs ( vascular stars, bluish "worms") or if the varicose varicose is already before pregnancy, then the pillows can also be put under the legs: the raised leg position contributes to the outflow of blood from the veins, eliminating stagnation. If you want quickly, 15-20 minutes, relax, you can lie down with raised legs. During this short time, you should also not lie on the back. It is possible that during pregnancy you will have to master some skills that you did not use: in particular, we can only wear a bandage in the lying position, as well as compression pantyhoseused in varicose veins.

After delivery, you can lie like you like, but first time is rational if you are in bed, it is possible to spend as much time as possible in the stomach position: while the contents are easily allocated from the uterus. Otherwise, with difficulty of outflow of contents from the uterus, conditions are created for the development of infectious and inflammatory complications.

I especially want to say about how to get up from bed. If you are in the back position, then before getting up, turn on the side, giving your shoulders a little forward and bent the knees. After that, go on the elbow and wait for your feet, so it will be easier for you to transfer them through the edge of the bed and sit down.


Sitting the future mom also need to be able to sit. Despite the fact that at the beginning of pregnancy, the shape and load changes are insignificant, at this time you have to get used to sit correctly.

Long-term stay in a sitting position leads to the fact that some muscle groups are constantly working, while others are constantly relaxed. At the same time, the muscles of the back do not have the load, which leads to a decrease in the intensity of blood circulation in the spine. In addition, in the Sitting Load position for intervertebral discs is much more than in the standing position or lying. All these negative factors can cause osteochondrosis appearance, hernia intervertebral discWhat provokes back pain, hands, legs, headaches. It should be noted that in the second half of pregnancy, when the load on the vertex pillar increases due to the growing uterus, the long position of the sitting provokes the appearance of pain in lumbar Department spine. With a long stay in a sitting position and stagnation of blood in a small basin. Considering that during pregnancy, the increase in pressure in abdominal cavity and deterioration of venous outflow provoke appearance hemorrhoidal nodes, It can be said that a long sedentary state exacerbates the situation.

To prevent these phenomena during a long stay in the sitting position (behind the computer, when reading at the table, etc.), the position of the body is optimal, in which the spin and neck are straight, legs stand on the floor and bent in the knees (at right angles) , hands are bent in the elbows - also at right angles. It is possible to achieve this in the following ways:

  1. The chair on which you are sitting should have a back and armrests, as well as such a height at which your legs can firmly stand on the floor. (The back will allow you to keep your back straight, armrests will allow you to relax with your hands, the correct position of the legs will not interfere with blood circulation in them.) Use the stand under your feet.
  2. The location of the frequently you use, if possible, should not lead to a long stay in a bent state or towards slopes to the side, especially to raise heavy items (it is with such a slope that the probability of the intervertebral disk) is very high.
  3. If possible, limit a long stay in the sitting position and work to constantly move breaks (45 minutes you work - 15 minutes rest, and you do not just get distracted, but they pull up, get up, we get up, but then go out to pollute fresh air). And in 45 minutes of continuous operation at least 3-4 times, change the position: Shake my shoulders, move your legs, move your head - all this helps you avoid fatigue. Special exercises will help you. They can be the most simple: so, the slopes and turns of the head improve brain circulation and are not bad prevention cervical osteochondrosis. At the same time, avoid rotation in the lumbar spine with simultaneous tilt forward. If you are traveling on the train, car, plane, you should also periodically change the position, if possible, to be caught.
  4. If the need for a long time is related to work on a computer, place the monitor right in front of yourself so that its top point is directly before your eyes or higher. (This will keep your head straight).
  5. In order not to waste time in a gift, while working in the sitting position or simply ride in transport you can do exercises to help you prepare for childbirth: Squeeze the muscles of the vagina, as if you wanted to keep urination. Do it, counting to 10, then rest a few seconds, repeat 3-5 times a few times a day.
  6. In any case, one should not put foot on the leg. First, it causes too much overload for spinal column, deflection pelvis forward and can strengthen back pain. Secondly, due to the compression of vessels, the blood supply to the small pelvis organs deteriorates, including the uterus, the fetus. You can feel that the baby began to move very actively - this is the consequence of what he lack oxygen. It is worth changing an uncomfortable posture, to be like or lie down like a baby drops.


During manual washing, a woman has to for a long time To be in a tilted position. Stay in such a pose of pregnant women is contraindicated - and for what reasons. Due to the growing belly, the center of gravity is shifting and the load on the spine. In the bent position, the spine and the back muscles are still experiencing large loadWhat leads to fatigue to the back pain. If it is so necessary, you can try to wash sitting on the chair (better with the back - you can periodically fold on it), and the pelvis is in front of it on a small elevation.

If you need to raise something from the floor or fasten your shoes, you need to get closer to the floor or to the fastener due to the bending legs in the knees, but not due to the tilt and flexion of the spine.


Long stay in the standing position not only causes common fatigue, but also provokes the appearance of edema on the legs, leads to the emergence and progression of varicose veins. Even if your work is not connected with a long stay on the legs, but you had, for example, stand in the queue in a fitting room, holding chosen new clothes in the hands, remember that it is better not to stand still, but try to walk. If the size of the room or the situation does not allow this, then you need to shift from foot to the leg, make 2-3 steps. In addition, you can try to stand, putting one foot (alternately - left and right) on any elevation. This contributes to the influx of blood to the ankles, which reduces their swelling, fatigue.

If your job is connected with a long stay in the standing position, try to sit down at least For 10-20 minutes every hour. If you still have to stand for a long time, then to improve blood circulation in your feet, try to make simple exercises: Sit down your fingers and then relax them, stand on the tiptoe and move the body weight from one foot to another.

From moms and grandmothers you can hear that in the standing position you can not raise your hands up, for example, hang underwear or clothes on a hanger, - supposedly it contributes to the cordhouse of the cord around the fetal neck. In fact, there is no interconnection. Although, of course, to stand for a long time with his arms raised, for example, in the metro car, keeping the top handrail, should not. After all, it is inconvenient to be in this position, it may affect her well-being, as a result, the fruit is worse with blood and oxygen, it can begin to behave more actively or, on the contrary, squeeze.


If you did not do before pregnancy physical training, Walking can be a worthy way to maintain a good physical form. Hiking Toned leg muscles, warning the risk of formation of varicose veins, strengthen the muscles of the abdominal cavity. Of course, you can walk if there are no medical contraindications for this.

  • Increase loads gradually. During one lesson, go no longer than half an hour. Start with a very slow step.
  • Go with straightened back, but do not strain top Body. Push the heel on the sock. You must feel easy swaying when we carry the body weight with a heel on the sock, and light push when put the leg on the sock. Keep the elbows bent at an angle of 90 degrees and rhythmically swing them back and forth to save the tempo. Do not cross your hands on your chest so as not to lose balance.
  • Give your way on the map. For security purposes and to get more pleasure, find the pedestrian walkway away from the transport highways, with a pleasant scenery. Do not strive to overcome the outlined distance by anything. If you felt fatigue, malaise, you must relax or stop classes.
  • It is pleasant and useful to walk in the company with her husband or with the same future mom.
  • If you find it difficult to carve time for exercise, set the time for your walks and make them familiar. Write them down in your daily plan.
  • Let the walking be part of your lifestyle. Make it part of Your day. Walk during lunch breaks, park the car away from home or leave the vehicle for one stop to yours and walk the rest of the path.
  • Do not forget during walks to wear comfortable shoes.


During the period of tooling the baby, it is better to exclude running - and as one of the ways of physical activity, and as "necessity" when trying to catch up with a bus or trolleybus. The fact is that when the body is concussion, the body occurs, and this may lead to the threat of abortion. In addition, catching up bus, you are not specifically prepared for "physical charging", so shoes and clothing most often do not match the run, and this, in turn, increases the likelihood of falling.

Sleep is an integral part of life, the quality of which depends the well-being and human health in general. During pregnancy, some difficulties with sleep organization can arise - early timing The cause becomes the hormonal restructuring of the body, and in the late period of carrying - physical discomfort when choosing poses due to the increased tummy.

Poses for sleep during pregnancy

A healthy dream during pregnancy is especially important - at this time in the body of a woman there are large changes that can lead to a deterioration in the work of the immune system, which will attract diseases of various kinds. Restore forces for the prosperous development of pregnancy helps a full night and day relaxation.

Choosing a body pose for sleep, a pregnant woman should take into account not only the possibility of a convenient position for itself, but also the level of security for its future baby. For this, the future mother needs to be aware of safe and prohibited poses.

I trimester

At the initial stage of pregnancy about the correct posture for sleep, a woman may not think - the fruit is still too small to make the likelihood of his damage or oppression from wrong position Mom's bodies.

If a woman before the occurrence of pregnancy was a habit, then it is worth getting rid of it as early as possible. Indeed, at later the future, the future mother can unconsciously turn over the belly, thereby harming the health of the kid.

But in some cases, in the first trimester, pregnant experiences discomfort and easy sensations From sleep on the stomach - this is explained increased sensitivity Milk glands during this period.
In the absence of uncomfortable sensations, pregnant is not forbidden to sleep on the stomach the first 12 weeks of pregnancy

II trimester

After 12 weeks of pregnancy, the belly begins to grow and sleep on the stomach from this time the woman is prohibited. Otherwise, the blood supply and nutrition of the child is disturbed.

Up to 24 weeks, the future mommy can still sleep lying on his back. But the correct position of the body starting from the second trimester is the left side. With such a position, the blood circulation and the work of the heart is not disturbed, there is no squeezing of the liver. All these factors ensure the receipt of the necessary nutrients to the fetus and do not interfere normal development pregnancy.

And there are also no prohibitions for a short sleep on the right side, especially with the transverse preservation of the fetus, when the head of the child is on the right side.

If the prevention of the fetus is pelvic, then the pregnant woman is recommended to turn over one side of the body to another up to 5 times per night.
Until the middle of the second trimester, a pregnant woman can sleep on his back, not causing the harm to his health and the state of the baby

III trimester

This period of pregnancy for the future mother is the most complicated - the big belly and the limited choice of poses for day and night rest are often reasons poor sleep, and, as a result, arise fast fatiguability And irritability.

In the third trimester, it is impossible for a pregnant woman (even physically it is already impossible), as well as on the back - it threatens the transfer of the lower hollow vein that transfers venous blood All over the body to heart. If the blood circulation function is violated, hypoxia can develop in the mother's womb, which is explained by the poor blood supply to the placenta. As well as the transfer of a hollow vein as a result of sleep on the back, often provokes the appearance of varicose veins, hemorrhoids, lower back pain and reduced blood pressure in pregnant women.

In the late period of waiting, the baby undesirable is a long sleep on the right side - this can lead to stagnant phenomena in right kidney (and subsequently to pyelonephritis) arising due to the pressure of the grown fetus on internal organs.

Since sleeping only on the left side of the body for half the II and total III trimester is inconvenient, then on short period You can roll over to the opposite direction.
Latest Pregnancy Choice right pose For sleep is limited to the left side of the body

Fixtures for comfortable sleep

For comfortable sleep Most often, pregnant women use pillows - ordinary, sofa, special.

With a dream on the left side, take part of the load from the pelvic region and prevent the appearance of the legs of the legs will help the pillow, located under bent right leg. Wherein left leg must be straightened.

To exclude the appearance of pain in the back from sleep on the side, you can slightly fold on your back, putting a small pillow under it or twisted in the form of a roller.

A compatible device can be a sofa pillow, located between the legs bent in the knees when lying on one side of the body. And it is also not forbidden to put the pillow under the stomach.

In the late periods of pregnancy, women are often suffering from heartburn or difficult breathing - the grew up baby shifts internal organs, which gives discomfort. In this case, the position of the half-lying should be taken - you can put several pillows under the back and head.

The use of roller or small pillows, located under the legs, contributes to the removal of voltage, cramps and edema with lower extremitiesthat favorably affects sleep.

But a special place in organizing a comfortable sleep is occupied by special cushions for pregnant women. They are distinguished by the forms presented in the form of letters: G, U, V, L, I, C. Dimensions of these pillows are different - every woman can choose this necessary object to sleep and in accordance with the size of the bedroom. But they have one function - to ensure comfortable placement of pregnant during rest. Such pillows support the belly (sometimes head), some of them deprive the possibilities of uncontrolled turning onto the back, they are conveniently trapped on them. At the same time, special pillows for future mothers can be applied in postpartum period - When feeding a baby and as a support for the back of the child during its seating.

Photo Gallery: Pieces for pregnant women

Pillow in the fore letters G has big size and is multifunctional
U-shaped pillow supports stomach and head pregnant, and also does not allow it to turn over to the back
Pillow - boomerang or V-shaped is compact and allows you to take a convenient post pillow Pillow in the form L is led by a short side under the head, and a long - under the back, protecting against unconscious coups to it, and also makes it possible to fold the foot i-shaped cushion compact and designed to twist in fit form The pillow in the form of the letter C is universal and suitable for use during pregnancy, as well as when feeding a kid

As well as special pillows can be filled with various materials:

  1. Sintepon. Not suitable for use by allergy and asthmatics, as it contains a harmful admixture in the form of glue. Pillows filled with syntheps are not long-term - quickly lose the shape, confrontation in lumps. Items with this filler can harm the health of pregnant.
  2. Holofiber. Soft, hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly material, not absorbing odors and sweat. Pillows with such a filler quickly restore its shape after styrics (both manual and machines) and crumbles.
  3. Polystyrene foam. The filler in the form of granules, similar to foam balls. Hard, durable, environmentally friendly material. The pillow with expanded polystyrene can not be washed in a typewriter.
  4. Artificial fluff. Synthetic, hypoallergenic, lightweight material. It will quickly dry after washing and easily restores the former shape.

The modern market presents a wide selection of pillows for pregnant women, thanks to which each future mother can find its ideal option.

In my opinion, most pregnant women have discomfort when choosing convenient poses During night rest. I did not exception - with the rapid growth of belly from the middle of the second trimester, sleep disorders related to the problem of adopting a comfortable situation appeared. I did not purchase a special pillow, but used many ordinary pads and rollers various shapes and sizes. It seems to me that with time, any girl "in the position" gets used to his new figure and finds optimal postures and adaptations to organize sleep - this is just a temporary and inconvenience.

Organization of night rest during pregnancy

Often, future mothers suffer from sleep disorders or insomnia. Their appearance may be caused hormonal changes, heartburn, frequent urges to urination, itching the skin due to its stretching, the movements of the kid, the inability to take the desired posture during sleep, as well nervous overvoltage, alarm, stress and others. With these problems, it should be struggling to normalize night rest - a pregnant's sleep should last at least 8 hours.

The following steps are helped to get rid of insomnia:

  • maintain moderate physical activity during the day;
  • elimination of stress and conflict situations;
  • temporary waiver of day rest;
  • restriction of fluid consumed before bed;
  • the preference of a lung dinner is severe;
  • taking a relaxing bath or back massage and legs in front of a night rest;
  • application of sedatives: glycine, valerian or motherboards (after consulting a doctor).

Thus, there are many ways to fight insomnia.

But for strong and healthy sleep, as well as the prevention of insomnia, experts recommend:

  1. Regularly air the room and make a walk before bedtime.
  2. Select comfortable clothes for sleep.
  3. Place on comfortable pillows and mattress.
  4. Make a light snack if necessary - fall asleep with a feeling of hunger difficult.

Subject to these elementary rules Organization of night rest risks for insomnia and other sleep disorders are reduced.

After a healthy sleep, the future mother should feel rested and stay in a good mood.

Video: Sleep during pregnancy