Itching and burning
Why there may be burning and itching of the skin of the body
The causes of burning and itching of the skin can be physiological and pathological. In the first case, there is no serious cause for concern. And in the second, it’s worth...
The skin on the face turns red, flakes and itches: causes and treatment of itching
The skin of the face is the most delicate and sensitive. It reflects the unfavorable influence of the external environment, the psychological state and the work of internal...
Tingling and itching all over the body
If you experience unpleasant sensations such as tingling, itching, burning throughout the whole body or parts of it, you should immediately contact...
Itchy cheeks and redness
The largest organ of the human body is its skin. It is the first to meet the negative impact of the environment and protects against...
Itchy body skin - causes and treatment for symptoms
Every person's skin may itch from time to time, and sometimes this is not taken seriously. However, this phenomenon cannot be left without...