How to strengthen the nervous system? Master Class. How to strengthen the nervous system, restore the psyche and calm the nerves: vitamins and technicians

Once it seemed to us that we were not nerves, and the ropes, and we were all nipple. We slept a little, because at night it worked better, smoked a lot, rarely remembered the rest, and the accumulated tension was removed alcohol.

Over time, everything has changed: the dream disappeared, worsened, we became irritable and aggressive. "Nerves not to hell," we justify.

Just like in a joke: a man is sitting in the bar, drinks beer, how suddenly some guy runs and shouts with a tremendous voice: "Lech, there your wife has a bag stole, while you are sitting here!". A man breaks away from the spot, runs to the street - and with the go hits the car. He woke up in resuscitation, lies and thinks: "Nerves are not to hell! I'm not lech, and Vasya, and my wife did not have a better way. "

The surrounding, too, as if they were talking: it seems to us that they are looking for a reason for us. In addition to small trouble, from time to time we are experiencing serious, but how to resist them, we do not know. And here our steel once the nerves are similar to the bare electric wires, we explode, shout and arrange hysteries about and without reason. We look close to us with caustic and try not to disturb once again so as not to get under distribution. But first of all we suffer from ourselves. After all, according to doctors, "all diseases from nerves".

"I don't need to do nerves, there are someone to spoil," they say Odessa.

Do nervous cells restored?

For the first time that nerve cells are not restored, in 1928, the authoritative Spanish scientist Santiago Ramon-I-Kahul said. And the opinion that neurons are formed exclusively in the embryonic period of human development, and after birth only spent, it was up to the 60s of the last century. The phrase "nerve cells is not restored" quite recently was very popular. Many people in the old man continue to assert it and now.

The conviction that neurons are destroyed, and the fear that their stock can run out, served and good service: people tried once again not nervous, because I did not want to become a neurasthen in the near future.

And in 1962, the experimental means it was proved that neurogenesis - the formation of new nerve cells successfully occurs in the brain of adult animals. And in 1998, scientists found that the nervous cells in the human brain also have the ability to recover.

Another good news: Modern German neurobiologist Hüter argues that the restoration of neurons occurs at any age, both in young and in the senile. The rate of appearance of new nerve cells can reach 700 neurons per day. Only a 70-year-old man happens 4 times more slowly than 20 years old.

Among the main enemies who destroy the nervous cells ,. Stresses not only destroy the available cells - they suppress the ability to regenerate. Some some chemicals and high radiation doses.

The Canadian colleagues of Huther examined the long-life nuns on a magnetic resonance tomograph and found that their brain works fine, and they have no manifestations of eldest. Scientists concluded that the formation of new nerve cells and improving conductivity nerve impulses The lifestyle and positive thinking of the nuns were promoted: their active position and the desire to change the world for the better.

Hüger himself concluded that a benevolent attitude to the neurogenesis was a benevolent attitude towards people, an understanding - at least their own, the ability to organize their lives, the ability, the taste for life, the incredit desire to learn and know the new one. And, in his opinion, nothing stimulates the formation of neurons as the solution found.

How to strengthen nerves

1. Fuck out

For the nervous system you need strong. To say easily, but what to do if he is not sweet and serene, as in childhood, and heavy and intermittent? And most importantly, falling asleep becomes a problem. It is not allowed to make restless thoughts, as a zanozoze, falling in the head. The body is not relaxed, but intense, like a string. And only in the morning finally manage to fall asleep, but it's time to get up. And so every day.

To fall asleep, some people start taking melatonin - Sleep hormone. But he or does not help them at all, or it helps weakly. The fact is that the human body produces it enough. Melatonin begins to be produced at twilight, reaches a maximum from 12 nights to 4 am, and with dawn its level in the blood drops. Melatonin deficiency may experience residents of the northern regions during the White Nights, "Owls" people working at night, or those who sleep during light or with the TV on. For them additional reception Melatonin is an opportunity to get rid of insomnia. Melatonin is harmless and is not addictive.

Many people have a problem with a dream not due to the lack of melatonin, but because of. Psychological stresses, excessive physical exercise, a large amount of drinking beverages containing caffeine, viewing news before bedtime, the seat up to midnight overload the nervous system, which in the end is "smaller".

Experts say that a sharp increase or, on the contrary, the increase in calories also negatively affects mental self-regulation.

You can try to relax with outcasting. Its essence is that we pronounce certain phrases that should calm down anxiety thoughts, relax muscles, remove the nervous tension. Phrases are the following (or similar to them):

  • I feel comfortable and good, I feel easily, my body is relaxed.
  • My right hand Gradually filled with heat.
  • Now my left hand is filled with warmth.
  • Both hands are heavy.
  • Filled with warmth my right leg.
  • Now the heat is filled with my left leg.
  • My legs are heavy.
  • On my body there is a pleasant warmth, the body is heavy.
  • I feel good and calm.

If it does not help in a timely manner of monitors, nor the day of the day nor autotraining (to many difficult to concentrate and convince themselves), you can turn to two more ways to fall asleep.

The first is soothing herbs: Valerian and mother-in-law who take immediately before bedtime. (It is believed that the dyeing is not worth taking men, since it reduces potency.)

Second - these are drugs magnesium. For example, Magne B6. Magnesium relaxes muscle fibers, reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, is the mineral antistress. Vitamin B6, contained in the drug, is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system and the prevention of insomnia. It is important not to forget to take Magna B6 before bedtime. And even better - half an hour before taking the drug magnesium to have a soothing herbal collection.

Facilitates falling asleep I. glycine - Amino acid, which practically does not have contraindications. Glycine reduces psycho-emotional tension, normalizes sleep, improves mood and increases mental performance.

2. Giving food by the mind

The nervous system needs vitamins and minerals, but we do not get them in sufficient quantities. First, because the nutrition of most people is difficult to call balanced. Secondly, due to the problems with the gastrointestinal tract, which are in most adults, vitamins and minerals do not digest from food with the necessary quantity. Therefore, that the body, including the nervous system, function normally, is worth taking them additionally. Pharmacy vitamin preparations Contain prophylactic doses.

What products contribute to the increase in neurogenesis?

Cocoa. It contains theobromin activating. Thanks to it, the memory improves, information processing speed increases.

Spinach and Yagoda, in particular, cherry, black currant, dark grapes. Human brain Pierced by capillaries, over time they wear out, the blood supply to the brain is broken, and irreversible changes occur. The work of the nervous system is also violated. Berries and spinach contain flavonoids that increase elasticity blood vessels and reduced capillar strokes, thus preventing their sclerotic defeat.

Turmeric. Kurkumin, contained in this spice, prevents the destruction of dopamine - the hormone of pleasure, the lack of which leads to depression and anxiety disorders.

Green tea. Catechin contained in it neutralizes toxins that have a destructive effect on nervous cells.

Fish fat. Slows the destruction of nervous cells and improves the brain.

Red meat and poultry meat. Carnosine, which is contained in low-fat meat, acts as an antioxidant: it reduces negative impact free radicals strengthens cell membranes, increases mental performance and improves memory. Carnosine is used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

Ginkgo. Extract from fruits and leaves of this tree is used to treat violations brain circulationIt has a vasodilatory effect and improves the supply of brain with oxygen.

Our brain, and therefore nervous cells, loves products containing phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, iodine. Therefore, in our diet there should be fish, eggs, bananas, strawberries, tomatoes, nuts, dairy products and greens.

3. To run away from neurosis

It turns out that positive influence On the formation of new nervous cells and physical exertion as a whole. According to numerous studies, they are the strongest and sureless way to speed up neurogenesis and improve mental abilities.

American scientists who studying this issue concluded that the running stimulates not only neurogenesis, but also angiogenesis - the process of forming new blood vessels in the cerebral tissue, due to which the volume of cerebral tissue is preserved, which in people leading a sedentary lifestyle, decreases with age .

Thus, run is an excellent way to improve the brain. Scientists believe that in the treatment of neurosis and depression physical exercises In the fresh air, including the jogging, are effective no less antidepressants.

4. Take soothing herbal and salt baths

They are recommended to take two - three times a week for 15-25 minutes an hour before meals or 2 hours after it. For a soothing bath, 300 g of salt are taken, dissolve it in hot waterAnd then poured into a bath with warm water. You can also add a decoction of soothing herbs. Charges are sold in a pharmacy. If there is no desire to mess around with decoctions, add a few drops in the bath aromatic oilssoothing the nervous system. It is a grapefruit, jasmine oil, carnations, bergamot, sandalwood, patchouli.

(Before making a salt bath, you should ask about the absence of contraindications.)

5. Treat the life of philosophically

Our nervous system is not a bottomless well, from which we can endlessly draw energy without letting themselves to fill it up, recover. With thoughtless attitude to her, she is depleted and occurs syndrome emotional burnout. Austrian psychotherapist Alfrid Prangle called the emotional burnout "ashes after the fireworks." Its result is irritability, sleep disorder, increased anxiety, neurosis, depression.

The prevention of emotional burnout syndrome is to unload the nervous system: we put, do not make an overwhelmed requirements, do not take all responsibility, and try to share the powers with others. Do not forget to relax physically: we turn off the phone, we leave for nature and at least for the weekend they forget about abrashers and cealings.

Neuros suffer from people whose attention is focused exclusively on. They, like a sponge, absorb bad news, and life seems to them a series of trouble and dangers. They live in a permanent waiting for misfortune. It is not surprising that their nerves are loosened.

It is necessary to understand: most of the proposed misfortunes will not happen. We are a hundred times dying from the troubles, which may never happen. And if any of them happens, we will survive them only once. Suffering many times, we are engaged in masochism. Therefore, we will solve problems as they arrive.

How to strengthen the nervous system should know everyone, because none of us is insured from. Overwork, chronic lack of sleep, stress, bad ecology is one of the most important and important factors, negatively affecting our psyche and nerve. When "nerves not to hell", I don't want anything, only one desire remains to restore the nerves to returned the thrust for life, and a positive world perception has been set up. That is why your favorite site useful Soviets The site will tell you today on how to restore the nervous system.

How to strengthen the nervous system at home

Most. best way Recovery is rest. Of course, the ideal option is to go on vacation in warm countries to the sea. The sea air, the noise of the surf, clean air and the affectionate sun positively affect the psycho-emotional human health. Therefore, we always return after holidays with full strength and energy. If it is not possible to get so long and far away, but you need to give a breather, go to the cottage or just on long walk On the nature on your day off. Beautiful nature, greens and birds singing away from the city bustle will help you to recover and gain strength. Colorful and tender flowers will help restore nerves, delivery of inexpensive colors in Moscow is a great way to raise yourself a mood and make a pleasant near man.

You must understand and remember that restoring the nervous system without full sleep will not work. For the body, there is enough 8-hour sleep daily, but you should not deprive yourself of precious hours of rest under any circumstances. In chronic lack of sleep, the person worsens the memory, nervousness increases, immunity decreases, and there are processes premature aging brain.

Restore the nerve will help properly balanced nutrition. It is especially important for women. In your diet, fresh seasonal vegetables, fruits and berries, with the help of which the body will draw useful vitamins and minerals. For mental health and feelings of calm, consumption of seafood, since sea \u200b\u200bfish rich in indispensable polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3. In addition to seafood, this substance is contained in olive and linen oil, and in some quantities and in fruits and vegetables. Do not limit the consumption of meat products, protein is important for solid emotional human health. Prefer chicken meat, turkey meat, and beef.

Try to rest on time, fully eat, get rid of bad habits, and then your nerves will be in perfect order.

Folk remedies

The recipes below have proven themselves as folk remedies To strengthen the nerves.

Composition 1.

Mix 100 grams of AIR root with the same number of cowboy colors and 100 mint grams. With the help of a coffee grinder, grind herbs to the state of shallow flour. Two tablespoons herbal collection Fill with two glasses of boiling water. It is advisable to cook the decoction in the evening in the thermos, and then insisted all night, in the morning the tool will be ready for use. In the morning, the infusion is resurrected and take it half a compartment four times a day on an empty stomach.

Composition 2.

Two tablespoons of the golden grass in the thermos are filled with two glasses of boiling water. Also, give the brave before the morning, in the morning, strain and take four times a day on an empty stomach.

Composition 3.

In the period when the honeysuckle begins to bloom, make some branches for strengthening the nervous system. On a coffee grinder or blender grind the branches to the state of flour. Fill one teaspoon of chopped branches of a glass of boiling water, tapping the decoction on slow heat for five minutes. Remove from the fire and strain. A decoction from the honeysuckle take on a tablespoon three times a day.

Strengthening the nerves of a teenager

Often, children have increased nervousness due to lack of vitamins and minerals of a certain group. So children are most susceptible to nervous exhaustion when the lack of calcium is felt in their organism. With a lack of calcium, the child becomes more irritable, nervous and restless. Of course, you can give a child a vitamin complex, which includes calcium, but also no need to forget about full nutrition. Daily diet must include dairy products.

Rapid fatigue and excessive excitation in children contribute to the lack of vitamins of group V. To improve the child's attention, increase its performance and strengthen the nerves, it is necessary to include in the menu teenage products with high content Vitamins of Group V. These are such products like meat, seafood, beans and dairy products.

Remember that the child will quickly get fat and will be inattentive during the day, if he did not have a satisfying and nutritious breakfast. Do not forget the handful of nuts in the mornings in the morning, to strengthen the nerves. But dinner must be lighter, and the evening meal should be held no later than three hours before sleep so that the child does not go to bed on a full stomach, otherwise you can not be any full-fledged vacation at night and speech.

It will not help so well to strengthen the child's cliffs as rest and entertainment. More often with a child in the air, make family outlets to nature, where you can play moving games. On vacation, the child should relax, do not overload it with tasks, if you see that he is tired. Follow the fact that your offspring did not spend a lot of time at the computer for the games. Computer battles strongly overload the children's brain and psyche, which does not contribute to strengthening the nervous system. And only such a comprehensive approach (full-fledged balancing food, reception vitamin complex And a full-fledged holiday) will help strengthen the nervous system of your Chad.

The nervous system is a complex network controlling all actions. human body: Breathing, digestion, movement, temperature, etc. Problems with the nervous system may occur due to violation of blood circulation, the functions of nerves, injuries, effects of toxic substances, lack of vitamins.

Moreover, chronic stress increases the activity of the sympathetic nervous system and negatively affects the operation of the autonomous nervous system. This leads to hyperactivity, excessive load for the heart and vessels, muscle tension and other problems. So that this does not happen, you need not only to know how to strengthen the nervous system, but also to continue to do it.

How violations of the nervous system affect our life

Walking barefoot is a pleasant and useful occupation for the nervous system. Walking barefoot on the ground, soft grass, sand or pebbles on the beach is very helpful. The study published in 2012 showed that half an hour barefoot for a day allow:

  • improve blood viscosity;
  • stabilize heart rate;
  • suppress inflammation;
  • reduce cortisol levels;
  • improve sleep quality.

The sun rays help the nervous system, since vitamin D is produced under their influence. The lack of "solar" vitamin is associated with the increased risk of the central nervous system, in particular, schizophrenia and multiple sclerosis.

Walking barefoot, sun walk, exercises, meditation, yoga and relaxing baths - excellent ways to strengthen the nervous system.

To raise the level of vitamin D, walk daily on the sun for 10 to 15 minutes, and eat seafood, eggs and milk.

Yoga and Meditation - best friends nervous system. Daily yoga classes and / or meditation helps strengthen the peripheral nervous system, increase protective forces organism, as well as improve the mood and the physical state organism. Especially useful for the nervous system are the following asans:

  • pose of inverted staff;
  • handstand;
  • pose of the bridge;
  • rack on the blades;
  • slope to the legs sitting;
  • pose of a bent candle;
  • pose of the corpse.

Regular exercises allow you to strengthen the nervous system and improve the condition of almost every organism system. Walking, Ben, swimming, cycling - any activity will benefit the nervous system. However, when choosing exercises is also important to take into account the presence of possible contraindications and competently select the level of loads.

Remove the tension after a hard day will allow a bath with an English (epsosk) salt. Such a procedure is useful for nerves and muscles, and also has a detox effect. To prepare such a bath, just add 1 cup of English salt in warm water And stir good well.

Products helping to strengthen the nervous system

Magnesium is an important mineral for the health of the nervous system, the lack of which suppresses some neutromeators needed to transmit signals between nerve cells. Magnesium is also needed to generate serotonin, which relaxes the nervous system and improves the mood. Therefore, be sure to include products rich in magnesium in the diet.

For the health of the nervous system, it is necessary to use food rich in vitamins, and it is good for the removal of stress chamomile tea.

Green tea and decoction of daisies are two stunning drink, which will have a positive effect on the state of the nervous system. Take care that these two drinks are always at your hand, because:

  1. The amino acid L-Theenan in green tea helps to increase the level of dopamine and serotonin, which helps to improve the mood and removal of stress. Caffeine allows you to improve concentration, focus, and antioxidants reduce the risk of developing a number of diseases, including neurological.
  2. Chamomile has proven itself as soothingBecause chamomile tea recommended drinking with insomnia, irritability, stress.

To better cope with stress and reduce the risk of developing a number of diseases, it is necessary to strengthen the nervous system. In addition to the above methods, the site recommends abandoning bad habits, drink plenty of liquid, do not abuse caffeine, more often enjoy your favorite hobbies and communicate with friends - so you significantly improve your ability to resist the effects of negative factors.

How to strengthen the nervous system

Control of such actions of the human body as digestion, breathing, movement, support for a certain temperature - all this functions of the nervous system, which is a complex and entertainment network of neurons, renovating the whole body of a person. The emergence of problems with the nervous system is a rather serious reason for concern, since problems in its work occurs most often due to violations of blood circulation, nerve functions, obtaining certain injuries and poisoning to toxins, as well as with a shortage of some vitamins and minerals. In addition, the state of chronic stress negatively affects the operation of the autonomous nervous system, leading to feverish hyperactivity, too high load on the heart and vessels, significantly increases muscle tension in the body. In order to avoid such problems in the future, it is already necessary to know what exactly the nervous system should be strengthened, and also do not forget to apply the knowledge gained in practice.

As you know, even minor changes in the human nervous system will immediately affect the quality of his life. Symptomatics the depleted nervous system is very extensive and depends on which part of it is subject to change and how much, but most often, manifested in the following phenomena:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • frequent headaches (sometimes dizziness);
  • muscle weakness;
  • too active sweating;
  • weakness of memory;
  • a weak ability to concentrate;
  • periodic feeling of pain or numbness in the limbs.

To strengthen its nervous system, as well as for the prevention of these or other, more serious symptoms, A thorough analysis of your lifestyle is needed, adjusting food and household habits. Based on this, we can conclude that to support the health of the nervous system, only two key points play the main role, namely:

  • ability to avoid stress and the opportunity to relax;
  • the conscious choice of those products that contribute to strengthening the nervous system.

What classes are able to strengthen the human nervous system?

1. Deep breathing

Simple but very effective method Removing stress and strengthen the nervous system. Its advantage is also in the fact that it is possible to use it almost anywhere without any preparation, which is important condition For a person and so stress. Perform this technique It is necessary as follows:

  • take a convenient position (still better sitting) and put hands on the stomach (the eyes are better covering);
  • make a slow I. deep breath through the nose;
  • to delay the breath on a couple of minutes, and then slowly exhale all the air through the mouth;
  • continue deep and dimly breathe for 10 minutes.

2. Walking barefoot.

Not only useful, but also a very pleasant and cheerful exercise to strengthen the nervous system. It is useful to walk barefoot on soft, warm earth, grass, forest flooring, sand or pebbles on the beach, along the coastal strip. Related studies conducted in 2012, according to which, only 30 minutes walk barefoot per day allow:

  • reduce the level of cortisol - stress hormone;
  • improve the quality and duration of sleep;
  • suppress inflammation existing in the body, including existing in latent form;
  • improve blood viscosity indicators;
  • cancel the heart rate rate (pulse).

3. Sunbathing

The sun's rays perfectly help the nervous system to cope with stress, since vitamin is produced under their impact in the human body.D. . The deficit of this vitamin increases the likelihood of occurrence. various diseases CNS, therefore, to increase the level of "sunny" vitamin in the body, it is useful to walk under the sun at least for 20 minutes. It also should be included in its diet more seafood, eggs and milk, especially the inhabitants of the northern latitudes, where the sun is shortage.

4. Practice Yoga and Meditation

The daily practice of these techniques strengthens the peripheral nervous system, increases the protective forces of the body, besides, it improves not only the mood, but also the general physical condition of the body. Especially favorable for the nervous system such asans as

  • dog muzzle down;
  • slope to the legs sitting;
  • handstand;
  • rack on the blades;
  • pose of inverted staff;
  • pose of a bent candle;
  • pose of the corpse.

5. Regular exercise

Physical activity effectively strengthens the nervous system, and also beneficially affects almost all organism systems. Especially useful with nervous tension running, walking, swimming, cycling. However, it is worth remembering that every species has its own contraindications, so this choice should be approached with all seriousness.

6. A visit to massage sessions.

Due to the fact that in the process of massage there is a deep relaxation of all major muscle groups, there is also a removal of nervous stress, psychological stress, an emotional equilibrium is restored, and health is also strengthened. Classic massage , in addition to general relaxation, is able to improve efficiency and relieve overall fatigue, and vacuum (Roast) Massage eliminates congestive phenomena in the body, disperses blood and lymphotok, thereby stimulating exchange and recovery processes. Thus, such relaxation and general recovery favorably affects the nervous system, soothing and returning the lost balance.

These are the main and most simple techniques, allowing a person to relax and get out of the state of stress as quickly as possible.

If we talk about the second key moment of strengthening the nervous system - products - it is worth highlighting the following basic essential components:

7. Magnesium

Magnesium deficiency suppresses some neurotransmitters needed to transmit signals between nerve cells, besides, magnesium is needed in the production of serotonin hormone that increases the mood and relaxing the nervous system. Magnesium is rich in beans, peas, buckwheat, apples, sesame, rye bread, bananas, parsley, spinach, figs, smoking, milk.

8. Omega-3 fatty acid

These fatty acids are necessary for the proper functioning of the entire central nervous system, moreover, reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. This element is contained in seafood, sesame, flax, rapeseed oils, in walnuts.

9. Romaista

The safest natural sedative, which can be imagined, helps with insomnia, stress, fear, irritability and increased fatigue. It is even suitable for children, but you should not drink more than 300 ml of branch per day.

In addition to the above methods, to successfully strengthen the nervous system and get rid of stress, it is necessary to get rid of bad habits, try to drink more fluid, minimize caffeine consumption, more often to be in the fresh air, as well as in the company enjoyable people. Thus, causing it for its nervous system and protecting it, you will reduce the manifestations of stress to a minimum, which means that there will remain vigorously for a long time energetic person with a steadily good mood.

You probably heard the expression: "Take care of nervous cells, they are not restored." We will not explain what nerves are. You can learn about it from medical encyclopedia. We will focus with you on diseases (disorders) of the nervous system, because she plays crucial role in the complex organism of a person, as manages all physiological functions and metabolism.

The body's life is impossible without the interaction of numerous functions performed by the relevant authorities. The organs themselves cannot exist and act coordinated, without receiving nerve impulses, which are an initiation and transmission to the distance. The nervous system serves to perceive the external and internal environment and transmitting the response to the executive bodies. From this little entry, you understand how important it is to take care of the nervous system, the disorders of which lead to serious diseases of the whole organism, and rather, a violation of its functions.

Modern life is full of emotional overloads, overvoltage of the nervous system, stress and experiences, and it is not surprising that the overwhelming majority of people complains about the vulnerable nerves. As a result - increased irritability or an exacerbated feeling of anxiety without visible reasons, frequent heads. Of various characters and intensity, unstable mood during the day, insomnia, loss of appetite, reduced performance, neurosis and even nervous breakdowns. How to protect against stress and nervous overwork In our turbulent time? It is difficult to answer this question. Definitely, but the basic measures to strengthen the nervous system are able to adopt anyone who will take care of their health and spiritual comfort of relatives.

Neurosis- a nervous psychological disease associated with violation of the functions of the central nervous system .. different people Nearness is manifested in different ways, although there are general signs, in accordance with which they can be divided into three main groups.

The first group includes neurasthenia - the overall weakening of the nervous system due to strong emotional experiences, injuries or long-lasting troubles, which is manifested in increased excitability and irritability, impulsiveness in behavior, fatigibility, scattered attention, sleep disorders, rapid heartbeat, absence of appetite, loss normal weight.

Treatment is to provide a patient with a full-fledged rest, which must be successfully combined with light physical labor, sports, regular food. Let's not remind that for balanced nutrition The presence of milk and dairy products in the diet is simply necessary. We advise you to treat sleep disorders not by chemicals. For example, medications with the presence of barbiturate acid, although they give results, but as by-effectmay cause depression - especially since most of the medicines are quite strong tolerance. The constant use of these funds is dangerous for your health. There are many recipes that help to establish a sleep based on natural natural remedy - Milk. Here is some of them.

With insomnia, it is recommended to drink two glasses of fresh goat nonpasteurized milk at night. There is a lot before bedtime, so that the stomach is not overloaded. This recipe contributes to setting up sleep. If you do not have the opportunity to get a goat milk - do not be discouraged, you can use the other method. To do this, you need to boil in the Cow Milk Poppy Seeds and drink a cooked decoction instead goat milk. It is desirable that all this is combined with relaxing walks before bedtime, since fresh air contributes to calmness. And also: do not forget to ventilate the room.

If the above method seemed not to be convincing enough for you, you can use another recipe. For this, three times a day - in the morning, at lunch and in bed - overlap the mixture of wheat or rye bread, finely chopped or overgrown saline cucumbers and acidic milk. If the face mask will seem too liquid, add a little clay (preferably white). In addition to establishing good nightThe mask also contributes to the improvement of the skin.

Many people have a rather strong sense of composure. No matter how difficult it has to, they constrain the negative emotions in themselves, without giving them outwards. From the point of view of psychology, such a phenomenon is called "splitting consciousness", which can affect mental health As a few days later, and after a few months. Among other things, containing emotions in yourself, as a rule, leads to insomnia, when a person suffers from unspoken experiences all night.

It is for such cases that there is the next recipe, which is recommended for nervous pains, nerve inflammations, increased excitability, insomnia. In milk, you need to boil fresh pine needles and take a decoction 2 - 3 times a day. Pine needles contain a lot of vitamin C, which has a beneficial effect on the activities of many functions of the body, including the central nervous system.

The mentioned recommendations apply under the other form of neuroses - hysteria, which is characterized by impulsiveness of behavior, increased excitability, egocentricity, increased suggestibility and self-sufficiency. Patients are practically not happening by themselves, constantly work in public, their behavior on the part looks very theatrically. The disease in some cases may be accompanied by vomiting, loss of appetite, constipation and diarrhea, violations of cardio-vascular system, changes in weight, increasing body temperature. The treatment of hysteria is to create for a patient a favorable social situation, configuring on improving. Evaliable assistance can also have the above-mentioned tips for treating dairy products.

Another type of neurosis is obsessive states - This disease arises against the background of depression and is characterized by a meticulous repetition of some thoughts, ideas, concerns, memories. Unlike nonsense, a person is aware of the absurdity of these phenomena, but can not get rid of them, constantly discarding, denying his emotions, thereby exacerbating mental disorder.

As a rule, treatment is carried out with the help of psychotherapy, however folk methods Not contraindicated at all. When treating (depending on the situation), you can use the recipes proposed below.


In a glass of hot milk, put a finely chopped or widespread clove of garlic. Take an empty stomach every day for half an hour before breakfast. Well helps to get rid of many unpleasant sensations, such as dizziness, severe headache, irritability. It helps not only with neurosis caused by strong mental overvoltage, unfavorable social atmospheric, but also with age mental changes (for example, when climax).

Soothing of the nervous system will help another recipe: a mixture of tincture of valerian and milk root in a 1: 1 ratio. Pete the prepared mixture three times a day at half a glass. It is advisable to combine drinking with sessions of psychotherapy.

With lighter forms of the disease, when you are fully controlled. The situation, but you feel that the nerves at the limit, and in experience you know that at any moment the breakdown can begin, postpone all your homework and prepare warmly (necessarily warm, not hot) Bath. Add 2 - 3 cups of milk and calmly lie in the water for 10-15 minutes. Such a bath will remove the tension and calm you. Now you can afford light dinner: Cottage cheese or milk porridge.

Neurosis associated with age-related changes In the body, it is possible to treat not only extremely useful, but also a tasty tool: the juice of forest strawberries mixed in any proportions with milk. This drink is very tasty, and it can be drunk in any quantity. He reassures his psyche well after transferred stress and strong overwork of the body.

Remember that neurosis is the cause of overvoltage, but overvoltage with negative emotions. Smoking and alcohol will only exacerbate the state of your health, although the usual phrase of the type "need to smoke a cigarette, calm down" or "drinking vodka - lights" cause, as a rule, the reverse reaction and man, as a result, only potaks its weaknesses.

Positive emotions in contrast to negative cannot cause neurosis. So try to rejoice more often, stay in a great mood and absorb as much milk as possible!

Treatment of nervous exhaustion

1. Field sage. Excellent remedy for nervous exhaustion, fatigue, hypertension. 6 g of books (3 tbsp. Spoons). This dose is pouring 500 ml of boiling water with sugar. Soaking 15 minutes and drink like tea, before meals. This is a daily dose.

Treatment of nervous excitement

1. Hawthorn.

a) Hawthorn flowers - 3 parts, ethereal grass - 3 parts, grass of dryers - 3 parts, daisy flowers - 1 part. A tablespoon of chopped mixture brew a glass of boiling water, insist 8 hours, strain. Infusion take on half a cup 3 times a day in an hour after eating with heart disease and how calming for nervous excitement.

b) Fruits of hawthorn - 3 parts, hawthorn flowers - 2 parts, Valerian root - 3 parts, Hypericum Grass - 3 parts, yarrow grass - 3 parts. A tablespoon of crushed mixture to brew a glass of boiling water, to insist 5-6 hours, strain. The infusion take 1/4 cup 4 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals.

Help with the disorders of the nervous system - Oats

Sleep disturbance

The most common sleep disorder is insomnia; With her, perhaps everyone is familiar. Manifested by difficulties of falling asleep, intermittent, shallow sleep, not giving a full-fledged rest. How will Oats help?

Several recipes.

500 g. Oat grains rinse cold water, pour 1 liter of water, cook until semi-prepared, strain and take 150-200 ml daily; You can add honey to taste. The remaining grain will not disappear: it can be disordered and used as a side dish.

One tablespoon of oats or cereal grains from the evening is poured with 2 glasses of water. In the morning boils to a complete softening. Drink during the day instead of tea.

The grain or flakes of oats pour water in a ratio of 1: 5, parsing on a slow heat half (to the consistency of liquid jelly). Strain, add honey to the branch to taste and cook for a few more minutes. Ready drink to drink warm in 2-3 receptions during the day.

Reduced total tone

And this condition is well familiar to those whose work is associated with intense psychophysiological loads. Try such a product: 2 tablespoons of oats straw finely cut, pour 1 liter boiling water, boil 1 minute. Let break for 10 minutes. Drink 2 glasses per day in several techniques in large sips.

With the same purpose prepare decoction of oats: 3 cups of oats are washed and poured 3 liters of water. They boil 20 minutes on weak fire, remove, wrap well and leave for a day. You can insist in the thermos. After a day, the decoction is filtered through a dense napkin, add 100 g. Honey, closed tightly with a lid, once again adjusted to a boil and remove. When the decoction cools, overflow it into clean bottles and stored in the refrigerator. Before use, you add fresh lemon juice (to taste). Drink decoction you need small sips per 100 ml per day for half an hour before meals. When the entire volume will be filled, prepare the composition for another 3 times. Ideally, you need to spend such a course 3 times a year: in spring, summer and autumn.

To strengthen the nervous system

The crude grain of oats grind in a coffee grinder, fall asleep into a thermos and pour boiling water at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 glass of boiling water. Insist 12 hours, strain and drink during the day without restrictions.

Oats rinse, dry, crush in a coffee grinder (in a meat grinder). 2 tablespoons pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist in a thermos 3-4 hours. Take 1/2 cup per day.

These means ethnoscience Recommends to improve the work of the heart, lungs, updates of the blood composition, normalization of metabolism. They help with diathesis, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, allergies, diabetes, high blood loss.

Exhaustion of the body

Physical I. nervous exhaustion the body is observed at various serious diseases: diabetes, anemia, exhausting gastrointestinal diseases, heavy infections (tuberculosis, hepatitis, etc.), violation of the function thyroid gland (thyrotoxicosis).

The body will help to successfully recover green oats juice. The above-ground part of the plant collected shortly before flowering is passed through a juicer or meat grinder. Take a half package 2-3 times a day before meals for 2-3 weeks.

A glass of crude oats is moved and washed in cold water several times. Poured 5 glasses cold water. Weld on slow heat up to half of the initial volume, flickering. Add 4 teaspoons of honey and again bring to a boil. The decoction drink warm on 1 cup a day 3 times a 1 hour before meals.

Oatmeal With milk and honey: a glass of oats (or oatmeal) is poured with 5 glasses of boiling water and boil to the consistency of thick jelly. Focusing, pour into the decoction of 2 glasses of milk and again bring to a boil. Add honey to taste. Drink the composition warm in several techniques during the day.

When inflammation, pains in the joints and radiculitis are effective in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the lesions of the neuromuscular system of the bath with decoction of the oats straw. It is necessary to be 1-1.5 kg of fresh straw, it is poured 5 liters of water and dried for half an hour. The finished decoction is added to the bath - so that the water temperature was about 37-38 ° C. Procedures are carried out daily. The usual treatment rate is 15-20 baths.

Bags with warm grain are put on sore places with radiculitis, as well as when sanding sand and stones in bile ducts and ureters.

In the treatment of skin diseases

With severe lesions of the skin (deprive, eczema, diathesis in children) helps the binding of an oats (preparation see above).

When the legs of the legs and the delay of the epidermis (surface layer of the skin) are prescribed medical baths From oat straw with the addition of oak and alder bark.

In diabetes

Prepare infusion of oats at the rate of 100 grains on 3 glasses of water. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day before meals.

How to part with a cigarette with the help of oats most likely, any smoker with many years of experience has repeatedly applied to the saving means promising separation from the most harmful habit. Including, probably, plant preparations. No result or is it short-term? Perhaps cereals are exactly what you need. Recipe is as follows: take 100 g. The grains of oats, barley, rye and millet, mix, boil in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes. Insist the day in the thermos, strain. Take 3-5 times a day 100 ml before meals until there is a disgust for smoking. With the same purpose, a tablespoon of crushed oatmeal from the evening to pour 2 glasses warm boiled water. In the morning boil 5-10 minutes. Drink instead of tea during the day.

In addition, in pharmacies you can find chewing gum With the extract of young oats. According to its developers - scientists of the Ivano-Frankivsk Medical Institute, it also reduces harmful addiction.

Russian doctors are recommended for delivering from nicotine addiction to use homeopathic tincture Avena Sativa oats. It can be prepared by himself, and you can buy in a pharmacy. Application: 15 drops of tincture Dilute in 1 tablespoon of water and take 20 minutes before meals.

With diabetes, all organs and systems of our body suffer. The nervous system is no exception. Some patients constantly complain about headache, dizziness, irritability, increased fatigue, lethargy, general weakness, oppressed mood, worsening memory, attention, sleep disruption, etc. The patients have a decrease or an increase. pain sensitivityAnd sometimes the combination of them.

Treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus nerve disorders Various origin is carried out by generally accepted means (bromine, caffeine, vitamin B1, calcium chloride, sulfate magnesia, dibazole, novocaine and many other drugs). The physiotherapy methods and resort treatment. Success in the treatment of disorders from the nervous system depends on the rational treatment of diabetes.

Most frequent disease The nervous system in diabetes is diabetic neuropathy. In this disease in patients, multiple lesions of the peripheral nervous system are observed. If we are talking about cardiac neuropathy, then its occurrence is associated with damage to the nerve fibers of the heart muscle. The innervation of the heart is disturbed, tachycardia and arrhythmia appear, but no pain in the heart area is not observed. If there is a patient sugar diabetes and ischemic Disease Reducing the blood supply to the heart is not always accompanied by a feeling of pain, which often prevents him in timely medical care.

Treatment mummy

For diseases of the nervous system, such as insomnia, vegeta dystonia, headaches, neuritis, neurosis, neuralgia, radiculitis, neurodermatitis, recommended rubbing 8-10% alcohol solution For 5-6 min. Course treatment for at least 20 days. Then they take a break for 10 days, after which the therapy is repeated.

At the same time take mumers inside, better with milk and honey. Medicinal preparations have a beneficial effect on all the functions of the body, stimulate the hematopoietic and secretory system. Regular, dosage intake mummy helps to restore disorders in the tissues, organs (including caused by hormone therapy), stimulates the nervous system, sleep, reduces the sensitization of the body when allergic diseases.

With migraine, headache, dizziness, epilepsy, chills, paralysis facial nerve 2 times a day (in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime) for 25 days they take mumens inside with milk and honey, prepare a normal composition in a ratio of 1: 20. When dragging, a mixture of mummy with honey is required in proportion 1: 5, 1: 8. The treatment must be carried out within 4-6 months.

Mud in stress

Silver to remove nervas


50 g of medicinal dirt, 250 ml of water.

Cooking method.

Divide the dirt in water before receiving homogeneous kilice.

Mode of application.

Apply a small amount of solution on whiskey, on the back at the base of the neck, along the line of the spine, as well as on the feet feet. Leave for 30 minutes, wash off warm water. Repeat daily in the evening for 15 days.

Silver for removing the nervous voltage with mud and bees wax


40 g of bee wax, 30 g medicinal dirt.

Cooking method.

Melt the wax and mix it with mud before receiving a homogeneous cleaner.

Mode of application.

Apply a mixture at whiskey, points on the back at the base of the neck, along the line of the spine and on the feet feet. Leave for 30 minutes, wash off warm water. Put a mark of 10 days (overnight).

Rubbing to remove nervous tension and fatigue with tea brew and mud


30 g of black tea and therapeutic dirt.

Cooking method.

Stir tea with mud.

Mode of application.

Apply to whiskey, points at the bottom of the neck on the back, along the spine and on the feet feet. Leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Conduct the procedure once every 3 days within a month.

Compress with healing mud


100 g medicinal dirt.

Cooking method.

Take dirt and divide into two parts. From one part to make 3 layers: 2 thin, 1 fat. The second part roll out in the form of an oval.

Mode of application.

Thin layers put on whiskey, and wide - on the forehead. Cooked oval - on the chest just below the neck. Compress keep 40-50 min. Repeat the procedure every day for 10 days.