Expansion of the occipital horns of the lateral ventricles in a child. Causes of the increase, expansion and edema in the newborn ventricles of the brain

Often, doctors, even in the hospital, reveal that the lateral ventricles of the brain in the baby are enlarged. However, this does not mean that the baby is very urgently needed serious treatment... What does this mean, what is the threat, and most importantly - what to do? The consequences of enlarged ventricles of the brain in infants can be severe. More on this later.


The ventricles of the child's brain are interconnected collectors where liquor fluid is formed. Large cavities are combined, and they are located on the sides. connected by a special system of small holes. There is also a distal cerebral section with an enlarged fourth ventricle.

While ensuring the functioning of the ventricles, the cerebrospinal fluid can freely penetrate into the middle of the subarachnoid space. This zone is located at the borders of the arachnoid and hard shell of the brain, maintaining the optimal volume of fluid, even with a possible pathological condition.

Usually in newborns it is determined that the lateral ventricles of the brain are enlarged. In this case, the ventricles increase rear horns, there may be an accumulation of fluid, and the cerebral ventricles also increase. Qualitative diagnostics helps to exclude the asymmetric arrangement of cerebral collectors.

Etiology and pathogenesis

In medicine, an increase in these parts of the brain is called ventriculomegaly by doctors. It does not matter at all what led to this phenomenon, the obvious asymmetry will cause most of all concerns. With symmetrical enlargement, enlargement may be considered completely normal or it may be a sign of hydrocephalus, which appeared for certain reasons.

But with asymmetric or disproportionate sizes of the ventricles, we can talk about a rather voluminous formation, as well as about the results possible injury... Parents in such a situation need to urgently go with the baby to urgent appointment to a neurosurgeon, because without proper treatment, the consequences will be quite unpredictable. But sometimes mild degree the asymmetry of the children's ventricles of the brain is considered quite normal. If the size of the ventricles near the Monroe hole differ by no more than 2 mm, they do not speak of a pathological condition. The main thing is to timely and very carefully monitor the child's condition.

The reasons

Immediately after birth, dilated symmetrical ventricles are found in premature babies. It is noteworthy that symptoms of intracranial enlargement of the ventricles are usually not observed. But if an increase in horns is revealed, we can talk about a certain pathology.

The ventricles of the brain can enlarge in infants for the following reasons:

  1. Falling or getting a head injury, which contributes to a disturbed outflow of cerebrospinal fluid, which begins to stagnate in the stomachs, as a result of which the child begins to show symptoms of excessive intracranial pressure.
  2. Fetal hypoxia, placental insufficiency and defective structure of the placenta. As a result of such conditions, the blood supply to the fetal brain is disrupted, which contributes to the expansion of the collectors inside the skull.
  3. Bacterial infection of a pregnant woman, since microorganisms freely enter the fetus through the placenta, causing various complications.
  4. Pathological childbirth. Injury and trauma during childbirth can cause an impaired supply of blood to the baby's brain, leading to increased expansion of the ventricles.
  5. Oncological formations in the brain. Excessive tumor growth causes high blood pressure on the internal structures of the child's brain, which becomes the cause of its pathological increase.
  6. Prolonged labor... If a lot of time passes between the moment of water discharge and childbirth, intrapartum hypoxia and impaired outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the ventricles may develop.
  7. Infectious diseases that penetrate the blood-brain barrier, cerebral pathological formations can form.

Other reasons

Dilatation in newborn ventricles is said when, according to the results of neurosonography, the anterior horns become more than 5 mm in diametrical size near the Monroe hole. The causes of this condition can be acquired or congenital. The last category includes:

  • acute fetal hypoxia in the womb;
  • severe pregnancy and difficult, premature birth;
  • complications of a septic nature in a child;
  • birth injury;
  • a special place is occupied by subarachnoid and subdural bleeding;
  • excessive asymmetry occurs due to increased blood volume, which causes compression of a particular ventricle of the brain;
  • malformations;
  • intrauterine infections;
  • extragenital pathology of a pregnant woman.

There are also acquired reasons:

  • hydrocephalus;
  • hemangiomas, cysts and brain tumors.

Neurosurgeons pay special attention to hydrocephalus of newborns. In the structure of the brain with such a disease, a lot of cerebrospinal fluid accumulates, which provokes the appearance of general cerebral symptoms and can cause rather complex conditions.

Hydrocephalus increases the cerebrospinal fluid cavity, maintaining unchanged size for a long time. But after a period of decompensation due to a sudden jump in intracranial pressure, the specialist begins to notice the expansion of the brain ventricles in the baby.

Symptoms of manifestation

Not in every situation, the expansion of the ventricles of the brain becomes the cause of the development of unfavorable symptoms. Usually, the child does not feel much discomfort, which clearly indicates development rather complex pathology... But with more pronounced disorders in an infant, the following adverse manifestations may occur:

  • Visual disturbances manifested in the form of impaired gaze focus or strabismus. Sometimes a child can observe double vision in his eyes, and this condition intensifies when looking at small objects.
  • Disturbed gait: Child stands on heels or walks on toes.
  • Disproportionate head.
  • Behavioral disorders: the small patient becomes drowsy and lethargic, even somewhat apathetic, it is difficult for him to get carried away with recreational activities.
  • Change in muscle tone, revitalization of tendon reflexes.
  • Dizziness and headache.
  • Vomiting may develop.
  • Bulging, tension and enlargement of fontanelles in linear dimensions.
  • Stagnant disk optic nerve.
  • Decreased appetite: The newborn usually eats poorly and has increased regurgitation. High pressure of cerebrospinal fluid can affect the vomiting center, which is located at the bottom of the rhomboid fossa.
  • Decreased sucking and swallowing reflexes.
  • Disturbed sleep: it is difficult for a child to fall asleep, in a dream he can walk.
  • Pronounced veins in the forehead, which provokes a difficult outflow of blood from the head.

Are the ventricles of the brain enlarged in a baby? This pathology has varying degrees of severity during the period of its course. Upon detection initial symptoms note a mild course of the disease. If the baby develops the above symptoms, which indicate high pressure inside the head, the ailment may become more severe. With a general deterioration in the baby's condition, it is recommended to carry out rather severe treatment, always in a hospital.

It is important to understand that all of the above symptoms do not necessarily indicate the development of brain enlargement. A slight increase in these structures and their slight asymmetry, changes in the fundus, the presence of reflexes may not bother parents in any way. The main thing is to constantly monitor the baby's condition and regularly perform neurosonography.

Diagnostics of this condition

To determine what exact dimensions the ventricles have, doctors prescribe the following informative methods:

  1. Computed tomography makes it possible to reveal the size of the ventricles, as well as their structure. This procedure does not cause any particular inconvenience or harm to the newborn.
  2. Ultrasound examination describes the size and quantitative parameters of the ventricles of the brain, and also calculates their index. This method helps to assess the available volume of cerebrospinal fluid in the collectors of the brain.
  3. Magnetic resonance imaging is used if the diagnosis is difficult to establish. This procedure is performed for older children. But for young children, MRI, if the ventricles of the brain in a baby are enlarged, are performed after they are introduced into an anesthetic sleep.
  4. Neurosonography.
  5. Examination of the bottom of the eyes.

After complete closure and narrowing of the fontanelles, the doctor begins to monitor the change in the amount of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain, performing MRI and CT. Magnetic resonance imaging describes the soft tissue structures of the brain as fully as possible, but, as noted above, it is necessary to lie in the apparatus ring for quite a long time, and little child it will be very difficult. It is also worth remembering that there are some contraindications for this procedure.

In such a situation, it will be very effective cT scan, which quickly determines the size of the ventricles. But it should be understood that tomography has a small radiation dose on the newborn, and the quality of the information will be lower.

Are the ventricles of the brain enlarged in a baby? It could have been caused by subarachnoid or subdural hemorrhage. In this case, the MRI will detect excessive blood accumulation. Usually, pathological dilatation of parts of the brain begins in the horns at the back of the head. For their examination, screening methods are used - neurosonography, or ultrasound through the fontanelle to reveal the size of the ventricles and the brain. In case of insufficiently good examination of the ventricles, one can judge their enlargement. But to make this diagnosis, you need to see them more clearly.

Do I need to be treated?

The ventricles of the brain in the baby are enlarged. The issue of treatment is often of interest to anxious parents, since pathology can be quite dangerous. And yet, if the baby does not have obvious clinical manifestations disease, if it develops quite normally, no special therapy is required.

Is the 3 ventricle of the brain enlarged in a baby? Pathology is treated with a precisely established excessive increase in fluid pressure. This can be indirectly determined by performing tomography, and direct research performed by last resort - lumbar puncture... Basically, these procedures are carried out when meningitis is detected, which, by the way, usually does not cause an increase in the brain ventricles in size.

Treatment of the disease

During the process of therapy of this pathological condition monitored by a neurologist. If this condition is caused by the effects of cranial or brain injury, as well as large formations, a pediatric neurosurgeon can join the therapy.

To eliminate the fact that the cerebral ventricle is enlarged in a newborn, the following treatment methods are used:

  1. Nootropic drugs are prescribed to improve brain function and improve blood circulation in blood vessels.
  2. Diuretic drugs reduce intracranial pressure, normalize the formation of liquor fluid, and also improve general well-being child.
  3. Sedative medications relieve increased anxiety in the newborn.
  4. Multivitamin complexes compensate for all microelements that are involved in quite important processes. Multivitamins strengthen the body and improve the body's resistance to disease.
  5. Potassium preparations have positive influence on the process of urine excretion, reduces the amount of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain.
  6. The massage reduces muscle tone and relaxes the nervous system. Special gymnastics will normalize the outflow of excessive fluid, preventing its stagnation.
  7. Antiviral and antibacterial agents are prescribed for certain indications and are used if bacteria or viruses have caused the disease. They are usually prescribed by courses.
  8. Surgical treatment is performed for masses and to remove existing bone fragments after a fracture.


Are the ventricles of the child's brain enlarged? If the pathology is cured in time, then the disease will have a favorable prognosis. The symptoms of ventriculomegaly quickly pass without disturbing the child in the future. Intracranial pressure normalizes.

Older children tolerate this condition somewhat more difficult. The prolonged course of the disease without effective treatment can lead to the development of hearing impairment, as well as vision. If therapy is not started in a timely manner, persistent disorders are usually detected in an infant, which, undoubtedly, negatively affect further development child. As you can see, the consequences of enlarged ventricles of the brain in infants are completely different.


It is important to note that, according to doctors, due to heredity, the left ventricle of the brain in a baby can be enlarged. Asymptomatic enlargement that occurs in babies can be transmitted from parents, and they may not be aware of such an important feature of their body. IN in this case we are talking about a balance at the boundaries of the norm.

Parents should be calm: the very presence of enlarged ventricles of the brain in a fetus or baby does not at all mean the development of a serious illness. The diagnosis should not be considered a signed "verdict."

Dilation of the lateral ventricles of the brain in newborns is a hypertrophy of special cavities designed to fill with cerebrospinal fluid, the temporary storage of which they are. CSF (CSF) is a special liquid medium in which the central nervous system is immersed, which carries out the functions of transporting necessary substances and removing metabolic products and protecting the spinal cord and brain from mechanical damage.

There are 4 special cavities (ventricles) in humans: paired lateral, third and fourth. The lateral ones, located on both sides of the midline of the head below the corpus callosum, are strictly symmetrical and consist of the body, anterior, posterior and lower horns. These are two structures, the main function of which is the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid and its transportation using special structural devices. Dilation of the lateral ventricles of the brain in newborns may be a normal variant or a consequence of a pathological violation of the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid.

The normal size of the lateral cavity is usually determined depending on the linear parameters of the skull. The existing average norm for the size of the body and subsections of the lateral ventricles of the newborn can be considered only as a relative indicator and adjusted depending on the individual parameters of the child (term birth or prematurity, the height and weight of the baby, hereditary parameters in the structure and size of the skull). Exist various techniques measurements of the parameters of the cerebral ventricles and methods of visualizing their shape. Hyperdeveloped (dilated) ventricles of the brain in infants are not always evidence of pathology. In premature babies, this is a fairly common occurrence. The expansion of the cavity does not mean a developmental pathology and is a symptom of any disease that can be eliminated with appropriate treatment.

An increase in the ventricles of the brain in newborns born prematurely is a consequence of the underdevelopment of certain parameters, because there was not enough time for this. And with proper care, after a certain period of time, this phenomenon evens out, if it was not caused by hereditary abnormalities in the structure of certain functions of the brain. Dilation of the lateral ventricles, not provoked by serious defects or external pathological reasons, usually practically does not affect general development child. The expansion of the ventricles of the brain in newborns, caused by intrauterine abnormalities or diseases that interfere with the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the cavities, causes permanent monitoring and serious therapy.

An increase in the ventricles of the brain in the fetus can be detected even during an intrauterine examination using ultrasound, but certain doubts always arise, and ultrasound is repeated to confirm the diagnosis. But the enlarged ventricles of the brain during intrauterine development can be an intermediate stage in the formation of the skull or are due to its unusual structure. Relative norm an increase in the ventricles of the brain in children who have had rickets is also considered, because it disappears after the cure of rickets.

Causes and pathologies caused

The reasons for the increase in the ventricles of the brain are conventionally divided into internal and external. The first are manifested due to developmental abnormalities as a result of the presence in the body pathological processesprovoked by external negative factors. Anatomically, the ventricles of the brain in a child can be enlarged due to the following defects:

  • stenosis of the interventricular openings or their atresia;
  • pathologies of the structure of the sylvian aqueduct (aqueduct of the brain);
  • upper anomalies cervical or the base of the skull;
  • transferred inflammation of the meninges.

Pathological reasons for the expansion of the ventricles of the brain in a child can be due to both hereditary factors transmitted at the chromosomal level, and the negative course of pregnancy. Modern medicine believes that the asymmetry of the lateral ventricles of the brain, provoked by the pathological course of pregnancy, may be the result of intrauterine infection and septic complications, extragenital pathologies of the mother, and even an excessive time period between the passage of water and the process of childbirth. Lateral ventricles brain may be the root cause of the appearance serious diseasesif they are enlarged due to pathological reasons.

Ventricular pathologies of the brain may also appear due to acquired masses: tumors, cysts, hemangiomas and hematomas. The acquired causes of asymmetry in newborns include hydrocephalus. It can occur with 3 anomalies associated with the circulation of CSF:

  • violation of the outflow, the usual course of which is interfered with by an obstacle;
  • an excess of reproduction of cerebrospinal fluid;
  • a failure in the balance between the absorption of CSF and its formation.

Hydrocephalus of the brain in a newborn, which has arisen after the obstruction of the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid, leads to a visual increase in the volume of the skull, which occurs because tight connections in infants not formed between all segments of the bone structure. Intrauterine occurrence of hydrocephalus is associated with previous infections, genetics and congenital pathologies development of central nervous system, in infants - with malformations of the spinal cord or brain, tumors, birth or previous injuries. Dilation of cerebral cavities in newborns is most often associated with abnormal circulation of cerebrospinal fluid caused by pathological causes.

Ventriculomegaly, according to some researchers, is an independent pathology characterized by the presence of enlarged lateral ventricles in an infant. However, this point of view also connects the occurrence of pathology with objective malformations or with external negative factors, due to which the ventricular cavities are expanded. Ventriculomegaly in itself does not pose a great danger, but under certain conditions it can cause serious pathologies.

Diagnostics and research

The asymmetry of the ventricles of the brain during the initial diagnosis is determined by measuring the size of the lateral ventricles using existing special techniques. Their depth and the size of the cavity of the transparent partition are measured. The cavity is located in the third ventricle. This makes it possible to identify violations, due to the action of which the cavities expand. Such disorders include anatomical abnormalities, disorders of the central nervous system, excessive reproduction of cerebrospinal fluid or tumors, the consequences of traumatic injuries.

Hydrocephalus, which occurs as a result of prolonged compression of the cerebrospinal fluid on unformed joints of bone structures, is not noticeable at first, but it can increase and manifest itself if the state of the lateral ventricles, which does not correspond to the norm, is not immediately detected. Diagnosis begins with an examination by a neurologist. A general anamnesis is taken, the baby's head is measured, tendon and muscle reflexes, muscle tone. Neurosonography is performed through the fontanelle. This is an ultrasound scan that examines every cavity in the brain, possibly while the fontanelle is open. But the main diagnosis can only be made after MRI. Magnetic resonance imaging gives an idea not only about the size of the cerebral ventricle, but also about the presence or absence of extraneous formations; condition of veins, arteries, vessels, channels.

CT in terms of information content is inferior to MRI, but it increases the total amount of information and allows you to obtain additional information. Sometimes with such studies, a pseudocyst is found as possible reason asymmetry or poor patency of the cerebrospinal fluid. This disease in modern conditions lends itself easily drug treatmentif diagnosed on early stageuntil it began to expand.

Treatment of dilatation of the lateral ventricles of the brain is carried out in 2 ways - conservative and operational - and is determined both by the causes of such a phenomenon and by a look at possible consequences... Most often, surgical treatment is resorted to when anatomical pathologies or tumors. In this case, it does not matter whether there is a lesion of both ventricles or only the left or right is not normal.

The attention shown by neurologists to the state of the lateral ventricles of the brain, especially when they are dealing with children, is associated with the important role that cerebrospinal fluid plays in the body. The ventricles are its reservoirs that perform protective and trophic functions.

In the first days of a newborn's life, various tests are taken, vaccinations are made, and examinations are also carried out in order to obtain complete information about the general condition of the child. One of the main procedures is brain ultrasound. It allows you to find out not only about any deviations and the degree of development of the brain, but also to check the overall dimensions of the ventricles of the brain in a newborn, the norm of which is a certain value. Examination of a baby is an important stage in his life, since not immediately identified disorders and pathologies can negatively affect further life and baby development.

What if suddenly an ultrasound showed an increase in the ventricles of the brain in a newborn? If in newborns with enlarged ventricles of the brain normal condition and there are no serious neuropathological abnormalities, then the specialist can schedule regular visits to the neurologist to monitor and track the condition. But if the deviations from the norm are serious enough, and the neuropathological symptoms are pronounced, then the child needs special treatment, which is prescribed by a doctor by a neurologist.

On the this moment known about a variety of factors affecting the appearance of pathologies of the ventricles of the brain in children. All of them can be divided into two categories: acquired and congenital. The acquired ones include those reasons that could arise during the pregnancy of the mother of the child:

  1. Infectious diseases that a woman suffers from during pregnancy.
  2. Infections and sepsis inside the womb.
  3. Penetration of foreign bodies into the brain.
  4. Chronic diseases of the mother that affect the normal course of pregnancy.
  5. Premature birth.
  6. Fetal hypoxia inside the womb (insufficient or, conversely, increased blood supply to the placenta).
  7. Abnormal length of anhydrous period.
  8. Injury to the baby during childbirth (suffocation by the umbilical cord or deformity of the skull).
  9. Stormy labor.

Congenital causes include a genetic predisposition to enlargement of the ventricles; abnormalities occurring in chromosomes, as well as various neoplasms (cysts, malignant or benign tumors, hematomas). Along with the above reasons, characteristic changes in the size of the ventricles of the brain can be triggered by traumatic brain injury, cerebral hemorrhage, stroke.

Anatomy of the ventricles of the brain

The human brain is a very complex structure, in which each substructure and each component is responsible for fulfilling certain goals. In humans, the brain contains a special structure that contains cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The purpose of this structure is the circulation and production of cerebrospinal fluid. Each child and adult has 3 types of cerebral ventricles, and their total number is 4. They are connected to each other by means of channels and holes, valves. So, the ventricles are distinguished:

  1. Side.
  2. Third.
  3. Fourth.

The lateral ventricles are located symmetrically relative to each other. The left one is designated by the first, the right one - by the second, they are connected to the third. The third ventricle is anterior, it contains the centers of the autonomic nervous system. The fourth is posterior, it is similar in shape to a pyramid and is connected to the spinal cord. A change in the size of the ventricles entails a disturbance in the production and circulation of cerebrospinal fluid, which can lead to an increase in the volume of fluid in the spinal cord and disruption of the vital important body.

Enlarged ventricles: manifestation

As you know, one of the functions of the ventricles is the secretion of cerebrospinal fluid into the cavity between the meninges and spinal membranes (subarachnoid space). Therefore, disturbances in the secretion and outflow of fluid lead to an increase in ventricular volumes.

But not every increase and change in size is considered a pathology. If both lateral ventricles become larger symmetrically, then you should not worry. If the increase occurs asymmetrically, that is, the horn of one of the lateral ventricles increases, but the horn of the other does not, then pathological development is revealed.

Enlargement of the ventricles of the head is called ventriculomegaly. It exists in 3 types:

  1. Lateral (expansion of the right or left ventricles, enlargement of the posterior).
  2. Cerebellar (the size of the cerebellum and medulla oblongata changes).
  3. Pathological discharge of cerebrospinal fluid in the frontal region.

There are 3 degrees of the course of the disease:

  1. Lightweight.
  2. Average.
  3. Heavy.

Sometimes the disease is accompanied by a malfunction of the central nervous system. A normal phenomenon an increase in the ventricles in large children with an irregular skull shape is considered.

Interpretation of the appearance of dilated ventricles

Deviation from normal sizes ventricles does not always indicate the course of pathological processes. Most often, these changes are a consequence of the anthropological characteristics of the baby. Almost all newborns under one year old have ventriculomegaly. It appears as a result of a violation of the outflow of fluid or excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid.

According to statistics, enlargement of the lateral ventricles is more common in children born ahead of time... In them, in contrast to babies born at the proper time, the sizes of the first and second cavities are more increased. If there is a suspicion of asymmetry, measurements, diagnostics and quality characteristics should be determined.

Symptoms of ventculomegaly

With ventculomegaly, due to the large amount of cerebrospinal fluid, the pressure inside the skull rises in the baby; edema of the cortex, gray matter, tissues appears. Pressure disrupts the blood supply to the brain, and deterioration and malfunction of the central nervous system is observed.

Symptoms with an increase in ventricles are as follows:

  • Increased muscle activity.
  • Deterioration of vision (defocusing, squint, downward gaze).
  • Trembling limbs.
  • Strange gait (tiptoe movement).
  • Inactive reflexive manifestations.
  • Lethargic, apathetic behavior.
  • Increased moodiness and irritability.
  • Insomnia, sleepwalking.
  • Lack of appetite.

The obvious symptom of ventculomegaly is regurgitation and vomiting, the amount of which exceeds the norm. This is due to irritation of the vomiting center in the fourth ventricle, which is located at the bottom of the fossa in the form of a diamond.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnostics is carried out to clarify the diagnosis. The doctor may notice chronic form ventculomegaly already at the age of three months of the child with the help of ultrasound. The survey includes the following procedures:

  • Examination by an ophthalmologist (thus revealing eye puffiness, hydrocephalus).
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (the MRI procedure helps to monitor the growth of the ventricles after the fusion of the cranial bone. For the examination, which takes 20 to 40 minutes in time, the baby is put to sleep with the help of drugs).
  • CT scan. In this case, no medical sleep is required, because the procedure does not take much time. So CT the best way for children who cannot tolerate anesthesia.

Ultrasound is prescribed for children born after pregnancy, during which there were complications. It is done in the first year of life, and if there are no neurological abnormalities, then it is repeated after three months.

Indicators of normal sizes

Each ventricle has a specific size that is considered normal. Deviation from them is a pathology. So, the normal depth of the third ventricle is no more than 5 mm, fourth ventricle - does not exceed 4 mm. When measuring sideways, the following values \u200b\u200bare taken into account:

  • Lateral cavities - the depth should not exceed 4 mm.
  • Horns in the back of the head - 10 - 15 mm.
  • Horns in the front - 2 - 4 mm.

The depth of the large tank is no more than 3 - 6 mm. All cavities and structures of the brain must have a gradual development, consistent and having a linear dependence on the size of the skull.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment can only be prescribed by a neurosurgeon or neuropathologist. Usually used drug therapy... Not all episodes require treatment, but it is used in the case of pronounced neuropathological abnormalities. The main medicines are:

  • Diuretics are used to reduce cerebral edema, normalize and accelerate fluid excretion.
  • Potassium-containing drugs make up for the deficiency of the required amount of potassium while accelerating the urination process.
  • Vitamin complexes are used to replenish lost vitamins, as well as to restore the patient's body.
  • Nootropics improve the supply of blood to the brain, circulation in micro-tissues and vascular elasticity.
  • Sedatives have a sedative effect, reduce neurological signs such as tearfulness, moodiness, irritability.

If the cause of the appearance of deviations in the size of the brain cavities is mechanical damage to the head, then surgical intervention is required.

The human brain is a complex and amazing structure, all the secrets of which scientists have not solved until now. One of the most interesting mechanisms of the functioning of the nervous system is the process of formation and circulation of cerebrospinal fluid (cerebrospinal fluid), which is carried out with the help of the 3rd ventricle of the brain.

3 ventricle of the brain: anatomy and physiology

The third ventricle of the brain is a thin slit cavity, limited by the optic hillocks of the thalamus and located in the diencephalon. Inside, the third ventricle of the brain is lined with a soft membrane, a branched vascular plexus and filled with cerebrospinal fluid.

The physiological significance of the 3rd ventricle is very high. It provides an unobstructed flow of cerebrospinal fluid from the lateral ventricles into the subarachnoid space for washing the brain and spinal cord. Simply put, it provides circulation of cerebrospinal fluid, which is necessary for:

  • regulation of intracranial pressure;
  • mechanical protection of the brain from damage and injury;
  • transportation of substances from the head to spinal cord and vice versa;
  • protecting the brain from infection.

3 ventricle of the brain: the norm in children and adults

A normally functioning liquor system is a smooth and smooth process. But if even a small "breakdown" occurs in the processes of formation and circulation of cerebrospinal fluid, this will certainly affect the condition of the child or adult.

Particularly important in this regard is the 3rd ventricle of the brain, the norm of which is indicated below:

  1. Newborns - 3-5 mm.
  2. Children 1-3 months -3-5 mm.
  3. Children 3 months - 6 years old -3-6 mm.
  4. Adults -4-6 mm.

Common diseases of the third ventricle of the brain

Most often, the problem of impaired outflow of cerebrospinal fluid occurs in children - newborns and toddlers up to one year old. One of the most common diseases at this age is ICH () and its complication is hydrocephalus.

During pregnancy future mom undergoes mandatory ultrasound of the fetus, which allows you to identify congenital defects development of the central nervous system of the child in the early stages. If during the examination, the doctor notes that the 3rd ventricle of the brain is enlarged, additional diagnostic tests and careful medical supervision will be required.

If the cavity of the third ventricle in the fetus expands more and more, in the future such a baby may need a bypass operation to restore the normal outflow of cerebrospinal fluid.

Also, all babies born at two months of age (according to indications - earlier) undergo compulsory medical checkup a neurologist who may suspect expansion of the 3rd ventricle and the presence of ICH. Such children are sent for a special examination of the structures of the brain - (neurosonography).

What is NSG?

Neurosonography is a special type of ultrasound examination of the brain. It can be done in infants, because they have a small physiological opening in the skull - the fontanelle.

With the help of a special sensor, the doctor receives an image of all internal structures of the brain, determines their size and location. If the 3rd ventricle is enlarged on the NSH, more detailed tests are performed - computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to obtain a more accurate picture of the disease and confirm the diagnosis.

Which doctors should I see when diagnosing ICH?

If the third ventricle of the baby's brain is slightly dilated and the mother has no serious complaints, regular observation by the local pediatrician is sufficient. Consultation with a neuropathologist and neurosurgeon is necessary if there is a significant expansion of the ventricles on ultrasound or symptoms of ICH:

  • the baby has become worse at breastfeeding;
  • fontanelle is tense, protrudes above the surface of the skull;
  • the saphenous veins of the scalp are dilated;
  • grefe's symptom - a section of the white sclera to the honey iris and eyelid when looking down;
  • loud, harsh cry;
  • vomiting;
  • divergence of the seams of the skull;
  • the rapid increase in head size.

Doctors determine the further tactics of treating the baby with: conservative implies the appointment vascular drugs, massage, physiotherapy; surgical - an operation. After therapy, children quickly recover, the activity of the nervous system is restored.

Colloid cyst of the 3rd ventricle is a disease common among adults 20-40 years old. It is characterized by the appearance of a benign round formation in the cavity of the 3rd ventricle, not prone to rapid growth and metastasis.

By itself, a colloid cyst does not pose any danger to human health. Problems begin if it reaches a large size and prevents the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid. In this case, the patient develops neurological symptoms associated with an increase in intracranial pressure:

  • sharp headache;
  • vomiting;
  • visual impairment;
  • convulsions.

Diagnostics, treatment colloid cyst the third ventricle is jointly dealt with by a neuropathologist and a neurosurgeon. With a pronounced size of the formation, determined on CT or, surgical treatment of the cyst is prescribed. After the operation, the normal flow of cerebrospinal fluid is quickly restored, and all symptoms of the disease disappear.

Summing up

Thus, the third ventricle is important element cerebrospinal fluid system, diseases of which can lead to serious consequences... Attentive attitude to health and timely appeal to the doctors will help to quickly and permanently cope with the disease.

Ultrasound examination allows you to study the work and structure internal organs... With the help of wave reflection, the finished data is fed to the monitor. Ultrasound of the brain in infants is a mandatory procedure for a preventive examination. Thanks to the data obtained, one can judge the structure of the brain and work vascular system. The study is carried out quickly and painlessly, it poses no danger to the child.

NSG (neurosonography) allows you to determine violations in the functioning and structure of all structures of the brain, as well as to assess the work of the central nervous system.

The NSG is carried out through the fontanelle, which is located between the non-fused bones of the skull. Thanks to this, the result will be accurate and correct. The fontanelle is soft to the touch, pulsation is palpable. Normally, it should be at the level of the surface of the head. Swelling speaks of health problems.

The NSG procedure does not require additional preparation - it is enough to free the child's head from the cap. The result is not affected in any way by the child's condition, even if he cries, is capricious or calmly studies the situation. The procedure is also carried out when the child is sleeping.

What causes this study

An ultrasound scan is a mandatory routine procedure in one month. In other cases, the following cases are indications for conducting NSG before the first month of life:

In one month, the NSG is carried out without fail in the following cases:

  • children who were born by cesarean section;
  • irregular head shape;
  • conduct a study to monitor the condition;
  • with such developmental disorders as torticollis, strabismus, paralysis;

For children over one month old, NSH is done for the following indications:

  • evaluate the effectiveness of treatment for injuries or neurological diseases brain;
  • after suffering infectious diseases (encephalitis, meningitis);
  • genetic and gene disorders;
  • head injury.

In some cases, an MRI of the brain is indicated, which is performed under anesthesia.

Interpretation of the results obtained during the survey

The results will depend on many factors - due date, birth weight. The norm for all children of different months of life is in the following parameters.

  1. All parts of the brain must be symmetrical in size and uniform in composition.
  2. The grooves and convolutions are well-defined.
  3. There is no fluid in the interhemispheric fissure, and its dimensions do not exceed 3 mm.
  4. Vascular plexuses of the ventricles are hyperechoic and homogeneous.
  5. The norm of the size of the lateral ventricles: anterior horns - up to 4 mm, occipital horns - 15 mm, body - up to 4 mm. The third and fourth ventricles are up to 4 mm.
  6. Large tank capacity - up to 10 mm.
  7. There should be no seals, cysts and neoplasms.
  8. The meninges are unchanged.
  9. The norm of the size of the subarachnoid space does not exceed 3 mm. If it is more, while there is an increase in temperature and frequent regurgitation, then a disease such as meningitis can be suspected. If there are no accompanying symptoms, all other examinations are normal, perhaps this phenomenon is temporary.

The ventricular cavity should not be enlarged. Their increase indicates diseases such as hydrocephalus, rickets. During hydrocephalus, the child has a large head, a swollen fontanelle. This disorder causes frequent headaches, mental and physical underdevelopment.

The content of the lateral ventricles (right and left) is cerebrospinal fluid. With the help of special holes, they are connected to the third ventricle. There is also a fourth ventricle, which is located between the cerebellum and the medulla oblongata.

In the lateral ventricles, the cerebrospinal fluid is connected, after which it moves into the subarachnoid space. If such an outflow is disturbed for some reason, hydrocephalus occurs.

Asymmetry of the lateral ventricles (dilation) occurs when the amount of fluid increases. The disease can be diagnosed in children who were born prematurely, since they have larger lateral ventricles.

If asymmetry of the lateral ventricles is detected on the NSG, the size is measured, the quantitative and qualitative characteristics are determined.

The main reasons due to which the ventricular cavity expands include hydrocephalus, trauma to the skull and brain, lesions of the central nervous system and other malformations of newborns.

A cyst of the transparent septum is usually found from birth. The transparent septum is a thin plate made of brain tissue. Between these plates there is a cavity resembling a gap. The cyst of the transparent septum is a fluid-fired cavity. The cavity accumulates and begins to squeeze adjacent tissues and blood vessels.

The cyst of the transparent septum is found on the NSH in almost all premature babies. After a while, it may disappear. If a cyst of a transparent septum was detected immediately after birth, then in most cases no special drug therapy is prescribed.

In the event that the cyst of the transparent septum has arisen due to trauma, inflammation or infectious disease, immediate treatment is required. May occur accompanying symptoms (headache, visual and hearing impairment).

During the NSG, which is carried out every month after the detection of the violation, the dynamics of the development and growth of the cyst of the transparent septum is determined. Further treatment will depend on the growth rate and the cause of the cyst. Basically, drugs are prescribed that relieve this cavity brain.

If any irregularities were found during the NSG, it is possible to decide on the medical withdrawals of all vaccinations. Vaccinations can worsen the condition, so after the examination you need to visit a neurologist.

Deciphering and clarification of the diagnosis is carried out by a neurologist. Only he can prescribe the correct treatment and observe the development of the disease in dynamics. He will also warn possible complications and will carry out the prevention of other violations.