Why the heel hurts at the computer. Heel hurts, it hurts to step

Pain in the heels when walking and after sleeping is a very common occurrence. In most cases, this symptom is associated with plantar (plantar) fasciitis or calcaneal spur, but other causes are possible.

According to some estimates, at least once in a lifetime about 10% of people complain of heel pain. Most often, heels hurt in athletes, runners, as well as in people aged 40 to 60 years. In most cases, only one heel hurts, with both feet affecting about a third of people. Usually, heel pain is most severe in the morning or during the first steps after sleep. If you disperse, the discomfort subsides, but occurs again after a long walk or heavy loads. Some people develop lameness or a strange gait, as they try to spare the sore leg.

The most common cause of heel pain is damage and thickening of the bundle of connective tissue fibers that support the arch of the foot - the plantar fascia. It connects the calcaneus to the bones of the foot, and also acts as a shock absorber. Microcracks may appear in the structure of the plantar fascia due to trauma or gradual wear. Because of this, it thickens and hurts. The scientific name for this phenomenon is plantar fasciitis. The surrounding tissue and calcaneus can also become inflamed. On the heel, a bone spike often grows - a heel spur, which injures the surrounding tissue when walking and causes pain.

Physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises, various fixative devices and foot bandaging, as well as medications are used to treat heel pain. In rare cases, resort to surgery. In about 80% of people, the disease goes away within a year.

To prevent foot problems or to get rid of heel pain more quickly, you need to wear comfortable shoes with a small heel that protects the arches of the foot. Of great importance is the control of body weight, since overweight creates an additional load on the heels.

Why does the heel hurt?

The most common cause of heel pain (in about 80% of cases) is plantar (plantar) fasciitis. This is damage and a thickening of the calcaneus fascia - a thick bundle of fibers connecting the calcaneus to the rest of the foot. Damage to the heel fascia can occur in the following way:

  • as a result of trauma, for example, while running or dancing - such damage is more common in young and physically active people;
  • during gradual wear of the tissues of the plantar fascia - typical for people over 40 years of age.

The risk of gradual wear and, as a result, damage to the plantar fascia is increased in people who are overweight or obese, in those who spend most of the day on their feet, and also among lovers of shoes with flat soles - flip flops or slippers.

With plantar fasciitis, heel pain after sleep is more common. After some time, it becomes easier, but by the middle of the day, with long walking, the pain in the heel intensifies again.

Less Common Causes of Heel Pain

Heel spur  - This is the growth of bone tissue in the form of a spike on the heel. Heel spur is often combined with plantar fasciitis, as a consequence of it, but can also develop on its own, without causing pain in the heel.

Fatigue (stress) fracture  arises as a result of long-term excess loads on the calcaneus when walking, running, jumping, etc. It is more common in people who play sports. It happens less often with osteoporosis - when the calcaneus loses strength and even normal walking or light jogging can lead to the destruction of its structure. Stress fracture is accompanied by aching pain, aggravated by pressure on the heel. There may be a slight swelling at the fracture site.

Fatty pillow atrophy  - thinning of the layer of adipose tissue under the calcaneus under the influence of excessive pressure on it. A layer of fat between the bones of the foot and the skin plays an important role as a shock absorber when walking, softening blows to the ground. The risk of developing fatty pillow atrophy is increased in women who walk for a long time in high heels, as well as in older people. In rare cases, atrophy of the fat layer on the foot develops after injections of corticosteroids into the joints, as well as after fractures. Orthopedic insoles help cope with this cause of heel pain.

Bursitis  - This is an inflammation of one or more synovial bags (small bags of fluid, usually located around the joints and between the tendons and bones). Near the heel there are three synovial bags, each of which can become inflamed under the influence of large loads on the foot or infection.

Tarsal (tarsal) canal syndrome - tunnel syndrome associated with compression of the tibial nerve in the connective tissue channel near the inner ankle of the foot. The cause of the narrowing of the canal can be damage after dislocations, fractures or the formation of cysts in it. Tarsal canal syndrome is characterized by a violation of sensitivity (from pain to numbness) in the foot and fingers, including at night, weakness in the muscles of the foot. When probing the inner ankle of the leg and the area around it, the pain and discomfort in the foot intensify. Sometimes heel pain occurs.

Aseptic calcaneus necrosis  may cause heel pain in children. Most often, necrosis develops as a result of stretching and contraction of muscles and tendons under the knees and ankles due to the rapid growth of the child. When stretched, the calf muscle pulls the heel (Achilles) tendon. This causes a stretching of the growing area of \u200b\u200bthe bone from the back of the heel (growth plate), causing pain. This pain intensifies when playing soccer or doing gymnastics. Often the pain appears on the side of the heel, but can also be felt under it. As a rule, aseptic necrosis of the calcaneus is well treated with exercises for stretching the popliteal and calf muscles and tendons, as well as, if necessary, wearing special pads under the heel.

Diagnosis of heel pain

To diagnose heel diseases, you need to contact an orthopedic traumatologist. In most cases, it is this specialist who will deal with your further treatment. If it’s difficult to get an appointment with this specialist, you can start by visiting a surgeon. Perhaps during the examination, consultation with other doctors will be required: a rheumatologist - to exclude systemic diseases of the joints, a neurologist - to exclude diseases of the foot nerves.

There are some additional signs that you and your doctor can suspect the cause of heel pain. So, numbness or tingling in the leg rather indicates nerve damage. This can be the tarsal canal syndrome described above or a manifestation of a general lesion of the peripheral nerves, which happens, for example, in diabetes mellitus. If the foot is hot to the touch and swollen, infectious damage to the soft tissues or calcaneus is possible. In these cases, the help of a surgeon will be required. Limited mobility and pain in the joints of the foot indicate the likely development of arthritis - inflammation of the joint.

To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor can prescribe the following examinations:

  • blood tests;
  • radiography - the use of a small dose of radiation to detect pathologies in the bones;
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or ultrasound (ultrasound) methods for a more detailed scan of soft tissues.

How to treat sore heels?

As a rule, heel pain is treated comprehensively, for example, with stretching exercises and painkillers. This can be a lengthy process, sometimes up to a year. If after this time the pain has not passed, surgery is recommended as a last resort. This happens only in 0.5% of cases.

The success of treating heel pain depends a lot on the lifestyle you lead. Regardless of its reason, you will need to wear the “right” shoes, take time to exercise, and have a good rest. Most of the manipulations for the treatment of heel pain can be performed independently, without the participation of a doctor.

If possible, spare the sore heel - try not to walk long distances and do not stand for long periods. In this case, you should regularly perform special exercises for stretching the feet and calves.

Physiotherapy exercises for heels

Exercises for stretching the calf muscles and plantar fascia help relieve pain and increase the flexibility of the sore foot. As a rule, it is recommended to perform exercises with both legs, even if only one of them hurts.

Stretching with a towel.  Keep a long towel near the bed. In the morning, before rising, throw a towel on your foot and use it to pull your toes towards you, keeping your knee straight. Repeat three times with each foot.

Stretching against the wall.  Place your hands on the wall at shoulder level with one foot in front of the other. The front foot should be approximately 30 cm from the wall. Keeping your back straight, bend your front leg at the knee, leaning against the wall until you feel the calf muscles of the other leg. Relax. Repeat 10 times with one foot, then as many with the other. Do this exercise twice a day.

Stretching on the stairs.  Stand on the step, facing the stairs, lean on the railing. The legs should be slightly apart, the heels should hang from the step. Lower your heels until you feel the calf muscles tension. Stay in this position for about 40 seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat six times, at least twice a day.

Stretching on a chair.Sit on a chair, bend your knees at a right angle. Turn your feet so that the heels touch and your fingers are turned in opposite directions. Raise your fingers on the sore foot, firmly pressing the heel to the floor. You should feel the tension of the calf muscles and the Achilles tendon (a bundle of fibers connecting the calcaneus to the calf muscles). Stay in this position for a few seconds, then relax. Repeat 10 times, 5-6 sets per day.

Dynamic stretch.  While sitting, drive the arch of the foot (the concave part of the sole) over a round object, such as a rolling pin, tennis ball or jar. Some people point out that if you use a cold jar, it also helps relieve pain. Move your foot in all directions on the subject for several minutes. Repeat twice daily.

Painkillers for heel pain

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, can be used to relieve pain. Applying a cold compress to a sore heel for 5-10 minutes also sometimes helps relieve pain and inflammation. However, ice cannot be applied directly to the skin; it must be wrapped in a towel. Instead of ice, you can use a packet of frozen vegetables.

Orthopedic Insoles

Orthopedic insoles are inserted into shoes in order to keep the foot in the correct position and to soften the heel bumps when walking. Ready-made insoles can be bought at sporting goods stores, large pharmacies and orthopedic salons. Sometimes a doctor may advise you on individual insoles that will ideally fit your feet. They are made to order. However, there is currently no reason to believe that custom-made insoles are more effective than standard insoles.

Bandaging or taping the feet with heel pain

To reduce the load on the plantar fascia and the pain in the heel associated with its inflammation, you can bandage the leg with an elastic bandage. The bandaging technique will show you the orthopedist. Instead of a bandage, you can use a band-aid or a special sports tape - tape. Laying patches of patch or tape on the foot is called taping. The patch creates additional support for the foot, simulating the supporting role of the fascia. You can find the technique of taping the feet with heel pain on the Internet or check with your doctor.

Some orthopedists recommend using special night orthoses or braces to stretch the ligaments of the foot during sleep. In most people, in the dream, the fingers are turned down, which causes the plantar fascia to contract. The pain after awakening is associated with its sharp stretching and microtrauma.

Braces on the foot are made in such a way that during sleep, the toes and feet are turned up. This helps to stretch the Achilles tendon and plantar fascia, which allows the torn fibers of the ligaments to grow together in the correct position and accelerates recovery. As a rule, such braces or braces can only be bought in specialized stores or on the Internet.

Corticosteroid injections

If the above methods did not help relieve pain, your doctor may prescribe injections of corticosteroids. These are potent anti-inflammatory drugs that need to be used with caution, as overdose has severe side effects, such as weight gain and high blood pressure (hypertension). Therefore, it is not recommended to take more than three injections of corticosteroids per year in any part of the body. Before giving an injection of corticosteroids, the doctor may introduce a local pain medication.

Surgery for heel pain

If none of the treatment methods has helped and after a year you are still experiencing pain, you may be referred for surgery. Surgery is sometimes recommended for professional athletes and other athletes if heel pain adversely affects their careers.

Plantar fascia excision surgery  - the most widely used type of surgery for heel pain. The surgeon cuts the fascia to separate it from the calcaneus and relieve tension in it. This should eliminate inflammation and relieve pain. The operation can be carried out in two ways:

  • open - when the plot of the heel fascia is dissected through an incision in the heel;
  • endoscopic, or minimal intervention operation - when a small incision is made through which microsurgical instruments are inserted under the skin.

The recovery period after endoscopic surgery is shorter, so you can walk normally much sooner (almost immediately), while recovery from an open operation takes from 2 to 3 weeks. The drawback of the minimal intervention operation is that it is performed only by a surgical team that has undergone special training and with the help of special equipment, so the waiting time for such an operation can be longer. Endoscopic surgery is also associated with an increased risk of damage to nearby nerves, which can cause symptoms such as numbness, tingling, and partial loss of foot mobility.

Like any other operation, excision of the plantar fascia can have complications such as infection, nerve damage and exacerbation of symptoms after surgery (although this is rare). Discuss the pros and cons of both types of surgery with your doctor.

Shock wave therapy for heel spur

This is a relatively new method of non-invasive treatment, that is, not involving surgical intervention. Shock wave therapy is especially effective in cases where heel pain is associated with a heel spur. The method consists in sending high-energy sound pulses to the heel using a special apparatus. It can be painful, so a doctor can inject a local pain medication into the foot.

It is believed that shock wave therapy acts bi-directionally, namely:

  • has an analgesic effect;
  • stimulates and accelerates the healing process.

However, there is no exact evidence for this. Some studies have shown that shock wave therapy is more effective than surgery and other methods of treating heel pain, while others show that this procedure does not differ in effectiveness from placebo (pseudo-treatment).


Prevention of heel pain

It is not always possible to avoid heel pain, but certain measures can be taken to prevent such problems in the future. It is known that overweight creates an additional load on the feet, especially on the heels, increasing the risk of damage to them. If you are overweight, losing weight and maintaining a normal body weight by combining regular exercise with a healthy balanced diet will be beneficial for the legs. (BMI) to find out if your weight matches your height and body type.

Of great importance for the prevention of heel diseases is the choice of the "right" shoe. If you put on high-heeled shoes for a party, this is unlikely to hurt you, but if you wear them all week at work, it can damage your feet, especially if you have to walk or stand a lot. It is best to choose shoes with lacing and low or medium heels that support and protect the arches of the feet and heels. Do not wear flat shoes.

Do not walk barefoot on asphalt and hard ground. Often, heel pain occurs when a person begins to walk barefoot on vacation, after walking all year in shoes. In this case, the legs are not used to additional pressure, which causes pain in the heel.

If you lead an active lifestyle, for example, jogging or any other sport, regularly change sneakers. Most experts recommend changing sports shoes after you run about 800 km in it. Be sure to stretch after playing sports, and also include regular exercises for strength and flexibility in your workouts.

Who is treating?

Which doctor should I see if my heel hurts?

In most cases, heel pain requires medical advice. Using the NaPravka service, you can quickly find an orthopedic traumatologist who will deal with your diagnosis and treatment. If it’s difficult to get to a specialist of this profile, seek help from

The content of the article:

Heel pain is a common problem that occurs in pregnant women, athletes, schoolchildren, and the elderly. Sometimes dealing with it is quite simple, for this you can use compresses, ointments or baths. But if the ailment is provoked by some serious illness, it will be possible to eliminate unpleasant sensations only after identifying the cause.

The main causes of heel pain

The causes of pain are many. This is not necessarily a serious and intractable illness. Often, a factor provoking pain in the legs is a sharp increase in weight or increased physical exertion.

Causes of heel pain:

  • Pregnancy. In the third trimester, a woman's weight can increase by 6-18 kilograms. Thin girls are more prone to weight gain. Accordingly, due to such an increase and poor circulation, pain may appear. It usually occurs while walking and most often in the evening.
  • Using high-heeled shoes. In this case, the load on the foot is distributed unevenly. Part of the foot is inactive, and the heel and toe are constantly in tension.
  • Fast weight gain. This is usually associated with hormonal changes and obesity. If your weight has recently increased dramatically, then perhaps it was the cause of heel pain.
  • Ankylosing spondylitis. Quite a rare ailment, which is accompanied by aggression of the immune system against joints and cartilage. Joints and bone tissue are inflamed.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis. This is a joint ailment that often affects the lower limbs. The patient may feel pain when walking, and in the case of a running illness, and at rest.
  • Gout. This is an inflammation of the joints caused by the accumulation of uric acid salts. Most often, the abuse of salty and acidic foods leads to such an ailment. The pain is paroxysmal, after a while it passes.
  • Infections of the intestines and genitourinary system. These ailments often lead to reactive arthritis, which develops very rapidly. Infection from the genital area goes down.
  • Bone tuberculosis. With this ailment, part of the skin dies. Further, the disease spreads to bone tissue. Cartilage melts as if.
  • Bruises and injuries. An optional heel may be damaged. First, inflammation and bruising occurs, which is felt during palpation. Movement may be impossible due to pain or difficult.
  • Heel spur. This is an inflammation of the tissues of the ligament, which is located in the heel area. On palpation, there is no fracture, swelling and deformation of the soft tissues are observed.
  • Tibial nerve palsy. The foot turns inward, the ability to bend and unbend it is impaired.
  • Malignant tumor. Cancer often develops in the heel. Initially, a small tubercle forms around which dilated blood vessels. Over time, the neoplasm increases and hardens.

Types of heel pain

The nature of the pain can determine the cause of the ailment. This will facilitate the diagnosis and help the doctor prescribe an effective treatment.

Here is a list of varieties of heel pain:

  1. It's a dull pain. Most often due to rapid weight gain. It occurs in pregnant women. Often, aching pain is provoked by wearing uncomfortable shoes on a high platform or heel. Sometimes its cause is fasciitis, an inflammation of the ligamentous tissue that holds the bones in a certain position. Surgeons, sellers and hairdressers who are forced to stand on their feet for a long time are usually exposed to this ailment.
  2. Sharp pain. This type of pain occurs with gout, reactive arthritis, or a fracture. In case of a fracture, the heel is deformed and can be beveled to the right or left.
  3. Heel pain while walking. If at rest nothing hurts, but sharp pain occurs during walking, then this is most likely an inflammation of the Achilles tendon.
  4. Heel pain in the morning. If after sleep you cannot get on your feet, then most likely this is a heel spur. After a short walk, the pain may subside. Sometimes a spur can be disturbing at night and causes insomnia.
  5. Pain at rest. Most often, discomfort can occur after a hard day and staying on your feet. In the evening, my legs are very sore. But if your work has nothing to do with constant walking, then pain at rest can be triggered by infectious diseases of the genital tract or intestinal ailments. Often occurs after a relapse of chronic diseases.
  6. Pain during pregnancy. Usually it is aching, and appears by the end of the day. It’s enough to walk for 60 minutes, as soon as pain occurs with pressure on the heel. After weight loss and childbirth, it disappears.
  7. Heel pain after childbirth. If you did not feel any pain during pregnancy, but after the delivery there were unpleasant sensations in the heels, then, most likely, the nerve of the lumbar spine is damaged. In some cases, improper birth management can cause lameness in a woman in labor. Most often this occurs in women with a very narrow pelvis or in the case of the birth of a large baby.
  8. Throbbing pain. With the appearance of pulsation and swelling, a bacterial infection can be judged. It often occurs with fasciitis or due to fungus.

Features of the treatment of heel pain

There are many folk methods and pharmacy ointments that are used to reduce pain. But to choose the right remedy, it is worth eliminating the cause of the ailment. After all, pain is a signal, a protective function of the body.

Heel pain medications

A doctor prescribes such medicines, respectively, if someone familiar with the drug helped get rid of heel pain, this does not mean that you need to urgently purchase a medicine. This is especially true for tablets. But with ointments, gels and solutions, you should be careful.

The list of medicines for heel pain:

  • Voltaren. This medication is an anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drug. It is sold in the form of a gel and allows you to quickly remove the pain syndrome. As such, there is no curative effect of the drug, it is not able to eliminate the cause of pain, but is often prescribed by orthopedists to stop the pain.
  • Movalis. It is also a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with an analgesic effect. It is sold in ampoules, that is, it is administered intramuscularly. Used for exacerbation of chronic arthritis and fasciitis.
  • Diclofenac. It is an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic. It is implemented in the form of tablets, suppositories, ointments and injections. The easiest way to use rectal suppositories, since they are immediately absorbed in the intestines, have a minimum of contraindications. This medicine does not eliminate the cause of the pain, but only blocks it.
  • Ibuprofen. A drug that relieves inflammation, fever, reduces pain. Used for symptomatic treatment of heel pain provoked by spur, fasciitis and arthritis.
  • Dimexide. It is a warming fluid that reduces pain through heat. In addition, the medicine can relieve inflammation and swelling.

Folk remedies for the treatment of heel pain

Traditional medicine offers a lot of simple and effective recipes for heel pain. Most often used compresses, baths and ointments based on medicinal herbs. All recipes are aimed at reducing pain and relieving inflammation.

Folk recipes for heel pain:

  1. . It is necessary to squeeze the juice of one lemon and pour it into a glass. Fill the container to the brim with boiled water. Pour into molds and place in the freezer. Use ice cubes after a hard day at work. They need to wipe sore spots.
  2. Contrast baths. Take two basins of the same volume and fill one with hot and the other with cold water. Alternately lower your legs into one or another basin. Instead of water, you can use a decoction of chamomile. After such procedures, it is recommended to massage the heels.
  3. Black radish. This root crop is effectively used in folk medicine to treat cough. But it is often used in the treatment of arthritis and heel spurs. It is necessary to grate one root crop of medium size. There is no need to clean the fetus. Next, the gruel is laid out on gauze and applied to the sore spot. Fix the bandage with polyethylene and elastic bin. Leave the application all night. In the morning, the feet are washed with warm water.
  4. Red pepper. This seasoning is used due to the fact that it creates a heating effect. To prepare the medicine, grind the red pepper pod in a meat grinder along with the seeds. Mix porridge with 30 ml of bee nectar. Try to carry out all work with gloves so that you do not accidentally touch your eyes. Put the mixture on a clean cloth and fix it in the heel area. Leave on for 4-6 hours. Wash away the rest of the product with cool water and grease the skin with a greasy cream. Do not use it in the presence of wounds, cracks or corns on the feet.
  5. Tar. Peel the onion, chop on a grater. A uniform onion puree is needed. Insert a spoonful of birch tar into it. It can be purchased at the pharmacy. Average the mass and apply a thick layer on the heel. Lay the fabric folded three times on top and secure with a bandage. Application time - 5 hours. Rinse with warm water. Repeat the procedure for 5 consecutive days.
  6. Salt and honey. It is an effective remedy for heel pain. To prepare the medicine, pour 20 g of fine salt into a bowl and pour 30 ml of warm bee nectar. Mediate the mixture and pour in a bottle of iodine (10 ml). Lubricate the gauze with a mixture and apply to a sore spot. Wrap with bandages and polyethylene. The product must be left overnight.
  7. Potatoes. Boil two tubers in their skins and knead. Do not peel potatoes. In puree, add 10 ml of lugol and average well. While the mixture is hot, transfer it to polyethylene and attach to sore spots. Bandage the leg and leave the compress to cool completely.

The use of ointments for heel pain

Basically, traditional medicine offers ointments based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are easy to apply and quickly relieve pain. In addition, they have a minimum of side effects, since they are practically not absorbed into the blood.

The list of ointments for heel pain:

  • Ketorol. This product is based on ketorolac tromethamine. It quickly relieves inflammation. It is used for muscle pain and ailments of loams and joints. It is enough 3 times a day to lubricate the affected area with ointment. Do not wear socks or pantyhose after rubbing it. Lie down for several minutes until completely absorbed.
  • Indomethacin. This is an ointment based on an anti-inflammatory substance. It is often used after surgery on the joints. It is applied 3 times a day and is not absorbed into the bloodstream. Helps relieve pain after injuries, operations and during pregnancy.
  • Betadion. An effective phenylbutazone-based agent. It is used for gout, arthritis, bursilitis and calcaneal spur. It is applied 2-3 times a day. You do not need to rub the product. It is necessary that on the surface of the skin was a thin film of the drug.
  • Piroxicam. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Effective for pain in muscles, joints and soft tissues. Quickly helps get rid of pain. Used 2-3 times a day. Before using the means of the foot, you need to wash and massage.
  • Erazon. Piroxicam ointment, which is actively absorbed into the skin and anesthetizes it. It is used after surgical interventions, with closed heel fractures and in the treatment of spurs. The medicine must be applied 3 times a day.

Heel pain compresses

Compresses are used quite often. For this, pharmacy solutions or preparations prepared independently can be used. Most often, take warming products such as pepper, cinnamon, alcohol or vodka.

Recipes for compresses for heel pain:

  1. With garlic and chalk. To prepare the mixture, grate 5 cloves of garlic and mix the mashed potatoes with crushed school chalk. Take chalk without dyes. Apply the paste on cheesecloth and apply to sore spots. Leave on for 3-5 hours. Do not use the product in the presence of open wounds and cracks in the heels.
  2. With kerosene. Boil the potatoes in their skins and make mashed potatoes from it. The peel does not need to be removed. Pour in mashed 30 ml of pure kerosene. Use a stain remover. See that the bottle says "Refined Kerosene." Put the paste on the sore spots and wrap with cellophane. Put on your socks and walk for 3 hours. It is necessary to carry out 8-12 procedures.
  3. Bile. Get bile at the pharmacy. To prepare the medicine, mix 30 ml of the product with 20 ml of pure alcohol and a spoon of laundry soap. It must be ground on a grater. Put the mass on sore spots and wrap it with a clean cloth. Application time - 3-5 hours. Wash your feet and massage. In total, 10 procedures are necessary.
  4. With stomp. Grind the grass of the stigma (knotweed) in a blender until you get porridge. You will have to wear old shoes during treatment. On the heel put mashed potatoes from the tinder and put on top of the socks. So you need to walk all day. The next morning, replace the compress.
  5. With egg and vinegar. You need to place a fresh egg in the jar, after washing the shell. Pour the egg with 100 ml of vinegar essence. Leave the container in a dark place for 26 days. Add another 100 ml of vegetable oil to the mixture and shake. Apply in the evening, covering the heel with polyethylene. In the morning, the compress is removed, and the heel is washed. In total, 5-7 procedures are necessary.

Heel pain treatment with bathtubs

Healing solutions help remove inflammation and relieve pain. Often for the preparation of baths, sea salt, decoctions of herbs and vegetables with fruits are used.

Recipes for bathing heel pain:

  • Iodine and soda. Pour 2500 ml of warm water into the basin. Pour 20 g of baking soda into it and pour a small vial of iodine. Immerse your feet in liquid and hold them until the mixture cools completely. Do not use the bath for fractures and bruises of the heel.
  • Nettle broth. Pour 20 g of dry nettle leaves with a liter of boiling water and cook for 2 minutes. Leave to cool completely and warm again. Hold the heels in strained warm broth until it cools completely. The procedure is performed at night daily.
  • Cabbage. After cooking the borsch, do not discard the cabbage stalk. Grate it and pour boiling water over it. Boil for 5 minutes and strain the mixture. Pour the broth into the basin and add some hot water. Immerse your feet in the solution and hold for 10-15 minutes. Perform manipulations before bedtime.
  • Turpentine with vinegar. Pour the heated turpentine into the container, it needs 150 ml. Add 50 ml of vinegar essence to the product. Immerse the heel in the mixture and leave for 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure daily before going to bed. The course of treatment is 12 sessions. After a week break, repeat the course again.
How to treat heel pain - watch the video:

As you can see, heel pain is a fairly common problem that causes a lot of inconvenience. Before treating heel pain, visit a doctor.

Many people faced a situation where the heel hurts, it hurts to step in the morning. Such an ailment reduces the quality of life, because it causes discomfort, because you need to walk every day. Elderly people, athletes and women during pregnancy often complain of heel pain.

Pain in the heel reduces the quality of life. How to deal with it?

To eliminate the pain, you need to contact a rheumatologist or and find out the cause of the pain. In some cases, an oncologist, surgeon or consultation is required.

Causes of Heel Pain

The heel pain, due to which it is painful to attack, can cause the following reasons:

  1. Overweight.
  2. Pregnancy, resulting in poor circulation.
  3. Strong physical activity.
  4. Wearing uncomfortable shoes regularly.
  5. Staying on legs for a long time.
  6. Depletion of subcutaneous fat in the heels.
  7. Heel spur.
  8. Inflammation of the periarticular sac of the Achilles tendon.
  9. Various kinds of injuries.
  10. Infectious diseases.
  11. Malignant tumors.

In rare cases, the appearance of pain is associated with damage to the sciatic nerve.

Heel spur

If the heels hurt and it hurts to attack, the reason lies in the injury to the feet and the inflammatory process of deep-seated tissues. This phenomenon is called a heel spur. At an early stage of the disease, the pain syndrome is more worrying in the mornings and during the first half of the day, then it can decrease and resume before going to bed. As the disease progresses, pain becomes stronger and becomes permanent.

There are such reasons for the development of heel spurs:

  1. Foot injuries.
  2. Pathologies that provoke blood flow disorders, failures in metabolic processes.
  3. Excess weight.
  4. Strong physical activity.
  5. Constantly wearing high-heeled shoes.
  6. Longitudinal flatfoot.
  7. Pathology of the joints and spine.
  8. Ankylosing spondylitis.
  9. Rheumatoid.

The clinical picture of the disease is as follows:

  • pain while walking or after running;
  • sharp pain after sleep;
  • the formation of calcium compounds;
  • deterioration of the patient's well-being;
  • modification of gait, leading to flat feet;
  • the appearance of edema and calluses in the heel area.

The course of treatment for heel spurs includes the following methods:

  1. Reduced physical activity on the feet.
  2. Use of braces or braces.
  3. Shock wave therapy.
  4. The introduction of glucocorticoids into the body.
  5. Wearing specialized insoles with arch support.
  6. Ultrasound therapy.
  7. Surgical intervention.
  8. Ensuring the immobility of a sick limb.

Important!   The patient must comply with bed rest. During treatment, it is advisable to use crutches or a cane to avoid heavy stress on the legs.

To relieve pain, inflammation and improve metabolic processes, a specialist prescribes Dimexide gel or Medical bile. Plant-based plasters are also used.

Quite often, patients with heel spurs are prescribed various ointments and creams. The most common are:

  • Voltaren;
  • Butadion;
  • Piroxicam;
  • Ketorol.

If conservative treatment has not brought a positive result, then you can not do without medical blockades. Medicines are administered orally, eliminating pain and inflammation. The procedure is carried out only by an experienced orthopedist, since it is very important to adhere to the dosage and choose the correct depth of drug administration. If the blockade is not carried out correctly, then complications can occur - necrosis, and others. Novocainic blockade is carried out no more than 2 times a day. To eliminate pain and inflammation, the following glucocorticosteroids are used:

  • Diprospan;
  • Kenalog;
  • Phlosterone.

In addition to drug treatment, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed:

  • paraffin baths;
  • mud baths;
  • massage;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • phonophoresis.

To eliminate pain in the heel area, it is useful to perform exercises of physiotherapy exercises. The complex is selected by the doctor, focusing on the individual characteristics of the patient. After performing the gymnastics, it is necessary to perform taping - the procedure for applying sports tape to the foot using a special technique.

Important!   If not one treatment method has helped to eliminate the calcaneal spur, then surgical intervention is indispensable. During the operation, an incision is made in the area of \u200b\u200bthe spur, the existing calcium growth is removed, and the tissues are sutured. The procedure is carried out using endoscopic equipment.

What to do with heel pain on the inside?

If a person complains that his heel hurts from the inside, this is one of the symptoms of flat feet. It can develop due to such reasons:

  1. Wearing uncomfortable shoes. It is not recommended to go only in high heels or constantly in sneakers. Shoes should be alternated.
  2. The presence of extra pounds.
  3. Hereditary predisposition.
  4. Rickets, provoking softening of bones inside the foot.
  5. Passive lifestyle.
  6. Various injuries.
  7. Long stay on your feet.
  8. Pregnancy.
  9. Weight lifting.

There are 2 types of flat feet: transverse and longitudinal.

Symptoms of flat feet include:

  • fatigue of the lower extremities;
  • swelling of the lower leg and foot;
  • feeling of heaviness;
  • an increase in legs in length and width;
  • acute pain when pressing the middle of the foot;
  • the appearance of corns.

The course of flat-footed therapy includes the use of drugs and therapeutic exercises, with the help of which the muscles of the legs are strengthened, the gait is restored, the foot is adjusted. A set of exercises is prescribed by an orthopedic surgeon. He also gives recommendations on the right choice of orthopedic shoes and insoles.

Physical therapy should be carried out regularly several times a day. It includes the following exercises:

  • walking on toes;
  • heel walking;
  • lunge forward;
  • finger flexion and extension;
  • raising the ball in feet.
  • walking on uneven surfaces;
  • raising legs.

After medical gymnastics, it is useful to conduct self-massage. It will help relieve muscle fatigue, improve the metabolic process and blood circulation. Massages can be done with your hands or use rubber mats and rollers. The massage course should include at least 12 sessions. Massage is contraindicated for people with skin diseases or problems with blood vessels.

Of the external agents for treating flat feet, ointments, Ibuprofen and their analogues are often used. The ointment should be rubbed until completely absorbed 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 14 days.

One of the popular remedies is Shark fat ointment and a golden mustache. It contains many plant components with beneficial properties. Among them:

  • fir oil;
  • propolis;
  • camphor;
  • golden mustache;
  • shark oil.

Note! Use the ointment 2 times a day. After each procedure, it is recommended to wear woolen socks.

How to treat heel pain on the side?

If the heel hurts on the side, this may signal the presence of one of the diseases:

  • tendon inflammation.

Also, pain from the side can cause foot injuries. To eliminate them, you can use traditional medicine. In acute pain, garlic is helpful. Grind it and put the resulting slurry on the affected area. Secure with a bandage for several hours.

A contrast shower will help get rid of pain. It is enough to douse limbs with warm water, then cold. It is effective to use an ice cube in therapy. It is enough to attach it to the heel for a few minutes.

A common alternative treatment for severe heel pain is a mixture of raw chicken. It should be lowered into vinegar, diluted with water for 1 week. After the time has passed, remove the film, grind and add 30 g of butter. Apply the mixture to the foot.

Effectively use a radish compress against heel pain. To prepare it, use a grater to grind the radish, put the pulp on the bandage and attach to the foot. The course of treatment is 3-5 days until the pain syndrome completely disappears.

No less popular folk remedy for treating pain in an adult patient or in a child is potatoes. You should chop a small potato, cook it and cool. Next, you need to mash the potatoes to a puree condition and add lugol. The resulting mixture must be laid out in a basin and keep a leg on it until the product has cooled completely. After the procedure, wipe the foot and put on socks.

One of the effective folk remedies is the use of cabbage. You should take the sheets and rinse them under hot water, then chop, apply 40 g of natural and a couple drops of vinegar, mix thoroughly and apply the mixture to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe foot.

What to do with a bruised heel?

Immediately after the injury, an ice pack should be applied to the heel and an anesthetic should be taken. You can use diclofenac, indomethacin or. It is advisable to perform cold compresses on the first day and before removing the edema, reducing pain in the heel.

If there are wounds in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bruise, then an antiseptic agent must be used. It can be iodine or hydrogen peroxide. A sterile dressing should be applied on top. In the presence of open injuries, it is strictly forbidden to use local painkillers, since you can bring an additional infection into the skin of the foot.

Reactive Arthritis Treatment

The course of therapy for reactive arthritis includes the use of anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • Naproxen;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Ketoprofen and others.

With this disease, antibiotics are indispensable. They eliminate the remnants of the infection in the patient's body. Often prescribed such drugs:

  • Spiramycin;
  • Tetracycline;
  • Rondomycin and others.

To stop pain in the joints and calcaneal region, immunosuppressants are used. The most common are Plaquenil, Delagil and Azathioprine.

Menovazin ointment will help reduce pain, eliminate swelling and inflammation. A few days after the removal of the tumor, the patient can use locally irritating ointments. These include Viprosal, Finalgon and Nikoflex.

Pain in the heel brings a lot of inconvenience, because a person needs to walk every day, and the disease negatively affects the quality of life. A similar pathology often appears in people of advanced years, athletes, women during the bearing of a child. To overcome the disease, you need to figure out what can happen if the heel hurts, what are the ways to solve the problem.

The main causes of heel pain

If the heel hurts, this may indicate various factors:

  1. A reason that is not related to any ailment.
  2. Pathologies with direct damage to the structures of the foot.
  3. Diseases that affect the osteoarticular structure.
  4. Injury

Why the heels of the legs hurt:

  • Toe of improperly selected shoes, the presence of a heel above the norm, a thin sole, a pressed heel lead to a violation of the natural distribution of pressure, which leads to congestion of individual sections of the sole.
  • Increased activity. With the usual sitting day, a person who will spend the day actively, may be faced with the fact that at the end of the day on his feet. The reason, in the formed fat under the skin on the surface of the sole, is very thin for such onslaught.
  • Disability associated with standing work. A large load on the lower extremities leads to their congestion, because the heel begins to hurt in a person.
  • The formation of corns and corns resulting from improper care or due to the development of plantar psoriasis. What can cause the heel to hurt? A bubble forms, which during movement can hurt, and thickened skin can burst under pressure, forming.

When heel pain appears, the causes may indicate atrophy of the subcutaneous adipose tissue. There is pain in the heel due to sudden weight loss or an increase in daily employment along with exercise. In addition, when suddenly, a sharp increase in body weight occurs, stable obesity is observed in a short time, this leads to heel pain.

If the heel is sick and does not stop hurting, then you need to contact a doctor. The doctor will determine a possible factor, what it can be and how to get rid of this problem.

Why does the heel on the left leg hurt?

The life rhythm of modern man forces a large amount of time to be on his feet. The heel is able to tolerate a lot of pressure, and with a long stay on the lower extremities, the onset increases, and it begins to hurt.

It is noticed that often people develop pain in the left heel. This is due to the fact that the correspondence of the body and limbs is not absolute. In the course of evolutionary change, the right leg and arm became dominant, control over which was taken by the dominant left hemisphere of the human brain.

Right-handed people have a developed limb on the right. The muscle mass on the right leg is more developed. A rapid decrease in activity is observed on a weak limb, often it is a limb on the left. Pressure creates uncomfortable sensations, so the left heel starts to hurt.

From what pain is felt in the heel of the left leg and the right heel hurts:

  • With prolonged walking, staying on the legs, the left heel may hurt.
  • Compliance with dietary nutrition, increased physical activity leads to a decrease in subcutaneous adipose tissue, which negatively affects depreciation and the left heel begins to hurt.
  • A rapid increase in body weight.
  • Walking in just bought or, with a cramped block, as a result of which muscles are tensed and compressed.

When the left heel continues to hurt for a long time, the reasons can be much more serious. Perhaps the occurrence of any painful process.
  The pathological manifestation of the pain syndrome can be recognized in the presence of the first symptoms that manifest:

  • The pain is aching, the heel can stab, hurt, bake. All feet are also baked, or on the side of the foot.
  • When moving is impossible to come, the pain syndrome intensifies.
  • The left heel turns red, swells.
  • When burning pains in the legs on one side increase in the evenings and in the morning, this indicates signs of arthritis, gout.
  • If the heel seems to be pulsating, this manifestation of the pain syndrome is characterized by a symptom of injury.

Regardless of the fact that when supporting the left leg withstands strong pressure, the integrity of the bone can be broken. This happens due to:

  • Physical onslaught
  • The wrong diet
  • Injuries to the thigh joints, feet and surrounding tissue
  • Inflammatory processes

If the heel is deformed, it does not leave without a trace. Pain begins to appear in the spine and other joints. It can hurt in the hip joint in the left leg from the hip due to damage to tendons, joints, infections, injuries.

In the absence of therapy for soreness in the limbs, the heel of the left leg will cause severe discomfort, and there will be restrictions in motor occupation.

Heel pain in women

Often, the heels of women begin to hurt when walking in high heels throughout the day, a long stay on their feet, wrong shoes. In addition, they will be sick when performing prolonged physical exercises.

  Heel pain in women

Such actions indicate the presence of ailments associated with joints and spine. The heel can often hurt in the presence of varicose veins.

On impact, it is possible that small cracks appear in the bone of the foot. Pain syndrome is characteristic. In the lower zone of the foot there is a long flap connecting the toes. When this area becomes inflamed, the girls develop heel pain when bending, if you pull your toes towards you.
  Heels of women are also able to hurt during pregnancy. Soreness is such that it is unrealistic to walk. The heel becomes stone, severe pain is felt.

When the heels hurt during pregnancy, most women experience the syndrome around the evening, towards the end of the day. Others report soreness. The heel stops hurting when it diverges a little, but discomfort may appear again in the evening.

The main reason that heels hurt during pregnancy is a deviation in the center of gravity. In addition, frequent complaints are received if a woman moves from high heel to heel much lower. In this case, the heel will begin to hurt due to weight recombination.

Of course, heels hurt during pregnancy, also because of overweight. Wearing a heavy burden is difficult, and the greatest pressure is actually on this area of \u200b\u200bthe limb. Probable factors why the heel can hurt are swelling. It is important to control that the body does not accumulate fluid.

Why do heels hurt after childbirth:

  1. During the period of birth, when the baby leaves the birth canal,
      there is a stretching of the spine, pelvic floor muscles, pubic ligaments
      joints. As a result, the lower back hurts, after which the heel starts to hurt.
      A woman in labor feels a pulling pain and weakness in her legs.
  2. The heel can hurt, indicating varicose veins. During pregnancy increased
      the volume of blood and the onslaught of the growing uterus affected the veins. They are
      lengthened and expanded. Reverse vascular blood valves do not
      coped, it became a factor in her stagnation in the legs.
  3. The heel is overloaded when carrying a child. Excess 15 kg that a woman
      transferred on legs, are shown in a negative way after the birth of the child.

Possible pathologies associated with heel pain

Heel pain leads to an unbearable discomfort. This does not allow the patient to move normally, and severe enough pain immobilizes. When the causes of heel disease are identified, a fight is carried out with signs of the syndrome in this area. Since the heel can be sick due to various diseases, the symptoms of the disease will differ.

It is also important when the heel hurts for a long period of time, immediately consult a doctor to determine a specific pathology and prescribe the necessary treatment.

What diseases provoke pain:

  • Bursitis
  • Heel spur
  • Injury bruises
  • Osteomyelitis
  • Infectious ailments
  • Arthritis
  • Epiphysitis
  • Gout
  • Other

Injury bruises

The ailment proceeds with the following symptoms:

  • Joints will hurt
  • Conjunctivitis appears
  • There will be a pain symptom in the lower abdomen

The causes of reactive arthritis include:

  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea
  • Salmonellosis
  • Dysentery

The heel can hurt both with the onslaught and in a calm stay.

Malignant tumors

At the stage of development of pathology, the heel is able to hurt slightly. During the development of the disease, pain discomfort in this area increases, edema of a soft or dense structure forms, it depends on the type of tumor formation. Above the edematous site, you can often notice a network of dilated blood vessels.

In addition, there are signs of cancer intoxication:

  1. Weight loss
  2. Anemia
  3. Exhaustion

When tumor growth progresses, perhaps the development of pathological fractures of the heel bone.

More often, rapid growth of tumors on the heel is observed in childhood, a slow increase occurs in adult patients.

Infectious diseases

Certain infections of intestinal origin (salmonellosis, yersiniosis), urogenital (chlamydia, gonorrhea) can have a hidden form and can often lead to the formation of reactive arthritis.

Pain on the heel develops as with pressure, and in a calm position, in the middle of the night. It is the heel that can hurt the most.

In addition, with the reactive form of heel arthritis, inflammatory phenomena diverge to different joints, eyes. It may begin to hurt in the genital area.

How to get rid of heel pain

If the heels are sore, this indicates a symptom of a disease state or underlying disease. Based on this, a treatment method is selected. However, initially the patient should adhere to a number of general rules.

What to do if the heel hurts:

  1. Leave more time to rest, do not stay long on their feet.
  2. Do not wear low-quality shoes, high heels or no heels at all, otherwise the heel will hurt.
  3. If there is a problem with excess body weight, reduce it.
  4. Apply arch support, wear shoes c.
  5. Perform for the legs.

How to treat heel pain if it is not related to injury? Often, conservative methods of therapy get rid of pathology. When pain is a consequence of the main pathology, the emphasis is on its cure. However, based on the disease, the therapy is different.

How to cure heels:

  • When the heel begins to hurt when it is affected by a urogenital infection, antibacterial drugs are prescribed to eliminate microorganisms.
  • The rheumatoid form of arthritis is treated with non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs or corticosteroids.
  • Tuberculosis is treated with antibacterial drugs, synthetic anti-tuberculosis drugs.

If your heel hurts, what to do:

  • Nonsteroidal drugs are prescribed - Diclofenac, Nimesulide.
  • Extra-articular is performed if non-narcotic analgesics are ineffective.
  • Physiotherapy Procedures
  • Taping
  • You can do gymnastics
  • Lotion on the heel, Novocain, Acetylsalicylic acid.
  • Massaging the legs will help

For certain diseases, orthoses and tires are often prescribed. If there is a fracture of the calcaneus, a gypsum splint is applied to the limb for 3-8 weeks.


If for a long time the pain in the heel does not subside - this serves as the basis for an appointment with your doctor.

  Sign up for an appointment with the doctor

The therapist, based on the patient's complaints, the results of the examination, will determine why the heels of the legs hurt and how to treat, after prescribing diagnostic measures to confirm the diagnosis.

If necessary, the patient will be sent for an additional examination to a rheumatologist, traumatologist, TB specialist, surgeon, neurologist.

Laboratory diagnostics may include:

  • To identify the rheumatoid form of arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, gout, a general, biochemical blood test is prescribed. Microbiological studies, which may include scraping from the urethra on chlamydia, if reactive arthritis is suspected.
  • An x-ray will show specific disorders that are inherent in a particular disease.
  • Research on tumor markers, if there is a suspicion of a poor education.
  • Puncture biopsy of the heel is indicated with the possible presence of osteomyelitis, bone tuberculosis.
  • Ultrasound examination and magnetic resonance imaging will help to identify neoplasms.

After carrying out diagnostic measures, the doctor will consider possible methods of treating the heel in each specific situation. Heel treatment will be aimed at eliminating the main ailment.

First aid

First aid for pain in the heel includes a series of events:

  1. When tormented by intolerable, aching pains, it is recommended to apply pieces of ice to the heel. This procedure can be performed with.
  2. Get rid of pain in the heel.
  3. After prolonged walking in heels, relieve foot fatigue will help with your hands or using massage balls.
  4. After carrying out the manipulations, the limb should be at rest.
  5. To fix the joint and muscles applied.
  6. If the heel is unbearably painful, you can use drugs with an analgesic effect - Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, or non-steroidal drugs.
  7. Allowed to relieve inflammation - Butadion, Fastum gel.

Drug treatment

In order for the consequences to be less severe, and the pain quickly go away, you must go to the doctor without fail.

  • In the case, it is treated by applying a cold lotion immediately after an impact. This will narrow the blood vessels, prevent strong blood flow in the tissues. A warm compress is carried out for 3-1 days. It accelerates blood, the heel will hurt less. Dressings are recommended to be done along with the use of ointments that help blood circulation - Heparin, Ibuprofen. Troxevasin is also prescribed to relieve edema, pain in the heel area. The lesion site must be lubricated up to 2 times a day.
  • If the heel begins to hurt, this may be an existing spur, it is treated in creams and pills - Flexan, Voltaren. For obvious pain, 2% is required with lidocaine, injected at the point of greatest pain.
  • With gout, the heel is treated with medications that reduce the concentration of uric acid - Milurit, Tiopurinol. Thanks to these drugs, she will stop getting sick.
      The heel will cease to hurt with angiopathy of blood vessels if you take medications that regulate the permeability of the walls and help stabilize the metabolism - Nicotinic acid, Actovegin, Vitamin E.
  • Infectious diseases are eliminated with the help of antibacterial drugs, which are aimed at combating the microorganisms that caused the disease.
      Heel in inflammatory diseases can be treated with drugs that eliminate the inflammatory process, massage, therapeutic exercises.
  • Osteochondropathy involves the use of a special splint with stirrups. In addition, physiotherapy, warming compresses, warm baths, ozokerite applications are needed. Do not do without funds, and pain, creams.
  • Therapy of the Achilles tendon, when the heel will hurt, begins with the exclusion of loads on the affected leg. This will reduce inflammation. Initially prescribed painkillers - Analgin, anti-inflammatory drugs - Naklofen, Nimesil. If necessary, then prescribe antibiotics, ointments - Voltaren, Solcoseryl. That the heel ceased to hurt, at night from Novokain, Dimeksid and Analgin.
  • If there is dry corn, you can use that corrode it, or a solution of lactic acid - Kelomak, and the heel will not hurt much.
      In the case of trophic disorders, so that the heel ceases to hurt, they are treated with drugs that improve blood rheology and enhance blood flow - Tivortin, Actovegin.
  • For the treatment of osteoporosis, so that the heel ceases to hurt, as well as provide bone growth, prescribe drugs containing fluoride - Ossin, Corereron. Of the universal remedies emit - Bivalos, Calcitriol, Alfacalcidol. Monopreparations - chloride lactate, calcium glycerophosphate.
  • For all types of pain, massage, physiotherapy exercises and the use of insoles in shoes with orthopedic function are necessary.

A preventive treatment procedure is important for almost all pathologies, if the heel starts to hurt - weight loss and wearing comfortable shoes.


  The use of compresses

If there is pain on the heel, compresses are used.

  1. An ice lotion helps a lot, it will eliminate inflammation.
  2. Buy badger fat in a pharmacy. The heel is treated with a lotion placed at night.
  3. Use. For a compress on the heel, the preparation with water should be diluted in equal volumes, moistened with a bandage in the product and fixed in a sore spot. From above the heel is covered by a package and the woolen sock is put on. Take the lotion for 30 minutes.
  4. To relieve discomfort, if the heel starts to hurt, you can use such a compress. Grind 2 aspirin tablets and pour them with a large spoon of iodine. Stir, put a bandage on the foot, the heel is covered with a film and put on a toe. Manipulate for several days in a row 3 times a day.

Prevention of heel pain

To minimize another inflammation of the heel, it is recommended to adhere to a number of rules:

  1. The exception to long stays.
  2. Elimination of excess mass, if any.
  3. Sock.
  4. Do leg exercises.
  5. Wear quality, comfortable shoes.
  6. Do not wear very high heels. Permissible height is up to 4 cm. Shoes without heels are also unacceptable, otherwise the heel will hurt.
  7. Eliminate long loads on the foot during physical activity.
  8. Massage the legs so that the heel stops hurting.
  9. Prevent, do on time

  When the heel starts to hurt, this can bring a lot of discomfort, therefore, in the presence of minor manifestations, you do not need to delay the trip to the specialist. With the timely diagnosis and the appointment of the required cure, they will eliminate the problem in a short time. It is important to carry out prophylaxis to prevent the onset of the disease.

Pain in the heel is a rather unpleasant problem, because it affects not only the well-being of a person, but also the quality of his life, his performance. In this case, the reasons for which such pains can occur can be very different - from physiological disorders to wearing uncomfortable low-quality shoes, from inflammation of the tendon tissue as a result of rheumatoid arthritis to injury.

Causes of heel pain and treatment options

A heel can hurt for a number of reasons. Firstly, pain in this zone is provoked by fasciitis of the sole, which develops if a person exposes the foot to overloads, if he wears shoes without heels or with too low heels. It happens that fasciitis of the sole develops with a sharp increase in the load on the legs, especially the human foot. Fasciitis is characterized by the development of fascia, that is, dense formations of connective tissue on the sole passing from the heads of the metatarsal bone to the calcaneus. Usually, a specialist determines inflammation during examination, usually in the place where the fascia joins the heel of the heel.

A very common cause of pain is, that is, inflammation of the fascia of the sole, in which calcium salts accumulate, why, as a result, a bone growth forms, which is considered to be a heel spur. Here the pains are most severe in the morning, as soon as a person rises and steps on his feet after sleep. During the day, the pain subsides, but if you give the legs a little rest, and then again stand on their feet, then the pain resumes. Heel spikes can prick the muscles of the foot.

In addition to the above, soreness can occur for several reasons: due to a violation of the bags and the Achilles tendon, as well as its inflammation. The cause in this case can be recognized by the fact that the pain is usually localized on the back of the heel above the leg. If the tendon on the sole is damaged, the pain is localized on the sole in the area of \u200b\u200bthe heel.

Often unpleasant sensations accompany traumatic injuries, tears and strains of the tendon. Especially such sensations are accompanied by bruises of the calcaneus, when the inflammation is accompanied by adjacent tissues. In this case, the pain is burning, severe, worse onset.

Infectious diseases, including those such as gonorrhea or chlamydia, can also cause inflammation of the heel tendon, especially if the infectious diseases are hidden. In this case, painful sensations appear not only at the time of walking, but also at rest, especially during a night's sleep. It is necessary to treat any of such ailments.

If soreness is a manifestation of arthritis of the heel tendons, then inflammation extends not only to the heel, but also to the eyes, joints, and even to the genitals. Unfortunately, these symptoms are nonspecific; they are just as characteristic of other inflammatory diseases as they are of infectious ones.

Persistent pain can be a concomitant symptom for a number of joint chronic diseases such as psoriatic arthritis, or ankylosing spondylitis. Gout most often occurs in people who are intemperate in matters of alcohol and nutrition, abusing meat products in the diet.

Other diseases also have a number of specific symptoms, but laboratory tests will need to be done to diagnose them.

In case the pains in the left or right heel become regular and cause obvious discomfort, you should consult a traumatologist and rheumatologist to determine the causes. For pain in the morning, regular, as well as for sharp pain, presumably in the heel bone, in the tendons and foot, you should consult a doctor immediately.

There are many recipes for traditional medicine that can relieve pain at home, but only temporarily. So, folk wisdom recommends that when calcaneal spurs lower their feet into hot mashed potatoes and hold until the potatoes have cooled. After that, warm socks should be put on the patient’s feet and go to bed. In addition, traditional medicine recommends as a remedy for heel pain a special cake, which consists of honey and oatmeal, which must be mixed to make a cake. Before you attach the cake to the heels, you need to steam your legs, and then, having previously wiped dry the inside and outside of the foot, you should attach the cake to your leg and fasten it with a bandage on the side. It is important to insulate the feet with foil and warm socks, and then leave them on their feet for as long as possible. Typically, the course of treatment includes ten such procedures.

Conservative treatment of heel spurs, as a rule, involves the removal of inflammation, if there is no indication for surgery. In the early stages, surgery is not required - a number of preventive measures can be taken to help relieve pain and avoid relapse. First of all, you should get rid of uncomfortable shoes and shoes with too high heels, which can aggravate the pain.