Cough does not pass: an effective cough agent. Medical and folk strong expectorant

When coughing appears, it is important to find out its cause. If it is caused by the presence of a difficult mucus, the reception of the corresponding drugs will help improve the patient's condition. If when the cough is not accompanied by the formation of sputum, their reception can be "superfluous". Expectorant means preferably taken after the doctor's consultation.

The mechanism of action of expectorant

Cough is a protective reaction of the body: in a similar way he tries to get rid of pathological content in the respiratory tract. In case of illness, the functioning of the eyelet epithelium is broken, the sputum becomes thick and viscous, so it is quite difficult to extinguish it.

Gas exchange during its accumulation is disturbed, therefore, the likelihood of the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms is high. In order to avoid complications and with the aim of facilitating the state of the patient, expectorant drugs are prescribed. Their reception is justified both with dry and wet cough. However, in each case, you need to drink certain drugs.

Expectorant means are divided into two groups:

  • the first are aimed at stimulation of expectoration, they include secret-chief drugs;
  • the second is to sound sputum (secretolithic or musolithic).

The drugs under consideration, falling into the stomach, irritate the mucous membrane. This, in turn, leads to an increase in the activity of the bronchial glands, so that the generated secret becomes more liquid and abundant. In addition, the muscles of the bronchi begin to more actively shrink and remove the sputum.

The action of musolithic drugs

Unlike the preparations of the first group, the mercolics act directly on the sputum, diverting and dissolving it. They are often prescribed during viscous and mucous-purulent sputum, after operations on respiratory organs in preventive purposes.

Secretolithic drugs include certain enzymes, sulfur-containing substances and derivatives of Visitsin. The mechanism of their action is based on the destruction of protein-like sputum polymers. Under the action of flourities in the secret, chemical transformations occur, contributing to the weakening of the links between the "chain components".

Comprehensive disease therapy respiratory tract suggests joint reception Multiple preparations, one of which can be expectorant medicines. It should be borne in mind that action antimicrobial drugs Thanks to Bromgexin and Ambroxol enhances. Acetylcysteine, on the contrary, reduces their effectiveness, so it needs to be taken 2 hours before admission antibacterial drugs.

Diseases accompanied by cough, a lot. In each case, to facilitate difficult breathing, a certain treatment is required. In addition, some categories of citizens are desirable to take preparations containing only natural components. Excrapers can be classified as follows:

  • preparations created on the basis of plant components;
  • medicines of mineral origin;
  • combined drugs.

Effective plants in the treatment of cough include, oregano and others. Basically, these drugs are used to stimulate expectoration, render reflex action.

After taking potassium and sodium iodide, ammonium chloride belonging to mineral substancesThere is an increase in the amount of sputum (direct resorbative action) and its partial discharge.

Components with anti-shield, antihistamine, expectorant and other properties may be included in the combination of combined effects.

Depending on what active substance It is included in the muscolitic agents, the effect of the latter is different. When receiving these drugs, the following effects may be marked:

  • change of elasticity and viscosity of sputum;
  • accelerated removal of mucus;
  • reducing the generation of bronchial secretions.

Most Popular Synthetically Preparations

Many coughing facilities have additional properties. Treatment of diseases will be effectively only if the selected drug is suitable for the patient (increased sensitivity to the drug is not observed, there are no contraindications) and its action is justified with the existing cough type.

- Preparation of combined action. Active substances this means are the extract of thermopsis, sodium bicarbonate, providing the drug expectorant properties, and ambroxol - Mulitatic. In addition, the drug contains glycyrrizinat, due to which there is an anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect.

Pregnant women, nursing mom and children under 12-year-old this drug contraindicated. If a person is diagnosed peptic diseases GCT, bronchial asthma, serious pathology Liver and kidneys, the drug must be taken with caution.

It is a synthetic analogue of justice vascular. This drug dilutes the mucus, derives it from bronchiol into larger respiratory tract, and also affects cells that produce sputum. The resulting mucus is characterized by a more liquid consistency. In addition, more surfactant is produced, which is necessary for normal work Alveol lungs.

Due to the high bioavailability of bromgexin, during the period of the baby tooling (2 and 3 trimester) and the lactation is not prescribed. There is a risk of developing the pathology of the lungs from the fetus and baby.

It is a metabolite of bromgexine, enters the group of expectorant drugs. The simultaneous reception with antitussic drugs can lead to a deterioration in the state due to the stagnation of the resulting liquid sputum.

The drug can be used for inhalations (the steam in their number does not include). For this, ambroxol is mixed with saline in a ratio of 1: 1. It is necessary to carry out the procedure only with a warm solution: its temperature must be in the range of 36-37 0 C.

Used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory organs, one of the symptoms of which cough is. The viscosity of viscous mucus occurs under the action of acetylcysteine, which is derivative of cysteine \u200b\u200bamino acid derivatives. The musolitic effect is also noted in the presence of purulent content.

Antioxidant properties are characteristic of this drug and the ability to increase glutathione synthesis. The ACC can be used to reduce the hepatotoxic effect of paracetamol. The solution for receiving should be prepared only in glassware. If the treatment of the disease accompanied by a cough involves the reception of antibiotics, it should be borne in mind that the simultaneous reception of the ADC and some antimicrobial drugs is undesirable.

Preparations of plant origin

To facilitate cough, young children are often used. This drug contains only natural vegetable components. It is included in the group of expectorant means. It has saponins in its composition, thanks to which Gedeliks has both antispasmodic effects. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug, including fructose transmitted by inheritance, is a contraindication to the use of the means. Due to the lack of clinical data on the effect of medication on the fruit and baby Pregnant and lactating women should not use this preparation to relieve cough.

It is included in the group of expectorant means. It is based on medicinal plants with the following actions:

  • antispasmodic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painful;
  • antipyretic;
  • antiseptic.

It is prescribed with dry cough, often appearing against the background of diseases of the respiratory organs. Dr. IOM helps in the event that the reason for this symptom is associated with professional activities.

Some medicinal forms The drug can be applied to the treatment of children aged three years. Women in position and nursing Mama drug take it is undesirable due to clinical insufficiency.

Breast fees can be used as expectorant funds. They are sold in pharmacies, each includes only medicinal plants. They provide comprehensive action. For cooking healing beam 2 tbsp. l. Watering half liters boiling water, after 1.5 hours a lean remedy can be taken. Multiplicity of reception - 3-4 times a day at 150 ml. After the decoction breaks out, it is desirable only in 30 minutes.

Compared to pharmaceutical preparations, the effect when using medicinal herbs can not be noticeable immediately. Drinks need to drink completely disappearance of the symptoms of the disease.

Medicinal herbs included in fees can be classified as follows:

  • antitussive;
  • disinfecting;
  • rich in vitamins.

In most cases vegetable preparations Do not have a negative impact on the body. However, pregnant girls and people with increased sensitivity A physician consultation is needed to some components.

Hang away healing herbs You can also independently, it is necessary to first become familiar with the peculiarities of their collection, drying and storage.

Breast fee number 1

The drug has antiseptic effect. From herbs you can cook champs and infusions. It is recommended to drink in diseases of the respiratory tract caused by infection and accompanied by inflammatory process and cough. Collection is a mixture:

  • pine kidneys;
  • black bezen flowers.

Breast fee number 2.

When it is used, the following actions are noted: reducing the edema of the mucous tissues and relaxation of the smooth muscles of the bronchi. Therapeutic effect Provided due to:

  • oregano;
  • root licorice;

Breast fee number 3.

It is characterized by an expectorant and anti-inflammatory property. The composition includes:

  • birch buds;
  • altea;
  • oregano

Chest Collection number 4.

Drug components:

  • grass of dryers;
  • roots of the primrose of spring;
  • pine kidneys;
  • black currant.

Thanks to the properties of these plants, the viscosity of sputum decreases, which facilitates its removal from the bronchi. Microbes contained in mucus die, inflammation falls.

Folk expectorant medicines

To improve sputum removal, it is important to drink a lot of fluid: weakly brewed black tea or ordinary water. The optimal temperature of the drinks is about 40 0 \u200b\u200bC. Compliance with the drinking mode will reduce the pathological effects on the body provided by viruses and bacteria.

Home preparations used to facilitate cough must contain only natural components. In connection with their relative security, it is allowed to use in children, future mothers, allergies during lactation. The most popular folk remedies:

  • milk with honey;
  • tea with ginger;
  • syrup derived from radish and honey;
  • with honey;
  • vitamin fee.

Milk and medical

Milk with honey need to drink only in warm form. Due to this means, dry cough is quickly moving into a wet, the wet becomes more liquid and it moves easier. Pour 0, 25 liters of milk and dilute in it 1 tbsp. l. Honey, 1 tsp. Cream oil, half of the l. . Drinking a drink in the morning and in the evening.

Honey and radish

An expectorant obtained from honey and contributes to the discharge of sputum, activating its own protection of the body. In a vegetable, you need to do a through hole in such a way that you can put honey, and it has not fallen. Radish put on a mug and leave it for an hour. During this time, a sufficient amount of juice will be collected in the container. It needs to be drinking 1 tsp. About 7 times a day.

The ratio of the first three components is 1: 1: 2. All ingredients fall asleep in thermos and pour boiling water. After three hours of insteading, strain. Take the drug before meals.

Onions with honey

The home preparation from onion and honey to relieve cough is obtained as follows: chopped vegetable rings mix with honey and leave for about an hour. The resulting juice has an expectorant property, it needs to drink 1 tbsp. l. 7 times a day.

Preventive actions

Massage therapy with strong cough

The main treatment can be supplemented with a massage. He is especially useful to young children. Rubbing and light tapping on the back and chest helps to promote sputum and improve blood circulation in the massable area.

The causes of dry cough a lot, not always this symptom He is a sign of respiratory tract. It may appear, for example, if there is a dry air or due to an allergic reaction. Therefore, before taking an expectorant means, you need to find out its nature.

The indication for the use of the drugs under consideration is the presence of a viscous, thick mucus. It is especially difficult to rejection to small children (even if it is liquid). Therefore, the reception of expectorant drugs is desirable to combine with procedures that contribute to the removal of mucous content.

Used expectorant means during dry cough increase its efficiency - stimulate the secretion of tracheobronchial glands, derived pathological wet.

Dry cough, also known as unproductive, is the natural reaction of the body to the irritant, and may be caused viral infections or allergies. With this condition, the tracheobronchial mucus is not highlighted.

Dry cough - causes

The appearance of the merges in the throat may be due to various problems with health. Some people begin to cough when inhaling the underwent heated air, others are simply in habit.

Chronic passing, as a rule, is caused by irritation of the nasopharynx mucosa with cigarette smoke, environmental stimuli, allergies, rhinar or asthma. Row chronic diseases The lungs also cause an annoying cough.

The most common causes of the appearance of unproductive cough reflex are:

  • Viral infections (influenza, cold, angina, bronchitis, laryngitis, etc.);
  • (on plants of plants, animal wool, dust, etc.);
  • Fungal diseases of respiratory organs;
  • Air pollution (action of chemical stimuli, tobacco smoke);

Another cause of the throat deposit is acidic (gastroesophageal) reflux. When the gastric juice rises up to the back of the throat, some of its quantity can get into the lumen of the respiratory tract, causing inflammation and cough reflex.

Other reasons include:

  • Side effect of drug intake. Certain medicines, in particular drugs for normalization blood pressure, cause an unproductive cough.
  • Psychological conditions When the cough reflex becomes a habit. Such a kind of passing is called psychogenic. It does not hide physical diseases behind him, and a person may not even notice that he coughs. Typical for such a reflex is its spontaneous termination for sleep time.
  • Nervous disorders, experiences. Many people have a cough appears in conditions stressful situations. There is an increase in breathing, which provokes cumaging.

Permanent dry cough

Announced throat, not stopping for more than three weeks, may indicate the main ailment, such as:

Asthma is a repeated disease that causes inflammation of the air pathways and partial blocking them. As a result, the patient arises the attacks of choking, which accompanies the dry expectorant cough.

Cardiovascular diseases. The heart problems become the cause of heart failure, the accumulation of fluid in the lungs and constant cough, especially at night.

Light problems, including cancer tumors. Permanent shaking can be a specific feature of pulmonary pathologies.

Tuberculosis - highly infectious bacterial pathology, which primarily affects the lungs. In the early stages, it causes an incessant parlor cough.

Cocalus is a bacterial disease, The causative agent of which is Bordetella Bronchispetica. It is characterized by the bumps of cough with subsequent exhalation of air with a distinguishing "whistling" sound.

Source: Site

Why do you need expectorant?

The common view is that the production of tracheobronchial mucus is launched only during the disease, is erroneous.

This process is permanent, and in normal conditions human body It produces up to 100 ml mucus per day.

The generated secret helps the body to cope with the stimuli, which penetrate it when inhalation of air, and also displays dead particles along with the cough.

During the disease, the volume of the produced mucous membrane increases to 1.5 liters per day.

Gradually, he thickens or completely dries out, thereby blocking bronchi and gluing cilia of flickering epithelial tissue.

On a dense hard-separated mucus, active reproduction of bacteria begins, as a result of which the complications of the disease are developing, for example, pneumonia. At the same time, there is a change in the character of cough - it becomes unproductive.

Solving the problem - the use of expectorant means that help ignore and. The mechanism of action of such drugs is different, so different medications should be selected at different states.

Expectorant with dry cough: types

There are two main groups of expectorant drugs: direct resorbative and reflex action.

Drugs with direct exposure during suction diligence exudate, suppress inflammatory process In the bronchopulmonary tree.

Such medicines are produced as tablets, syrups, powders. Among the most effective medicines This group:

  • Bromgexin
  • Lazolvan
  • Ambroben
  • Carbocysteine, etc.

Pharmaceutical preparations of reflex action When entering the stomach stimulate the peristaltics of the bronchial muscles, which leads to the hypersecretion of tracheobronchial exudate, improving the expectoration process.

They are produced as syrups, extracts, herbal fees. The composition contains vegetable components - a chamber, chamomile, nine, altetic root, licorice, thermopsis. Common preparations:
  • Thermopswall.
  • Herbion
  • Succan
  • other.

There is a third group of antitussive drugs that have a combined effect. They simultaneously have an expectorant, antimicrobial, mercolitic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Such pharmaceuticals are stronger, therefore, have adverse reactions. They are prescribed a strict doctor at chronic pathologiesaccompanied by an unproductive cough. Representatives of this species:

  1. Codelat Broncho
  2. Eufillin
  3. Ascoril
  4. Kashnol syrup
  5. Bronchikum and others.

Expectorant with dry cough for children

Not knowing which drugs can be given to children from cough, most parents allow for a huge mistake - resort to self-medication, without thinking about adverse reactions. Among the allowed child drugs with antikashlyam action:

Of the safe "grandmother" means for pregnant women - warm milk with oil, honey and soda, honey or lime tea with lemon.

Excraceing agents with dry cough: folk remedies

Despite the wide variety of chipperants for stimulation of expectoration, means alternative medicine still popular as before.

For decades, they demonstrate their effectiveness in the treatment of cough various etiology. In addition, these funds are relatively cheap. Recipes are the most efficient and safe children and adults are shown below.

    1. Milk decoction with fig. Grind the fruit, pour 1 tbsp. Milk, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes. Use warm by small sips.
    2. Milk cocktail with garlic. Grind 5 cloves of garlic, add to 500 ml of a wolf and boil. Strain and cool. Take every 2 hours in 100 ml inside. For amplification medical properties it is possible to add a folk expectorant at dry cough to one-time dose cocktail 1 tsp. Honey.
  1. Decoration based on licorice root. 100 g of dried raw materials pour 500 ml of water. Boil and peel on low heat for 1.5 hours. Cool and take in 1 tbsp. Each time before meals.
  2. . Choose from radish pulp, fill the vegetable with honey and insist in a warm place 12 hours. Take from the morning and in the evening of 1 tbsp.
  3. Tea from Cabbar. On 100 g of dried grass to use 1 liter of boiling water. Soak drink and drink like tea 3-4 times a day.
  4. . For these purposes, eucalyptus will be suitable essential oils, salt I. soda solutionsBoiled potatoes, herbal formulations. The duration of the procedures is 15 minutes for adults, 10 minutes for children, perform 2 times a day.

Cough accompanies many diseases.

This is a natural protective reaction that helps to output wet wet, for this, used cough expectorant tablets.

If you do not look for the cause of the cough and do not fight this symptom, careless attitude towards yourself can lead to extremely difficult consequences. Therefore, a visit to the doctor and adherence to all of its recommendations is very important components when dealing with the ailment. Despite the fact, with what disease that caused the cough, you are fighting, very often you have to take additional cough tablets, which contribute to the wet wet. There are many questions arise, including which of them are inexpensive, but effective.

Important! Cough may arise for many reasons, so it is necessary to take funds to eliminate a certain problem.

So, the main factors for the occurrence of this symptom may be:

  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract caused by infections (all groups of ORVI, Poklush, Bronchitis and others);
  • smoking;
  • heart failure;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergic reactions;

Wrong the cough is capable of such a phenomenon as the underdevelopment of the lungs in early childhood.

Main types of medicines against cough

Depending on the nature and nature of cough, several species are distinguished medicinal preparations:

  1. With bronchhalytic effect. Mostly, these are used in bronchitis, pneumonia to remove the spasm of the airway walls and relaxing the muscles of the bronchi.
  2. Mulitatic means. Used when dealing with a wet cough, diluted thickened mucus and helping to bring the wet from the upper and lower respiratory tract. The most popular among them are Ambroxol, Atsz, Bromgexin.
  3. Preparations central influence on the cough center. These funds oppress all nervous systemThat certainly is their minus, while alcohol consumption is strictly prohibited. These include Codelk, Torpinckode.
  4. Nonopioid antitussive central action. Their advantage is that they do not have a detrimental effect on the nervous system. The main representative - Butamirat (Synecode, Omnitus).
  5. Exclamation oral tools. They dilute the thickened mucus and it is exceeded faster and easier from the respiratory tract. According to doctors, one of the best preparations is gangufenesin, and from simple meansmineral water - Excellent diligent means.
  6. Combined drugs. Action in several directions and solve several problems at once.

What means it is better to choose with a tired dry or wet cough? Anti-tech drugs will be perfect with a dry cough, without highlighting sputum, which is intensified at night. Mulcolics and expectorant drugs are effective with wet cough.

Treatment of wet cough

It is necessary to stay in detail on low-cost expectorant pills from cough. The opinion of people about the fact that the higher the price of the drug, the better, is not always truthful. Sometimes you can purchase effective For little money.

Basic drug drugswhich have a small value are the following:

  1. Bromgexin. The drug has a muscolitic and expectorant effect. It can be used in the pathologies of bronchi associated with the release of sputum. It is perfectly combined with the use of antibiotics. When making this medicinal product, it is recommended to drink a lot of liquid.
  2. Ambroxol. The drug has a beneficial soothing the annoyed throat, easily copes with inflammation. There is in the form of tablets and syrup.
  3. Ambroan. This tool has a very fast positive and long effect. It has dilute and expectorant properties.
  4. ACC - good expectorant pills from cough for wet wet and increasing the productivity of its removal from the respiratory tract. It is necessary to know that the ACC cannot be combined with other expectorant means. Contraindications apply to pregnant and nursing mothers.
  5. Linkas. Sold in the form of syrup or loaflock. It has mercolite and expectorant properties, has an antipyretic effect. The medicine is based on natural herbs, applied in acute and chronic bronchitis, tracheake, pharyngitis.
  6. Fluimucil. Liquets wet and helps to withdraw it from the respiratory tract. It is used not only with bronchitis, tracheitis, but also purulent octitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, thanks to its musolithic action. But with this drug you need to be careful, sometimes it causes vomiting, diarrhea, skin rashes other side effects.
  7. Thermopswic. The main component is the grass thermopsis. This drug increases the secretion of sputum and dilutes it.

This list of expectorant pills from cough is designed for adults. It is not bad to help with a wet cough syrup, for example, fluudice. He can take adults and children, as well as newborns. Syrup has a good expectorant effect.

Drug cough medication

With a dry cough, the wet is not allocated, it can occur against the background of irritation of the dyspiratory tract.

On a note! The main feature Expectorant tablets with dry cough is that first they must convert a dry cough into wet.

Then they help to remove the resulting sputum from the bronchi and lungs. Such the most common and popular medical preparations The following are:

  1. Stopatussian. Eliminates dry cough, also applied at infectious diseases. The drug includes Butamirat and Gweefenesin. Butamiat is favorably affects receptors in bronchi, soothing nerve endings, Giveufenesin dilutes the mucus in bronchi and helps to withdraw the sputum. Of the disadvantages of this, the means can be allocated that it cannot be applied at chronic cough. The price of medicine is relatively inexpensive.
  2. Synecode. Suppresses the cough center, soothes inflammatory processes. Contains several contraindications: it cannot be used pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as children up to 2 months.
  3. Bronchikum. Is a universal expectorant, suitable for treatment wet cough. The main components are thyme and primrose. The drug is contraindicated in pregnant women and children up to 6 months.
  4. Faliment. Used with an unproductive dry cough. Tablets are absorbed, thinning mucus and eliminating irritation. It can not be taken to children under 4, pregnant and nursing mothers.

To combat dry cough, syrups based on medicinal herbs. These include Herbion, Codelk Phyto, Broncholitin. Contraindications should be carefully examined because the use of them is prohibited during pregnancy, breastfeeding and small children.

Cook treatment in children

Nowadays, there is a rich selection of expectorant pills and other cough products for children. But it is necessary to take them with great care and only after examining the doctor. The most efficient among them is the drugs with natural components. It:

  • Mukaltin. This means applies with laryngitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma and other diseases accompanied by sputum separation. The main component of Mukaltina is polysaccharides, which are produced from the Althea of \u200b\u200bthe drug. Altea polysaccharides have excellent expectorant effect, not irritating the respiratory tract of the child.

  • Flawmed. Provides a musolithic effect with diseases associated with the difficult emotion of sputum in the respiratory tract. It has a continuous effect to 6-12 hours.
  • 3. Often to combat coughing in children, natural-based syrups are used with a pleasant smell and taste.
  • Dr. MOM. This drug has anti-inflammatory, softening, expectorant, bronchhalytic and musolithic effect. There is in the form of loyal, syrup and ointment, contains dried leaves, roots, licorice seeds, ginger, aloe and other plants that have expectorant and softening properties. Since natural components are used in some patients allergic reactions are possible.
  • Syrup root licorice. Applied when chronic or acute form Bronchitis, pneumonia, trachea. The main component of the syrup is the roots of a lacrichnik, which are softening, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and immunomodulatory effect. A side effect may be an increase in pressure, solidity and various allergic reactions.

  • Perptissine. It is used for tracheake, bronchitis, pneumonia and cough in children. This preparation contains natural and synthetic components, there are practically no contraindications in it. Syrup stimulates sporming sputum, and also softens cough.

There is another medical preparation - Gedelix. The main component - the leaves of ivy that have anti-inflammatory, mercolite and spasmolytic properties. This drug does not contain sugar and ethanol, so it can be used by patients diabetes. Sometimes such side effects are possible as disorder. gastrointestinal tractAllergic reactions.

Couch treatment in a smokers

The reason for the appearance of cough in smokers is the sedimentation of toxins in bronchops and lungs. The bronchial mucosa is covered with special cilias that contribute to the purification from foreign languages. Their work is similar to the work of janitors: they constantly in motion cleans bronons smoker from tobacco and combustion products. But over time, including with an experience of a smokers, the protective function of the mucous membranes is weakening. The cough of the smokers is aggravated in the morning, after at night the mucus accumulates in bronchi. In some cases, chronic bronchitis is developing.

The cough smokers is hard to confuse with any other - he is suffocating and exhausting. After stopping the attack, people often complain about pain in the chest and a strong throat.

The first thing for the treatment of cough needs to quit smoking. If you cannot refuse immediately, you can use electronic cigarette. Only after that you can continue drug treatment to remove the frozen mucus from the bronchi. With a serious wet separation, mercolitic means are often used - Mukaltin. If breathing is impaired, often prescribed oxygen therapy and glucocorticoids.

If the condition former smokers Satisfactory, it can take pupin and syrups based on herbs (Gedelix, Dr.).

Cough treatment during pregnancy

In these wonderful months, the cough becomes extremely dangerous: it can increase the tone of the uterus, which is a threat to the child. Medicia treatment During pregnancy, it is very difficult because the use of many drugs is prohibited. For example, in the first trimester, treatment with mercolytic agents (ambroxol, ambroben, bromgexine) is prohibited, since they can affect the formation of organs and important functions Baby. In the second and third trimester, it is allowed to take these drugs, but only with a serious dry cough.

Prohibited for 9 months drugs affecting the nervous system and respiratory Center, such as codeine. In the second and third trimester, it is allowed to take drugs that do not affect the respiratory center. These include: Dastosin, Synecode, Oxladin.

Tip! Do not wear yourself with a dry or wet barking cough. It is better to turn to the doctor in time and start taking pills from cough with an expectorant effect.

When combating the exhausting symptom, chamomile beams, plantain, risk, linden, limes, and and-stepmother are helping. In the pharmacy for every taste you can purchase chest collect. Appreciate your health, especially for smokers, they need to think about this issue now. Do not forget that the cough, although he is a protective reaction of the body, still adversely affects our dream, general state The body, reducing its resistance to various viruses and bacteria.

In the autumn-winter period begin to occur a large number of West I. viral diseaseswhich are improper treatment can call dangerous complication - Bronchitis. Almost 95% of the world's population had this pathology at least once. Pain in chestStrong cashel With the mocroid and loss of forces - bright manifestations of bronchitis. This disease is very cunning, which has various species and manifestations. We will understand which expectorant means will help with bronchitis.

Bronchitis is considered heavy diseasewhich has four of various types Inflammatory reaction:

  • Acute bronchitis is the most common type of illness. It arises due to the effects of bacteria or viruses. It is also formed due to penetration on the mucous membrane of the bronchi of severe provoking allergens.
  • Chronic bronchitis - is formed due to an illiterate approach to treating or fully ignoring all prescriptions. It is discovered when the cough has not passed for a long time. At the same time, everyone often appears recurrence of the disease in the autumn-spring period due to frequent ORVI.
  • Bronchitis smokers - appears in people who smoke a lot. This disease suggests that the lungs lose their functionality. The main symptoms are a strong incessant swelling and a strong cough with plenty of sputum.
  • Obstruction bronchitis. This type is accompanied by very loud-baked sounds during inhalation and exhalation, with accumulation and difficult removal of green-yellow mucus. Also the culprits can be a tobacocuria as hereditary pathology, bad environment factors, active breeding of malicious microorganisms, work in bad conditions.

In addition, bronchitis can be divided by the type of inflammation and the nature of the selected sputum:

  • purulent;
  • fibrous;
  • mixed;
  • catarrhal;
  • hemorrhagic.

According to the type of inflammation of the disease, it is limited when the focus of inflammation occurs directly in one place, and diffuse - penetrates inflammation on most of the lungs and goes to other organs that are nearby.


Basically, the treatment regimen is reduced to the elimination of the pestoznosis of soft tissues, eliminating cough, as well as to relieve breathing. To eliminate cough, you need to lose and remove the wet from the lungs.

This is important: the mucus accumulating in bronchi ensures the safety of respiratory organs from the penetration of dust particles, malicious bacteria. In the formation of bronchitis, the mucus begins to occur in an abnormal amount and begins to be very thick because of which it is difficult to immediately derive from the body.

What can help a strong expectorant with bronchitis:

  • Elimination of cough in night and daytime day.
  • Improve the state of health as a whole.
  • There is a cleaning from alien microorganisms.

One of the first drugs to be written by a doctor is a powerful expectorant for bronchitis. . It can be:

  • Thermopswic;
  • Tussin;
  • Petrissin;
  • Ambroxol.

Treatment methods imply not only an effective expectorant with bronchitis , but also ensuring aids. What procedures can still help when removing sputums:

  • lung drainage;
  • it is necessary to drink a lot of liquid;
  • breathing exercises;
  • massage of the chest;
  • provide and monitor air humidification;
  • steam or aerosol inhalations.

Of course, the best expectorant with bronchitis for each person is selected individually. Such medicines are usually combined using musolithic preparations.

Expectaurant for adults

To reduce coughing bouts, it is necessary to stop the withdrawal of thick mucus. This will quickly speed up the process of restoring the body, so doctors specially develop a treatment regimen.

The best expectorant with bronchitis is prescribed by adults, taking into account all patient features. If you get into the stomach, it starts to be activated, which leads to an increase in the number of sputum.

In parallel with these cells of the epithelium work in a quick mode - the whole wet of small alveolips fall into bronchi, which launches the process of wetting. Such drugs of resorbative action can be attributed:

  • The drug, with altea content. This medicinal plant copes perfectly with obstructive bronchitis, emphysems. These medicines activate the work of bronchial peristaltics, prevent an inflammatory response, and also lead to a malicious mucus. These funds include: Mukaltin, altea syrup.
  • Medications containing thermopsis. This plant allows you to effectively and quickly pull the wet. It is often recommended for chronic bronchitis. But there is one caution - it can not be drinking to children under 13 years old. Even a small rejunction of the means can provoke vomiting, and the current component of cytisin affects breathing. These drugs include: thermopcol, codelk bronchi.

The most powerful resorbative drugs

Expectorant for bronchitis for children and adults perfectly affect viscous sputum. Such property has the following active substances:

  • drinking soda;
  • etheroli Anisa;
  • ammonium chloride;
  • swamp rod;
  • sodium bicarbonate;
  • oregano (grass oregano);
  • ammonium chloride (ammonia);
  • iodides (iodine salts) Potassium / sodium.

To one of the powerful drugs includes Amtersol. This tool cannot be taken to women during pregnancy, as well as children under 3 years old. The dose is compiled depending on the age category of the patient.

The best musolithic drugs

Expectorant means of chronic bronchitis make it possible to eliminate the viscosity of sputum and safely remove it from the bronchi.

Bacteria that found themselves in an unfavorable environment begin to die quickly, due to which the recovery process increases. Mulitatic preparations that are recommended to accept:

  • Acetylcitein - tablets, syrups, powders that are designed to wet sputum. Most often do physicians prescribe them acute stage Bronchitis, inflammation of ears, pneumonia, laryngitis. In the pharmacy they can be found under the names of Vix Active, the ACC, Fluimucil.
  • Bromgexine - high-speed expectorant pills that arise already on the second day of use. They can also be used as inhalation. Such effects have preparations: bronchosan, solvin, mint oil, eucalyptus, anise, oregano.
  • Ambroxol is the most popular medicine, which perfectly affects the expectoration and removal of sputum from the lungs. Its generics are Ambroben, Flavmed, Ambrosal, Ambrohexal, Halixol, Lazolyvan. They are used in severe bronchitis of all types, pneumonia, bronchial asthma.
  • Carbocysteine \u200b\u200b- effective rapidly active drugs-muscolics. Preparations affect not only a decrease in mucus and increasing the plasticity of the mucous membrane. Preparations, which contains carbocitein, are called bronchobos, fluudice, fluifort, libeksin muco.

To date pharmaceutical preparations They became more modern. Now you can buy combined medicines, which in the composition of several major substances - Joset, Ascoril, Kashnol.

Effective expectorant preparations for bronchitis

The most useful I. active drugs are drugs that contain drugs:

  • A chamber that has a powerful antimicrobial property.
  • Swamp rod has a spasmolytic and bacterial effect.
  • Coltsfoot powerfully affects the sputum and actively displays it from the lungs.
  • Plantain - has antimicrobial and antimizmodic effect.
  • Allas - a medicinal plant that gently affects bronchi and does not provoke an allergic reaction.
  • Thermopsis - not only displays wet, but also activated the immune system patient.
  • The roots of the source are medicinal plants that have powerful musolithic actions.

If the first signs occur, you must immediately consult a doctor. If signs have sharply appeared feverish state, drowsiness, clouding consciousness, strong sweating, then you need to call an ambulance.

Lightweight effective means

Child's therapy is not always successful, because Not all drugs are suitable. Most effective tool The one that prescribes a pediatrician. Specialist is obliged to know all the features and all clinical picture Diseases before writing a suitable drug.

Suppose Lazolvan is usually written out by small children after 12 months. However, if there are some special testimony, then the lazolvan can be entered in the form of an injection, but this is done only in the hospital.

Important! Breast kids can not spoil the sputum themselves, so a strong mucus that accumulates in large quantitiesmay result in stagnation and the emergence of pneumonia.

Other drugs may also be issued for treatment:

  • Dr. MOM;
  • Dr. Tais;
  • Pectissine;
  • Linkas.

They have pleasant taste, so small children drink them with pleasure. When writing out medicines For pregnant women, it is also necessary to have a careful special approach. It is important that there is no negative impact on the body. Therefore, it is best for them to prescribe drugs with natural active ingredients - honey, banana, milk, chocolate, and other useful, non-allergic reactions of the substance.

Very often appears when viral or bacterial infection Upper and lower respiratory tract. The cough reflex is necessary for a person and performs a protective function. It helps to push the mucus from the respiratory tract along with the causative agent of the disease. Expectorant means are required when the body can not remove the wet from the bronchi.

Strong expectorant: action and difference from antitussive

Expectorant preparations promote fast removal sputum. During the disease, the immune system is activated, a viscous secret begins to the bronchi. This secret connects all the microbes and viruses that fall into the respiratory tract, and then with the help of the peristaltics of the pulmonary muscles, it is pushed out of the bronchi. We observe this process as a cough attack. But sometimes cough is unproductive. That is, the sputum is so viscous that it is impossible to push it out of the bronchi.

Strong expectorant is intended to facilitate this process. If the secret is actively standing out and connects the microbes, but not output, the effect will be the opposite. A favorable environment is created, where these bacteria and viruses will actively multiply, reinforcing the inflammatory process.

The effect of expectorant drugs has several directions:

  1. Sounding sputum. So that the viscous sputum is easier output, it needs to be done more liquid. Preparations have in their composition a substance that change the structure of sputum, making it more liquid, water. This greatly facilitates the expectoration process itself.
  2. Strengthen secretion. Preparations enhance the work of the bronchial glands, increasing the number of secrelects of the secret. The large volume of liquid sputum is much easier to remove.
  3. Strengthening peristaltics. To remove the sputum, it is necessary to strengthen the peristaltics bronchiole and the work of the fiscal epithelium, which bronchvas are laid out. Cilia, which are on the mucous membrane, while reducing the sputum on the surface.
  4. Anti-inflammatory effect. Most modern expectorant drugs simultaneously have an anti-inflammatory effect on bronchial fabrics, contributing to the destruction of pathogens of microbes.

Expectorant and antitussive drugs are completely different in action and composition. The antitussive agents suppress the cough reflex at, and the expectorant cough is not only not eliminated, but also enhanced to bring the spell wet.

Indications for use

Expectorant means can be assigned in any respiratory disease, which is accompanied by an increased formation of viscous sputum. It is very important that the drugs and the dosage appoint a doctor. For effective treatment It is necessary to diagnose, determine the type of cough and identify the pathogen.

Mulcolics can be assigned as with a wet cough so that the sputum is displayed faster and recovery, as well as with a dry cough to translate it into wet, productive. However, with a dry cough during ARVI and influenza, muscolics are usually not prescribed.

  • . Inflammation of bronchial fabrics can be sharp and chronic. Select viral, infectious, allergic, tuberculosis bronchitis. Any kind of variety is accompanied by a cough. Usually it is a dry emulsive cough, which over time goes into wet. To remove the inflammatory process from the bronchi, expectorant drugs are prescribed, which remove wets.
  • . The cause of lung inflammation is usually bacteria, so treatment of pneumonia is impossible without antibiotics. The cough in this disease is usually dry, but then accompanied by the disheve of the purulent viscous sputum. For her liquefaction and effective removal Mulgarists are prescribed.
  • . Very infectious disease, found mainly in young children and is accompanied by convulsive strong cough. You can get rid of the disease using suitable antibiotics and preparations for removing sputum from bronchi.
  • Bronchial asthma. This disease is found in many, but its symptoms are always individual. Most often there is a strong cough attack, which leads to shortness of breath or a row of choking, a panic state.
  • Bronchiectas This pathology is accompanied by thickening and an increase in the bronchi section, which arises as a result of tissue damage. For a long time Symptoms may be absent and manifested only as a result of infection. Wet cough and an abundance of sputum arise in this case very often.

Despite the fact that all expectorant drugs are aimed at eliminating sputum, they are not identical to the mechanism of action. Tools are different compositionPrice. Sensitivity to a particular drug can also be different. Secondolitics, Mukolitiki, Exactor members are all can be combined with the word "expectorant". Nevertheless, the pharmacists are accustomed to divide these drugs.

There is no accurate classification of expectorant funds, but they can be divided into several groups in accordance with the action mechanism:

  1. Annoying. The drug, falling into the stomach, irritates its walls, which reflexively leads to the irritation of the bronchial glands. The sputum begins to stand out abundant and becomes more liquid, as a result, it is displayed with the cough. These are usually drugs on vegetable basis (Altea, thermopsis, essential oils). People with gastritis and ulcers of the stomach, such drugs are contraindicated. Also, they are barely prescribed during pregnancy.
  2. Receptor. These drugs contain substances that do not irritate the gastric mucosa, but immediately affect the bronchial fabrics. The mechanism of action is the same, but for the stomach they are softer. Typically, such substances include potassium iodide and ammonium chloride.
  3. Sulfgidrile. These drugs are primarily aimed at strengthening secretion or peristaltics, they act directly on the sputum, breaking chemical connections in it, eliminating its viscosity. The mucus becomes not so thick and easier is displayed. Usually these drugs are prescribed simultaneously with other mulitics.
  4. Based on Vazitin. Vazickin is a substance vegetable origin, synthetic analogue which is bromgexine. This substance acts comprehensively, that is, simultaneously strengthens the operation of the secret, destroying the mucopolysaccharides of communication in it, reducing its viscosity, and also enhances the work of the fiscal epithelium. This group of drugs is considered the most efficient and popular for the treatment of cough.

Most popular expectorant drugs

The choice of expectorant drugs in pharmacies is very large. There are a number of drugs that have already proven themselves as effective in the treatment of wet and dry cough. However, it is worth remembering that all cases are individual. Neither the advice of friends nor advertising should be determining the factors when choosing a drug. Especially carefully be treated to the selection of preparations for pregnant women and children.

In the instructions for the drug indicated age category and the possibility of use during pregnancy. Most of the drugs are permissible to take 2 and 3 trimesters, but contraindicated in the first.

Preview drugs:

  • . Acetylcysteine \u200b\u200bis potent tool For the treatment of cough. It is appointed with such serious diseaseslike tuberculosis and fibrousosis. Released in the form esiphey tablets, powder, injection, inhalation mortar. However, the drug has an irritant effect on the stomach walls, so it is not prescribed for ulcerative disease or gastritis. May cause allergic reactionThe pregnancy is prescribed extremely rarely.
  • . Ambroxol-based preparation. Produced in the form of tablets, capsules, for children - in the form of a solution. It is assigned to almost any diseases of the respiratory tract. During pregnancy and in childhood up to 6 years (in tablets) and up to 2 years (in syrup), the drug is not prescribed. Among the side effects are allergic reactions, digestion disorders.
  • . The action of bromgexine and ambroxol are similar. After suction to the blood, bromgexine turns into ambroxol after a while, therefore there is no big difference in the action of drugs. The drug is well tolerated by adults and children, side effects It causes very rarely, but has a number of contraindications. Produced in the form of tablets.
  • . Mukolik, which is often prescribed at various acute and chronic bronchildren diseases. Released in the form of syrup and tablets. Contraindications include ulcerative disease stomach, cystitis, childhood up to 2 years old, first trimester of pregnancy.

Folk expectorants

Folk medicine offers many recipes for wetting and removing sputum. Since many drugs contain plant components, partially replace medicines folk remedies can.

But it is worth remembering that many herbs cause a strong allergic reaction, which is especially undesirable during the baby tool.

Effective folk remedies:

  1. Breast fee. With a dry and wet cough, herbs are often used:, licorice, alha, oregano, and stepmother's coltsfoot. From herbs prepare infusion and drink during the day. However, it is worth remembering that each herb has its own contraindications. For example, therapeutic root Licorice is contraindicated in serious liver diseases, and during pregnancy, it can lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus and miscarriage.
  2. Onion. Luc has long been treated infections. Onion juice has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. To get rid of cough, you need to mix a tablespoon of liquid natural honey and one midday bulbs, grated in a small grater. Take the medicine you need one teaspoon after eating.
  3. Garlic. The medicine based on garlic and milk will help bring the sputum. A couple of cloves of garlic need to grind and boil in milk. The glass of the resulting means is divided three times and drunk during the day.
  4. Radish and honey. This tool is considered one of the most efficient. Radish juice has long been used to treat cough and respiratory diseases. The radish is cut and removed the middle in such a way that the bowl turns out. There are liquid honey and insist several hours. The medicine is accepted on a teaspoon. But only black radish juice can be used to prepare an expectorant.

For more information on how to treat radish cough with honey, you can learn from the video:

The folk remedies from cough cannot be considered harmless. They require compliance with a certain dosage and advice of the doctor. If symptoms of allergies were manifested during treatment or the cough intensified, it should stop receiving funds and consult a doctor.

It should also be remembered that not all diseases can be cured exclusively by recipes. folk Medicine. For example, treatment of pneumonia, tuberculosis require antibacterial drugs. Self-treatment can be dangerous.