Television is the discovery of genetic scientists. Heredity and genetics affect good and evil in man? Opening genetics good or evil

The newest discoveries of genetics crossed the theories about the origin of human liquid tissue

This Living Substance with the help of capillaries, arteries and veins feeds all organs of our body and removes waste waste. She takes part in breathing, delivering oxygen into fabrics and removing carbon dioxide, spreads the hormone organism. It has special substances - antibodies that play a protective role. Finally, it is engaged in thermoregulation, maintaining the constant temperature of our body. To the study of these processes, scientists are spent centuries. However, still not all the secrets of blood are right away.

It would seem that everything studied thoroughly. Blood consists of liquid plasma and shaped shaped elements: erythrocytes (transport oxygen from lungs to organs), leukocytes (struggling with attacking infections), platelets (ensure coagulation). Circulates through the vessel system under the action of the strength of the rhythmically cutting heart. It is divided into four groups: 0 (i), A (II), in (III) and AV (IV). With all groups relate to the Rh. This antigen (protein) is present at about 85 percent of people (rezes-positive) and is absent in 15 percent (rezes-negative). It is believed that the blood group and the Rh Factor are inherited and do not change throughout the human life. However, today scientists are questioned what has recently been considered the undisputed truth.

Three types of man

It remains a mystery the origin of blood groups. There is no accurate answer, but there are three theories.
1. Rask It assumes that initially all people on the planet had the first blood group. The tribes lived in isolation and did not mix each other. Late migrations led to the mixture of races. The second group turned out from the confluence of the blood of a white and yellow race (Europeans and the Mongoloid), the third - from the White and Black Race (Europeans-Arabs and Africans), the fourth - from black and yellow, black and red (America Indians).
2. Infectious It says that blood groups arose as the result of the body's struggle with new diseases. Primitive man pursued two ailments - a bruboral inflammation of the lungs in winter and food poisoning in the summer. The immune system, escaped, satuned the blood with the corresponding proteins that violate the vital activity of streptococci and staphylococci. Such a set of proteins represents the first group of blood. The second group arose when a person began to breed domestic animals. Living with them in one cave, he infected zoonoses: Siberian ulcers, salmonellosis, worms, malaria, etc. An attack of infections The organism reflected new specific proteins. The third group appeared when people began to settle in cities boring. The absence of elementary sanitation led to the epidemics of smallpox, cholera, plague, etc. They survived people with the most severe immune system, and their descendants had a new blood composition. The youngest fourth group appeared in the XV century as an answer to viral infections, which before that was not in nature. Influenza, ORZ, Cort, Pig, Poliomyelitis, etc., collapsed on the immune system. It was just forced to change the protein composition of blood.
3. Food The theory comes from postulate: what the food is likely and blood. The first group was formed due to the predominant nutrition of the first people with wild animal meat, the second - during the transition to livestock and the nomadic lifestyle. People began to eat dairy food, domestic livestock meat and birds. The third group spawned the development of agriculture, the inclusion in the diet of bread, fruits and vegetables. The fourth group has become the result of excessive heat treatment of food, cooking in boiling water, frying in oils and fats, sugaring and salting. If you take this theory, then the current mass consumption of synthetic products will necessarily lead to a new global change in blood.

In the scientific environment there is no consensus, which of these theories closer to the truth. Moreover, the voices of scientists are increasingly distributed, which completely crossed the previously advanced hypotheses. Several years ago in the United States, based on the works of Professor of London and Oxford Universities, Walter Smith was filmed by the documentary film "The origins", in which the largest American and British scientists argue that no more than 10,000 years old. What, by the way, coincides with the Bible data. Civilization may have existed before, but disappeared without a trace during the universal catastrophe, and it all started at first. That is, there was no evolution of species. And carbon, potassium-argon and other dating methods allow monstrous mistakes in tens of thousands of years. German researchers, for their part, proved that the Genofound of Cryanonians and Neanderthal distinguishes greatly. They had a common ancestor, but then the development of these branches of mankind went different ways, although these two reasonable species existed simultaneously. But only two? The newest studies on genetic differences inclined scientists to think that historically there were three types of man - 00, AA, BB, which were originally geographically tightly isolated, and when the migration and mixing of blood began, the IV group appeared. But at this point to put early.

Groups - infinite number?

Recently, American scientists in the Commonwealth with Japanese and French colleagues declared the opening of two additional proteins responsible for unknown blood groups - ABCB6 and ABCG2, named Junior and Langerais. The sensational find will help reduce the risk of incompatibility when transfusion, rejection of donor tissue during organ transfers, and also explains why many absolutely healthy women cannot preserve pregnancy due to immunological incompatibility with the fruit.
Where are new blood groups come from - while it is not known. Maybe they existed for a long time, simply were not fixed. In their presence, the discoverer of the first four blood groups and the rhesv factor did not doubt Karl Landshteiner. In his speech, in the presentation of the Nobel Prize in 1930, the Great Austrian scientist said: "The ABO system is not a crown of research, but only the beginning. The number of such systems will grow as long as each person on Earth will be the owner of his own unique group. "
However, it is possible that Junior and Langrais - exactly new, newly emerged groups. There is an assumption that it is now that the next stage began in the evolution of mankind. Their appearance can be caused by a high radiation background and electromagnetic radiation. Since newly open groups are rarely found, and their carriers are mostly residents of East Asia, the hypothesis was put forward to the blood, for example, the Japanese has changed as a result of atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. As for the Chernobyl catastrophe, it was still too little time for global changes in the blood of the blood in the blood of the infection zone. Studies continue, and Japanese scientists predict the opening of another 10-15 new blood groups.

Diet d'Adamo - Scientific fiction?

New discoveries often refute what has recently been perceived as sensation. Founded by the American nutritionist Peter d'Aadamopower supply system for a group of blood, which is followed by millions of people, genetics call fun-like hobbies. According to Adamo theory, only those food that the ancient media of your blood type was well absorbed. For example, people with a third group that appeared alleged in the environment of nomadic cattle breeders, it is recommended to drink more milk. However, it is found that in the Mongoloids, among which the blood of the group is especially common, the genetic sign is noted - the lactase fracture lactase deficiency of the milk sugar. The body of such people does not absorb whole milk. Diet Adamo for them - death number. And there are a lot of such inconsistencies. At the same time, the relationship between genes and nutrition is increasingly confirmed, but it does not have a relationship to blood groups. To identify individual food intolerance, they take blood test today, and with the help of certain techniques, the reaction of the immune system to specific products is evaluated. But the greatest hopes are imposed on the analysis of the Nutrigenoma. To determine which type of food is most suitable for a person at the genetic level, more than 60 genes analyze in the laboratory.

Only facts
* The misconception that the child inherits the blood group of one of the parents, was the cause of the mass of divorces. However, this is fundamentally not true. Faced with this, do not hurry to blame the spouse in treason. It happens very often (see Table).
* Sometimes at birth, the antigen is not determined, and the baby receives when analyzing not "its" blood group. By the year of life, the antigen ripens, and the indicators change.
* Experimentally proven that stress not only increases adrenaline concentration. After strong shocks in the blood, specific molecules are detected, which play an important role in the process of aging.
* Blood "travels" by the body, based on one side of the heart, and at the end of the complete circle it returns to another after 60 seconds. During the day it takes 270 370 km.

What does blood test

You received a leaf with the results of blood test. How else before the visit to the doctor to figure it out, is everything in order with your body?

* Hemoglobin. Its decrease can be a consequence of a deficit or impairment of iron absorption (for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, after operations, due to the presence of worms, etc.). The elevated level happens with large physical exertion, diseases of the liver, blood, heart defects. Norm: Men - 135 - 160 g per 1 liter of blood, women - 120 - 145 g / l.
* Erythrocytes (red blood cells). The decrease is due to the same reasons that the reduction in the level of hemoglobin, which is contained in red blood cells. Norm: from 3.8 to 5.8 million per 1 ml.
* Leukocytes (White Blood Cells). The increase indicates the presence of a viral or infectious disease. Lowering level (against the background of increasing the number of lymphocytes) can be a sign of influenza, measles, infectious hepatitis, rubella. Norm: 3.5 - 10 thousand per 1 ml.
* Basophiles. The amount increases with allergies, after removing the spleen, with lymphogranulomatosis. Norm: 0.1 percent.
* Eosinophila. Their number increases in the presence of worms, with allergies, eczema and psoriasis. Norma: 1 - 5 percent.
* Neutrophila. If you are shrouded - there is an inflammatory process. Norma: 45 - 70 percent.

* Lymphocytes. The amount rises in viral and infectious diseases, scarletin, tuberculosis, thyroid diseases. Norm: up to 30 percent of the total number of leukocytes.
* Monocytes.. The increase is characteristic of infections. Norma: 3 - 11 percent.
* Soe. The rate of sedimentation of erythrocytes is an indicator of inflammation, infections, anemia, malignant tumors. Norm: in women - from 2 to 15 mm per hour, in men - from 1 to 10 mm per hour. Raised during pregnancy (up to 25 mm / h).
* Thrombocytes. Raised in blood diseases, anemia. Follow with viral and bacterial attacks. Norm: 150 - 400 thousand per 1 ml.
* Sugar. The rate of glucose level in capillary blood: 3.3 - 5.5 mmol / l.
* Cholesterol. Norm: up to 5.2 mmol / l. After 40 years, the level must be checked regularly, since the increase is a signal on the development of atherosclerosis, and therefore the risk of infarction and strokes. Hello respected psychologists! I am interested in genetics and heredity. And here I have such a question: is there a predisposition to good and evil in a person genetically, and not that only from the upbringing? Here, for example, I know such examples in our area: back in the 90s in one family of our country. Punk has two children. Boys. With a difference of 4 years approximately. The Father has died when the eldest was no more than 5 years. And the younger was generally breast. So in this family there were very strict orders. The mother worked in the office and was even the head of some kind of separation, I do not know exactly what. And she adhered to any culture in behavior. I did not drink, did not smoke, did not fade. With the neighbors greet. Without a queue, it will not climb anywhere. In general, the decent way of life. And the husband was also serious and decent. And she was so strict that the children had not gone to no dare to offend anyone and to fight with anyone. And in school years, not allowed to receive a single twice. The consequence was a belt, a strict look and a long fierce reading of morality. Breakfast, lunch and dinner have always been followed by schedule. Try late for 5 min., I will get immediately to the forehead. You do not want to eat - warning. On the street it was forbidden to blot clothes. Therefore, they played in a sandbox or ride on sledding children very carefully. They never disadvantaged, but suddenly you will shout or the button will fly away, the belt is strong from the mother! How the summer rain begins, then the neighboring children run in the rain and on puddles. And under the jet of water stand and get dirty to the maximum, and her children, like a rain begins - immediately home the book read or just play at home. It is impossible to stand in the entrance to admire the shower. Try to admire without permission - the belt: there is nothing to stand under the shower! Neighbors sometimes heard Rugan in her apartment and even came to ask that she scolds the children so much? Although culturally, but very strictly. She answered: "I want them to grow up people. I don't care - so the street will bring up and what will be?!". There was even such an episode: one of her children had heard a neighboring boy and called him a nerd. He complained his mother. She took action. He took the belt and dismissed her son with a belt. Although not so much, but it hurts. Then I took the hand and led to the parents of an offended boy. With all the people, and at the same time, explaining the neighbors that this creature is not her son now. He is a neighbor boy and commander crims: "Stand close! Go there! Do not fuck! Now how to pull!" Although the boy has been about 13 years old. Parents of the offended boy met them normally and forgave the offender, they said that nothing happens. And it seems everything is normal. But strict conditions always respected. I learned well, the behavior of approximate, responsible, but the character is very sullen, especially the older. Unlike, rarely smiled, he had no kindness. The younger was better and softer. But still felt some kind of tension in character. After the eldest son graduated from school and served in the army, he also retained cultural skills: the spoon and the plug was correct to keep, spoke of a competent speech, did not dare offend anyone, but began to change anyone. And pretty much. Became began to be bicked, at night, it was covered with parties and washed down. And then hit the crime. Became an extortionist. And the code has rebuilded, just once I cried the victim and got a long time - about 15 years. And the younger code grew up - became a thread. Received a period of 2 years. Neighbors were shocked: "How so? Such education received and gangsters! Yes, they were quieter of water and below the grass! Although the unlike and sullen and the neighbors never greet and help did not help anything. Only on Saturdays. But these are little things. A That's how they were brought to that curve, it's not clear. " Suggested that the army is to blame. Although they did not serve in hot spots. Then we assumed that new friendships were to blame. But new friendships have appeared when they already went to the army. Before that, they would not have allowed his friendships. And at the age of 18 - are they already adults and that they did not drop such friendships? Not small all, yes after such cultural and strict upbringing! And they agreed on the fact that it is heredity. Probably along the Father's line or the mother's line were among the ancestors of bad personalities. Genetics is likely to cause such an outcome. Although they did not even see their eyes in the eyes, but the genes do not choose the genes! Of course, neighbors did not extended to their conversations. And the mother of these sons after such an outcome of the events aged and generally closed. Now the other has become and does not try to brand them (and protect too). Her opinion is not known.

And here is another example: in the other family, parents were simple and drank, but in moderation. Children were injured. They gave money to pocket expenses, allowed to jump in the rain, bought them a new one, if they are inappropriate to become a thing, the room was repaired for big money. They had almost no swearing with the exception of little things. The children were free and friendly. But the behavior was only satisfactory. And studied on the troika and even two were sometimes. No modes were observed. If someone is held with whom, parents reconciled that they are not necessary to fight and managed without any belts. The rules of the etiquette about the spoon and the forks did not stick to them, they also did not stick to the music, they did not stick to poetry and did not stick to anything. But as a result, the children when they grew up, they did not even become too competent and cultural, but turned out to be very kind and responsive people. Graduated from technical schools. One became a driver, another like a mechanic. Do not drink. The wives found good. In general, became prosperous people without a hint at any crime. Why's that? It seems that the upbringing did not get any! What kind of army did they do this or good friend? It can be seen first with the army not lucky, a part may be unfavorable and friends came across there themselves? And the second seen in elite troops served? But they were in the army of ordinary and in no elite, army-yes army! Or their friends got from a good circle? It is not clear anything of all this: prosperous children became on the curve way, and ordinary spaces - became people.

Probably really has the role of genetics. Genetically the first were clogged by unbelievable genes. And no upbringing to knock him out in force. Only need constant control and reading morality at every step so as not forgotten. And the second example also applies to genes, but positive. Although parents drank and were simple, but probably genetically not rejected. The ancestors probably were decent people. And their descendants whatever the upbringing would not get, then all the same their kindness will come out sometime and the malice will not reach the limit. Question: These examples are the proof of genetic predisposition to evil and good? Thanks for the answer!

Heredity and genetics affect good and evil in man?

Olga, hello!
You probably are not different as a writer, because so beautifully set out your thought that any way is expensive -) True, I enjoyed ...
In my opinion, the examples you have given confirm one simple truth - where there is love, will be good. Where there is no love - good can not be.
You can bring me a bunch of examples of ideal families in which children grow up monsters and gangsters, but then I will put the ideality of these families. There may be external well-being and financial wealth, but at the same time the emotional remoteness of family members from each other, and sometimes hidden hatred under mask care and love.
On the other hand, it happens that in the terrible conditions, it would seem unsuitable for the growth of anything, except for evil, grows a great man with a big soul and kind heart. But when you begin to dig such stories, you always find a tolik of something light and kind in the life of this person.
What does the person do more in itself - good or evil ... what does it depend on? From genes or upbringing? I do not know ... But I want to believe that each of us has a choice. And then it is not so important that we were originally at birth, but it's important - what we choose to pull - to good or evil.
I hope that I am at least partially, but answered your question.
Yours faithfully,
Olga Akimova
[Email Protected]
Tochka.opory24-Akimova Skype

This discovery was classified by the power of the people. It was used only in the field of animal husbandry. Although the experiments were carried out and confirmed on people. After all, a person to a certain extent is also an animal ... Even 150 years ago, experiments were carried out by crossing mares and zebras males. Not a single conception occurred. Experiments stopped, but in a few years the same mares began to be born striped foals from ordinary stallions. The scientific world was stunned. An amazing phenomenon was called "telegeny". Prefix "body" means an action at a distance or after time. Later, scientists have proven that the effect of the telegene is applied to people, and in a much more pronounced form than in animals. But the opening of the telegene was hidden from publicity, because The veil of fate of many "great" people was opened.
The ancient wisdom says: "This for the benefit of any, PS is a cake of the sake of the sake of the sake of the sake of Evil." So reaping the investigation.
According to the radio "Freedom", a message was called that the demand for virgins is growing among Americans. What is this: curiosity or trend? Wester countries go for her? The demand of American grooms on virgins far from Curise. It is too dramatic consequences of moral promiscuity: 70% of homosexuals, 55 million
Drug addicts. The intellectual decline is especially impressive: half of the population is not able to write a letter, and 44 million adult Americans are not able to count even consumption for the purchase. Against the background of such a large-scale decline, the demand for virgins is perceived as a protective response of society to the degeneration, which is coming with horrific speed. The factor of degenerate surprises is catastrophically increasing, when the girl arrived to marriage to the marriage of the drugs, disabled, perverts, mental patients ...
According to the world's famous Dr. Kinsi, only in America more than half of all hospital beds are engaged in mentally ill. America, despicable moral standards and television, received clearly pronounced forms of degeneration in frightening scale. Therefore, the demand for virgins was born here. It's time to save a nation. In addition, 40% of Americans quit smoking.
And what awaits us, if in Russia and Ukraine already 10 million drug addicts? At high speed, the clan of thieves, rapists, perverts, the unfavorable heredity of which already gives to know themselves. Ignoring inheritance laws led to the leaders in the life of those who negatively programmed themselves in the past. They reorganize society's life to their own way. All this is studied chronologically and is not subject to doubt.
How does the virgin purity affect the spiritual and physical health of generations? Our ancestors did not know a scientific response to this question, but they had examples of birth from the walking girl of poor offspring. Therefore, the morally fallen girl was considered spoiled, unworthy marriage. The connection of virginity with the quality of the offspring was able to explain genetics who have discovered in the last century the decisive influence on the offspring of a woman's first woman in the life of a man. It turns out that he, and not the future father of the child, lays the gene pool of the offspring of every woman, regardless of when and from whom she will give birth to children. He, violating virginity, becomes the genin father of future children of women, even if there was no conception or were used contraceptives. Physicists explain this from the standpoint of the exchange of energies of different poles involved.
The first man at the first sexual contact is always a unique strong shock for a girl, no matter how eased. In this case, the discharge of thin energies (their exchange and interaction). The composition of the blood carrying information into the cells of the whole organism changes sharply and forever, and is deposited there. All, the program is introduced for execution. Girls should know this, starting intimate life.
The world-famous scientist Lammbromo leads one of the indicative examples of its research: "... From one hedleacher-drunkard Max Yuka occurred for 75 years 200 blind, idiots and cancer patients, 90 prostitutes and 300 children who were premature".
Thus, any random intimate ally peasour the fact of its random appearance and incomplete disappearance from the life of a frivolous girl.
Turn to the fact of history. In Egypt, during the reign of the first pharaoh dynasties, spiritual and ethical purity and, as a result, the physical health of the nation was the basic law of prosperity of the state. The pharaohs of the first dynasties were dedicated and possessed the knowledge of previous civilizations transmitted by the priests. This, in particular, was knowledge and genetics, as this science is now called. Pharaoh had a harem of 12 princes. But not the sake of sake. The princesses had good upbringing and multilateral education. Since childhood, they were preparing for the general responsibility for the education of children who will become the first people of the state. Intimate relationships with each wife Pharaoh had only once a year to produce heirs. If you wish to conceive the child, the astrological terms of the birth of offspring with planned qualities were taken into account.
It turns out to have a child in those times, it was necessary to call on the highest wisdom, now - only an animal instinct. It turns out that the case is also in the difference of the goals set - to produce semi-bomb or, in the full sense, beautiful spirit and body of people. Since then, it was much lost and rejected by selfish humanity. After all, knowledge called for the vitality (sex) energy, to use it reasonably, but not for low-lying pleasures. With reasonable abstinence, which means, when saving energy, the person received a strong, beautiful offspring with great potential for the development of positive evolutionary moral qualities.
If the "leaders" did not envelop the secret issues of birth, but warned on a scientific basis about great responsibility to all mankind for the birth of non-harmonic offspring, how many global scale troubles could be avoided! As a consequence of ignorance and connivance animal passions, harmonious and happy families - the phenomenon is extremely rare. Dilufacture sex has become an ordinary.
You need a young man to prevent the danger of sexual excellence, just as simple and naturally, as a danger to burn fire. It is necessary to remove from the life and from the screens all the dirt and vulgarity of humiliation of the sacrament of love. Lower spiritual relationship between a man and a woman, i.e. A decrease in the quality of earthly love - decreases the quality of offspring and humanity as a whole. People are born blind to beauty, deaf to excellent music, without a feeling of compassion, devotion, with the obvious potential of degradation to an animal level.
The sacrament of love for two, but who will we give society, country, planet? Friend, teacher or an evil selfish creature, careful about themselves and living only to meet their material needs?

Registration number 0289510 issued for the work:
Now we live in the era of the rapid development of genetics, in the era, when a long time ago, a look at the child has already been refuted as a kind of tabula, a pure board. A huge role of genetic deposits in the development of all sorts of human inclinations and talents is opened.
Even congenital precipitibilities for alcoholism have long been identified.
No one no longer doubts that there are congenital intelligence levels. That is, if you take a patient with any congenital oligophrenic deposits, such as Down syndrome, clone it and give it clones to raising the most different talented educators, then almost all of them will bring up such children less smart than them and more mediocre pedagals clones Lomonosov, Vernadsky or even Lenin. Against genetics not very stick ...
But when it comes to the presence or absence of congenital inclination of evil, such as sadistic inclinations, misantropy, approxies asserted through cruelty and inhumanity, inclinations to violence or sublosts, then many thoroughly forget genetics.
They either completely deny the existence of such chambers of evil, or absurdly believe that all children are given such deposit collars to robustly, in an absolutely equal measure.
Mass around the condition of the condition, the whole environment ... "Or maybe cold for health ?!" - as sang in the film "Twen-tenent chairs".
In fact, all the newspapers of the world wrote about the poor boy from Australia with a terrible allergies for many thousands of artificial and natural allergens. The poor patient of the boy is forced to live away from cities on a special air-conditioned farm, where all of the few natural materials.
And even to the courtyard, in nature he is forced to go out in the real deaf safeandre.
Is it possible to say that the boy is perfectly healthy and perfect, and only a vague stupid irresponsible humanity is guilty to the fact that the breakdown of different artificial allergens and did not eradicate allergens plants? Some exactly what they say.
I think that it is impossible in principle to create a viable mines of civilization that would ensure this guy healthy life without a skateland. There are no billions of people and cannot make the meaning of their lives and the existence of all mankind fit all the social and natural conditions of the Earth or Australia under the Unicum with such a unique terrorist genetics. It can only be treated purely medical.
It is approximately similar to the case with children with powerful congenital degenerate cases of evil: at the stubborn historical stage, it is impossible to reveal all these deposit on all these deposits, nor create ideal conditions for preventing development on their basis of human defects.
We all have sinful, damaged human nature, there is not a single person completely free from harmful mutations and the consequences of the early intrauterine influence of pathogenic factors. But got into different kids challenges of evil and various defects very and very unevenly.
It's like dogs: Pitbuli and Amstaffes of various owners many, many times more often and more seriously bite passersby and owners themselves than collie, retrievers or huge senbernara. What Collie, Labrador Retrievers, Hungry-Retrievers and Other Senbernary For some reason, are joing only highly expensive in dog breeding angels? And for some reason, Pitbuli and Amstaff?
Or the owners of many pit bullies, amstaffes, Alabaev often crave to be very bitten?
Or maybe it's about the genes?
I assume that if you clone along a hundred and other copies of a tens of dozen cannibals and other out of a dozen friendly amps and distribute them by chance of chosen dogs, it is not difficult to guess that the results from the education of the clones of the first and second sample will be very cool to vary.
So people, give up to me, pretty much like ...
One child is easier to crawl into the needle, a bottle of neck, than to become a bad man in the future. And another on the contrary, it is easier to crawl than not to become.
And to prevent the growing of human sins and vices on only attempts to nightmare parents and teachers and take millions of children, it is impossible.
In the future, genuine genetics will be learned in early pregnancy congenital powerful genetic chambers of evil and sinful defects in embryos.
And then what tragedies will be played. Most pregnant women, finding potential random and monsters in their womb, will increase the sin of interruption of such pregnancy. Some other things will not be occurring and retaining the fruit.
Then most such women will leave husbands. They will pay for alimony to prefer the risk of future life with possible evil evidence. After all, we have a lot of men who do not suffer from an excess responsibility to carry any cross, they will prefer responsibility on another field.
It is also possible to expect that many of these women who have decided to preserve the potential possible future monster will turn away with many parents. They will not want to know with such a future risky dangerous grandson, self-sustaining.
The famously will have to be apparently many future women who will venture to leave such a fruit.
Perhaps the proliferation of voluntary genetic engineering of people, obtaining genetically modified people with genes that block congenital evil deposits will significantly help many people to become much better than the majority of us. But Eugene and the selection of a person must be only in very clean and wise competent hands. But if this happens, humanity will not only win thousands of all-call serious hereditary diseases, but also curls the congenital degrees of evil and vices.
In the meantime, the natural selection of modern homo sapiens is extremely weakened, and mutations, recombination and other DNA violations in our modern environmental setting are rapidly firmly.
I would like to see among our descendants as much as possible healthy and good people.
As for most of our children, they have only quite moderate congenital fees. This is not a privor at all, no matter what a bottle neck of speech does not go here. Just be loving parents of your chad and try to correctly educate them.
And from excessive and premature external negativity to fencing them, very competently and responsibly handle them with its minimal properly selected doses.
Try to control the process of such a careful weighting process and make adjustments to it in a timely manner.
And of course: more positive, love, attention, humanity, tenderness, caress, peace and kindness. Do children's souls beautiful, success to you!
Parental path is beautiful, it is higher happiness!

Attention! This article is not written in order to incite an interethnic retail, but exclusively in educational purposes.

Scientists from the United States, without knowing, were able to answer the question of the famous English science fistortist Herbert Wells: "It would make sense to seriously analyze and figure out how it turns out that in every country where the Jews live, anti-Semitism arises?"

However, California psychologists and their colleagues from the University of Buffalo were interested in a completely different question.

University of New York University in Buffalo - State University of Research University in the United States, which is the flagship of the University of New York University (SUNY). The University of Buffalo has several campuses - in Buffalo and Amherst. Offering 84 undergraduate, 184 Master and 78 doctoral degrees, this higher education institution is the largest among SUNY. .

Scientists from the USA were interested in why some people regularly pay taxes, they give blood for free on donor points, and others are not. To find an answer, they decided to dig in genetics ... ultimately it turned out that the desire for embarrassing actions causes a certain gene. Researchers gave him name "Angel Gene". This gene responsible for the manifestation of such positive feelingslike generosity, compassion, justice and mercy. but it is not present in eachAccording to the Daily Mail edition.

In individuals who lained this gene, more often appear such demonic character traitslike cruelty, miserness and selfishness. In a word, the absence of the man's "Angel Gene" turns it into the devil.

So through genetics, American scientists have come to the same conclusion to which philosophers of the whole world have long come: "Darkness is not the physical opposite of light, it's just a place, devoid of light" . Also, the transformation of a person in the devil is not associated with the "subtle" in a person of some unknown essence, it is only degeneration (degeneration), i.e. A spoiled genetics, from which the state of the psyche and the presence of various mental anomalies directly depends.

These results came to such results by conducting a number of observations and surveys stipulated by the study, which was attended by 711 men and middle-aged women. The respondents were invited to answer questions about their attitude towards others, to civil debt and peace as a whole, as well as relative to their views on charity.

It turned out that the participants in the blood of which was discovered"Certificate gene"Much more often made any donations, voluntarily became donors, always regularly paid taxes and participated in various legal proceedings as jury.

"Angel Gene" is associated with the functions of such hormones as oxytocin and vasopressin ", "Mikhail Pulin explained, one of the authors of the study, a candidate of psychological sciences, leading activities at the University of Buffalo.

Thus, it can be concluded that if one of your colleagues or comrades often shows generosity, attention, care for others, fulfills its civic debt, paying good taxes and passing blood, then, most likely, it is owner"Angel Gene"which is inherited.


When I read this news, I immediately remembered another news of 17 years ago, also associated with genetics and S. jews.

According to the British newspaper Sandy Times state Israel is currently developing biological weapons against Arabs. According to the author of a tiny publication, "Israeli scientists are busy now by the detection of a gene that Arabs have, but is absent from the Jews."

The Russian Bulletin newspaper No. 1-2 for 1999 told Russian readers about this preparing crime against Arabs.

I was even then, 17 years ago, I struck the fact thatjewsthere is no generic gene!

Now, after a study conducted by California psychologists, together with colleagues from the University of Buffalo, it became clear that many Jews are missing"Angel Gene"which is responsible not only for"Generosity, attention, care for others ..."but for such a person inherent quality asconscience.

It seems that this one is the case when they say that"True is a terrible pistol" ...