Fourteenth lunar day. Fourteenth lunar day: advice from an astrologer on the day of Self-Improvement Lunar calendar 14

Symbol: trumpet

Stones: hyacinth, sapphire.

As in and, today you cannot slow down in the implementation of any idea. The 14th lunar day is considered one of the most powerful in the lunar month; this is the last period before the full moon, when energy reaches its peak. This day is ideal for starting new things. The 14th lunar day is the time for decisive action. Don't be passive. This is a day of active action and you can’t just “sleep through it.” If today you do not use the energy that the moon gave you, it will go to waste, take a decisive step forward.

All cases started this year, since they already contain information that will contribute to their implementation. But, you need to check and weigh everything again, and make adjustments to your plans. After the full moon, the moon will come into force, and you will only have to reap what you sowed in the first two phases. If for some reason you have not been able to use the lunar rhythm since the beginning of the lunar month, then the queen of the night is giving you a second try today. Today you can make up for lost time, but for this you will need to make a lot of effort, everything must be done before the moon becomes fully mature.

Fourteenth lunar day is the day of conscription, so it is symbolized by a trumpet. It is associated with the use of information sources. Working with sacred texts and esoteric literature is very useful. Secret knowledge is being obtained. A person’s third eye opens – if this was the goal. People whose Moon is poorly developed should not look in the mirror, wear perfume, or overload their eyesight. Any physical work is useful. It will help you avoid sadness, melancholy, and melancholy that may come your way today.

The fourteenth lunar day is very active, but also dangerous at the same time. The danger is that today a psychological foundation may be laid that leads to self-destruction. On this day, internal conflict can become unbearable, and even the smallest event can turn into the “last straw”. Those people who have no goal or meaning in life experience depression, since there is no outlet for the energy donated by the Moon. This is why many suicides occur on the 14th lunar day. There is a mania of persecution. Those who experience these symptoms, take note that today is a day of searching for the meaning of life and self-improvement.

You can improve your professionalism and skill in any matter. Don't do everything alone. Listen to the advice and recommendations of people around you. It is important to remind yourself that not everything is as gloomy and irreparable as it seems, and that there is a way out of every situation while a person is alive. Having discovered our imperfection on this day, we can succeed in self-improvement, in the fight against negativity in ourselves. This is much more productive than falling into melancholy and depression.

Listen to your intuition - today its “quiet whisper is especially loud.” Our subconscious knows everything, all possible options for events.

The 14th lunar day helps strengthen family ties, especially establishing mutual understanding between the older and younger generations. Don't miss the opportunity to strengthen your family ties. In addition, this day is great for communication at all levels with friends, relatives, loved ones, partners, and bosses. There may also be new, more profitable acquaintances, new interesting connections.

The second half of these lunar days is less favorable. There is a high probability of getting caught up in a cycle of unnecessary things and other people’s problems, and of starting to live a life that is not your own. As a result, you will only waste time and energy, which will harm your health.

Dreams only come true if you don't change anything in your life.


On the fourteenth lunar day, people are often susceptible to apathy and depression, due to the fact that the lunar energy is strong, and a person is not able to use it. Remember this, and do not give in to a sad mood, because most often there is no reason for it.

On this day, many people speak in hints and give some hints. So listen carefully to everything they tell you. Do not miss the details; the person really wants to convey something to you, but does not dare to say it directly.


On the fourteenth lunar day, you can successfully do large household chores, large amounts of laundry and cleaning. Also a very good day for repairs. The 14th lunar day is ideal for cleansing your home. Give your home a thorough cleaning and you will make room for new living energy. Think about purity in all its forms. It is very good to cleanse your space energetically.


On the 14th lunar day it is favorable to carry out “dry fasting”. This must be done to clean the “sink pipe” through which toxins accumulated in our body must be removed. If fasting is not possible for you, then give up sweet and bitter foods, and also try to drink as little as possible. Firstly, today any liquid is contaminated and there is a high probability of poisoning with various juices and waters, and secondly, swelling will appear.

The 14th lunar day is an ideal day for cleansing the skin and intestines.

Diseases of the fourteenth lunar day usually come in a whole company, a “bouquet”. If you have the flu, it can progress to bronchitis at best, and pneumonia at worst. But illnesses that began on this day are not dangerous; they will pass quickly and without complications if you approach treatment comprehensively and start it as soon as you feel unwell.

On this day, the senses are vulnerable, especially the eyes. Do not overload your eyesight and sense of smell (do not wear perfume, do not go to cosmetic and department store stores, do not linger in smoky rooms and stop smoking yourself, even on this day).

Attacks of melancholy and depression are possible, melancholy and obsessive thoughts will overcome. Don't drink alcohol. You can’t be in a passive state, you need to move more. It is very useful to do physical work.

Business and money

An excellent day for careerists and businessmen. As already mentioned, the fourteenth lunar day is the strongest and most powerful day of the month, and in business it is also one of the happiest. Time for decisive action. The first half of the fourteenth lunar day is considered especially favorable. At this time, you can present some of your ideas, thoughts or proposals to the public. Panami can be shared. This will lead to a transition to a qualitatively new level. For example, it is possible to get a promotion, receive a salary increase, an award - in a word, well-deserved recognition. As well as new profitable acquaintances, new interesting connections, etc.

Direct your energy to important things. One of the best days to resolve financial issues.

The fourteenth lunar day is a good time for signing contracts, opening accounts, job interviews, etc. There’s no need to worry about trifles; dedicate this day to the main goal. Things started are usually successful. The best day to attend advanced training courses or an experience exchange meeting. A great day to take up your favorite hobby, develop your talents and abilities. An interesting day for business, since there is the possibility of success for the most seemingly hopeless enterprises. Under one condition: you must do everything possible to ensure that your plans come true, even if you are sure that you will lose. On the 14th lunar day, you must act according to the principle: “The eyes are afraid - the hands are doing.” A good day for business meetings and trips, subject to caution and careful analysis of the situation.

The 14th lunar day is the most energetically powerful day of the month. During this period, any business is successful, the people around you are open to communication. It’s worth taking advantage of this and spending the day in maximum activity.

Affairs. The day is suitable for starting new things and continuing existing ones. It is especially favorable during this period to take on large, large-scale projects and open your own business. The moon is favorable to any activity. The main thing is not to sit idle, otherwise depression may overtake you.

Job. A favorable time for both independent work and collective work. During this period, it is worth listening to the advice of colleagues - they can be useful. The day is suitable for searching for investors, expanding your circle of business contacts, communicating with superiors and changing jobs.

Housework. The 14th lunar day is a good time for any housework. You can start a grandiose renovation or cleaning. It is recommended to throw away unnecessary things - this will free up not only physical, but also energetic space in the house.

Money. Favorable time for any transactions with money. Large investments will be returned with a high percentage. Small investments will also bring profit. You can safely lend. The day is suitable for large-scale purchases for home or work, and purchases of vacation packages. If you don't have enough money, you can get a loan. It will be easy to return it, because all financial transactions during this period are successful for both parties.

Love, relationships. A good time to communicate with your loved one. There will be no quarrels or disagreements, so you can safely make a date. There may be moments of uncontrollable attraction to unfamiliar people of the opposite sex. This is a kind of test that must be passed. It is better to diversify intimacy on this day with new positions or an unusual place for sex.

Communication. The day is suitable for any type of communication. Business negotiations or communication with family and friends will take place in a pleasant atmosphere. During this period, a lot of information is in the air. Listen to people - you may hear something new.

Trips. Great time to travel. The moon welcomes any activity, including trips on vacation or for work matters. If traveling is not planned, it is recommended to arrange a mini-trip to the country or to nature with the whole family.

Haircut and hair care. The 14th lunar day is an ambiguous day for a haircut. It can lead to material well-being or cause depression. During this period, it is allowed to dye your hair, preferably in a color close to natural. You can experiment with your hairstyle. Perm is not recommended.

Beauty and health. On the 14th day of the lunar calendar, it is not recommended to carry out instrumental interventions: rejuvenation, plastic surgery. It is useful to cleanse the body. It is advisable to use a diet without drinking liquids for this. Moderate physical activity will have a beneficial effect on your health.


The fourteenth lunar day is very active, but also dangerous at the same time. Their danger may lie in the fact that on this day a certain psychological foundation may be laid that leads to self-destruction. On such a day, an internal conflict with oneself can become completely unbearable, and even a minor event can become the “last straw.” People who live without a goal and a certain meaning in life may experience depression, because there is no outlet for lunar energy. In this regard, it is on the 14th Lunar day that persecution mania is observed, and according to statistics, many suicides are committed.

On such a day it is good to improve your skills and professionalism in any matter. Listen to the recommendations and advice of people around you. If you discover your imperfection on this lunar day, you will be able to succeed in self-improvement.

Listen to your inner intuition - because today its quiet whisper is very loud. Our inner subconscious sees all possible and not only possible options for events.

The 14th Lunar Day contributes to the strong strengthening of the family and their connections, mutual understanding between the younger and older generations. In addition, the atmosphere of this day promotes communication at all levels with colleagues and friends, as well as partners and bosses.

Love and relationships

Often on such a day people are susceptible to depression and apathy, because the lunar energy on the 14th lunar day is strong, and a person is not able to realize it and take advantage of it.


On the fourteenth day of the moon, you can do any major household chores, do a lot of laundry or general cleaning. This is also a good day for any types of repairs and construction. It would be a good idea to energetically cleanse your home and space.


On the 14th day is a very good day for cleansing the intestines and skin. Fasting this day will have a strong healing effect. Your eyes are especially sensitive on this day, try not to overload your vision. It is not recommended to be in a passive state; physical work in any form is very useful.

Business and money

A great day for businessmen and careerists. Direct your energy to solving important matters; this is a very good day for resolving financial issues and signing contracts. A good day for travel and business meetings.

The symbol of the 14th lunar day is a trumpet.

A very powerful energy day.
A good day for new beginnings, for taking decisive steps in achieving a goal. Active and purposeful people will feel at ease. All the things started today are successful. All actions aimed at positive goals are beneficial. The energy flow is great, use the power of today to the maximum.

Strong energy can negatively affect our well-being. The best cure for sudden sadness is physical activity. Play sports or do some spring cleaning. Drive away melancholy and despondency, otherwise you can get stuck in your depression for a long time. Idleness is contraindicated. Laziness contributes to the accumulation of unspent energy, and stagnation of energy has an extremely negative impact on health.
The more sun there is in the soul, the brighter life is around.

Dedicate the day to important and major matters.
Work with information... it has a lot of influence today. You may see signs everywhere... a random headline read in the newspaper... a phrase you hear can be a clue. It is worth listening to the advice of others. Some devote their energies to acquiring secret knowledge. For such people, if they make enough effort, their third eye opens.

This is the last day before the peak of the lunar month - the full moon, the last opportunity to correct, adjust or change anything.
In the future, the situation will get out of your control and will develop independently; you will no longer be able to influence the ongoing process. The Moon will come into full force and you will only have to reap the fruits of what you sowed in the first two lunar phases. So it’s better to carefully review everything again, analyze it, weigh every step carefully and, if circumstances require it, dot the “i”

The motto of this lunar time period is here and now!

Second try time
Some astrological schools claim that the fourteenth lunar day is the time of the second attempt. Those who for some reason did not manage to harmoniously fall into the lunar rhythm since the beginning of the lunar month have the opportunity to do so now. It is necessary to enter the lunar month at the crest of a wave before the Moon becomes fully mature. But for this you just need to make titanic efforts.


Fourteenth lunar day - the decision made now cannot be corrected until the beginning of the next lunar month. Therefore, before you do anything, think carefully, weigh all the pros and cons, look carefully - have you taken everything into account? And only after that say: “Let's go!” Regarding previously made decisions, you still have a chance to review them, correct something in them and change them before the process gets out of your control. Take the time to reconsider the decisions made so that you can take advantage of today’s chance if any shortcomings or miscalculations are discovered.
Organizational issues are handled very well during this period. If you have accumulated any administrative problems, then it’s time to solve them. On the fourteenth lunar day, all operations to organize business documentation are successful.


Surgery is not recommended.
Illnesses of this day pass quickly and easily. It is recommended to cleanse the body of poisons and toxins. The psyche is overloaded on this day, mood swings are possible.

Eyes are very vulnerable. It is necessary to work at the computer as little as possible and refrain from reading and watching TV. Contemplation of water, the sky, or just the horizon line will be useful. Watching the sunrise and sunset is especially healing. This restores the strength of the eyes, cures many eye diseases (of course, if done every day) and relieves eye fatigue. It is not advisable to smoke or be around smokers now.


The intestines become a vulnerable organ. Clean it, you can also get rid of toxins in the stomach. “Dry” fasting is useful, since liquids on the fourteenth lunar day carry negative energy. Any liquid absorbed is believed to pollute the body, so try to drink less. Avoid sweet and bitter foods. It is advisable to eat nuts (almonds).

Magical home cleansing

Produced using the four elements of the Universe - Earth, Air, Water and Fire. Earth is represented by salt, Air is a censer with incense and incense sticks, Water is a bowl of holy water, Fire is a lit candle. Salt is scattered in the corners, rooms are fumigated with incense, they are sprinkled crosswise with holy water, and they are baptized with a candle. The premises are walked around clockwise, while prayers or texts of pagan spells are said.

Impact on those born

Those born on the fourteenth lunar day are purposeful people

General forecast

The symbol is a trumpet, a hunting horn. It's conscription day. This is a calling trumpet, the sounds of which encourage people to do good deeds.

These lunar days are well suited for starting new, many important things, for using information and various calls for something. All liquid on this day is contaminated. Therefore, dry fasting and not very zealous prayers are recommended. Physical work and studies with the scriptures will be beneficial. Melancholy, sadness, and grief are also possible on this day. It is contraindicated to practice magic, strain your eyes too much, wear perfume, or look in the mirror.

This lunar day, or rather its first half, will be favorable for promoting your ideas to a completely new level. Your bosses may notice your initiatives and aspirations to improve your business; new partners and new connections may appear. On such a day, family relationships, connections between children and parents, and relationships with relatives will also be strengthened. The 2nd half of the day can drag you into unnecessary things and worries, and this will lead to loss of energy and time, and possibly to overeating. On this day you can also overexpend a lot of sexual energy.

Love and relationships. On the fourteenth lunar day, people are often susceptible to apathy and depression, due to the fact that the lunar energy is strong, and a person is not able to use it. Remember this, and do not give in to a sad mood, because most often there is no reason for it. On this day, many people speak in hints and give some hints. So listen carefully to everything they tell you. Do not miss the details; the person really wants to convey something to you, but does not dare to say it directly.

Housework. On the fourteenth lunar day, you can successfully do large household chores, large amounts of laundry and cleaning. Also a very good day for repairs. The 14th lunar day is ideal for cleansing your home. Give your home a thorough cleaning and you will make room for new living energy. Think about purity in all its forms. It is very good to cleanse your space energetically.

Business and money. An excellent day for careerists and businessmen. As already mentioned, the fourteenth lunar day is the strongest and most powerful day of the month, and in business it is also one of the happiest. Time for decisive action. The first half of the fourteenth lunar day is considered especially favorable. At this time, you can bring some of your ideas, thoughts or proposals to the public. You can share your plans. This will lead to a transition to a qualitatively new level. For example, it is possible to get a promotion, receive a salary increase, an award - in a word, well-deserved recognition. As well as new profitable acquaintances, new interesting connections, etc. Direct your energy to important things. One of the best days to resolve financial issues. The fourteenth lunar day is a good time for signing contracts, opening accounts, job interviews, etc. There’s no need to worry about trifles; dedicate this day to the main goal. Things started are usually successful. The best day to attend advanced training courses or an experience exchange meeting. A great day to take up your favorite hobby, develop your talents and abilities. An interesting day for business, since there is the possibility of success for the most seemingly hopeless enterprises. Under one condition: you must do everything possible to ensure that your plans come true, even if you are sure that you will lose. On the 14th lunar day, you must act according to the principle: “The eyes are afraid - the hands are doing.” A good day for business meetings and trips, subject to caution and careful analysis of the situation.

Dreams. They are not of great importance, but they may reveal a latent ability of yours that should be developed, and therefore they should be considered in that sense only. As a rule, they do not come true. Therefore, if you wake up with the memory of a dream in which there was something sad and unpleasant, do not attach any importance.

Health. Today it is good to cleanse the body with fluids, eat almonds and salty foods. Avoid bitter and sweet foods. Diseases that begin on these lunar days, as a rule, pass quickly. But the psyche can be overloaded and mood swings can affect business. It is good to cleanse yourself of toxins, poisons and waste with the help of liquids.

  • The beginning of the 14th lunar day in 2019 in Moscow:
  • January 18 at 13:54
  • February 17 at 14:31
  • March 19 at 16:15
  • April 18 at 18:10
  • May 17 at 18:34
  • June 16 at 20:11
  • July 15 at 20:08
  • August 14 at 20:06
  • September 12 at 18:56
  • October 11 at 17:36
  • November 9 at 16:11
  • December 9 at 15:02
14th lunar day in other years


On the 14th lunar day, any manipulation with hair is good. All of them will lead to an increase in financial status, strengthening of social position, and there may be a chance to profitably purchase real estate.


People born on the 14th lunar day are considered “chosen ones”. Even in childhood, they realize their calling in life, find the only right path and begin to follow it early. They are characterized by: intuition, insights, providence. They are purposeful and strong-willed natures, internally ready for achievements. It is important for people on the 14th day to listen to advice, to “signs of fate.” You may often have prophetic dreams.
Despite their directness and categorical nature, these are quite flexible people who easily adapt to any situation. Successes await in medicine, management, and pedagogy. The main danger for people on the 14th day is mood swings. You need to control yourself. And laziness is also harmful to you.
Tip: be sure to give yourself physical activity every day.

Bathing in the sauna

It is better to refrain from taking a bath.


Dreams on the 14th lunar day can become prophetic. But if they are sad or sorrowful, then most likely they do not carry important information, but only reflect the state of energy of that day. However, dreams of these lunar days can be used to achieve what you want.

Guardian stones

Hyacinth, sapphire, lapis lazuli.

Conceiving a child

Those conceived on the 14th lunar day will have powerful support from their ancestors. Such a person has the ability to maintain contact with another world. He can become a magician, a spiritualist. This is a person with highly developed intuition. But no matter how difficult forebodings torment him, in any, even the most difficult circumstances, he will not lose protection from above. He will not lose it even in difficult life situations that will happen to him, as with any other person. In addition, the voice of conscience sounds within him; he will always act according to its command. The help of his ancestors will allow him to cope with both everyday worries and moral experiences. There is a sign: in order for the child’s life to be successful, on the day of conception, parents should not guess in any way.

Aromatherapy and home fragrances

Provides complete energetic relaxation. Protects against negative energies. An excellent remedy for overwork, overexcitation, irritability and aggressiveness. Eliminates tearfulness and hysterical reactions. Restores sleep.


A characteristic feature of this day from the point of view of marriage is that, figuratively speaking, it is a day of free flight, that is, the Moon endows the new family with a huge energy reserve, as if it lifts it high into the sky and sets it free. And now everything will depend only on the spouses - whether they will be able to continue their “heavenly flight” or return to earth again. Therefore, it is considered not very lucky.


This period is the best time to buy what you have long dreamed of. If you have been saving money for a long time, working hard in order to acquire the coveted item, then now is the time to do it. And it doesn’t matter at all whether it’s big or small, whether it’s a car, a house or just some trinket. The main thing is that it represents the fulfillment of your dreams. If there is no such purchase, then it is advisable to refrain from purchases, since in the end very unpleasant surprises may await you.


symbol: crown, crown
stones: graphite
body part: underbelly

Full moon rituals, love divination, rituals for money and good luck. The most favorable day to start a new business. Taking a vow.

When doing fortune telling, ask only questions related to your internal state or the state of mind of the person who is addressing you. This is also an excellent period for moving to a new stage in the development of psychic abilities.

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