The child has a red spot. Red spots on the skin in children

All varieties of rash in children. The main causes of spots and rashes in children. Diseases that provoke the appearance of a rash in children.

Any rashes or formations on the skin in children are the result of the body's reaction to any pathogen or irritant, whether it is internal or external.

Therefore, having seen suspicious rashes on the baby’s body, it is advisable to play it safe and show the baby to the pediatrician. The doctor will either dispel your doubts or refer you to a specialist for treatment
  skin disease.

A variety of diseases can provoke the appearance of a reddish rash on the baby’s body:

Treatment for infectious rashes is prescribed depending on the type of disease:

  1. Scabies. With scabies in a child, bubble rashes on the abdomen, palms and between the fingers can be observed, accompanied by severe itching. The causative agent of scabies is the scabies mite. You can become infected by tactile contact (through dirty bedding, clothes). It is necessary to treat scabies in children with the help of special medical devices (spregal, medifox, sulfuric ointment, 10% bensocryl and benzyl benzoate). Apply these ointments before going to bed on a clean, dry wiped body. In the morning, the baby needs to be thoroughly washed from the ointment and dressed in fresh clothes. In combination with ointments and creams, the doctor may prescribe crumbs to take antihistamines in order to avoid a reaction in children prone to allergies (suprastin, clarithin)
  2. Molluscum contagiosum is a viral disease, manifested by the presence on the baby's body of small vesicles with indentations inside. Such diseases are often characteristic of third world countries with low ecology and poorly developed cleanliness among the population. The mollusk can be infected by tactile contact with its carrier, as well as by airborne droplets. The treatment of molluscum contagiosum is to maintain cleanliness in the home, clothing and personal hygiene. To rid the patient of papules, the doctor may prescribe the use of special ointments and creams. This method of treatment is absolutely painless, but too long. You can also remove rashes surgically. The operation is performed without anesthesia, in rare cases, under local anesthesia. With the help of a spoon of Volkman or tweezers, the mollusk is cut off, and the place of the cut is disinfected. This procedure has a special name - curettage.
  3. Pediculosis is a disease caused by the human louse. You can get lice with close contact with a person. Symptoms of head lice are severe head itching.

Spots with improper hygiene: sweating, diaper rash, diaper dermatitis

The most common cause of rashes and spots on the skin of infants is the unfair observance of children's hygiene rules.

Impaired functioning of the immune system, a genetic predisposition and just a feature of the body can become the cause of allergic dermatitis in a baby. This disease is often accompanied by itchy rashes throughout the body of the crumbs. Most often, the tummy, cheeks, neck, arms and legs suffer.

Full information about allergies in children can be found by clicking on the link:

What diseases have brown spots on the body in children?

Brown spots on the baby’s body are the result of increased melanin production. Any pathological processes in the children's body can provoke such activation of the coloring pigment:

  • problems with the organs of internal secretion (malfunction of the gonads or adrenal glands)
  • protracted serious infections (malaria, tuberculosis)
  • gall and liver problems
  • thyroid problems
  • lack of vitamins
  • metabolic disease
  • pituitary tumors
  • prolonged and excessive use of drugs
  • hormonal problems
  • continuous exposure to ultraviolet rays
  • heredity
  • mechanical skin injuries (abrasions, burns, wounds)
  • dermatological infections

In any case, if the baby develops brown spots on the skin, he needs to be shown to the doctor. Only he can diagnose whether such an education is dangerous, or is it just a new birthmark.

Perhaps the most frequently occurring spots on the skin of children in our latitudes are traces of insect bites. Every year, the summer season brings to our house not only warmth, but also thousands of annoying flies, midges and mosquitoes. Sometimes their bites do not pass without a trace - the bite sites can itch, hurt for a long time, and often rot.

All about insect bites can be found here:

The causes of white spots on the body of a child may be the following diseases:

  1. Vitiligo is a disease accompanied by the appearance of white spots of various shapes on any part of the baby’s body. Such a disease does not present a danger to the child. Its only drawback may be the baby's complex regarding the appearance of the spot. A child’s emotional experience, an infectious disease or a helminth infection can provoke a disease. Up to five years, doctors do not recommend taking any radical measures to get rid of vitiligo. The main method of struggle in this period should be the elimination of factors affecting the appearance and development of the disease. If such therapy does not produce proper fruit, the doctor may prescribe treatment with ultraviolet radiation or creams
  2. Pityriasis versicolor is a fungal disease accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes and the appearance of white spots, first on the back, and then on the neck and chest of the baby. In addition to pityriasis versicolor, white spots are still characteristic of pink lichen. For the treatment of both types of lichen, stains are rubbed with salicylic alcohol or apple cider vinegar, the use of special shampoos and ointments
  3. White pitiriasis is characterized by the presence of white oval spots on the face of the crumbs. The most vulnerable age for the disease is considered to be the age of 3-16 years. It is not necessary to treat pitiriasis - it passes on its own after months. To quickly remove these spots from the baby’s face, you can use their intensive moisturizing
  4. Hypomelanosis is a rather complex childhood disease, accompanied by the appearance of white spots of an incomprehensible form. Such a disease can only be treated under the strict supervision of a physician. As a rule, they are prescribed funds for exfoliating stains and taking retinoids

Video: Skin rashes in children

The appearance on the baby's body of even minor skin rashes, spots, causes great concern among parents. Such changes in the skin can appear for various reasons. Their appearance may have a hereditary cause, reddish spots may appear due to a malfunction of some internal organs. Specks appear from insect bites, and they are also the result of an allergic or infectious disease.

Let’s try to figure out on the website why red spots appear on the baby’s body: reasons, treatment we will consider.

What causes red spots?


If you notice red spots in an infant, it is most likely a manifestation of an allergy. At the same time, the baby turns red, cheeks become slightly rough, scales may appear, peeling of the skin on the face, head. The skin of the body is covered with a rash resembling hives.

With allergic manifestations, in addition to the rash, the baby's normal bowel function is disturbed. Therefore, if you notice such symptoms in a child, eliminate the causes that caused the allergy. This can be new toys, clothes, bedding, a new milk mixture, any medications, or care items (cream, powders, ointments, soap), as well as washing powder.

Newborns often have a rash, small spots on their faces. It is usually small, located on the cheeks, around the nose, appears after about 1 month. after birth. Then the spots dry out, forming yellowish scales, which are very itchy, cause the child anxiety.

The cause of the rashes lies in improper feeding, malnutrition, overfeeding. They can also appear if the mother who is breastfeeding a child drinks alcohol, or is excessively addicted to sweets. Also, the cause may be the unsatisfactory quality of cow's milk if the baby is on artificial feeding.

Sprinkle damaged scratched patches of the skin of the baby with talcum powder or potato starch. For yellow crusts, it is best to apply applications from starch solution.
Very often, the cheeks of infants are covered with small red spots that do not pass for a long time. They either fade or reappear. No creams, ointments here help. With age, they disappear on their own.

Prickly heat:

This is a common skin lesion of a young child. Sweating appears in infants due to severe overheating of the body surface, as a result of sweat retention in the sweat glands. At the same time, on the surface of the body, on the inner surfaces of the hands, feet of the child, many small bubbles appear, filled with a clear or unclear liquid.

When the bubbles dry, peeling of the skin begins. Large red spots, sometimes weeping, may appear inside large skin folds. Red small vesicles (red prickly heat) are located at their edges.

These rashes cause severe itching, from which the baby is naughty, worried, sleeps poorly. In this case, you need to bathe the child in clean warm water with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It’s good to bathe him in the infusion of a string, chamomile, decoction of oak bark. After the procedure, towel-dried skin should be dusted with talcum powder, baby powder.

Rinse affected skin, especially wrinkles, daily with a weak iodine solution (1-2 drops per 1 glass). Process rashes with a solution of baking soda. Dissolve 1 tsp. soda on 1 tbsp. boiled water, moisten a cotton swab with a solution, treat the skin. Most importantly, do not confuse the child. When the weather is dry, hot, undress the child naked, let him stay in the air for a short time. Then wear thin cotton underwear.

Milk crust

Mild irritation and flaky spots often appear on the scalp of the baby. This is a very common occurrence in the first months of life. Such skin rashes should be wiped with a cotton swab, which is moistened with liquid paraffin, olive, and sunflower oil. After 10-15 minutes, comb the flaky crusts with a soft comb or brush.

Blistering rash

Such rashes appear 2 to 3 days after birth. Bubbles on the skin appear in weak, premature babies. The skin is covered with blisters, with a cloudy liquid. They exist a couple of days, and then burst and dry out. Rashes cover a large area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. If less than half of the skin is covered with spots, then they will soon disappear, and the baby's skin becomes clean. But if they cover a larger space, it is dangerous for the baby, so it must be shown to the doctor.

Bubbles, specks, rash moisten with camphor oil, and dried skin, carefully soak while bathing.

Of course, there are many reasons why red spots appear on the body. It is sometimes not easy for a young mother to understand them. Watch your diet if you are breast-feeding a baby. Do not change the milk formula yourself if it is artificial. Follow the rules of hygiene, take care of the skin of the child, bathe him daily.

If proper nutrition, careful care does not eliminate stains and rashes, consult your pediatrician for advice. Be healthy!

In the morning, my daughter woke up with a little face, as they say, in a speck. At first I didn’t really attach any importance to this, and when my little one showed her character in the whims, I became worried. I was not in a hurry to see the doctor and decided to find out the cause of the rash on my child myself.

It is important to determine the nature of the red rash, the effectiveness of treatment depends on this!

Causes of the rash

It turned out that a red rash in a child on the body or its individual parts can appear for quite a few reasons:

Let's look at each of the reasons together in more detail.

No need to be scared. Postpartum or   neonatal rash   in a baby, it occurs on the 7-21th day of his life outside the mother’s body and passes independently by 2-3 months. She appears completely suddenly. The reason for this rash is the effect of the hormones of the mother on the baby in the womb.

A neonatal rash is a natural phenomenon that is absolutely safe for the health of babies.

Rashes spread mainly on the surface of the scalp of the baby’s head, and also affect the cheeks and neck, changing their locations in the described areas with a periodicity. The rash itself is small, pink-red, not accompanied by suppuration and / or inflammatory processes, a little rough to the touch. The postpartum rash does not deliver unpleasant and disturbing sensations to the infant.

Rashes occur in approximately a third of newborn children and do not pose any danger to the "sprinkled" or to others. There is no need to treat a neonatal rash.

A kind of neonatal rash is toxic skin redness   on the cheeks and / or around the mouth, provoked by the expansion of capillaries. Rashes look like spots , having various irregular shapes. Such a rash can occur immediately after birth. It is not necessary to treat it, as well as to panic about the occurrence.

Despite the fact that toxic redness of the skin looks intimidating, it also does not require medical intervention.

Cleanliness is the key to well-being

Do not overheat children

The worst childhood diseases

However, a small red rash can appear not only as a result of overheating, but also be a clear symptom of one of the infectious diseases:

  1.   - characterized by an itchy red small rash, followed by small, slightly rising above the surface of the skin, blisters filled with an infectious liquid. After breaking through the blisters naturally or mechanically (scratching), small red ulcerations remain on the skin. Most of the unpleasant sensations of the rash are delivered on the inner side of the eyelids, in the genitals and in the mouth. From the moment of infection to the appearance of the first red rashes, eleven days pass. There are frequent cases when the infected person has a fever and a headache. You can not comb the rash, since the healing process in this way can be great to tighten. You can help your child by spreading rashes with a solution of potassium permanganate or brilliant green. During the period of illness, contacts with others and exits from the house must be minimized.

Chickenpox once in a lifetime more than every person.

  1.   - a rare disease now. Its first symptoms can easily be confused with a cold or digestive problems. Red rashes appear only after 4 days - a week from the moment of infection. They are also preceded by fever. The mucous cheeks and gums of the baby begin to suffer first from the rash. Then the spots appear on the face and neck, after which the chest, back, stomach and shoulders are involved in the disease process, and the rashes on the arms and legs are completed. When the rashes subside, the skin in their former places becomes brown. The effects of measles can be very serious. Treatment is prescribed only by a specialist.

If you suspect your baby has measles, call a doctor immediately!

  1.   - a very contagious sore. The incubation period (up to 3 weeks) is asymptomatic. The first rashes appear on the occipital part of the head and behind the ears. After a short time interval, a red rash appears on the child's body. Rubella is characterized by fever. There are no special medicines for rubella.

Red spots, fever, weakness - these are the main symptoms of rubella.

  1.   - Each infant under two years old may encounter it. The first obvious signs of the disease are enlarged lymph nodes, fever and sore throat. Then a red small rash appears on the face, and spreads with great speed throughout the body, just like with rubella. The disease is contagious. passes by itself.

Roseola is a contagious disease that does not require any (!) Treatment.

  1. Scarlet fever   - starts with increasing degrees on the thermometer. If a characteristic rash appears in the tongue in the form of pimples, then this is one of the clear signs of the disease. It provokes scarlet fever streptococcus. The latent phase of the disease lasts from 3 days to a week. A small red rash on the body, on the face, on the hands and feet is added to the temperature. As the rash disappears, the skin at the site of the former rashes flakes. During the period of illness, a person is contagious, so contacts with people around him must be excluded.

Scarlet fever is most easily diagnosed by a characteristic rash on the tongue.

  1. Meningitis   - a very dangerous disease. Even newborn children are exposed to it. Typical symptoms include fever accompanied by vomiting, drowsiness, stiffness and stiffness of the occipital muscles, and a rash. Rashes are characterized as small subcutaneous spots, similar to a mosquito bite or an injection mark (as in the photo). The first places where the rash appears are the stomach and buttocks. Then the rashes become visible on the legs. A rash in the form of red dots appears literally everywhere. If measures are not taken on time, then the rash increases in volume and size, and becomes like bruises. At the first sign, you should urgently seek help. Procrastination is fraught with death.

Meningitis is a deadly disease! Ill children are immediately hospitalized.


Rashes can also be allergic. The rash, possibly with, is similar to a neonatal, but the rashes themselves are not localized in the head and neck, but randomly occur on any part of the skin of the body. For an allergic rash, the presence of a crust behind the ears is very characteristic.

Internal eczema - a reason to take tests

The occurrence of eczema can be preceded by thermal, mechanical, chemical factors. Eczema can also indicate problems with the endocrine, gastrointestinal, nervous and excretory systems. A rash with eczema can occur completely on any part of the skin.

If your baby is covered with an incomprehensible rash, it is advisable to visit a dermatologist as soon as possible for a diagnosis.

About how mothers fought

Alexander about measles:

“In recent years, terrible measles has become more common in comparison with past decades. This is probably due to the refusal of mothers to get vaccinated, but after all, when vaccinating against measles, complications can arise ... up to toxic shock and seizures. How to deal with this? I went to the pediatrician and clarified the tormenting question. According to her, there should not be an allergy in principle, but in particular, for chicken protein, antibiotics and something else that we don’t have. In general, check with your pediatrician in advance all possible contraindications. ”

Sim on diaper rash:

“I’m Misha, and I’ve also sprinkled powder on top of him. After a day, the rash was gone. Only a slight redness remained. It can already be anointed with zinc ointment. I forgot the main thing: after I washed Misha, I dried his ass with warm air from a hair dryer. Everything helped us perfectly. ”

Eugene about chickenpox:

“My family and I gathered at sea, and my son got sick with chickenpox one day before the trip (and for the second time)! I had to leave him at home with dad. When his temperature dropped, his dad brought him to us (still with specks of green stuff). My daughter and I were worried that we too could become infected, but after water procedures in the sea, we stopped worrying, and on my son on the second day all the traces of the sores disappeared. Here! ”

Do not play with fire

Dear parents do not self-medicate! For any alarming symptoms, head to the doctor!

  • Neonatal rash and prickly heat are not dangerous for the baby and others.
  • A rash appeared - running to the doctor.
  • If you suspect or confirm any of the infectious diseases, communication with others is prohibited.
  • You can’t wait until the rash passes by itself.
  • Self-medication is unacceptable.

Red spots on the body of a child cause anxiety in parents. The cause of their appearance is mainly infectious diseases, they can be quite dangerous. In this article, we will talk about what could cause the child to have red spots on the body and what measures should be taken when diagnosing such a pathological symptom.

Reasons for the formation

Stains on the baby’s body can occur with:

  • allergies
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • measles
  • rubella;
  • infectious mononucleosis;
  • bites
  • erythema;
  • chickenpox;
  • eczema
  • urticaria;
  • burns;
  • erysipelas;
  • thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • toxicoderma.

Elements of the rash may be rough and with the effects of peeling, they can cause pain, burning, fever, swollen lymph nodes.

Consider the most common reasons that red spots appear and disappear in a child in more detail.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis

First of all, capillaries suffer, but the process can extend to joints and kidneys. Hemorrhagic vasculitis is diagnosed more often at the age of 5 to 14 years. Red spots on the skin of a child in this condition may appear due to the influence of:

  • herpetic infections;
  • acute respiratory viral infections;
  • flu
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • tuberculosis
  • food poisoning;
  • vaccinations;
  • food allergies;
  • low temperatures.

A characteristic feature is that the spots on the skin of the child are small, are symmetrical and do not disappear when pressure is applied to them. In rare cases, blisters and ulcers may form. Favorite areas of rash localization are:

  • buttocks;
  • hips
  • joints.

Red flaky spots on the body of a child indicate diseases with a chronic course. In addition to the rash, there will be an addition of pain in the abdomen and joints, a violation of their mobility, an increase in body temperature.

In case of untimely seeking help, the vessels of the heart muscle, kidneys and brain suffer. It is dangerous by the development of severe complications.

Allergic dermatitis

Red round spots on the body of a child may indicate atopic dermatitis. This disease refers to hereditary pathological conditions. Provoking factors of its formation may be:

At the initial stages of the formation of dermatitis, the skin becomes hyperemic, then red spots on the child’s neck join, they differ in irregular shapes. No exception is the appearance of papules, pustules and vesicles.

Favorite areas of localization of the rash are the cheeks, skin folds, flexion surfaces of the lower and upper limbs.

Dry spots on the child’s skin begin to itch, which causes irritability and sleep disorders. The pathological process can spread to the mucous membranes.


If red spots on the child’s body itch, then it may be hives. This condition is considered a manifestation of allergies. The reasons for the formation are:

  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • bites
  • the effect of low temperatures;
  • negative impact of the friction process;
  • dust;
  • autoimmune diseases.

The characteristic features of the elements of the rash is that they:

  • start to appear immediately after exposure to an allergen;
  • lead to itching;
  • placed on the trunk, arms and buttocks;
  • merge with each other.

If you do not take appropriate measures, hives may go into Quincke's edema.

Infectious mononucleosis

In a child, red spots appear on the skin with mononucleosis, the causative agent of the disease is the Epstein-Barr virus. Most often, this pathological condition is diagnosed in children before reaching the age of ten. Due to the fact that the virus is in saliva, infection occurs by airborne droplets. The incubation period can last 14 days.

Rash with mononucleosis has its own characteristics, namely:

  • its appearance is accompanied by an increase in body temperature;
  • does not cause itching;
  • she is small;
  • localized most often on the chest, abdomen, upper and lower extremities and face;
  • does not require drug therapy.

In addition to the listed symptoms, adherence of lymphadenopathy, hyperhidrosis, tonsil enlargement can be observed.

The virus is not easy to overcome, it can exist in the body for several years.


Stains on the skin of a child may appear with rubella. Their appearance is usually accompanied by an increase in body temperature and an increase in lymph nodes. A characteristic feature of the disease is its tendency to outbreaks after a certain period of time, usually after 6-9 years.

The incubation period of the disease lasts 14-21 days, while in addition to the listed pathological symptoms, the following is observed:

  • general weakness;
  • runny nose;
  • redness of the eyeballs and pharyngeal mucosa.

The size of the spots does not exceed 7 mm, their favorite areas are the buttocks, flexion surfaces of the knee and elbow joints, face, lumbar area. They appear on the upper part of the body and gradually go down, disappear after a few days.

Coffee stains on the baby’s skin can also indicate this disease.

Symptoms of Lichen

Spots on a separate area of \u200b\u200bthe skin can indicate the presence of lichen, it can be:

  • pityriasis;
  • flat;
  • pink;
  • trichophytosis.

Pink lichen is most often diagnosed in children after 10 years. It does not require any special medical measures. It may appear after a cold.
  The lichen gibber is characterized by the appearance of a rough spot on the skin of a child. Its central part is pale. Over time, other light spots on the skin of a smaller child begin to appear, they can lead to the appearance of itching. Stains may be present for several weeks.

Pityriasis versicolor can be diagnosed in both young children and adolescents. It is characterized by the appearance of rounded red spots, they are large, their sizes can reach 1 cm in diameter. A characteristic feature of the rash is that it peels, is able to increase and does not bring uncomfortable sensations in the form of itching and burning.


With erysipelas, a red spot on the skin of a child is irregular in shape. With pressure on him, hyperemia disappears for several minutes. The hemorrhagic form of the disease is accompanied by subcutaneous hemorrhage.

After the spots disappear, pigmented areas with a peeling process remain. Usually the appearance of a rash is not accompanied by itching.

Small red spots on the child’s body indicate chickenpox, they are localized over the entire surface of the body. The rash leads to unbearable itching mainly at night. Combing leads to the formation of sores and sores.

Red spots on the face of the child appear with the cortex. In this case, the rash gradually descends and leads to unbearable itching.

Diagnosis of the type of pathological condition

Red spots on the body of a child require an appointment with a doctor who, to clarify the diagnosis, collects a history of the disease from the parents and recommends undergoing such examinations as:

  • coagulogram;
  • conducting a study of scraping from the affected area;
  • skin tests;
  • inspection under the Wood lamp;
  • examination of feces for the presence of helminths;
  • immunological examinations.

Therapeutic measures

The treatment regimen will depend on what exactly caused the rash. It will be different for each individual case, everything will depend on the age of the patient and the severity of the course of the disease.

  1. With atopic dermatitis, local drugs, glucocorticoids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic drugs are prescribed.
  2. With mononucleosis, no measures to combat the rash are needed, they can only be treated with antiseptic solutions. It is recommended to take antipyretic drugs, immunomodulators.
  3. Rubella requires anti-inflammatory drugs and glucocorticoids.
  4. Hemorrhagic vasculitis requires the appointment of anticoagulants. In the complicated course of the disease, blood purification may be required.

The formation of spots on the body of a child requires seeking medical help. And the sooner it is realized, the easier and faster the treatment will be. Be as attentive as possible to your children and their health, because this is the most important thing for parents.

Dry spots on the child’s body appear quite often, because children's skin is very sensitive. Parents should know that the reason for the appearance of such spots can be, first of all, physiological - in young children, the glands that produce skin fat partially function.

In addition, the condition of children's skin depends on environmental factors - water hardness and temperature, air humidity. But if the red dry spots on the skin of the child do not go away, you need to see a doctor, since they can appear with serious diseases.

It is quite difficult to deal with skin ailments, but a timely diagnosis will facilitate the task. If the child has spots, it is very important to eliminate the cause of their occurrence in time, otherwise the disease will turn into a chronic form. Today we will talk about the possible causes of the appearance of dry red spots in a child, tell you how to get rid of a rash.

Possible causes of dry red spots

Dry spots on the skin of a child can be a symptom of many completely different diseases, and sometimes it is difficult for parents to understand what the baby is sick with.

List of diseases in which red spots may appear on a child’s skin:

  1. Rubella   - viral disease. Its symptoms are headache, conjunctivitis, low fever, sore throat. After a couple of days, the child's hands and face become covered with red spots, and a little later they spread to the whole body. Dry red spots in a child are usually small, the skin does not itch and does not peel off, the rash disappears after a week.
  2. Measles   - an infectious disease that does not require specific treatment. The disease begins with cough, runny nose and fever. After a day or two, the skin is covered with characteristic spots, which gradually increase in size. First, they are localized on the baby’s head, and then on the limbs and body.
  3. Scarlet fever   - a bacterial infectious disease requiring antibiotic treatment. Dry red spots are punctate. Such a rash appears on the bends of the legs and arms, on the cheeks. In addition to spots, the characteristic signs of scarlet fever are fever and severe sore throat.
  4. Sudden exanthema   (roseola for children) - a disease that occurs only before the age of two. The child rises high fever, which does not decrease for three to four days. When the temperature drops, pink and red spots appear on the body and face of the baby. They do not itch and peel and pass after four to five days.
  5. Lichen - multi-colored, girdle, pink, ringworm. Rough, dry spots in a child are a serious reason for consultation with a dermatologist. To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe an analysis (scraping of damaged skin cells).
  6. Chicken pox   - pink spots appear on the baby’s body. As the disease develops, they become convex, taking the form of bubbles filled with liquid. The rash is very itchy, causing a lot of concern to the child, but you can not comb it - you can bring the infection into the wounds.
  7. Allergic dermatitis   - A very common disease in very young children. Allergic reactions can occur as spots or rashes on the baby’s body and head.
  8. Stomatitis   - red spots in the oral cavity of the child. This disease has various forms.
  9. Single large red dry spots on the baby’s body may appear. with insect bites. The skin after an insect bite itches, the affected areas swell and hurt.

If parents will have information about possible childhood diseases and their symptoms, they will always be able to respond in a timely manner and help their child.

How to get rid of dry spots on the skin of a child

How to treat dry spots in a child depends on the cause of their appearance. First of all, you need to alleviate the symptoms, and then eliminate the source of the rash. To alleviate the symptoms, the doctor may prescribe creams or tablets, ointments. Skin diseases require special treatment.

If the cause of dry spots on the child’s body is an infectious disease, they are prescribed antibiotics and antiviral drugs.

If the cause is an allergic reaction, then give the child antihistamines. They relieve symptoms by weakening the body’s immune response.

With allergies, you need to analyze all the latest changes and actions in the life of the child. When breastfeeding, mom should follow a hypoallergenic diet. It is advisable to exclude from the diet nuts, fish and fish products, spices, honey, radishes, horseradish, smoked products and other products that can trigger an allergic reaction in infants. And most importantly - do not despair, because as a child grows up, the child is likely to "outgrow" all manifestations of allergies and forget about them forever.