Every day loose stools in an adult cause. Why there is a mushy stool and how to get rid of it

What determines the frequency of bowel movements? There are several factors that cause a person to visit the toilet more than 2 times a day:

Psychological problems

The state of the nervous system affects the functioning of the digestive organs. People prone to increased anxiety suffer from frequent bowel movements. They do not adapt well to new conditions and get irritated over trifles.

Frequent bowel movements indicate that a person is experiencing the following emotions:

  1. The patient is very irritable and constantly nervous.
  2. The patient experiences emotional instability and a sense of fear.
  3. People with an unstable nervous system are quite sensitive to personal failures. Suspicious people begin to suspect that they are not all right with their health. In this case, you need to contact a psychologist who will help you find a way out of this situation.

To calm the overexcited nervous system and you can take antidepressants. In combination with psychotherapy, treatment can achieve stable results. Gradually, normalization of the functioning of the digestive organs should occur.

REASONS: One of the main causes of malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract is malnutrition. In addition to the quality of the consumed products themselves, the mode is also important. To improve bowel function, you need to drink a simple remedy every day ...

What is the danger of frequent stools?

Too frequent defecation deprives the patient essential vitamins and micronutrients. The lack of digestive enzymes leads to the fact that incompletely digested food enters the large intestine. The patient may develop beriberi and anemia.

What can not be eaten with a frequent stool?

Cause frequent stool may be malnutrition. In this case, treatment should begin with an analysis of the patient's daily diet.

Foods that stimulate the bowels include:

  1. Frequent stools are provoked by dishes that contain a lot of fructose.
  2. Drinking milk provokes frequent stools.
  3. Artificial sugar substitutes are the most common food supplement. Many people do not even think about the harm they can cause when regular use into food.

To get rid of the symptoms of indigestion, you need to completely revise your menu. For the duration of the disease, exclude fried foods from the diet.

Smoked meats are banned, as they irritate the intestinal walls.

addicting too hot food not good for work digestive system. The daily amount of food should be reduced.

Do you suffer from the desire to go to the toilet at the most inopportune moment? You can eliminate unpleasant symptoms with the help of. Be sure to include the following types of foods in your diet:

  1. Crackers will help you reduce the frequency of bowel movements.
  2. TO healthy meals can be attributed to meat or vegetable broth.
  3. It is allowed to eat lean meats. It must be boiled or steamed.
  4. Visits to the restroom will become more rare if you include boiled eggs in your diet.
  5. It is possible to establish the work of the digestive organs due to natural jelly. You should not use purchased briquettes, in which manufacturers generously add flavors and dyes.
  6. It has a therapeutic effect with frequent stools.
  7. TO useful products includes low-fat cottage cheese and fish.

How to Eliminate a Digestive Enzyme Deficiency

The lack of enzymes is one of the causes of frequent stools. For the treatment of patients with pancreatitis, drugs such as,.

Stick to the dosage indicated in the instructions. The duration of treatment depends on the condition of the patient. Usually the course medicines takes 4 to 12 days.

How to restore the functioning of the digestive system with colitis

Frequent stools can be caused by colitis. Doctors prescribe antibacterial agents. They suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms that actively multiply in the intestines. The dosage depends on the patient's condition, age and diagnosis.

Leads to disruption of the intestinal microflora. An insufficient amount beneficial bacteria causes frequent bowel movements.

To restore the microflora, doctors prescribe to patients a reception (Laktofiltrum, Bifidumbacterin). With regular use of drugs, the patient normalizes the stool, and gas formation decreases.

Treatment of frequent stools due to gastritis

In the body of a patient with gastritis, the production of gastric juice is disrupted. Patients complain of pain in the stomach area. Gastritis complicates the process of digestion of food. Deficiency of gastric juice leads to stagnation of food.

As a result, fermentation begins, and occurs. Chronic gastritis often causes bowel dysfunction. The patient suffers from flatulence, as food enters the intestines in an insufficiently digested form.

Helicobacter pylori infection is considered a factor provoking the occurrence of gastritis. To destroy the bacteria, the doctor prescribes. However, this is not the only cause of this disease. Ulcers and erosion in the stomach can provoke the development of gastritis.

irritable bowel syndrome

The choice of funds depends on individual features person. Often this condition develops against the background nervous strain. Such patients are advised to take antidepressants, but according to indications and with the recommendation of a doctor. Help relieve stress physical exercise. Be sure to book an appointment with a psychologist.

To reduce intestinal spasms, you can use (Papaverine, Drotaverine). To regulate intestinal motility, doctors prescribe prokinetics (Trimedat, Alosetron).

If available persistent diarrhea in an adult, the reasons can be very different. Diarrhea is loose, loose stools. It's only clinical symptom, but not individual disease. In spite of this, prolonged diarrhea points to serious pathology or poisoning.

Diarrhea is dyspeptic, alimentary, neurogenic, medicinal and toxic. In the first case, frequent loose stools are observed against the background of a lack of enzymes. The cause of alimentary diarrhea is poor nutrition, alcoholism and food allergy. The cause of diarrhea may be nervous tension(stress).

In this situation, the nervous regulation of the intestines is disrupted. Very often, diarrhea is a consequence that develops while taking medication. The most severe is toxic diarrhea. It develops in case of poisoning with food, chemicals, poisons of fungi and plants. Allocate the following reasons the occurrence of loose stools in adults:

When a person contacts a doctor, the nature of the bowel movements should be established. There is diarrhea, which is combined with other symptoms (nausea, fever, abdominal pain, flatulence). loose stool it is green, yellow, black or whitish. Sometimes there is diarrhea with water. Detection of blood, mucus or pus in the stool may indicate colon pathology up to cancer.

Intestinal dysbacteriosis

A common cause of diarrhea in adults is dysbacteriosis. Feces in the intestines are formed as the chyme moves. This is where digestion takes place. nutrients, as well as the absorption of various electrolytes and water. The process of digestion occurs with the participation of microflora. normal composition bacteria in the intestinal cavity is represented by bifidobacteria, bacteroids, lactobacilli, coli, peptococci and other microbes.

Causes of dysbacteriosis include oral ingestion antibacterial drugs, exposure, lack of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet, the presence of chronic pathology intestines, immunodeficiency. Loose stools are most often observed with dysbacteriosis of 3 and 4 degrees. The following processes underlie the development of diarrhea:

  • malabsorption of water;
  • increased intestinal motility;
  • the formation of a large amount of bile acids.

Often, such patients are concerned about nausea, allergies in the form of a rash, bloating, pain, loss of appetite, and belching. Prolonged dysbacteriosis causes the development of chronic enterocolitis and weight loss of the patient.

Symptom in pancreatitis

In diarrhea, causes include diseases of the pancreas. This organ takes an active part in the digestive process. Diarrhea is frequent. With this disease, the function of the organ decreases and insufficient production of enzymes is observed. The causes of pancreatitis include chronic alcoholism, domestic drunkenness, cholelithiasis, inflammation of the small intestine, peptic ulcer, spicy inflammatory process, exposure to toxic substances, malnutrition (overeating, eating large amounts of fat).

Frequent and loose stools against the background of pancreatitis are observed due to admission to colon poorly digested food. A large amount of nutrients leads to the activation of bacteria. This enhances fermentation and putrefactive processes, which ultimately leads to a violation of the stool by the type of diarrhea, frequent calls to the toilet and bloating.

The stool is often mushy. It contains many pieces undigested food. With inflammation of the pancreas, diarrhea is not the only symptom. It is combined with pain in the left side or lower back and dyspeptic syndrome. Fecal analysis for suspected chronic pancreatitis plays an important role in the diagnosis.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis

The causes of diarrhea are often associated with diseases of the large intestine.

Loose stools are a manifestation of nonspecific ulcerative colitis.

With this disease, inflammation of the mucous membrane and the formation of ulcers are observed. Mostly young people aged 20 to 40 years are ill. There are several theories of the development of this pathology (autoimmune, genetic, infectious). Ulcerative colitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • violation of the chair;
  • the presence of blood and mucus in the feces;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • bloating.

When exacerbated, the body temperature rises. Patients lose weight. They have weakness, muscle pain. Often the function of the organ of vision is impaired. Diarrhea is one of the most persistent symptoms. 95% of patients complain about it.

The frequency of bowel movements is on average 3-4 times a day. With an exacerbation, the urge to go to the toilet becomes more frequent. There is blood in the stool and a large number of mucus. Diarrhea ulcerative colitis sometimes associated with constipation.

Crohn's disease

One of the heaviest inflammatory diseases digestive tract is Crohn's disease. When it affects all layers (mucous, muscular and submucosal). Areas of inflamed tissue alternate with healthy ones. The process can affect the upper and lower sections of the digestive tube. More often affected small intestine. There are 3 degrees of severity of the disease.

With a mild course of the disease, the frequency of stools is up to 4 times a day. Blood in the stool is rarely present. With moderate severity, diarrhea bothers patients up to 6 times a day. The presence of blood in the stool is visible to the naked eye. Diarrhea with a frequency of up to 10 times indicates a severe course of the disease. In the latter case, complications develop (fistulas, abscesses, bleeding).

It develops in humans for unknown reasons. Young people under 35 are more often ill. Additional symptoms this pathology are cutting or aching pain in the abdomen, myalgia, weakness, malaise, eye damage. The diagnosis of Crohn's disease can only be made after a thorough examination of the sick person.

Other reasons

Enterobiasis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • anal itching;
  • cramping pain in the abdomen;
  • liquid stool;
  • nausea;
  • tenesmus;
  • bloating and rumbling in the abdomen.

In such patients, the stool becomes mushy. Diarrhea may alternate with constipation. Loose stools in adults are observed when protozoa (giardia) enter the intestines. Giardiasis can be contracted by eating unwashed fruits and vegetables. Diarrhea in this disease is the main symptom. The stool has a bad smell.

Pathological impurities (mucus and blood) are absent. It's valuable diagnostic criterion. Diarrhea with blood in an adult is possible with acute intestinal infections(dysentery). You can get sick by drinking unboiled, Shigella-infected water, as well as poor-quality food products. With dysentery, the frequency of stools can reach 10 times a day. There is blood and mucus in the stool.

The presence of green loose stools, resembling swamp mud, indicates the development of salmonellosis. This disease is more severe. It is less common in adults than in children. liquid stool gray color, with a shiny and oily surface is a sign enzyme deficiency pancreas. Thus, the appearance of diarrhea in an adult may be a sign of intestinal or pancreatic diseases.

Chronic diarrhea - pathological condition, in which bowel movements for longer than 2 to 3 weeks occur more often 2 times a day. In this case, the consistency of the stool is different from normal. This condition indicates the presence of persistent disorders with which the compensatory mechanisms of the body could not cope.

What are the causes of chronic diarrhea?

Loose stools in an adult, which has been observed for a long time, may be the result of a number of factors and diseases. They determine the course, prognosis and treatment of diarrhea. The main causes of frequent bowel movements:

Diagnosis of the causes that led to chronic diarrhea should be dealt with by a specialist. There is only one reason that the patient can easily detect and eliminate on his own - loose stools with a change in diet. It can occur with the daily use of a provoking food factor. These products include:

A feature of this type of stool disorder is a clear connection with a change in diet.

diarrhea symptoms

The main symptom is frequent loose stools. Depending on the causes that led to chronic diarrhea, inclusions of mucus, pus, blood, whole helminths (ascaris) or their fragments can be observed in the feces. In this case, flatulence, rumbling, seething, abdominal pain can be observed.

Constantly loose stools may be accompanied by extraintestinal manifestations of the diseases that caused diarrhea. With cholecystitis, patients complain of a bitter taste in the mouth, with chronic alcohol intoxication- changes in skin color infectious diseases- an increase in body temperature. With an allergic nature of the disease, there are skin rashes. External signs chronic diarrhea there may be dryness of the skin, a decrease in its elasticity. Thirst worries patients to a lesser extent than with an acute process.

Diagnosis of diarrhea

To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to know when and how the disease arose, which preceded the frequent stool. Also important is information about the duration of the disease, the features of its course, daily fluctuations (which complaints prevail in the morning, after eating, etc.). On palpation, it is possible to establish not only the localization of maximum pain, but also the presence of neoplasms.

Blood is subjected to laboratory research methods ( general analysis, liver enzymes, antibodies, etc.), urine (OAM) and feces (coprogram, analysis for helminth eggs, for occult blood). The results provide a wealth of information for differential diagnosis. This method allows you to identify the functional state of organs and systems, the degree of development pathological changes, their cause and course in dynamics. It is especially important because the arsenal instrumental methods diagnosis in diarrhea is poor ( endoscopic methods, x-ray of the intestine). Ultrasound in this case will give little information due to swelling of the intestinal loops.

What to do with chronic diarrhea?

If you have frequent loose stools lasting more than 2 to 3 weeks, you need to start treatment. The only factor that the patient can independently eliminate is food. When using foods that are not suitable for consumption even in minimal quantities, they must be completely eliminated. Such cases include allergic reactions on products and enzyme deficiency (lactase, celiac disease, etc.). They must be avoided. When eating a large number of foods that do not lead to diarrhea in normal volumes, you need to temporarily exclude them from the diet. After 2 - 3 days of break and normalization of the stool, they can be eaten with a gradual increase in quantity. You can not abuse these dishes.

To stop diarrhea, you need to see a doctor. He will diagnose and find out why the changes in the body have occurred. Rapid loose stools can be a sign of formidable diseases. Timely start adequate treatment increases the chances of recovery.

Many faced the problem of loose stools. This one is quite unpleasant symptom can signal disease gastrointestinal tract. If diarrhea lasts no more than a day, then it may not cause much harm. But prolonged diarrhea in an adult can lead to complications, which are then difficult to get rid of.

As a rule, patients do not turn special attention on the this problem and let things go by themselves, not thinking about the consequences. And only when the liquid stool in an adult is already for a long time and begins to appear with blood, a person runs to the doctors or to the pharmacy for an expensive medicine. All this can be avoided if you know the causes of this disease.

An adult with a normal stool should defecate 1-2 times a day. With the appearance of diarrhea, this process happens more often, and the whole day the diarrhea may not stop.

There are a number of reasons that can cause loose stools in an adult:

The main causes of loose stools in adults are listed. But already from this list it becomes clear that if the diarrhea does not stop, you need to seek help from specialists, as this may be a signal of a more serious problem.

What does the color of liquid stool mean?

The appearance of liquid stool unusual color should make you think about health. Especially if mucus, foam or blood appears along with the feces. In fact, prolonged diarrhea not a disease, but a symptom, thanks to which one can learn a lot. For example:


After the study, the doctor is obliged to prescribe not only drugs for prolonged diarrhea, but also a medicine that will directly eliminate the cause of diarrhea. From the disease will help such means:

Often, diarrhea causes pain in the lower abdomen, which can last all day. Antispasmodic drugs, for example, No-shpa, will help get rid of it.

Microelements are also removed from the body with the outgoing fluid. Therefore, it is best to use not just a large amount of water, but pharmacy solutions, such as Regidron. You can also prepare your own glucose-salt solution. To do this, you need half a teaspoon of soda, twice as much salt, potassium chloride in the amount of a quarter of a teaspoon and 6 teaspoons of sugar.

Remember that Activated carbon is not a solution to this problem. It, along with toxins, removes fluid from the body, so it can only do harm.

Diet for prolonged diarrhea

In order for the treatment to be effective, you should adhere to a special diet that the doctor will make. As a rule, it includes such dishes:

The diet should not include spices and fatty food. Also, to achieve a quick result, you will need to abandon a number of products, excluding:

  • sweet fruit juices and carbonated drinks;
  • products containing milk;
  • mushrooms;
  • beans;
  • pickles;
  • sweets;
  • pastries.

On the first day of the appearance of loose stools, you should refuse food and provide the body with plenty of fluids. The diet should be followed for at least a week. Abruptly returning to the usual food is not recommended.

It should be remembered! In order not to aggravate the problem and not return diarrhea, you must follow elementary rules hygiene. Do not forget to thoroughly wash dishes, vegetables, fruits, hands before eating. Look at the expiration date of products. It is also not recommended to visit cafes and restaurants.

Folk remedies

An additional treatment could be ethnoscience. Since ancient times, our ancestors have struggled with this disease and have created many recipes that help get rid of long-term loose stools. Let's consider the main ones.

  1. A decoction of rice. This medicinal product easy to prepare and does not harm the body. You will need 2 cups of water and 1.5 teaspoons of rice. Cook the cereal for about 30 minutes over low heat. Then strain and drink half a glass of warm broth 3 times a day. This medicine should be taken on the first day of diarrhea. Can be given even to small children.
  2. On an empty stomach, take 5 pieces of black peppercorns. To achieve the best result, you need to bite it, but this is not at all necessary. Diarrhea should stop within an hour after eating peas.

  3. Another effective folk method is the use of dried chicken navels. Although such a medicine may seem unacceptable to you, but be sure that it has a miraculous effect. Yes, the recipe is quite simple. Remove the film from the chicken navels and put in a warm, dry place to dry. Then crush into powder and take 1 teaspoon before meals with water. This tool works due to the presence of gastric enzymes, which are absolutely harmless to the human body.
  4. Grind the dried pomegranate peel in a coffee grinder. Then add 3 tablespoons of the resulting powder to boiling water in the amount of 2 cups and cook for about 30 minutes. After that, let it cool and then strain. To use such a drug should be before meals, 3 tablespoons.
  5. Potato starch has also long been considered excellent remedy from diarrhea that lasts all day. Our ancestors used this recipe: 2 tablespoons of starch were added to one glass of water at room temperature, mixed well and drunk 4 times a day for half a glass.

If after a while diarrhea does not go away, then you should not self-medicate. This can only make your situation worse. After all, when diarrhea does not stop, a person begins to lose weight and strength dramatically. And we should not forget that the cause of such a problem can be serious illnesses. Therefore, first of all, consult a doctor.

The main symptom of diarrhea is loose stools at least 3 times a day. This condition can be acute or chronic. The cause of loose stools in adults is not only bacterial and viral infections but also a number of diseases. At the same time, the primary pathological process can be localized in the intestines or in other organs, and changes in the nature of the stool have their own characteristics.

irritable bowel syndrome


Endocrine pathology in the form of hyperthyroidism can lead to the appearance of loose and frequent stools in an adult. In this state thyroid overproduces hormones that affect metabolism and function internal organs. They also stimulate the motility of the digestive tract, which causes an accelerated passage of intestinal contents and rapid evacuation of feces. Digestion and absorption do not occur fully, the stool becomes liquefied. Treatment of the underlying disease is prescribed by an endocrinologist.