Nursing mom after 3 months. Proper nutrition Mom with breastfeeding

After the birth of a child, a lot of prohibitions, which relate, not only the rules of behavior, but also are immediately collapsed. In the first month after childbirth, experts recommend adhere to a relatively strict diet, which gradually expands.

Nursing mother diet

Regardless of the month of feeding, there are the features of the diet of a nursing mother in three months. From the Mom menu it is necessary to exclude all obviously dangerous productsbut the rest of the diet should be full and diverse, with enough nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

In the nutrition of a nursing mothers in the third month there are a number of products to which it is necessary to be attentive and caution:

dairy products containing the same allergenic protein, which is often the cause of allergic reactions. This condition does not mean that it is necessary to completely eliminate dairy products, they only need to be limited and not to abuse.

Crupes, some of them can be dangerous, namely those that contain gluten. Rice, corn and buckwheat are considered safe croups. But it is impossible to tweer from the diet oatmeal, a gun and other cereals.

You can continue the list for a long time, most importantly take into account individual characteristics Each baby and moms. The main rule - each new product is introduced gradually, one and strictly tracked the baby's reaction.

Recipes for 3 months after delivery

Continuing breastfeeding, nursing should be eaten often, but in small portions. Menu a nursing mother in 3 months can be the following principle:

  • First breakfast: green or black tea with the addition of sugar (not a large number of), a cup of natural, but fastening coffee, drinking milk products are admissible.
  • Second breakfast: silent porridge with adding vegetable oils, Fresh leafy vegetables salad, seasoned with sour cream or vegetable oil.
  • Lunch: liquid soup on vegetable broth, not concentrated chicken, with the addition of cereals and vegetables, pasta; Svetners, borsch with natural vegetables (tomatoes, cabbage, excluded sauerkraut) vegetables cooked for a pair or boiled, low-fat meat in any form, boiled cereals, potato mashed potatoes.
  • Sferdnik: Children's fruit puree, dry cookies, a bun with a drink, baked apples, drinking milk products, vegetable stew.
  • Dinner: lazy dumplings, puddings from vegetables, a piece of boiled meat, boiled tongue.

The presented recipes and dishes can be included in the menu of a nursing mother in 3 months without any concerns, but this does not mean that this is the only possible diet.

Due to what products can be expanding the diet of a nursing mom in 3 months?

After the baby turns three months, you can begin to introduce some cereals into the diet: pearl, tweeted and manna Kishu.. The diet is expanding and due to fresh juices from apples, carrots, pumpkins, as well as natural crust of currant, blueberries.

You can enter the diet veal, quail and homemade chicken - broth, boiled, baked meat. It is permissible to add spices, including fresh, but it is still not necessary to abuse them. As refills and sauces are unsubstantated tomato and cheese sauces, sour cream.

Homemade spins are allowed - jams, compotes, vegetables and salads.

Nursing Mother Diet

After 3 months of life, the baby diet nursing mom is more diverse, but still, often moms are strongly "suffering" without fried, crispy crust chicken meat. From this time it is allowed fried, but no more than once a week, and best in the first half of the day. The most important thing is to listen to your body and be able to recognize his signals. In nursing women, the acute desire of one or another product is somewhat smoothed compared to the period of pregnancy, but still requires attention. And if the nursing wants oranges, then, most likely, the body is experiencing a deficiency in vitamin C, which can be obtained from less allergenic fruits.

Loving mom always takes care of his child's health. And what is the most important for the newborn? One of the important items is to solve the problem - what can be used at breastfeeding Nursing mom, because together with milk it will pass the baby as the beneficial components of their diet, and not very.

Download list of products (what you can eat and what can not be)

What can and can not eat with breastfeeding

First of all, you should prepare - the first month of breastfeeding will not even help you strombing diet - The baby adapts to the outside world, to the reception through the stomach, and not a cord, so sometimes it can have gases, intestinal colic or diarrhea. It should not be frightened - the kid will not quickly get used to new conditions, and then new products can be gradually introduced into the diet.

To keep track of the reaction of your child to any product, you can conduct a food diary. Every day, write down the dishes that you ate and the behavior of your child.

Brief list of allowed products

  1. Vegetables. Mandatory in thermal processing, at first, refrain from consuming them in the raw form. Bake, boil, stew. Freshly squeezed juices after one month. After three - enter fresh vegetables in the menu. \u003e\u003e\u003e
  2. Fruits. Refrain from grapes, citrus, mango, papaya, avocado, strawberries and raspberries. Apples are only baked, try to clean them from the peel. You can easily eat bananas. Freshly squeezed juices after one month. After three - you can enter one new fruit in two days, follow the kid's reaction. \u003e\u003e\u003e
  3. You can use almost all porridgeThey contribute to digestion, besides, they are satisfied and contain many nutrient elements. In addition to fast cooking.
  4. A variety of soups on vegetable broth.
  5. Meat We eat separately from all products and only lean.
  6. Cheese.
  7. Poultry meat.
  8. Dairy products You can enter a week later - kefir, ryazhenka (it is better to use it, it is softer kefir), cottage cheese, yogurt, yogurt.
  9. Fish (marine, river) botherBake with vegetables. ()
  10. Eggs You can also eat, however, remember that this is an allergen.
  11. Bread You can eat in small quantities with additives - for example, with bran.
  12. Sweet to get involvedHowever, dried fruit, galley, biscuits, bagels can be used.
  13. Butter cream and vegetable.
  14. Dry cracker, cookies, marmalade, pasteil, marshmallow (without chocolate).
  15. Fastening green and black teas, fastening coffee, fruit, compote, herbal teas With mint, chamber and souls, mineral non-carbonated water.
  16. After a month you can gradually enter in the menu borsch, Sour, Nuts, Morse, Jam.

After half a year you can eat honey, various herbal seasonings, legumes, seafood. Also during this period you can eat macaroni, Cheese, Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables (This is important, only for the season!).

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In addition, it is necessary to know about stop-products, the use of which is categorically prohibited by all nursing mothers. First of all, it is:

  1. Alcohol.
  2. Chocolate, some sweet products - baking, especially with the addition of various dyes and substitutes.
  3. Coffee and tea, refrain from this at least for the first six months. Subsequently, you can use them, but only high-quality, coffee - well cooked, tea - boiled, not in bags. ATTENTION! The exception is special tea, the so-called, which includes fhenhel, cumin, melissa, anise - such teas of breast milk.
  4. From semi-finished products, from products with artificial preservatives and dyes, it is necessary to refrain, you can use only high-quality and fresh products.
  5. From the carbonated drinks should also be abandoned - neither baby nor mom will bring any benefit.
  6. Garlic, onions and other sharp products.
  7. From smoked meat, sausages, fish.
  8. From oily meat and sala.
  9. From legumes and black bread.
  10. From sauerkraut, radish, radish, fermented cheeses (Suluguni, Brynza, Adygei), sausages, ham.
  11. From exotic fruits.

The basis of long feeding is not only positive setting Young mother, but even her daily diet.

It is no secret that breast milk is produced from those beneficial substances that are in the body of a woman: a nutrition of a nursing mom by months is a table that allows you to establish lactation and maintain your health. In this article, we give visual examples and tell me how to make your ration balanced and correct.

The took place mom should not just increase the calorie content of its menu, in order to ensure his crumb necessary vitamins and microelements, while not losing their beauty and health. So, each nursing woman should drink at least one milk liter per day, as well as to eat about 400 grams of fermented dairy products.

In addition, it is worth incorporating in daily menu Fish or meat - for nursing mom daily need In the animal, the protein is replenished due to eating 150-200 grams of the finished product.

It is useful for lactation and cheese - only 20 grams of this milk product will be filled with protein stock in the body.

Carbohydrates is also the necessary element, both for high-quality breast milk, and for excellent well-being of the new Mom and her infant. Most of all carbohydrates is contained in baking - rye or wheat breadAlso rich in carbohydrates cereals and pasta.

Vegetables and fruit nutritionists belong to the categories of carbohydrate products, and therefore they are in the menu of a nursing woman with a prerequisite.

Fats are the third indispensable building element, the need for which also increases during lactation. In addition, vegetable and animal fats are rich in most important vitamins and microelements. It is easiest to fill their margin from oils - 25 grams of butter and about 15 vegetable - here is a daily rate for a woman after childbirth.

How to eat after childbirth

For successful and long breastfeeding, you will have to carefully monitor your diet and products that make it the basis. Nursing mom does not just have to eat more, it needs to be included in its menu all food groups:

  • fish,
  • meat
  • vegetables and fruits,
  • berries,
  • milk and dairy products
  • cruses and so on.

In the first month, it is desirable to exclude allergens and those products and dishes from the diet that can be caused in the intestines increased gas formation. This will allow you to quickly recover after delivery, without loading your body, but at the same time will save from possible problems With the tummy in the newborn.

To yours useful milk Provided the crumbus by all vital vitamins and substances, we advise you to base the diet, pushing out the table below.

Nutrition Nursing Mom by Months Table

Permitted products

Unwanted products

First monthNon-fat boiled meat varieties, lean baked fish, stewed chicken, turkey, rabbit, fermented milk products, pasta, crackers from white breadsimple cookies, apples and bananas, boiled and stewed vegetables.Seasonings and spices, onions, garlic, acute pepper, carbonated water, black coffee, strong teas, fresh vegetables, legumes, any kind of mushrooms, nuts, rice cereals, fresh pastries, dark bread.
Second monthLow-fat young pork, lean fish, vegetables (except cabbage and legumes), apples, pears, home compotes, fruit, herbal and faint green tea.Strawberry, raspberry, strawberries, mushrooms, legumes, melon whole milk, smoked sausages, Shopping sausages.
Third MonthNon-offar spices, fresh and dried herbs, spices with a weak taste, boiled onions, semolina, millet, pearfall, juices from vegetables and fruits, kissel, jam, tea with honey, sour cream.Fresh I. exotic fruits and vegetables, alcoholic beverages, carbonated water, strong coffee, fast food, store desserts.
Fourth - sixth monthHomemade pastries, rice, marshmallow, grazing, fresh low-fat pastries, biscuits, homemade diet cakes, milk, fresh vegetables and fruits.Garlic, black coffee and strong tea, fresh cabbage, legumes, grapes, chocolate and citrus.
From six months to a yearFried dishes, spices, any fruit, chocolate, peanuts, hazelnut, cashew.Strong coffee, alcoholic beverages, fast food, very oily food.

First month

In the first week after the appearance of the baby, it is necessary to plan your menu with extreme caution. At this time, it is necessary to restore the body after transferred stress, as well as to establish lactation.

  • Be sure to include in your menu low-fat boiled meat varieties, you can eat lented baked fish, stewed chicken, turkey, allowed meat rabbit.
  • Equiply milk products will be useful, pasta are allowed, you can eat crackers from white bread, simple cookies, apples and bananas, boiled and stewed vegetables.
  • Showed abundant drink.

We will have to forget about sharp seasonings and spices with a strong taste and aroma: a new mom should not eat onion, garlic, sharp pepper. Forbidden in the first month after childbirth such drinks like carbonated water, black coffee, strong teas.

Fresh vegetables can cause problems with the digestive system, both in mom and the baby, so they are allowed to be consumed only in boiled or stewed form.

Heavy digestible products also need to strike out from the menu, so as not to overload none organism nor an immature digestive system of crumbs: you can not eat all legumes, any kind of mushrooms, nuts, rice cereal, fresh pastries, as well as dark bread.

Second month

The second month is slightly expanding the food diet of a young mother, however, some caution should still be observed.

It is believed that at this time the most lucky to those women who do not have hereditary allergies. In this case, you can gradually and very carefully enter your usual ingredients into your menu, without forgetting to monitor the baby's reaction.

  • On the second month of breastfeeding, you can diversify your table with low-fat young pork, lean fish, most vegetables (with the exception of cabbage and legumes).
  • You can eat non-aliens fruits, such as apples, pears. If the kid reacts normally to a new kind of food, then you can afford to enjoy yourself with cherries and sweets.
  • In order not to experience difficulties with lactation, you need to drink a lot, simultaneously controlling the quality and nutritive value Drinks. At this time, you can prepare home compotes, trying the frost. The basis for them can be currants. You can drink and herbal teas, also fastening green.

Most berries still remain under the ban, especially this is important for Mam allergies. Strawberry, Raspberry, strawberries - temporarily banned.

Still should not eat mushrooms, as they are very hard and long digest in the stomach. The same applies to legume crops. Not recommended for the second month after giving birth to melons.

Show caution with cow milk, especially solid and raw. You can use dairy products, but the amount of milk is still worth limiting. It is forbidden to eat smoked sausages, store sausages and other harmfulness.

Third Month

This month, most nursing begins to gradually return to the usual diet. Including this is important for the sadder itself, since its digestive system is already enough formed in order to get acquainted with new products through maternal milk.

  • Mom may gradually begin to season their dishes with non-footing spices, fresh and dried herbs, spices with not too pronounced taste.
  • Allowed onions, but not fresh, and boiled.
  • It will be great for the Nutrition Porridge for breakfast - semolina, millet, calorie barrier.
  • Also at this time it is useful to drink juices from vegetables and fruits (it is best to prepare their homes and drink freshly squeezed).
  • If you want sweet, you can pamper yourself with a kisel, jam or jam, drink tea with honey.
  • Also in the list of dairy products in the third month after childbirth appears sour cream.

Although this month it is advisable to start diversifying dishes, it is better not to enter too far so as not to cause the baby at the kid intestinal colik. It is the third month of breastfeeding that is considered the most problematic, because any incorrect product is able to provoke a bloating of the tummy.

With caution, there is fresh fruits and vegetables, and from exotic better refrain. Naturally, alcoholic beverages, carbonated water, strong coffee, fast food, harmful shopping desserts are present in the diet of a nursing mother should not.

Fourth - sixth month

This period is a happy time in the life of a nursing mother, since it is allowed to return to its diet and diversify it with new dishes.

  • From time to time, you can indulge yourself with homemade pastries and bore, prepare rice, fresh smoked meats, but only in small quantities.
  • Most young moms pleases the opportunity to finally indulge in sweets - marshmallows, grazing, fresh low-fat pastries, biscuits, home diet cakes are allowed.
  • You can drink milk, and also removes the ban on the eating fresh vegetables and fruits.

Black coffee and strong tea so far also remain only welcome drinks. From products that are able to violate activities digestive system The kid should refuse. Their list includes cabbage (especially fresh), legumes, grapes. High-caliped delicacies should not be introduced into their diet. This is especially true of chocolate and citrus.

From six months to a year

During this period, the diet of a nursing mother is almost nothing different from the diet of any other person.

  • After half a year, a woman can afford roasted dishes, seasoned with favorite spices.
  • You can also eat your favorite fruits, shopping chocolates, peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews. Just do it preferably at breakfast.

Alas, strong coffee and alcoholic beverages remain under the strict ban on the lactation all the time. From fast food and very fatty food It is also better to refuse and not experiment with your body. It is impossible to eat frankly harmful products, generously stuffed with preservatives and dyes. Mama of allergic children should abide by a special medical diet.

As you can see feeding a nursing mom by months - a table that will help you navigate and build your diet so that your child gets the necessary trace elements and vitamins in the desired volume. In addition, following our recommendations will avoid unpleasant moments, such as allergic reactions or bloating in infants.

When implementing breastfeeding, most substances that fall into female organism With food, penetrate the maternal milk. The imbalance of the diet can lead to abundant gas formation in the infant and the appearance of allergic rashes.

In addition, poor nutrition is able to deprive the mommy of forces and energy that are so necessary for the care of newborns.

And now we will focus on this.

Full nutrition of a nursing woman is full nutrition Baby. Proper organization diet from hypoallergenic and useful products For a nursing mother, it is especially important in the first months, when the volume of milk produced comes to a maximum.

List of low-allergy products for nursing mothers

In order to find out which products it is possible and can not be nursing mom, it is necessary to understand that the nutrition of a nursing motley makes them three important Principles:

  • safety;
  • diversity;
  • proper drinking mode.


In the everyday diet, there should be no foods with dyes, preservatives, harmful connections. In addition, it is insecable to use tobacco products, alcohol, coffee, strong tea.

It is potentially dangerous and even forbidden products for a nursing mother can be attributed to radish, cabbage, melons, broccoli, black bread, garlic, cucumbers, as they are able to cause severe painful colic in a newborn. However, a list of such products can be expanded or narrowed independently, depending on the individual reactions of the child.

Right drinking mode

Woman, nursing kid breast milkmust drink at least one and a half liters of pure non-carbonated water per day.

The rest of the drink make up weakly welded teas, juices, frost, sweets.


It is mistaken to believe that the diet of the young mammy is scooped. With his competent organization, you can get not only all useful material, but also taste enjoyment.

Mom herself should not limit himself in making permitted food, wanting to get rid of excess weight Body. The nature of the nutrition will help to come in the old form without prejudice to the health of the crumbs.

List of permitted products for nursing mom

On a note!
List of products having a laxative effect:

  • Beets, beet juice
  • Pineapple juice
  • Cabbage, cabbage juice
  • Grapes, light grape juice
  • Plum, prunes
  • Dried apricots
  • Pumpkin
  • Oatmeal
  • Quail eggs

Methods of cooking

Any dishes are desirable to cook either on a pair or in boiled, baked. It is recommended to completely exclude fringe food for breastfeeding period.

Food for a nursing mother should be freshly prepared.

Warm products for increasing lactation of nursing mom

  • Porridge with cream. Porridge on water with the addition of 10% cream; The chest after the use of such casses is abundantly filled with milk;
  • Chai.. Warm herbal teas. Green tea With a teaspoon of honey, a faded drink with milk is useful to drink half an hour before the start of feeding;
  • Decorations. Warm decoction from dried fruits. This drink is rich in vitamins and useful substances, helps improve lactation quality;
  • Orekhi. The product contributes not only to strengthen the production of milk, but also an increase in its fatness;
  • Halva. Havva is recommended in small quantities, it has a beneficial effect on the fatty milk. This is especially true when milk is in moderation, but the baby does not eat and often asks for the chest;
  • Water. Negasited pure water - Mandatory condition for successful breastfeeding. Drink it is necessary from one to one and a half liters per day;
  • Soups. Soups and diet broths. The dish is very useful for the mother itself. If it is boiled on poultry meat, it is advisable to use the secondary broth. Milk is produced nutritious and tasty;
  • Cheese. Cheese solid varieties. Delicious product very useful for lactation stabilization;
  • Carrot. Carrot and carrot juice. The vegetable stimulates the influx of milk into the chest, but the use should be dosed;
  • Dried fruits. Oatmeal With dried fruits and dried apricots. For mommy during breastfeeding period, this dish is able to become an ideal breakfast;
  • Watermelon. Juicy, sweet berry significantly increases lactation.

Effect of products on the health of the kid

All that the woman uses, affects the health of the kid.

Impact can be as negative, so positive.

  • Milk added to tea - no more than 150 ml,
  • Equality drinks - 500 ml,
  • Water - no less than 2 l,
  • Croes - about 100 g,
  • Cheeses - 20-30 g,
  • Sour cream - approximately 20 g,
  • Cottage cheese - 100-150 g,
  • Egg - 1 pcs,
  • Fruits - 200-300 g,
  • Vegetables - 500-600 g,
  • Low-fat varieties of fish and meat - 200-300 g,
  • Vegetable oil - 15 g,
  • Butter creamy - 30 g,
  • Bread with bran - 200 g.


Ginger, Chamomile, Echinacea

If a woman takes these plants in the form of tea, it is recommended to strictly observe their dosage.

Teas on herbs in high concentration It can be dangerous, especially if they contain a Canadian yellowing, which is traditionally added to.

Okuchertnik, Anis, Ground Fair, Rabbar, Nerd, Fennel, Dill, Verbena

Not all of them were recognized as science as safe and effective.


It is impossible to say that the grass is completely safe for the health of the child with breastfeeding. Also this grass can be attributed to laxative products for a nursing mother.

Plant is often used to treat migraines, has healing propertiesBut the baby is nothing.

Do you know what can? Take advantage of the consultant and make yourself happy and your baby!

A popular question - you can drink with breastfeeding, extensively revealed. Find out the most safe tool From pain during gv.

Products that should be excluded

  • canned food (dairy, fish, meat);
  • semi-finished products;
  • mayonnaise sauce and ketchup;
  • sharp chili pepper-based sauces;
  • melted cheeses, cheeses with mold;
  • legumes;
  • grapes;
  • sausages.

Alcohol, caffeine, tobacco

From the effects of such substances, the baby should be fenced not only during pregnancy, but also for the period of breastfeeding.

If a woman comply with all the presented recommendations, it will feed the baby with mature milk containing anti-infectious protection factors and growth factors that are unique.

Maternal milk under the condition of proper nutrition of a woman contains indispensable and cystine, enzyme lipase with full spectrum Required amino acids that are easily absorbed even by the newborn baby.

A young mommy has so many worries that it is simply impossible to keep all the information in the head. Therefore, a special food diary is useful, where the date of food reception will be indicated, the products that were eaten, the character of the child's chair and its general condition.

Focusing on your own entries, you can form a unique power plan, which will be the most painless and useful for the baby and pleasant for mom.

For any girl's birth of a child is the most bright, most important event in her life. The first period after birth is considered the most difficult for a young mother, because it feeds the baby breasts, therefore it must carefully choose its diet. In the first 3 days, while mommy is located in the hospital, they are engaged in its diet directly, doctors watching the child, prohibiting relatives to bring any products. But then, when she returns home it is quite difficult to take into account all the recommendations of the doctor, and the question arises, which is still to eat in food, but what is worth excluding.

  • oranges;
  • red apples;
  • carrot in any form;
  • all citrus foods.

In addition to allergens, there are other prohibited products that are categorically not recommended to the young mother at the first time of lactation:

  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • cabbage.

These vegetables are capable of calling the child with colic stomach, they can also act as a laxative that it is very undesirable for the child.

In addition to the listed products, the forbidden is still a large amount of food, because when using her mom, all substances receive the child himself together with mother milk. And not to injure children's organism, It is necessary to follow all the nutrition guidelines that the doctor prescribed.

When breastfeeding his baby, it is necessary to follow a number of rules for the nutrition of the mother itself, because the proper nutrition is the guarantee of your child's health. What rules should be followed during the lactation:

  1. Food entered into the organism of a young mother should have a sufficiently large amount of calories so that the milk for the baby was nutritious enough. It is for this reason that nursing mommies are prohibited different kinds Diet.
  2. Any mom during lactation must follow a certain power mode, in particular food meals must be several, from 5 to 6, while the amount of incoming food must be small to prevent overeating. It is best to eat shortly before the feeding process for a sufficient amount of milk.
  3. A young mother should eat not monotonously, food needs to be used diverse. Should not be excluded from their diet those products that carry useful substances in their content, because This may affect the health of the child if it does not receive a sufficient amount of vitamins. Also, the same type can cause a child failure to fail the child, which entails early appearance Colik of the tummy due to the use of artificial blends.
  4. A nursing mother should use a large amount of fluid in the first period to replenish the body with the necessary moisture lost after childbirth, and prevent dehydration. Also frequent use Water affects the amount of breast milk.

What products are needed young mom

The most important rule of the diet of a nursing mother is the presence of meat in it, while it should not be fatty varieties. The best option For his preparation will be cooking for a couple. The meat is necessary so that the mother's body consume a large amount of protein, which is also contained in fish, eggs, dairy products, etc. It is also desirable to eat and those products that are quite rich in calcium, it is very useful for children's bone system. The reception of dairy products is recommended for the mother to improve the operation of the digestive system, and avoid frequent constipation in the child. It is best to use kefir, ryazhenka, varets, etc.

In addition to the listed products in the power mode, you also need to enable and useful vegetables and fruits that enrich the body large quantity Vitamins.

It is also advisable to use various porridge in food, especially buckwheat, oatmeal and a jungle, because they are quite rich in food fibers, the necessary organism.

Prohibited products during lactation

During breastfeeding, mom with a child is sufficiently interrelated, so all products consumed by the mother are reflected on the health of the kid. It is for this reason that from the diet should be removed all those products that can harm the small body.

So the young mother must exclude the following products:

  1. Food smoked and fried character.
  2. Various canned foods.
  3. Salt and pickled vegetables.
  4. Seasonings and spices that you are so accustomed to add to all dishes.
  5. Grapes, various sweets, as it can affect the children's body, causing fermentation in the stomach.
  6. Oranges, because they are allergens.
  7. Red apples - for the same reason.
  8. Strawberry, chocolate, peanuts, shrimp, because these are the strongest allergens that are contraindicated for a children's body.

What drinks are allowed nursing mother

As for beverages used during lactation, then their choice should also be made very carefully, because neither all their bottoms are allowed in this period.

The most important I. necessary drink For a nursing mother, ordinary water always remains, it is advisable to use filtered or bottled water, to avoid hitting various bacteria to the child's body.

The beverages of a carbonated character should be excluded from their diet due to the appearance of fermentation in the stomach of the child when consuming.

As for the various juices, it is worth having to pay off, only apple clarified juice from a green apple is allowed.

In addition to the juices and water, the use of any dairy products that affect the lactation process is considered.

Alcohol from the diet of a nursing mom is generally fully eliminated to prevent alcoholic poisoning At the kid.

Also allowed tea and coffee, but weakly brewed not to touch nervous system Child.

Video - Breastfeeding: Mom's nutrition. General principles

Best of all during the lactation, follow the advice on the diet of a monthly nature:

  1. In the first month of feeding the child, a very large amount of liquid must be consumed, at least 3 liters per day. Also during this period, the body needs fresh vegetables and fruits, low-fat meat varieties, preferably poultry meat, fish and other products containing protein. Also worth not to forget about porridge, pasta and eggs. With the rest of the products, it is better to pay better, protecting the children's body.
  2. Up to six months, the following products should be used: the same as previously, with the addition of boiled food to the diet. But introducing a new product, it is necessary to observe the reaction of the child, checking it on the presence of allergies.
  3. Up to 1 year, it is necessary to take the rule that you need to use only boiled, while in small quantities you can gradually try and fried food, but that it is not fat. During this period, you can also introduce a small amount of chocolate, but again it is necessary to carefully observe the reaction of the children's body.
  4. Until one and a half years, you gradually introducing products into the diet, you can use everything that used to pregnancy, but with special attention Need to refer to the reaction of the child to each product.

Such images in postpartum period You need to stick to the right nutrition, using foods cooked for a pair, useful vegetables and fruits, dairy and protein products. And only with a similar diet you will ensure the health of your baby.

If you have difficulties or problems - you can contact a certified specialist who will surely help!