The healing properties of aloe. The use of aloe in traditional medicine

Several hundred varieties of aloe grow throughout the world. To date, science has managed to accumulate an incredible abundance of information about the agave. It is used not only as a means of traditional medicine, but also as an official one, often found on the windowsills of many apartments.

Some scientific research may seem interesting. For example, Academician Filatov established that a plant that is in a dark room for 12 days at a temperature of five degrees produces and accumulates additional biogenic stimulants. The work of the academician contributed to the fact that aloe was recognized by official medicine. Agave, the medicinal properties of which are widely used to this day, can become a real home doctor.

Composition of agave juice

  1. Vitamin C - provides tissue elasticity, is part of cellular enzymes, helps seal the vascular wall, mobilizes defenses.
  2. Minerals and trace elements - remove harmful substances from the body, increase the immune background, stop pain, bring metabolic processes back to normal. These qualities are especially valuable in scarlet. Agave, the healing properties of which are even used to treat children, always helps to heal.
  3. Carotenoids - contribute to the synthesis of vitamin A, reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, stabilize fat metabolism, positively affect the sensitivity of the retina.
  4. Catechin - relieves allergic reactions, strengthens the vascular wall.
  5. Flavonoids - have a beneficial effect on the whole body, help to better adapt to external conditions, have a disinfecting property.
  6. Organic acids - do not allow the development of putrefactive processes in the digestive tract. Therefore, with violations of peristalsis, they drink aloe juice. Agave, the medicinal properties and benefits of which are scientifically proven, well heals the digestive tract.
  7. Tannins - have a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic effect.

Agave: healing properties, how to cut leaves, how to transplant a plant

It is recommended to transplant the plant no more than once every two to three years. Pot and earthen mixture (1: 2 sheet and turf land, part of river sand, part of charcoal) are preliminarily prepared. The plant is carefully removed from the old pot, the condition of the root system is checked. At the bottom of the new tank, drainage is laid, 1/3 of the earth, aloe is placed in the center of the pot and covered with soil residue. After transplanting, you need to water it a little. Experienced flower growers note that one of the most unpretentious in the maintenance and care of plants is the agave. The healing properties of the leaves during transplantation are fully preserved.

Aloe juice is available for sale in any pharmacy chain, and this is the easiest way to obtain medicinal fluid. If the plant itself is present in the house, it is better to use it. You can collect agave raw materials at any time of the year. It is better to choose for cutting the lower or middle ripe, fleshy leaves. Their length should reach 15 cm, and the tip may dry out a little - this is where the maximum amount of nutrients is concentrated. How to cut a sheet? It can be ripped off at the base or neatly separated from the barrel with a knife. The resulting agave leaves are able to maintain their properties in the open air for no more than four hours, so it is better to use the raw materials immediately.

Plant application

One of the most useful domestic plants is considered to be agave. Aloe, the healing properties of which have long been known, is used in a huge number of recipes for traditional medicine. Plant juice helps eliminate conditions and ailments such as:

  • cuts and abrasions, wounds, trophic ulcers;
  • digestive disorders;
  • corns and corns;
  • progressive hair loss;
  • bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, pneumonia;
  • joint diseases, diabetes;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • runny nose.

In addition, the agave, whose healing properties are known in traditional medicine, has established itself as a component of home cosmetic products.

general characteristics

The beneficial properties of the plant were known more than three thousand years ago. It was used by the ancient Egyptians, including embalming mummies. In Europe, agave juice was used to treat ulcerative lesions on the skin, long non-healing wounds, burns.

Aloe has strong bactericidal properties and manifests them in relation to the following pathogenic flora: diphtheria, dysentery, typhoid bacilli, staphylococci, streptococci. Its juice helps to remove radiation products from the body, has wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects.

Agave recipes can be indispensable for enhancing defenses. The plant acts as a powerful biological stimulant, tonic. The active components of the plant juice stabilize intestinal motility, enhance bile secretion and improve digestion.

Therapeutic forms of the plant

  • Tinctures. To prepare the drug, alcohol or vodka is used. The leaves are crushed, filled with alcohol and aged for a month. For five parts of alcohol, you need to take one part of the leaves.
  • The juice. It is squeezed in a standard way from washed and chopped leaves of a plant, preferably immediately before use. The product can be stored in the refrigerator for about three days, but only in extreme cases.

Centenary treatment for colds and colds

Fresh plant juice is recommended to be instilled into each nasal passage, 3-4 drops at a time (2-3 times a day). The course of treatment is one week. After several procedures, swelling decreases, breathing is facilitated. All pathogens are eliminated, due to the bactericidal effect that the agave plant has. The healing properties with a runny nose manifest very quickly.

Agave for eyes

Diluted aloe juice is instilled into the eyes. One part of the juice is diluted with 10 parts of water. Such treatment has shown high efficacy in cataracts, even official medicine has recognized the benefit for the eyes that the agave brings. The healing properties, recipes of aloe vera preparations have helped many people get rid of ophthalmic problems.

For diseases of the throat

The juice of the plant is mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 1. The solution is used for therapeutic rinses for various diseases of the nasopharynx. After the procedure, it is recommended to drink 15 ml of aloe, drink it with warm milk.

Treatment of pulmonary diseases and colds

This recipe has been shown to be highly effective. 350 ml of agave juice is mixed with 250 g of honey. The resulting mass is poured into 750 ml of Cahors and 100 ml of alcohol. The drug must be stored in a dry, dark place, in a glass or enameled container under a tightly closed lid. Adult patients can take the elixir one tablespoon before eating, children over five years old - 1 tsp. This is the most popular recipe, which is based on an agave. The healing properties, application, proven in practice, will certainly have a beneficial effect.

Skin inflammation treatment

Freshly squeezed juice is applied externally in the form of compresses. It is diluted with water in a proportion of 1:10. The net is soaked in the solution and applied to the affected area for 15 minutes.

  with exhaustion

With the depletion that arose after illness, the following recipes can be used to improve appetite.

  1. 350 ml of red wine is mixed with 150 ml of agave juice, 250 g of honey. The mixture is infused for five days and is taken 20 grams three times a day strictly before meals.
  2. 125 ml of aloe juice is mixed with crushed walnuts (500 g), lemon juice, 300 g of honey. The elixir is taken by teaspoon before meals (no more than 3 times a day).

Tuberculosis treatment

In one container, 100 grams of lard (or butter), 150 ml of agave juice, 100 g of honey, 100 g of cocoa powder are mixed. The drug is taken according to 1 tbsp. l about twice a day.


Agave, the healing properties of which are so wide, has its contraindications. Regarding aloe, it should be noted that its composition has not yet been fully studied, especially since there are many varieties of plants. Therefore, internal administration of drugs based on the agave is undesirable for young children and people who have crossed the forty-year mark. Due to its high biological activity, juice can harm a developing or weakened immune system.

Abuse of aloe treatment is dangerous, since a high content of vitamins A, C, PP, B and E, when accumulated in the body, can cause hypervitaminosis, allergic reactions, irritation of the gastric mucosa, and metabolic disorders.

The main contraindications for the agave are as follows:

  • pregnancy;
  • acute phase of any disease;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • general depletion of the body.

In the diagnosis of cancer remains a controversial issue. One group of specialists recommends supplementing the traditional treatment with agave preparations, the other categorically against it. The reasons for abandoning this method of treatment are that aloe is one of the most powerful biostimulants. This can trigger spontaneous acceleration of the growth of cancer cells.

Instead of completing

One of the most effective medicinal plants is rightfully considered an agave. described above, help to accurately determine the admissibility of the use of drugs based on it for your own health.

If there is no agave in the house, it is better to get this plant. It is very unpretentious, practically does not require watering in winter, but it can provide invaluable benefits for the health of the whole family. Following all the recommendations presented will eliminate the negative consequences.

Aloe is a well-known plant that has gained fame as the main home doctor. A flowerpot with aloe is a great and effective addition to a home medicine cabinet, because it can relieve many health problems and appearance. Over the centuries, folk recipes from aloe have been passed from mouth to mouth, many of which have been tried and tested hundreds of times.

Aloe vera for therapeutic purposes

The main substance with powerful healing properties is the juice of the leaves of the plant, it is rich in many trace elements, vitamins, glycosides, volatile, enzymes. To get the juice, you need to take a plant whose age is older than 3 years, the lower long leaves of the aloe are cut with a knife, washed and squeezed juice from them. This can be done mechanically (manually, through gauze) and in an automated way (using a juicer). In some cases, aloe leaves are recommended to be kept in the refrigerator for 10-14 days, and then squeezed juice from them. During this time, some of the leaves will darken, deteriorate, the most “healthy” leaves will remain, containing a maximum of useful substances.

Folk recipes: a mixture of aloe and honey

To double the therapeutic effect, honey is added to aloe juice. Such a mixture tastes nicer (since aloe juice is bitter in taste) and has a wider range of therapeutic effects, thanks. A mixture of honey and aloe juice is stored in the refrigerator.

For the treatment of respiratory diseases (inflammation of the throat, pharynx, trachea), use a mixture of aloe juice and honey (proportion of 1 part honey - 5 parts juice), take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. For the prevention of diseases in the autumn-spring period, the same mixture is used, the duration of administration is 1-2 months.

A mixture of aloe juice, honey and butter is an excellent tool that cleanses the body of toxins. To prepare the mixture, you need to take 1 kg of aloe leaves, 1 kg of butter and 1 kg of honey, mix the mass, insist on a water bath for 20 minutes, cool and store in the refrigerator. You need to take this mixture of 5 g with 100 ml of milk - 3 times a day, the duration of administration - until you eat the whole mixture.

With a runny nose and rhinitis, 5 drops of aloe juice should be instilled into each nostril, the procedure can be repeated every 3-5 hours. Massage of the wings of the nose after instillation of juice enhances the therapeutic effect.

Fresh aloe juice is excellent, it is applied to the scalp, massaged and washed off.

Gynecological problems also help solve aloe. A tampon moistened with aloe juice is inserted into the vagina, this helps to cure even diseases such as cervical erosion.

Aloe has an excellent expectorant property, it is used for whooping cough, bronchitis, pneumonia. To prepare the medicine, you need to take 300 g of honey, a glass of crushed aloe leaves and 100 ml of water. Mix the ingredients, simmer for 2 hours, then cool and mix. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Aloe juice diluted in half with water is an excellent tool for rinsing the mouth with problems such as stomatitis, bleeding gums, laryngitis, pharyngitis.

Aloe juice is one of the most popular drugs in cosmetology practice, it is used to moisturize and normalize lipid metabolism for oily skin, with acne. Aloe juice relieves skin irritation, redness, peeling, perfectly heals wounds, cuts, burns, pustular lesions, abscesses, trophic ulcers.

To whom are alternative recipes from aloe contraindicated?

Aloe has the ability to increase muscle tone, so it can not be used by pregnant women

When using aloe inside, it is necessary to monitor the dosage, with excessive prolonged use of aloe and drugs based on it, internal bleeding may appear, pain in the heart and kidneys may appear, hemorrhoids may worsen, and blood in the urine may appear.

Aloe vera or agave, as it is popularly known, is familiar not only to lovers of indoor plant growing. The unique composition has made it one of the most popular natural ingredients in traditional medicine recipes.

Official science also does not deny the healing power of aloe. The chemical element barbaloin (aloin) contained in the juice of the plant is successfully used for the manufacture of many antibacterial, antifungal and antispasmodic pharmacological drugs. And although at home the flower blooms quite rarely, most of us plant it in our apartments not for beauty, but for the sake of medical use.

Let's take a closer look at the medicinal properties and contraindications, and find out how to properly use this plant for the treatment and prevention of diseases of our body.

Aloe - healing properties

If you press on the leaf of the agave, you can feel its jelly texture. This condition is due to the large amount of fluid that is part of the plant - up to 98%. It is this liquid (juice) that is the most valuable part of the flower.

It consists of more than 250 biologically active substances, among which are:

  • amino acids - including 7 essential ones (not produced by the human body, but come exclusively from the outside);
  • vitamin complex - ascorbic acid, B vitamins, tocopherol, retinol, choline;
  • micro and macro elements necessary for the proper functioning of human organs and systems - potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, manganese, iron, cobalt;
  • flavonoids - increase the elasticity of blood vessels, protect our cells from destruction, inhibit the aging process in the body;
  • tannins - have an astringent, anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect;
  • monosaccharides and polysaccharides - simple and complex carbohydrates, the main sources of energy for human life support;
  • enzymes - protein enzymes that activate biochemical processes in the body, are extremely important for our immunity;
  • organic acids - malic, succinic, citric, etc. support the acid-base balance, are necessary for proper metabolism;
  • bitterness - have an antimicrobial effect, stimulate the work of the digestive tract;
  • esters and essential oils.

And this is not a complete list of useful elements with which the familiar “modest” agave is rich. In addition, the leaves of this unpretentious plant perfectly clean the air, saturating it with oxygen and life-giving phytoncides.

Aloe juice - recipes and uses

Without exaggeration, juice can be called a healing elixir. Its medicinal properties have long been used by people in the treatment of many diseases. Moreover, depending on the goals, juice can be used both internally and externally.

What is the use of agave juice and in what areas of medicine will its effect have the maximum effect?

  1. The use of a small amount of healing fluid inside helps to rid the body of toxins, strengthens the immune system, naturally cleanses the blood, reduces and normalizes the digestive system.
  2. For external use, it is used in the form of rasters, lotions or compresses. Such procedures help to reduce the inflammatory process, reduce pain, rapid wound healing and general healing of the mucosa and epidermis.

It is worth noting that the bitter juice of the plant is a powerful biostimulant that has a positive effect on the whole body. Using it in the recommended amounts and observing all storage conditions, you can achieve no less effect than with conventional medicines "from the pharmacy".

Reference: For the first time, a plant of the Asphodel family, to which Aloe belongs, was discovered in India and Africa. In Russia, scarlet is often called a centenary, and not because older people like to grow it and use it for treatment. It is believed that this amazing natural healer blooms only once every hundred years. Fragrant aloe flowers are small, similar to bells and collected in a kind of whisk. Color depends on the plant variety and may vary from yellow to bright red.

Aloe with honey - how to cook?

The aloe duo with honey is wonderful in every way. Firstly, this natural preparation has a strong therapeutic effect, which manifests itself in the treatment and prevention of many pathologies. It is not difficult to make at home. In addition, sweet honey softens the bitterness of the plant, making oral use of the drug more pleasant and comfortable.

  • problems with the digestive tract;
  • pulmonary pathologies;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • skin ailments;
  • general weakness due to a previous illness or surgical intervention.

The result of using aloe with honey will be the most complete if you know how to properly prepare a natural preparation. To do this, you must follow some simple rules:

  • for medicinal purposes, a plant is used, whose age is at least 3-5 years;
  • do not cut the leaves, but carefully break them off as close to the trunk as possible;
  • before use, the leaves must be washed in clean water and wiped dry with a paper towel.

Aloe for the eyes - eye drops

Aloe-based drops are indicated for ocular pathologies such as:

  • clouding of the lens of the eye;
  • cataract;
  • furuncle of the lower or upper eyelid;
  •   eye;
  • "Night" blindness - impaired vision in the dark and in low light;
  • inflammation of the cornea.

Important! When making eye drops at home, it is very important to observe complete sterility - the leaves must be scalded with boiling water, to squeeze the juice you need to use only a medical bandage or gauze cut. If these conditions are not met, infection of the mucous membrane of the eye with pathogenic bacteria is possible, which will entail a worsening of the patient's condition.

Aloe extract according to Fedorov

Bioadditive “Aloe extract according to Fedorov” is very popular among people with vision problems and suffering from various eye ailments. Professional ophthalmologists insist that this vitamin preparation does not bring the long-awaited result and cannot stop the course of serious diseases such as cataracts or glaucoma. However, many patients claim that they felt positive changes in the condition of the eyes after treatment with the extract.

You can buy drops at the pharmacy, they are sold without a prescription and have received registration as a perfumery and cosmetic product. The substance is a clear, sterile liquid containing:

  • aloe extract;
  • silver ions;
  • b vitamins

The main advantage of the drug is the complete naturalness of its constituent components. Therefore, as a supportive therapy and with the permission of an ophthalmologist, drops may well be used to treat eyes at home.

Aloe vera water drink refers to detox drinks that can cleanse the body, remove toxins and harmful compounds from it, and also normalize the digestive system. In addition, the solution has strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. He struggles with the level of "bad" cholesterol, has practically no contraindications and is especially recommended for people with increased body weight.

This miracle drink is prepared from the usual ingredients, the recipe is simple and quite budget:

  • Mix 3 tablespoons of the plant juice with 2 tablespoons. tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • dissolve the mixture in 500 ml of cold boiled water;
  • leave to insist under the lid for at least 7-8 hours;
  • drink the finished drink within one day, dividing the volume into equal portions.

To improve the taste, you can sweeten the liquid with natural honey, but not sugar or other food additives. With regular use, a drink with natural agave juice will maintain the water balance in your body, and fill it with the necessary vital energy.

Aloe swabs in gynecology

It happens that a woman appears on some medications prescribed by a gynecologist. In this case, folk remedies come to the rescue, including on the basis of aloe juice. Alternative medicine recommends the use of tampons with agave for such "female" diseases as ovarian cysts, vaginitis, cervical erosion and even infertility.

To independently treat pelvic inflammation, use the recipe:

  • mix the table. a spoonful of agave juice with a teaspoon of honey and castor oil;
  • roll a piece of sterile gauze in the form of a swab and soak it with a healing mixture;
  • enter the medicine into the vagina and leave it overnight;
  • gently remove the swab in the morning and make douching a decoction of flowers. The course of treatment is up to 10 days.

Also, the development of the inflammatory process can be stopped by the stalk of an old flower placed cleanly washed and peeled of thorns. It is enough just to turn it with the pulp out, wrap it in a bandage, and place it in the vagina. The action of a tampon with an aloe leaf should not exceed 3-4 hours, after which the plant must be removed and douching with a decoction. Treatment can be continued for up to two weeks.

Aloe is tree-like, with juicy green leaves, a flower endowed with unique healing properties. The people called the plant "agave." It is not whimsical to the environment and does not require specific care.

There are more than 500 varieties of aloe, each of which is endowed with the inherent healing properties of the plant. Already in ancient times, aloe leaves were used instead of medicines by doctors, travelers and even pharaohs. Therapeutic recipes, properties tested by the people, will be presented to your attention in the article.

Pharmacy on the windowsill

Today, the plant is used both for cosmetic and medical purposes, and the pharmacological properties of medicinal leaves have been studied very well. It is safe to say that a record concentration of beneficial elements is observed in the juice from the shoots of a 3-year-old plant, namely:

  • vitamin C - helps in strengthening the walls of blood vessels, tooth tissues, boosts the immune system;
  • organic acids - prevent rot in the intestine, having a beneficial effect on the flora;
  • enzymes - activate secretion from the biliary tract, prevent aging;
  • a combination of minerals and trace elements - assists the body in the removal of toxins and toxins, helps to restore metabolic processes;
  • catechin and tannins - have bactericidal, anti-allergic and healing properties;
  • carotenoids and flavonoids - contribute to the activation of all areas of the body, lowering cholesterol and normalizing metabolic processes.

Aloe in folk medicine (recipes will be presented below) - first aid for many ailments. To maximize the benefit of the flower, you should know how to properly apply the medicinal plant. The shoots should be dense and at least 10 cm long. Cut leaves in the open air can not be stored for more than 3 hours. You can save the life-giving properties of the agave for several months. To do this, you need to wrap the shoots in polyethylene and put them in the refrigerator.

Indications for use

According to numerous reviews, treatment with aloe juice is advisable in many situations:

  • damage and disease of the skin - use healing pulp in the form of lotions as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent;
  • diseases of the respiratory system - thanks to antiallergic and thinning properties, a good result is achieved in the treatment of asthma, pneumonia;
  • chronic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract - taking decoctions and tinctures is effective for gastritis, liver diseases;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system - anti-inflammatory and weak diuretic effect helps relieve pain and accelerate recovery.

In addition, the amazing strength of the agave has found its application in more complex ailments - in gynecology, diabetes, and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Availability and variety of dosage forms

The natural strength of the plant is so great that it allows you to create suitable recipes for natural medicines in a form convenient for humans. At home, decoctions, tinctures, lotions, fresh or canned juice are prepared.

To obtain a healing broth use "adult" shoots of plants. They must first be washed, dried and finely chopped. Pour 0.2 l of water into a small enameled dish and add half a glass of chopped raw materials. Take a deep container with water, bring to a boil and reduce the heat. Place a saucepan with previously prepared ingredients inside a dish with boiling water and cover. Thus, a water bath is created. Leave to boil for 20-30 minutes, then strain.

Preparation of tincture consists in the use of vodka or diluted alcohol. According to popular characteristics, the shoots of the agave must be kept in the refrigerator for 7-10 days - the plant is gaining maximum benefit. Next, the leaves are finely chopped and filled with 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1: 5. The dishes are cleaned in a cool place where there is no direct sunlight. After a month, the medicine is ready.

Juice is obtained from fresh branches and is usually prepared only before use. To do this, chop the aloe leaves, pass through a sieve or cheesecloth several times until all the gruel disappears. The beneficial properties of the juice are stored for two days at low temperatures.

To get a canned product, natural honey should be added to fresh juice in a 1: 1 ratio. Mix thoroughly and put in the refrigerator.

Recipes verified by the people

Medicines containing aloe juice extract in medicine (recipes have long been tested by people) are used in all areas. At home, you need to carefully treat the treatment, and in case of allergic reactions stop taking the medicine.

How to use aloe? Recipes, reviews of which are mostly positive, will be presented to your attention further.

In diseases of the stomach and duodenum, the most reliable and fastest method of treatment is the use of a piece of fresh plant shoot. Chew it carefully and for a long time before eating. If the procedure is difficult, the bitter taste of the flower can be jammed with honey. The course is 2 months.

In chronic forms of gastric disease, it is recommended: 1 tsp. fresh juice 3 times a day. It is better not to make preparations of the medicine, but to squeeze out fresh nectar each time.

Many argue that a mixture of honey, century juice and olive oil will also be an excellent remedy for gastrointestinal disorders. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions, mixed in a small container and boiled in a water bath for 40-50 minutes. Next, the finished mixture should be cooled and placed in the refrigerator. Reception is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach for 1 tbsp. l., not forgetting to agitate the suspension.

According to the opinions of many people, the fast healing of burns, purulent wounds and deep cuts is promoted by a dressing with agave juice applied for several hours. With purulent wounds, it is more efficient and painless to use a cut along the leaf of the plant. The procedure contributes not only to healing, but also to drawing pus from the inside.

Liver assistant

A miracle cure is being prepared step by step:

  • brew in a glass 5 g of dry nettle root;
  • boil 600 ml of water in a small saucepan and pour 1 tbsp. l St. John's wort
  • pour 3 tbsp. l aloe juice;
  • connect infusions of two containers;
  • add sugar or honey if desired.

The finished medicine is taken 20 minutes before eating half a cup.

The next drink will help eliminate pathogenic microflora in the gallbladder. Peel, medium-sized beet tuber, finely chop and immerse in a liter of water. Put the container on a small fire and cook until the vegetable is soft. To the obtained beet broth pour 30 ml of tincture of St. John's wort and in the same amount fresh juice of medicinal aloe. Take 200 ml, divided into 3 doses.

Treat kidneys

Kidney stones and colic? Aloe will come to the rescue again. Alternative recipes of treatment have helped people more than once, but many caution that you should consult a doctor before starting therapy.

For acute tingling in the kidney area, it is necessary to brew 50 g of fresh flower shoots in 1 liter of milk. Hold for another 20 minutes. Before use, the milk broth must be filtered and heated. Drink 100 ml in several doses per day.

Shredded plant leaves will help to remove stone formations - 5 tbsp. l and 2 tbsp. l dill. Brew raw materials in one container and leave for half an hour. Pour dill with boiling water in another container and steam for 20 minutes. Combine the prepared broths and divide the reception 3 times a day. The drug eases the condition and is able to dissolve even large stones.

To improve kidney function, you can prepare natural syrup. 1 tbsp. finely chopped shoots of agave combine with 1 tbsp. Sahara. Warm the container with a towel so that the plant starts up the juice and the sugar dissolves. When ready, dilute the syrup with 100 ml of rosehip infusion. Shake and drink the ingredients for 1 tbsp. l 2 times a day.

Female doctor

The healing effect of aloe (healing properties, recipes for healing known since ancient times) also has gynecological problems.

In order to avoid recurrence of inflammatory processes in women of any age, it is recommended to adopt a useful decoction. At 2 tbsp. l St. John's wort flowers take 2 tbsp. water. Boil for about 5 minutes. Shredded leaves of aloe - half a cup are poured into the second container, honey is added. Next, it should be combined with a cooled decoction of St. John's wort, mix to a homogeneous consistency. Leave the mixture in the cabinet for 10 days. When ready, they drink 2 tbsp. l in the morning and in the evening.

Often, many women suffer from menstrual disorders. To establish women's "watch" will help a simple recipe. It will take 2 tbsp. l celandine, yarrow and oregano. Prepare a decoction of herbs, add 50 ml of juice of cut shoots. Mix everything and put in a dark place for a day. Ready-made medicine to drink 1 tbsp. l after 12 hours.

From fibromyoma will save a medicinal infusion based on fortified wine. For 1 bottle of wine is taken 2 tbsp. chopped verdure and 5 tablespoons spring honey. For a day, all the ingredients mixed together are sent to a cool place, after which you can proceed to treatment. The first week, the potion goes on the course of 1 tsp. before meals, the next day for 1 tbsp. l Course duration - 1 month.

With menopause during hot flashes, the condition can be alleviated in the following way. Take 1 tbsp. l aromatic juice and aloe vera juice. Pour herbs into 100 g of vodka and leave for 10 days in a dark place. 10 drops are counted from the finished medicine, they are seized with sugar.

Aloe Alcohol Recipe

A wide spectrum of action boasts tinctures with aloe. With herbal medicines you can easily overcome infections and viruses, reduce pain and tension, get rid of skin diseases.

Auxiliary ingredients included in healthy recipes with aloe, enhance the effect and help cure almost any disease.

With radiculitis, rheumatism, joint pain, an ointment is prepared. Take 0.5 tbsp. water for 3 tbsp. l juice of stems and honey, 100 g of vodka. In a water bath, they hold it for 10 minutes, after which they rub it into the inflamed areas. To progress the effect, you can wrap the treated area with cling film and wrap with a towel.

A medicine based on strong wine in combination with aloe helps with viral diseases and digestive tract disorders. 1 tbsp. crushed leaves of the plant mix with 3 tbsp. l honey. Pour 2 tbsp. wine and clean in a cool place. After 7 days, the potion will be ready. Take a month for 1 tbsp. l

Tinctures prepared according to the suggested recipes with aloe at home are effective not only when taken orally, but also for external use. For the beauty of hair, you can apply the following tool. Take 1 tbsp. burdock oil, cognac and aloe juice. Stir and warm to room temperature. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the hair roots once a week for a month.

The following mask is good for nourishing and moisturizing the skin of the face. Take 2 tsp. cream and juice of green stems, drip 1 tsp. peach and alcohol oils. Mix the components and, after wetting the cotton pad, wipe the face and neck. Leave the mask for 30 minutes and then rinse with water.

Aloe with honey recipe - a life without worries

Of particular benefit is the plant in combination with a bee product. The combination of aloe and honey is of high value due to the enhancement of beneficial properties.

Aloe with honey prepared according to this recipe is effective both for treatment and for prevention with:

  • gastrointestinal tract disorders;
  • history of colds and flu;
  • weakening of the body after prolonged diets and severely transferred ailments;
  • hair regeneration and skin lesions;
  • neurological disorders;
  • restoration of immune forces.

Despite the natural and seemingly safe components, self-treatment is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding, with allergic reactions, and it is strictly forbidden to use for persons prone to bleeding.

For the preparation of medicinal medicines, only fresh juice and natural honey are taken. The shoots of the plant are thoroughly washed, dried and finely chopped. You can grind the leaves with a knife, in a meat grinder or using a blender. The resulting slurry is passed through cheesecloth and squeezed juice. The resulting liquid is suitable for the preparation of medicines for adults and children.

With colds, syrup is effective for restoring strength and raising immunity. At 2 tbsp. l honey take 5 tbsp. l juice. Mix everything and leave for 2 hours. 1 tsp mixes in the morning, at lunch and in the evening a course within a week will quickly restore the body.

To improve digestion and metabolic processes, it is necessary to prepare 100 g of cut leaves of the plant and 300 ml of honey. Honey should be heated in a water bath and pour the stems. Leave for a day in a dark place. After warming the mixture again, filter through a large sieve and take 1 tsp. 2 weeks course.

If for a long time the pain in the stomach is bothering, then it is necessary to mix in equal proportions liquid honey and agave juice. The resulting medicine is drunk 3 times a day before meals.

With prolonged runny nose and sinusitis, there is no better medicine than honey, onion juice and aloe. The recipe indicates that each ingredient is taken in 1 tsp. and everything mixes well. Wadded flagella should be moistened in the resulting suspension and laid in each nostril for 15-20 minutes. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day until nasal congestion and discharge subside.

To cleanse the body of toxins in this way. Prepare 200 g of aloe, butter and honey, mix everything thoroughly and warm. When the mixture becomes hot, leave to brew for half an hour. Drink 1 tbsp. l 3 times a day for a month.

Aloe with alcohol honey will help in the fight against colds and strengthen the body. 300 ml of strong wine or 0.2 ml of vodka and 100 ml of honey are taken per 200 ml of centuries-old juice. All mix thoroughly and leave in a dark place for 3 days. Reception is carried out for several weeks at 1 tbsp. l 3 times a day.

Luxurious beauty from nature

Agave leaves are actively used in cosmetology. The essential oils, amino acids and other components contained in the flower gently care for the skin, restoring its relief and eliminating various types of diseases. The plant extract successfully fights rashes, tightens the facial contour, stimulates epidermal cell regeneration, and relieves irritation.

At home, you can do your own beauty. It is enough in the morning after washing to wipe the skin of the face and neck with fresh flower juice. The procedure is repeated daily for a month. The result will be noticeable after 3-5 days.

For mature skin, which requires enhanced nutrition and care, you can use masks based on plant juice. For this, honey and juice are combined in equal proportions, and then 1 yolk is added. The components are whipped and applied to the skin, avoiding the delicate areas around the eyes. After half an hour, rinse the composition with water.

The fastest way to restore youth is to use gruel. Wash the shoots thoroughly, peel and chop. The mixture is applied to cleansed and steamed skin for 20 minutes. After time, wash and apply a moisturizer.

The best recipes will help to maintain health and beauty for many years without consequences for the body.

Aloe is a simple and indispensable home assistant for healing, treatment and beauty. Simple - because it is easy to maintain, it does not require any special conditions. Agave grows and multiplies rapidly, so you will always have your own green doctor, beautician and a storehouse of vitamins in your home. Indispensable - because there are few plants in nature with such a wide range of applications.

  • He will help you from a cold and will draw pus from the wound in 2-3 nights and even a splinter. It is not a substitute for treating fresh abrasions, bruises and bruises (that is, it will not even have time to form if you immediately start applying aloe).
  • Will expand capillaries and improve blood circulation.
  • Raises immunity and cleanses the body, even cures oncology. Since it contains an amino acid - acemannan, which prevents the creation of capillaries in the tumor. And protease enzymes that disrupt the membrane of cancer cells.
  • Aloe contains a huge amount of nutrients, about two hundred. In particular, barbaloin is an antibiotic that helps against tuberculosis, chronic gastritis, and eye and skin diseases. Vitamins B1, B12, B6, A, E, C., mucopolysaccharides, acetylsalicylic acid, B-sitosterol ... and many others.
  • Aloe vera saved from starvation and cured the sailors Christopher Columbus. After all, when they stepped onto the American continent, their provisions were over and their health was far from perfect. Since there was nothing edible around, they tasted the succulent leaves of Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller, which grew in huge quantities around. Juicy flesh satisfied hunger and gave energy to tormented sailors.
  • And this plant is also an excellent cosmetologist, it will erase fine wrinkles from the face, due to its regenerating and regenerating properties and the ability to help the skin produce collagen. It moisturizes the skin with the help of the allantoin contained in the plant and makes the hair silky and shiny, saving them from falling out. It will help against acne, as it has powerful bactericidal properties.
  • Be sure to remember that Aloe tree and Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller are two different plants. Both of them are healing, but if faith is written in the recipe, then you do not need to use its tree-like relative. Especially if the mixture is intended for oral use.

After all, the peel of a tree agave contains aloin. Which refers to biostimulants, because of them, the body can begin a rapid growth of neoplasms, for example, oncology, polyps or papillomas. But this can happen after a long use inside, and you can safely use it for external use, for example, as a cosmetic product, rinse or as a lotion on a purulent wound. And aloin has a strong laxative property, so use it once in case of constipation.

    • What a tree-like aloe looks like is probably all in the know. On a lighter tubular stem, green, sharpened by the end curved, bright green, juicy conical leaves with spiky tubercles along the edge grow. Veterans usually have a lot of leaves below with a dry brown top, so they just need to be torn off for treatment.

How to be treated with aloe. Training

A familiar granny from whom I took Aloe Vera said that she chews a leaflet for disease prevention every day and is therefore completely healthy. The following are aloe recipes from the so-called alternative medicine, which are used if the disease has already begun.

You can make these recipes from tree aloe if you don’t have aloe vera yet.

Our home doctor will successfully cure:

And these drugs are best done only from Aloe vera, since they are taken orally:

Aloe for cosmetic purposes

Make these cosmetics both as a tree agave and from Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller. It will be very good if you take it inside at the same time. You can just drink a few drops, or use any recipe you like from several ingredients. Acting inside the body, aloe, will contribute to the production of collagen and other substances necessary for your appearance.

After all, folk methods do not just treat something specific, they adapt the body to external conditions, it becomes stronger and can itself defeat any disease.

For face:

Agave for hair beauty

Aloe - home recipes for beauty and health

  From a runny nose, sinusitis and sinusitis:

  • For diseases of the nose, you need to instill aloe juice 3-4 times a day. If you are afraid of a burn, it is better to dilute with boiled water in half with juice or 1 part juice and 2 parts water. Continue treatment until the common cold disappears and not longer than a week. And after instillation, the mucous membranes will begin to pinch, and you will most likely begin to actively sneeze. Which also helps to quickly cleanse the nose and facilitate breathing.

For a speedy recovery, take a teaspoon of aloe juice after instillation. To reduce bitterness and increase benefits, take it with honey.

  • For children, it is better to make such a mixture: take 1 tablespoon of juice and add 3 tablespoons of warm boiled water. And to reduce bitterness, you can add honey to the drops.

For infants, dilute the juice with water 1: 5. Or boil 3 tablespoons of olive oil, add 1 tablespoon of aloe juice, stir and grease the spout 3 times a day.

  For sore throat and sore throat:

Gargle with this composition: 1 part aloe juice and 1 part warm water. The more often - the better, for example, every hour.

After the procedure, swallow half a teaspoon of aloe juice and drink a glass of warm milk with honey.

If the wound is festering

Firstly, you can prevent suppuration if you immediately attach a piece of aloe vera leaf divided in half to the wound or splinter, or make a lotion of juice. With the dry side on the bandage, and the wet side attach to the sore spot, and secure with a band-aid. You will understand that it has bactericidal properties when it starts to pinch. But besides this, it will soothe the pain, because it contains salicylic acid.

Pus from a small wound is pulled in 3 nights. You can understand that aloe has finished its work by the leaf that was tied to the wound. While the plant is working, the aloe leaf will be dry in the morning - so you need to continue the procedure. When the treatment is over, the agave in the morning will be wet.

How to remove a splinter if it is not pulled out

Put on a bandage processed as described above, while choosing the most fleshy. And tied to a place with a splinter, usually helps in one night or several hours. A splinter will simply remain on a piece of paper.

How to treat otitis media

Heat aloe juice no higher than body temperature. And drip into the ears 5 drops. To be treated in this way up to 7 days. It will relieve pain and disinfect.

Either moisten the turunda plants with the pulp and carefully enter into both ears. Hold for about an hour or until the pain subsides.

Or wrap aloe vera gel in a napkin and tie it to a sore ear for the whole night.

  Cleansing the body of accumulated toxins

Take 1 kilogram: Aloe vera leaves, butter and natural honey.

Melt the butter, add chopped leaves, honey and mix. After the medicine has cooled, place in the refrigerator and store it there.

In warm milk, dilute a teaspoon of the medicine and drink once a day on an empty stomach. Continue taking until the treatment mixture is over. During the course of treatment, try not to eat meat, fish, flour, sweet and fat.

  Getting rid of constipation

  • 150 ml Juice aloe vera
  • 250 gr honey
  • 350 ml of red strong wine
  • Stir, clean in a dark place for 5 days, then store in the cold.
  • Take as needed: 1 tablespoon 30 minutes before meals.

  To increase vitality and immunity.

Mix equal parts: aloe juices and lingonberries + honey. Eat 2 tbsp. tablespoons before each meal.

  Gastritis prevention and how to cure

    • If you want to prevent gastritis, then 2 times a year, during the month, drink 10 drops of aloe vera, poured into a spoon with water. Half an hour before meals.

And to cure chronic gastritis, use this recipe.

Take 200 grams: honey and aloe pulp and 2 tablespoons of carrot juice. Stir and drink 30 minutes before meals in a tablespoon.

  • To get rid of gastritis with high acidity, there is an ancient medicine that is taken in the morning on an empty stomach.

Squeeze a glass of potato juice (use just cooked within the first 15 minutes). There, add two tbsp. tablespoons of honey and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of aloe pulp (also fresh). And drink all this and eat nothing for 30-45 minutes.

Stomach ulcer

These recipes will not only help restore the mucous membranes and stop the inflammatory processes, but also relieve pain, pacify heartburn and nausea.

  • Alcohol tincture helps very well from this ailment, but minus this recipe, a long period of insisting. In a glass jar put half a kilogram of finely chopped Aloe vera leaves, 700 grams of high-quality honey and half a liter of edible alcohol or high-quality vodka. And for 2 months, put in a dark place. Strain, and so that the medicine does not ferment, keep the tincture in the refrigerator.

Take the course for 6 weeks, in 30 minutes. 1 tablespoon before meals. To interrupt reception for 2 months and if there is a need to repeat.

  • A simpler tool. Stir 2 tablespoons of chopped aloe and 1 spoon of honey. Take 1 teaspoon, drink with water 30 minutes before meals - 3 times a day. Take - 3 weeks, then interrupt for 2 weeks and repeat again.

  Aloe from pulmonary tuberculosis

Aloe helps fight Koch's wand and slows down its reproduction rate.

  • This healing mixture will save you from cough or chronic bronchitis.
  1. 100 grams of butter or goose fat. You can 1: 1 of both.
  2. 1 tbsp. l aloe juice
  3. 100 gr honey
  4. 100 gr. Ground cocoa

Melt butter and / or goose fat over low heat. Add the rest of the products. Stir and take 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. spoon with a glass of warm tea or milk.

  •   The second recipe for pulmonary tuberculosis
  1. Aloe pulp - 150 grams
  2. Badger Fat - 500 grams
  3. Garlic, peeled 25 grams
  4. Birch buds - 50 gr
  5. Natural honey - 50 gr
  6. Vodka or brandy - 100 ml
  7. Shell from 7 large eggs finely chopped

All components are mixed and placed in a jar. In a warm place, this composition is infused for 5 days, while the composition needs to be mixed daily.

Reception - 1 tbsp. spoon an hour before meals, up to 3 times a day.

From hypertension and to reduce bad cholesterol

30 minutes before meals, pour 5 drops of freshly squeezed aloe vera juice in a spoon with water and drink. The course is 2 months. Control your pressure and do not abruptly cancel the pills.

To increase vitality and immunity, as well as from chronic gastritis, stomach ulcers and dysentery

Take 10 ml of Aloe Vera juice in a spoon with water 30 minutes before eating

From oncology and other diseases. Recipe of a Brazilian priest Roman Kago

Leaves free from facets and skin. The result should be 300 grams of pulp, which must be cut into pieces. Put them in a blender + 500 grams of honey + 4 tablespoons of high-quality alcohol (there was cane liqueur, but you can take any good alcoholic drink). Mix.

Eat a full tablespoon 3 times a day 15 minutes before eating a spoon until the disease subsides.

This priest was called to the sick in order to receive a blessing before his death, but quite often these sick people were surprised to meet on the street. It turns out that Roman Kago regaled all the dying with this potion.

At least that's what Michael Poyzer said in a talk show about aloe vera. You can watch it right now, I advise you, it’s very interesting.

Aloe for face care

If the skin is sensitive or dry, do not apply aloe juice without first diluting it with water! Otherwise, you may feel a strong burning sensation.

Grind the flesh of the agave. Wrap in a clean cloth.

Lie down and put the wrapped aloe under your eyes, where the swelling and dark circles have formed, take a towel, as the juice can drain onto your face. Rest in this form for about half an hour or more.

After the mask, you can wash your face with a cream, or you can not do this.

From wrinkles under the eyes

  • Cut a cotton disk with scissors into 2 semicircles, soak in aloe juice and place under the eyes. Keep at least 30 minutes.

And to refresh the skin around the eyes, soak a whole cotton pad with juice and put it in the freezer for 10 minutes. Put it on your closed eyes for about 20 minutes. After the procedure, it is better to spread around the eye cream without washing off the juice. Or wash off the juice and do not smear anything - as you wish.

  •   Aloe for wrinkles and early aging

The simplest thing is to split the leaf, after cutting off the prickly parts, and wipe the face directly with this leaf, pressing on the pulp, mainly wrinkled areas. After drying, you can spread the cream, after which the face will begin to pinch. It's okay - this is disinfection from various pimples and micro-inflammations.

Or mix the honey and pulp Aloe in half and make a mask for 30-40 minutes. Such a mask moisturizes the skin well and smoothes wrinkles.

Lip seizures to heal

This unpleasant phenomenon also treats the agave. Just squeeze the juice onto the cotton pads and press it to the patients as often as possible throughout the day, and lubricate aloe juice at night.

  For hair beauty

You can rub the juice of the agave before each wash 30 minutes before, and enjoy your hair. Or apply mixtures that enhance the action of aloe juice.

  Mask that nourishes, moisturizes and accelerates hair growth

Chicken egg yolk + one tablespoon of juice and olive oil + 4 tablespoons of kefir + vitamin E and A, one capsule. Lubricate the scalp an hour before washing. And cover with a plastic hat and a towel to create heat. Then, as usual, wash your hair.

  If the hair falls out

It is necessary to mix the ampoule of nicotinic acid (vitamin B3) and tsp. aloe juice and rub into the scalp after washing. Moreover, the composition should be applied immediately, otherwise vitamin B3 will lose its healing properties in the open. Do this 1-2 times a week. After 30 days, you will notice that the hair on the head has become much larger and they began to fall out less.

Aloe can rightfully be called a cure for all ailments. Now read under what conditions it is strictly forbidden to use this home doctor, otherwise it can be harmful.

  Contraindications Aloe:

  • Various bleeding.
  • With any inflammation.
  • It is not allowed to be used by pregnant women, since the juice contains anthraquinones, which increase the tone in the uterus.
  • If you are breast-feeding a baby, milk can become bitter.
  • Aloe allergy.
  • Diseases of the liver, kidneys and gall bladder
  • Diabetes - Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller in some people can lower blood sugar!
  • Heart Ailments - May lower potassium levels in the blood.
  • If you are taking medications: digoxin, glibenclamide, or diuretics.
  • Do not use aloe for more than a year without a break!

The dosage must be strictly observed, otherwise aloe can cause internal bleeding, pain in the heart, kidneys and other organs. And no matter how many good reviews there are about the miraculous nature of any folk remedy, be sure to consult your doctor.

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