What if the head is hurting in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bridges and presses in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose. Tarmers pain: Causes Treatment

Pain in the nose - manifestation of viral and infectious diseases, resulting in injuries. There is no visible reasons, extending to the front of the head. Upper nasal septumLBA has been subject to various inflammatory processes, degenerative changes.

The reasons that contribute to the emergence of pain in the briefs may have different etiology:

  • Cold, with sharp rhinitis.
  • Inflammation B. gaymorovy sinusoh.
  • Infection in front sinus (front).
  • Inflammation trigeny nerve (ganglionite).
  • Mechanical damage to cartilage tissue.
  • Diseases associated with inflammation of the nerve.
  • High temperature may cause pain on the bridge when pressed.

Characteristics of pain

Pathologies are localized different diseases differently.

  1. Acute hymorite inflammation causes strong pain In the field of bridges, temporal lobe. Strong edema closes the nasal passages, pus accumulates, provoking inflammation with strong painful syndrome. The concentration depends on the location of the accumulation of the pus, which in the sinuses of the nose causes an edema near the cheek. The inflammation of the frontal sinus provokes a strong pain on the nose tolerant, hurts the head in the forehead. Arises at a certain time of the day. More often it happens in the morning and in the evening. The removal of inflammation contributes to the installation of drainage and anti-inflammatory therapy. After hymorita for a long time The patient will feel discomfort and pain in the bridge.
  2. With colds and influenza arises acute rhinitis. There is a damage to viruses of the nasal mucosa. It causes abundant discharge, with damage membranes - bleeding. Sign rhinitis - liquid discharge From the nose. Viruses and bacteria breeding, cause strong inflammation, create discomfort. After a runny nose there is a feeling of burning in the eyes, the top of the nasopharynx. The infection spreads through the bloodstream, overlooking the entire body. Finding into a triple nerve causes inflammation. The patient feels severe pain in the head, in the forehead when pressed or turning. For viral infection The runny nose passes with the patient in the nose. Rinith is a serious illness that can go to chronic form, deliver a patient a lot of problems. Lack of taste and smell, permanent runny nose - most frequent complications. Selection from the nose - reason to consult a doctor to avoid serious complications.
  3. If the bridge is hurting, but there is no runny nose? Cause - neurological diseases (neuralgia of the nosed nerve). These are strong acute pain In the form of attacks. Hard head in the forehead, top of the nose, eye. The attacks take place at night, last about an hour, lead to the discharge from the nose and eye, swelling the nasal mucosa. This is a serious illness, which is accompanied by a very strong pain, requiring urgent treatment.
  4. Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve (ganglionite). Occurs when inflammation of the wing of a chicken node topper-eyed sinus. It is characterized by acute pain in the eyes, at the root of the nose, teeth and ads. May spread to hands, forearm, blades. Alternately arises in the face on the face, sections from the nose appear. The attacks are strong, long-lasting, more often night.
  5. After hitting the nose on the nose there is an edema. Damage to cartilage leads to inflammation and blood hemorrhage. Sharp pain It appears immediately after damage, leads to a violation of the nasal mucosa, bleeding occurs. Finds out nasal breathingWhen pressing the bridge and forehead with pressure, the echo appears, their eyes will tear. It is formed by the hematoma around the eyes. In some cases, it is necessary bed regime and cold compresses. The first 2-3 days will hurt the head.

Status with routine

Through colds and infections occurs runny nose. In the first days of illness, he delivers a patient a lot of trouble. In itself, the state is not serious, but requires adequate treatment to avoid chronic form or sinusitis. Treatment of colds must be comprehensive, accompanied by therapy for rhinitis. Inner surface The nose is very inflamed, another infection may occur, the complications in the form of a hymorite may occur.


Schimorite is not just a runny nose and sharply in the whole head. These are sharp pain in the head, whiskeys, raising intracranial pressure. Pump, appeared in the sinuses, can cause intoxication of the entire body. Treatment should be started when the first signs of illness appear. At an early stage, it is possible medicia treatment without punctures. For this spend antibacterial therapy, appointed anti-ethricted agents, softening the nasal mucosa. The sinuses are restored by sinuple. The inhibition of pus is washed out by dioxidine, Miramistin, Aquamaris. This procedure is called a "cuckoo", which is carried out by the Laura doctor. Heavy cases are treated with a surgical way with drainage installation.


If infection gets into frontal sines, the front develops. The pus is assembled in the sinuses of the nasopharynx, causes severe pains of abnormal arcs and bridges. it dangerous diseaseRequired urgent drug treatment, severe cases - surgical intervention. Cannot be engaged in self-medication. The pain is very strong, medical drugs do not always help.

Pain without a runny nose

Strong pain of the upper part of the nose and head, without a cold, cause neurological diseases. They are considered the most stronger and long. The reason for their occurrence can be:

  • New formation.
  • Chronic rhinitis.
  • Problems in dentistry.
  • Congenital pathologies.

Before starting treatment, you need to make a diagnosis. Diagnostics should be careful and thoughtful. Treatment appoints a specialist. Neuralgia is often confused with toothache if the nasal sinuses are affected, the pain is in jaw.


Often dropping you can get a blow to the nose. If he is a whow, bleeding appeared, you need to give first aid. Depending on the impact, different consequences arise, up to the bone fracture, which is to be treated by surgical path. First aid lies in the applied to the place of the chimney of the cold compress. In the case of bleeding - stop the blood. Immediately there will appear, the pain in the nose, dizziness. After strong hit It is necessary to consult a doctor, make x-rays. With strong damage to the partition and nasal moves, surgical help will be required.


To reduce pain and discomfort in the upper part of the nose, abrasion arcs, temple, you can make a small massage. Properly made manipulations will get rid of mortgage and discomfort.

Use massage oil, apply on your arms and scroll. Gently press on top Nose, should be pleasant sensations. Then the index and middle fingers massate the nose from one and the other side (the area of \u200b\u200bthe gaymorovy sinuses). Movements should be circular.

You can do circular motions From the eyebrows to the temporal share. They will get rid of neurological pain. In the acute course of the disease, massage is contraindicated.


The bases for pain in the bridge is much to avoid it, it is necessary to pay attention to the main disease that caused pain.

  • Elimination acute flow Diseases.
  • Restoration of nasal breathing.
  • Conduct operation (if necessary).
  • Hardery plays a big role.
  • Nose washing with sea salt.
  • Reception of vitamins.

Any disease is effectively treated on early stage. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor.

List of references

When writing the article, the otolaryngologist used the following materials:
  • Discalenko, Vitaly Vasilyevich Otaginolaryngology for the doctor common practice / V. V. Discalenko, G. V. Lavrenova, E. Yu. Glukhova; Ed. M. S. Plugnikova. - St. Petersburg. : Manuscript, 1997. - 351 p. ISBN 5-87593-022-5
  • Palchun, Vladimir Timofeevich Otaginolaryngology [Text]: Tutorial for students of higher institutions vocational educationStudying in the specialty 060101 "Therapeutic business", on the discipline "otorinolaryngology" / V. T. Palchun, M. M. Magomedov, L. A. Lucikhin. - 3rd ed., Pererab. and add. - M: Gootar Media, 2013. - 581 p. ISBN 978-5-9704-2509-1
  • Guidelines for focal infection in otorinolaryngology [Text]: [Collective monograph] / [Andriyashkin Dmitry Vyacheslavovich, etc.]; Ed. V. T. Palchun, A. I. Kryukov, M. M. Magomedova. - M: Gootar Media, 2015. - 219 p. ISBN 978-5-9704-3474-1
  • Sergeev, Mikhail Mikhailovich Polyclinic otorinolaryngology: hands. For doctors / M. M. Sergeev, V. F. Voronkin. - St. Petersburg. : Hippocrat, 2002. - 188 p. ISBN 5-8232-0232-6

Organism. This phenomenon is noted in 90% of adult patients, it happens both in women and men. There is a so-called that arises rarely and more often amazes men. Another type of primary headaches is coital, it is associated with sexual activity and is celebrated in adult men.

Secondary headaches are caused by various injuries, as well as the presence of infectious diseases. They can be observed in patients of any age.

With complaints of the patient on the headache, which gives to the nose, most often conduct surveys for the presence of ENT diseases and eye diseases. At the same time, the nose is laid, it may be occurred in the ears.

There are several types and reasons in the supurabital region:

  • Sinusitis is a disease in which the nasal sinuses are affected. It is characterized by acute pain, especially when lowering the head. Often, the nose is laid, there is a pain in the ears, the unpleasant sensations are enhanced if the patient presses the nose. In such cases high temperatures It usually does not happen. In 99% of cases, headache in the field of brine and nose pressure and swelling in the nose are associated with the sinusitis (sinusitis). For the treatment of this problem, we recommend to read this, while the disease has not passed into a chronic form.
  • Cluster pain. It is characterized by sharp pain in the area of \u200b\u200bone eye, accompanied by swelling and hyperemia at the localization site. Such symptoms appear not often, once a few months, the attack lasts until one and a half hours and completely passes. Sometimes there may be swelling and nasal congestion. Most often, this species is found in adult men, especially those who use alcoholic beverages.
  • Facial pain (transopalgia). May be caused various reasons. Basically, this species occurs when inflammatory processes Pases of the nose, with, brain tumors and other diseases. It is characterized by a whole complex of symptoms: an increase in temperature, swelling of a face, nasal congestion, skin hyperemia. Painfulness Enhanced if the patient presses the nose, sometimes difficult breathing is observed.
  • Novom formation of the sinuses and cavity of the nose. Characterized by the fact that the bridge and nose hurt. Usually, it is laid. There is no high temperature.
  • Eye disease (myopia, glaucoma and others). Characterized by painful sensations in the temporal and frontal area.

For similar symptoms It is urgent to consult a qualified specialist who will hold relevant diagnostic activities and will appoint effective treatment. If the head hurts and laid the nose for several days, it is recommended to undergo a survey of a neurologist and a otolaryngologist (ENT).

Diagnosis of reasons

There are several diagnostic methods that are practiced with similar symptoms. First of all, it is an inspection of the patient and x-ray study. Based on the results, additional diagnosis and treatment of the patient is appointed. This is a computer or magnetic resonance imaging, with which additional data appears for diagnosis. In some cases, the measurement is assigned intraocular pressure. Also, the doctor may prescribe urine and blood research.

Diagnostics is carried out on the basis of the following data:

  • place localization of pain;
  • character of pain (stupid, sharp, monotonous);
  • intensity of pain;
  • duration;
  • additional symptoms.

When studying this information, a specialist will be able to make a diagnosis and appoint appropriate treatment.

Differentiated Headache Diagnosis

Clinical signs Cluster Sinusitis Facial
women / Men% 10/90 50/50 40/60
Localization Periorbital Periorbital, in the frontal area. Diffuse
Frequency Two or three times a day for several months Permanent pain, presses on the ears. Popular pain several times a day.
Intensity Very strong Moderate Moderate / strong
Character of pain Sharp Stupid, parietal Parry
Duration From 15 minutes to several hours. Various The head hurts from five minutes to several hours.

When to consult a doctor

Most patients do not attach a special headache. Quite often, many believe that if the head hurts and the nose is laid, then it is enough to drink a tablet, the symptoms will pass with time. But sometimes a headache may be a symptom of a serious illness, so you should not ignore it. In some cases, the patient's examination is simply necessary to avoid serious consequences and the development of severe diseases. First of all, this refers to those cases when symptoms do not pass for several days and are not weakened under the action of painkillers. There are a number characteristic signs, which indicate that the headache of the secondary type and develops due to the infectious or other disease.

Under what symptoms it is necessary to pass the inspection of a specialist (therapist, Laura, neurologist):

  • the head hurts for several days and is accompanied by a high temperature ();
  • the pain puts into the nose, especially when pressed on it and when lowering the head, is accompanied by embedding in the ears and in the nose, discharge and swelling;
  • localizes on the one hand, the nose is laid, the tear and redness of the eyes are marked. The pain of a sharp character, parotid, lasts a few days from 15 minutes to 3 hours.

Such symptoms are quite serious causes to appeal to the doctor. It is important to remember that in such cases it is extremely dangerous to engage in self-treatment.

Ignoring manifestations similar character May lead to the most severe consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo a survey from a specialist and follow all its recommendations. The doctor will appoint appropriate treatment, will hold additional diagnosis If necessary. Timely appeal The doctor is an opportunity to avoid severe consequences and pathologies that are difficult to treat, as well as a guarantee of health and longevity.


  1. Headache - Schok V.N. - Practical manual, 2007
  2. Vane A.M., Kolosova O.A. and others. Headache. - M., 1994.
  3. Filatova E. G. Treatment of headaches. // Treatment of nervous diseases. - 2000.- Volume 1, №2. - P. 3-9.

Quite often, people suffer from a cold. It can be called different reasonsBut why if it is present so often the bridge is hurting? Such pain, it would seem, a banal ritine may be a very unpleasant diseases.

It is believed that rhinitis (runny nose) is an almost innocuous disease that goes by itself a maximum for a week. Pain in the nose with ritin is just one of its manifestations. Running or frequent runny nose can lead to problems with intracranial and, interruptions in the heart of the heart, respiratory tract, vessels. In some cases, violations are noted in brain circulation. The thing is that the nose is directly related to big amount internal organs Heads, and no wonder many experts call people to relate to nasal diseases carefully.

When a person has a bridge, usually in putty sinusesah nose and in the very nasal cavity there are some inflammatory processes.

The pain can be versed a versatile character and give to a variety of heads. A frequent cause of such pain is a disease called ganglionite. Gangliy is a nerve knot consisting of cells. Connective tissue Located in his shell. Inflammation can affect and immediately several nodes. The disease is accompanied by severe pain. Pain burning, with strong itch At the place of defeat, sometimes a person feels tingling and numbness. At the same time, the head often suffers from the head. The unpleasant sensations are disturbed by the patient in the neck, temples or a nape.

Sometimes the pain makes itself felt in the limbs: in the forearm, brushes, shoulder and in the blades. A person can have the impression that his teeth, gums and eyes hurt. Half of the front part blushes and swells, the fluid from the nose and eye is highlighted. In case of severely form of the disease, the ganglionite manifests itself with the occurrence of bubbles of herpetic type, in some cases even ulcers appear. Patients decrease reflexes, the joints are becoming less mobile. The attacks can last from a few minutes to several hours, in some cases they are worried even throughout the day. General health Mostly worsens at night.

Comparatively young people (up to 40 years old) suffer from non-liberty of the noseful nerve. At the same time there is also pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bridges. From unpleasant sensations Personal with socies, forehead. These painful feelings Characterized by a sawing and graceful character. They show themselves, as a rule, at night. There are also a number vegetative disorders, such as:

  • abundant tearing;
  • discharge of water mucus from the nose;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose;
  • eye hyperemia.

This disease can also cause another ailment - keratitis, in which the nutrition of the cornea is disturbed.

Quite frequent are and various inflammation Putting sinuses of the nose. The pain in these cases is very intense. The lumen of the nasal cavity is narrowed, and in some cases it is completely closed. Options cannot normally go out, which creates painful sensations in the area of \u200b\u200bnose. The place of pain directly depends on what kind of sinus is amazed. Pain sensations are enhanced if appropriate sinuses on the walls on the walls, on the frontal part of the head or cheek. In some cases, double inflammation may occur, the inflammation of the frontal sinuses together with other sinuses. Then the hearth pain concentrates at the root of the nose, it combines with pain in the corner of the eye.

Tarmers hurts and different types sinusitis. In the case of this ailment in the sinuses of the nose also begin negative processes pus accumulation. Basically, the sinusites are developing due to previously suffered colds or viral diseases. Some people are prone to the manifestation of the sinusitus due to the curvature of the nasal partition. Various allergic reactions or allergic rhinitis Also can also contribute to the appearance of sinusitis. The symptoms of this ailment make themselves felt pain not only in the bridge, but also in the ears, especially if the head leans, the nose is almost constantly laid, while there is no high temperature in humans.

As mentioned above, acute and chronic rhinitis can provoke the development of many other unpleasant diseases. However, he in itself is able to deliver a lot of trouble and problems to a person. In addition to emerging pains in the area of \u200b\u200bnose, the frontal, ear head, people often lose their appetite. Violation of normal nasal respiration may cause negative conventional reflexes, harmful habits, for example, inhale and exhale air only mouth. For these reasons begin to suffer not only respiratory, but also the cardiovascular system. Doctors are often noted in such patients elevated intracranial and cerebrospinal pressure.

In some cases, various neoplasms in the nasal cavity also provoke severe pains that can be given from the nose to various parts of the head.

The rest of the factors should include nasal injuries, for example, in case of contact or rigid sports. Increased or poorly healing injuries can remind themselves and after many years.

Diagnostic methods used in modern medicine When examining patients with such complaints, diverse. Doctors, as a rule, are prescribed x-ray, computer or magnetic resonance imaging. Measurements of intraocular and is prescribed. Made general analyzes urine and feces. When examining the patient, the following factors are taken into account:

  • the character of pain (acute, sharp, stupid, etc.);
  • its intensity;
  • frequency;
  • the localization area of \u200b\u200bthe greatest pain;
  • the presence (absence) of additional unpleasant symptoms.

Only after such a comprehensive inspection and analysis of the results obtained may be appointed adequate treatment. In some cases, several doctors of different specializations can be inspected in a patient: a otolaryngologist, an ophthalmologist, surgeon.

Many diseases of the nose and the incomplete sinuses can be avoided if you do not run various viral or colds. In no case cannot be transferred to their legs or at the first symptoms of facilitations not to run immediately to work. During any, even the most trifling colds, it is necessary to observe the bed regime. You can not allow the aboolness of the body, we always need to dress strictly on the weather. It is necessary to constantly strengthen the immune system to not give pathogenic organisms to settle in their own body. Vegetables and fruits for the season, small physical exerciseregular walks on fresh air In fact, can work wonders.

If a person has frequent problems with the work of the nasopharynk, it needs to try to maintain and regularly purify from pathogenic microbes. For these purposes are good physical salt solutions, sea \u200b\u200bsalt. They need to rinse the nose, preferably in the morning and in the evening. If there are no contraindications, you can regularly use special drops For the care of the nasal cavity, for example, Aqua Maris or Salin.

In the autumn-winter period it is better to avoid the places of large cluster of people. If there is no such possibility, you can wear a special gauze mask.

If the cause frequent problems with the nose is a diagnosed allergic rhinitis, one should not give him a chance to cause more serious diseases. In the period of intensive flowering of plants, it is better to postpone with departures to nature, you need to have a stock of antiallergenic drugs approved by your attending physician.

The apartment should additionally moisten the air, it is very well affected by the state of the nasal mucosa and prevents its drying. For these purposes, you can purchase a special ultrasonic humidifier, but using only purified or distilled water, since there are very many harmful salts in ordinary plumbing, inhaling that can be additionally injured by the mucous membrane.

Rubber - an unpleasant symptom that interferes normal breathing And almost completely deprives a person sense. In this case, the infection that settled in the nasal mucosa is not always harmless, as it may seem at first glance. Headache with a cold - one of the signs of the development of complications that must be treated.

Why pain arises

Headache - a frequent satellite cold and laid nose. Her appearance always speaks of the body intoxication. The most frequent reasons for whom the head is hurting during a runny node are presented below.


Influenza - sharp infectioncaused by the extremely variable and aggressive virus in the body. Headache with influenza - reaction to dehydration and excitation big number Toxins. For this pathology, the following symptoms are considered characteristic:

  • Acute start: sharp rise temperature up to 38-40 degrees;
  • Sludging in all body, joint pain;
  • Intense headache, especially in the forehead and eye sprodin;
  • Rubber: In this case, the release is liquid and transparent, and the nose is laid.

If you celebrate one or more symptoms from this list, be sure to refer to the therapist. Confirm the diagnosis of influenza virological research, as well as clinical blood and urine tests.

In the treatment of the disease, it is important to comply with strict regime, abundant warm drink, removing intoxication, antiviral drugs Based on Remanthadine, Ozheltonivir and symptomatic therapy (antipyretic drugs, washing the nasal saline). With uncomplicated flu forms, the headache passes in 2-3 days.

Nasopalotka swelling

Long, untreated runny nose, usually accompanied abundant release Mascia from the nose can lead to edema of nasopharynx. Headache at the same time constant, driving. It is enhanced by turning and inclined heads, prevents full advantage of mental activity. The preferential localization of unpleasant sensations is the occipital area.

Treatment of the disease is symptomatic: usually the doctor knows and prescribes vesseloring, softening drugs, as well as washing the nose salt solutions To remove edema.


Ear infections are often accompanied by a runny nose. In the development of otitis, the headache is sharp, shooting. Diagnoses the disease only the ENT doctor after inspection using the otoscope. Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, symptomatic agents are used in the treatment.


The human skull is placed extremely difficult. It contains a lot of sinuses (sinuses), which are connected to each other and create an extensive network. Even the most banal cold becomes dangerous if the infection spreads into the sinuses and causes the sinusitis.

The inflammation of the sinuses in a single scenario begins: the runny nose is enhanced, the mucous allocations turn into purulent, it becomes impossible to breathe a nose and begins to hurt. Depending on the location of the sinuses, several varieties of the disease are distinguished.


The lattice labyrinth is a bone cellular formation located on the sides of the nasal strokes. When penetrating infection there. The disease manifests itself:

  • Increase body temperature up to 38-39 degrees;
  • Headache: Basically, the bridge and eye blade hurts.


Gaimorov Obshadow - Paired Hollow Education in Thicker upper jawcommunicating with the nasal cavity with a small hole. When they are inflammation, the temperature rises, hurts lobal part Heads, whiskey. Characteristic feature Schimorite: Strengthening pain when tilting head forward. Some illness marked the puffiness of the cheeks.

A chronic form of the disease is common in which the runny nose and headaches are slightly pronounced, and there are no temperatures. Nevertheless, it is necessary to treat such a state, since the risk of spreading infection in the brain is high.


Frontitis - serious diseaseaccompanied by painful, wringing pain in the front of the head. This complication of rhinitis is caused by inflammation. frontal sinuses. Often the infection causes edema upper eyelidswhich is accompanied by a sharp pain.


The sphenoid is inflammation of a wedge-shaped sinus, which is accompanied by a strong, splitting pain in the head, mainly in the occipital part.

What to do if a headache is hurt in a cold

To establish the exact cause of the disease, the specialist can only after the diagnostic tests:

General I. clinical analysis blood and urine.

Infectious inflammation will give a bright laboratory picture: an increase in the number of leukocytes, raising SEE, leukocyte formula shift to the left.


The method allowing to determine the state of the inflamed sine, notice the symptoms of inflammation.

Computed tomography and magnetic resonance tomography.

Modern methods Diagnostics allowing to obtain a three-dimensional layer-by-layer image of the area under study with the possibility of its output to a large screen.

Principles of treatment

Treating of all varieties of sinusitis should be complex and long, otherwise the disease can easily acquire a chronic form or cause such a formidable complication as meningitis. Meningitis symptoms include:

  • Strong cutting headache: predominantly the bridge and frontal departments;
  • Light and sound -
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • The inability to tilt the head forward - the rigidity of the cervical muscles;
  • Loss of consciousness.
With the deterioration of the state and the appearance of meningitis symptoms, be sure to call the ambulance machine for hospitalization, additional examination and treatment.

With uncomplicated forms of sinusitis, the course of therapy should include:

  • Antibiotics: from adults, and children too - semi-synthetic penicillins, cephalosporins, macrolides. Course treatment - once within 7-10 days;
  • Local anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drops;
  • With etmoid and hyimorite, if the nose sores during a runny nose, doctors recommend to rinse the nasal strokes with salt solutions more often and use threshing drugs ( no more than 5 days in a row).

If there is an insufficient effect of the conservative procedure, sometimes puncturing (piercing) of the cavity with pushing.

Headache - not always harmless sign of a cold. Unpleasant symptom May be a sign of a serious illness. Be sure to consult a doctor if the runny nose does not pass, and you feel worse. Attentive attitude To his health will make it faster to defeat the disease.

Often, patients turn to the otolaryngologist with a complaint against the patient pain, despite the fact that the nose is not laid and the runny nose.

Sometimes pain spreads on the forehead. Ignore such symptoms is dangerous - they can signal development serious pathologiesconnected not only with the nasal cavity.

Inflammation of the apparent sinuses of the nose as a cause of pain

Most often, the bridge is hurting with inflammatory processes in the nasal sinuses. With strong inflammation there are edema of tissues, the lumen of the nasal passages is strongly narrows, and in heavy forms Rinitis or sinusitis is completely closed. This leads to a cluster of purulent allocated in the nasal sinuses, which are put on the surrounding fabrics.

That is why there is no runny nose, and the bridge is hurting, while often the pain gives into the forehead and the eye, and when pressed to the incompass sections of the face or the inclination of the head increases.

Localization of pain depends on which one of the nasal sinuses is inflamed. When you press on the affected sinus, the pain will be intensified, and give it into the forehead, eyes, ear or neck.

If you restore the drainage of the nasal sinuses and passes and free them from the accumulated mucus, pain decreases or will be completely, the patient will feel relief for a while.

Sometimes two and more sinuses are simultaneously inflated. Then the localization of pain is more complicated, but in any case it will be irradized in the forehead and nose. The most common diseases in which the nose may be laid or not, the runny nose is missing, but the forehead and bridge hurts:

  1. The rhinitis of any shape and species, including allergic or chronic.
  2. Frontitis.

If the nose is constantly laid, the patient is lost appetite, the smell and taste perception decreases, but the most dangerous thing is that the bad habit is produced only to mouth breathing.

The brain is not sufficiently oxygen, the work of the cardiovascular system is broken, as a result, a person suffers from pain in the bridge and the frontal part of the head.

For chronic rhinitis, Schimorite and Frontitis, as a rule, an increase in intracranial and spinal pressure is noted, which leads to the development of other serious pathologies and violations.

Neuralgia Rhodesnic nerve

This disease can also cause severe bridge pains, suffer from it predominantly young people under the age of 40. An unpleasant feeling may affect forehead and eye area, pain according to their nature, as if driving, they strengthen at night. Other symptoms of non-liberty noseful nerve:

  • Tear;
  • The nose swells and swells;
  • Appear watery discharge from nasal passages;
  • The eye hyperemia is noted.

Often, such pathology is accompanied by keratitis.

If the nose is laid, and the patient complains about sharp treatments in the nose, the doctor necessarily explores the nasal cavities for the presence of neoplasms. Adenoids, polyps, malignant tumors can cause constant blunt painthat periodically exacerbate.

Sometimes the bridge hurts because of injury - for example, if the nose was broken during sports or in a fight - or the curvature of the nasal partition after incorrect surgical intervention. If the injuries of the face were not borrowed, the pain in the nose can disturb even a few years later.

Ganglionite is another disease that can provoke severe bridge pains, as Ganglia is amazed - nerve nodules in the connective tissue.

Typical signs of pathology: redness and strong swelling Persons, from the nose constantly flowing liquid discharge, pain burning and very strong in the place of damage to nerve plexuses.

Attacks of this disease usually arise at night, pains can be given to any part of the face, neck, headings, sometimes forearms, shoulders, handbrushes.

In the severe form of the disease on the skin, rashes appear, resembling herpes. Bubbles are very judging and bursting, painful ulcers are formed in their place.

How diagnostics is carried out

To determine exactly why the nose, bridge and forehead hurts, will be used various methods Research. First of all it is a radiograph, cT scan or magnetic resonance tomography of the nasal sinuses. In addition, such events are held:

  1. Measuring intracranial pressure.
  2. Measurement of intraocular pressure.
  3. Laboratory tests of blood, urine and feces.

The doctor will definitely conduct a visual examination of the patient and in detail him in detail to establish the character, frequency and intensity of pain, find out how long they worried, and whether it was not in lately injuries I. surgical interventions. Perhaps need additional consultation of such narrow specialistslike an ophthalmologist or surgeon.

Only after the comprehensive examination of the patient is completed and the cause of unpleasant sensations is established, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment.

It is necessary to repeat once again - the most frequent causes of pain in the bridge and the frontal part of the head, even if the cold has long passed and runny nose, are launched or incorrectly treated nasophary disease.

Because the main preventive measures - It is not to launch a cold and flu, on time and fully treat even a banal runny nose.

Many patients often do not attach significance and tolerate the disease on the legs, healing it with everyone in a row from the pharmacy.

Such an approach leads to the fact that pathology goes into a chronic form and applies to other organs. The nasophaling is associated with almost all the heads of the head, including with the brain.

Because if the infection is distributed deep into, may occur dangerous complicationsrepresenting a serious threat to human health. In order to prevent this, immunity should be constantly strengthened, especially during the cold season or during the flu epidemic.

Support immune system You can with the help of such actions:

  • Moderate sports and dosage exercise;
  • Consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables for the season;
  • Harding procedures;
  • Walks in the open air.

Some people have a predisposition to colds. Recrehensive from viruses and bacteria can help regular cleansing of nasal passages and sinuses from mucus clusters, which is a rampant board for pathogenic microorganisms.

For this purpose, various solutions for washing the nose from the pharmacy or homemade cooking: Fishering, Purified Sea Water, Salted Water With Iodine Drops.

Daily rinsing of nasal passages are best prevention cold illnessSince most often microorganisms penetrate the body through the nose.

In addition, it is harder to fix it on a well-moistened mucous membrane. It should also be avoided in the flu season and the cold of the clusters of people, and if this is not avoided - to wear a medical bandage on the face.

It is chronic in nature: in the season of flowering plants, it is exacerbated, then the disease subsides at a time. Therefore, when plants begin to bloom intensively, you need to try as much as possible in the parks or leaving the city. In residential premises, air should always be well moistened, ideally to use an ultrasonic humidifier.

If the pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose, the writers, the forehead appeared, you need to consult as soon as possible with your doctor, even if there are no discharge from the nose and other symptoms. The video in this article will tell about the hymorite as the most frequent reason Pain in the nose.