Why does the neck itch: we eliminate the cause

Men quite often go to the doctor with complaints about the fact that the neck itches. Most people think that the reason for this is the usual irritation as a result of shaving. However, what if a person has practically no vegetation, but the problem is still present. Itching brings discomfort to life, and this applies not only to representatives of a strong position. Girls and women can also face this problem.

It is quite difficult to independently determine the causes of itching in such cases, so you should not put off going to the doctor in any case. Scabies and redness of the skin can be the first signs of serious ailments. Constant itching makes it difficult to concentrate, a person becomes nervous and irritable, so if the neck itches a lot, consult a doctor to determine the causes of such an unpleasant symptom.

Why does the neck itch

To understand, you must first consult a doctor. In most cases, even an external examination of the patient is enough to establish a diagnosis. Only after establishing the cause of the itching, you can begin treatment. In no case should you self-medicate, this will only aggravate the situation.

If the neck itches in the beard area, the reason for this may be:

  • an allergic reaction of the body to metals. Today, many people wear jewelry and chains made of precious metals, while few people think that they can cause itching and irritation on the skin. When buying such jewelry, you should correctly approach the choice of alloy. If this rule is not observed, the skin may turn red and begin to itch in the area of ​​​​contact with the chain.

As for various jewelry, quite often chains and necklaces are of solid size, which does not allow the skin to breathe normally. This is what causes discomfort and discomfort. To protect yourself, it is better to always remove the jewelry at night, while not forgetting to disinfect it;

  • allergy. If you constantly want to scratch your neck, chin, or behind your ears, it may be because of an allergic reaction to certain pathogens. Quite often, the skin begins to itch as a result of constant contact with tissues, especially synthetics. You should carefully consider the process of choosing such clothes, as well as bed linen. Do not forget about washing, especially a thorough rinse. Powders contain substances harmful to the body, which can cause discomfort, and not only in the neck area. At the same time, the face often itches, behind the ears;
  • improperly selected personal hygiene products. With frequent use, the itching becomes even stronger. One has only to change such a remedy, as the body will return to normal within a few weeks, and you will forget about scabies;
  • thyroid problems. If it does not work properly, it can become inflamed, and excessive hormone production will begin. In addition to the fact that the patient's neck begins to itch, behind the ears and other parts of the head, problems with excess weight can also be added. Finding out about problems in the thyroid gland is not so difficult, because the symptoms are difficult to confuse. The patient has rapid breathing, an increase in the temperature of certain areas of the body, bulging eyes;
  • cervical itching and neurodermatitis. If a person often scratches his neck, behind the ears, as a result of this, an inflammatory process may begin. It is he who is one of the signs of neurodermatitis. Quite often, this disease occurs in people who wear a shirt with a tight-fitting collar in warm weather. Because of this, the skin begins to sweat, while there is no air exchange, which leads to such consequences;
  • the formation of small pimples. They itch, which causes considerable discomfort. Most often, acne on the neck appears due to irritation. It is better to immediately consult a doctor if such symptoms are detected;
  • dermodecosis, psoriasis and skin diseases. In addition to scabies, human immunity is also greatly reduced, which can lead to the occurrence of other diseases. The above diseases can manifest themselves in any part of the body, whether it is the ear, the back of the head or the hand. With psoriasis, the skin begins to turn red in spots and peel off strongly. Today, there are a large number of ways to cope with such a disease;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes. This occurs as a result of a decrease in immunity and the occurrence of certain diseases in the body. An inflamed lymph node in the neck is the first sign of this, so you should immediately make an appointment with a doctor for a detailed examination of the body.

These are far from all the reasons. Itching of the neck can also be observed with kidney failure, liver disease, diabetes, menopause in women.


To determine the reason why the chin or neck itches, you should contact a dermatologist. It is better not to experiment with the body and not self-medicate. When visiting a doctor, in addition to a visual examination, you will almost always have to pass a number of tests, including:

  1. blood;
  2. urine.

With the manifestation of certain signs of dermatosis, screening studies are used. This helps to pinpoint the cause of the itching as accurately as possible.


If your neck often itches, this means certain malfunctions in the body or the presence of diseases. As for the treatment, it directly depends on the cause of the itching. If your neck began to itch on nervous mail, then you should take care of taking sedatives, try to avoid negative situations.

To treat allergic skin rashes, you need to take antihistamines. In some cases, the doctor may additionally prescribe the use of creams and ointments.

With itching in the thyroid gland, you need to contact an endocrinologist. Only after carrying out diagnostic procedures, the doctor prescribes treatment.

Folk remedies

If your face itches and the neck area, alternative methods of treatment can also help to cope with such an unpleasant symptom. This primarily applies to medicinal herbs that can remove inflammation and normalize the sebaceous glands. For this, a decoction is better suited, which needs to wipe the problem areas of the skin several times during the day. A decoction based on chamomile, string, calendula will help to cope with itching. These herbs have anti-inflammatory properties.

In the absence of such components for the preparation of a decoction, you can also use creams and ointments based on them, which will also help get rid of scabies.

In any case, treatment should not be delayed. Seeing a doctor on time is half the battle. With a correctly established diagnosis, the patient will be able to cope with itching in the neck within 7-10 days. Of course, this is possible only with the strict implementation of the recommendations of a dermatologist.